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State of Play - June 02, 2022


I could see card games being neat for that kind of stuff too. Like if you lay down the cards and the creatures you've summoned show up in front of you. Then when spells are cast or actions happen they're flashy and right in front of your eyes. The cool shit you could experience with current VR tech hasn't even been thoroughly explored yet.

There are some pretty great PCVR games in this genre and the RTS category mentioned by the prior post. Hopefully we will see more of these types of games explored and some ports to PSVR2. Or better yet can we please get native PSVR 2 PC compatibility, so I can play my steam library on the new set. Would be great to be done with my Index and the whole camera set up, upgrade to a nicer headset that I can use on both PS/PC. platforms.


Final Assault
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Gold Member
Yeah remember nintendo before they went out of business following their closed hardware strategy?

Meanwhile Xbox is the dominant market leader having been the first to dump their own hardware and go multiplat.

Perhaps there’s an alternate dimension where the above is true but in this reality Nintendo is doing better than they ever have despite a closed console environment while MS still can’t make money from gaming and rely on diverting incomes from other business units to keep gaming going.

I don’t really care either way - Injust play the games where they are - but it’s not as simple as saying go multiplat and profit.

MS had to do something since they couldn’t go anywhere with Xbox - they’re just not a gaming company.

Nintendo however make games people want to play and they’ll buy the hardware to play them.

Sony is closer to Nintendo than MS. But it also should be remembered that Sony make more money from gaming than MS and Nintendo combined and they’re going for a middle ground - long term exclusives with other platforms getting the crumbs from the table much later.

Is that a good strategy? It’s not clear it will be at all….
It's not about whether or not a brand can survive on just console alone. It's about the growth of that brand and thus the company. PlayStation is Sony's biggest moneymaker and they want it to be even bigger. Higher revenue bringing in more money to make greater investments. Having a cushion in case they have a failure of a piece of hardware. Being in a position to quickly seize on any sudden market explosion or change. I mean, I pretty much described this in my original post. It had nothing to do with a company certainly closing down if they didn't do that or anything like that. Not sure how that escaped you.

As for Nintendo, I think people very much forget how badly Nintendo's home consoles were selling in general. With the odd exception of Wii, their consoles were selling fewer units as each generation went by. WIi U didn't even sell 15 million after over 4 years. That's a total failure in today's market. Their handheld business is what kept them up. Now, they sell a hybrid of the two. Its wild success owed largely to being in a very unique position in the industry with mobile gaming on the rise and them providing both experiences simultaneously. They no longer offer a solely traditional home console experience.

That said, they're still behind other major players and once the Activision/Microsoft deal goes through, they'll be even further behind. As in, a distant third to the other two. So what does that mean? It means you can sell over a hundred million consoles and still not bring in the money that a brand with half (at best) of your console install base has. The market is clearly moving away from, "He who sells the most consoles wins". Increasing platform engagement and having your games being available on more platforms are becoming just as important as selling consoles. Sony's MLB The Show is enjoying greater sales than it ever has now that it's multiplatform. Both Horizon and God of War, despite not releasing day-and-date on PC, in fact releasing years later, have sold millions more copies releasing on PC. Destiny 2, a multiplatform game, will add considerable yearly revenue once the Bungie deal goes through and Bungie's future games, confirmed multiplatform, will likely bring a lot as well.

This factors into Sony's live service ambitions where having as large of a potential userbase as possible is very important. You want as many people as you can get coming back and buying expansions, season passes, skins, in-game currency, etc. You can achieve high userbase on a singular platform, but you dramatically increase the odds of it catching on somewhere if you have it on other platforms as well. Sony could very well release a game that doesn't sell that well on console but somehow takes off on PC. Or, it takes off on both. Or, there are just enough owners on both platforms to keep it from failing. Many games are as successful as they are because they don't exist in only one place. Sure, having games on more platforms doesn't necessarily mean that it will sell much beyond what your core console base would have bought. However, restricting it to just that base means it will certainly never have the chance to.

Nintendo can sell all the consoles it wants but at the end of the day if Microsoft and Sony are walking away with two, three, or even four times the money because they took a broader approach to the industry, what does it matter?
I get this feeling some known IP like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid will be getting a PSVR2 game, it makes too much sense.
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Looks like it's been leaked.

In for dat SF6 trailer. Can we get some Thicc Chun, please? 🤤😍

Also no FF XVI is...kinda surprising. Guess that might be Q1 2023 after all.
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Evo my man… evo, i think anyone expecting street fighter or tekken at state of play will be disappointed. I would be very suprised if this happen. Pro Evolution tournament in august, is more appropriate and will also have plenty of eyes on it.
of course evo would be the obvious spot for the tekken 8 but soulcalibur 6 was announced at the game awards, anything can happen. i wouldnt be suprised if it doesnt show on state of play. but im just hoping and being impatient for the news lol


Gold Member
I mean if someone makes a definitive statement, they should probably have some proof 🤣

It could 100% be fake but nothing there looked too unrealistic IMO.
It's certainly one of the more believable "leaks" I've seen in a while. A pretty good mixture of anticipated, surprising, disappointing, and at least one "Why in the fuck would they show that again?!"

Unlike those E3 leaks that certain groups always fall for. You know the ones. It's wall-to-wall badassery for 5 hours with bombshell reveals, 20 minute gameplay demonstrations, new acquisitions, and HUGE FUCKIN ANIME TIDDIES!
It's certainly one of the more believable "leaks" I've seen in a while. A pretty good mixture of anticipated, surprising, disappointing, and at least one "Why in the fuck would they show that again?!"

Unlike those E3 leaks that certain groups always fall for. You know the ones. It's wall-to-wall badassery for 5 hours with bombshell reveals, 20 minute gameplay demonstrations, new acquisitions, and HUGE FUCKIN ANIME TIDDIES!

Yep. Nothing really stands out besides
but I guess that's due to the other obvious game they've got coming later this Fall.

I just wish it were a bit longer, but in that case it would probably be a Showcase. Which may or may not be in June, guess that's still up in the air.


Gold Member
Yep. Nothing really stands out besides
but I guess that's due to the other obvious game they've got coming later this Fall.

I just wish it were a bit longer, but in that case it would probably be a Showcase. Which may or may not be in June, guess that's still up in the air.
I do recall someone claiming Sony wants to unveil more games outside of big events. That they don't want to necessarily wait until a very specific time of year to announce or update something. Which might explain why we've had so many State of Plays in the first half of the year. Normally we get about 4 or 5 all year long. This one coming up will make 4 SoPs in less than 6 months. Had Forspoken not been delayed, I'm almost positive there would have been a dedicated SoP for it earlier this month or later in April. By now it would have already been out.

I'm guessing we'll get several more SoPs over the Summer leading up to a big showcase event where they mostly announce what we can expect over the next couple years. Ragnarok, FF16, and TLoU remake are almost certainly going to be getting trailers within the next couple months. We already know that FF16's trailer has been ready to go, that more FF7 remake news is coming, and that Ragnarok looks increasingly likely as a release this year. Not to mention Sony has to know how hungry people are for announcements. Something is going to give.
I do recall someone claiming Sony wants to unveil more games outside of big events. That they don't want to necessarily wait until a very specific time of year to announce or update something. Which might explain why we've had so many State of Plays in the first half of the year. Normally we get about 4 or 5 all year long. This one coming up will make 4 SoPs in less than 6 months. Had Forspoken not been delayed, I'm almost positive there would have been a dedicated SoP for it earlier this month or later in April. By now it would have already been out.

I'm guessing we'll get several more SoPs over the Summer leading up to a big showcase event where they mostly announce what we can expect over the next couple years. Ragnarok, FF16, and TLoU remake are almost certainly going to be getting trailers within the next couple months. We already know that FF16's trailer has been ready to go, that more FF7 remake news is coming, and that Ragnarok looks increasingly likely as a release this year. Not to mention Sony has to know how hungry people are for announcements. Something is going to give.

Yeah with the current pattern for SOPs and you highlighting we've had a few already in a rather short span of time, increases the chances they may wait until September for their next big Showcase, at the very latest. Which would work out well if that's about when GoW Ragnarok releases as it's been rumored (a bigger Showcase in August would also work in that case).

Or they could have the Showcase even later than that, technically, and do a dedicated SOP for Ragnarok in the Summer if say it's actually coming in August, which wouldn't be unusual for them. They've released other big games during the Summer, like TLOU Part II and Ghosts of Tsushima (or, close enough to Summer), anyway).


There never has been, and never will be, a confidently typed out word doc, with every game timestamped, neatly adorned with the State of Play jpeg, that just so happens to appear online a few days after a State of Play is announced. A brief 10 seconds of thought takes care of this. Can’t believe people still get trolled by the lazy shit.


There never has been, and never will be, a confidently typed out word doc, with every game timestamped, neatly adorned with the State of Play jpeg, that just so happens to appear online a few days after a State of Play is announced. A brief 10 seconds of thought takes care of this. Can’t believe people still get trolled by the lazy shit.
Pretty much this, if it appeared before the announcement with the correct date it would be slightly more believable.

Also, no unknown games is the other big giveaway.
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There never has been, and never will be, a confidently typed out word doc, with every game timestamped, neatly adorned with the State of Play jpeg, that just so happens to appear online a few days after a State of Play is announced. A brief 10 seconds of thought takes care of this. Can’t believe people still get trolled by the lazy shit.

True but just looking at this list and speculating some of it might be true. Although that’s based on public knowledge which is what some of the list is based on. Not that I believe it’s based off actual inside information btw.


Gold Member
There never has been, and never will be, a confidently typed out word doc, with every game timestamped, neatly adorned with the State of Play jpeg, that just so happens to appear online a few days after a State of Play is announced. A brief 10 seconds of thought takes care of this. Can’t believe people still get trolled by the lazy shit.
Listen, first of all. Don't take that tone with me. You know I'm a gangster. I'm bout that life. :messenger_heart:

Second, I just find that list plausible. If that somehow ended up being true, I wouldn't be shocked. Everything about that list is a fairly good mixture. That right amount of high and low.

Is it real? Probably not. Is it something I could see happening for an SoP during a month of game showcases? Yarp
Listen, first of all. Don't take that tone with me. You know I'm a gangster. I'm bout that life. :messenger_heart:

Second, I just find that list plausible. If that somehow ended up being true, I wouldn't be shocked. Everything about that list is a fairly good mixture. That right amount of high and low.

Is it real? Probably not. Is it something I could see happening for an SoP during a month of game showcases? Yarp

Same sentiments here. Overall the list does look realistic (not saying it’s real) compared to some of the others we got in the past. I’m guessing someone created this based off public knowledge and some really well formed guesses.
There never has been, and never will be, a confidently typed out word doc, with every game timestamped, neatly adorned with the State of Play jpeg, that just so happens to appear online a few days after a State of Play is announced. A brief 10 seconds of thought takes care of this. Can’t believe people still get trolled by the lazy shit.

I mean it's a list and it's out there. It's a Sunday afternoon, slow gaming news day. No harm in entertaining the list as at least even 20% of what's there has a very high chance of being real.

If it's real or fake, we'll find out in another four days. I think most of what's there will happen even if the person who made the list itself was BS'ing.
30 mins vs ms 90 mins this state a play seems like it's just an attempt for Sony to say "hey guys we're still here too!"

Actually it feels like we've gotten more gaming news from Sony the past month than Microsoft and Nintendo combined.

Let's be honest, with the way Microsoft has been releasing games, their 90 minute show is to make sure people don't forget they're still making games

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has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
There might be a surprise but I believe the really big stuff will be reserved for their showcase.
Yup. I think there will be those one or two things that gets us PlayStation owners happy in State of Play then the real blowout will be in the PlayStation Showcase within the next few months 🔥🔥🔥


Gold Journalism
With no GoW, for me is already a pointless show

they should do something for VR and indies later, not at "E3" when the competition are both putting on big shows
As there is no E3 anymore, Sony isn't obligated or expected to follow an arbitrary timeline of other companies to put on a big show. They follow their own timeline that makes sense for them -- a big first-party showcase in September.
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