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Unconfirmed Member
Can you beat Fantasy Zone?


Unconfirmed Member
It will take you 3 hours just to beat one Traffic Attack on Expert. The hardest one took me 2 weeks.

Players are still online for it too!
The game is good but I just didn't feel like playing it much for whatever reason. Maybe I'll revisit in the future on the Vita though.
The game is good but I just didn't feel like playing it much for whatever reason. Maybe I'll revisit in the future on the Vita though.

I know what you mean. The PS3 version is glitchy and makes the game even harder because it was optimised for the 360.

Vita version is good but I feel like the racers are quite small compared to the tracks.


Rodent Whores
Do me a favor. Engage with me, and reality, as they are, no matter the subject. I always seem to have good conversations with you, until that happens. I want more of the former, less of the latter.
To make a quick point, I want to reiterate that my intention throughout all of this is to engage honestly. I respect you and like you as a person enough to converse openly on any and all topics with you, even if there is contention. I think you have important things to say, which is why I continue.

Let me try to approach the topic from this angle, and I want you to keep in mind that our goals are still the same, yet our pathways to reaching that goal are different. I also want you to know that I am giving your point of view lots of consideration and fully acknowledge its merits - because we actually have both recently recognized the importance of the freedom of expression in an open forum.

I'm also curious to find out what going to war, winning sides, acolytes, and half the nonsense you mentioned, has to do with allowing people to express themselves, even if uncouth, during this trying time?
All I'm doing is also pointing out one possible line of reasoning that might make others not see it the same way. There is a significant number of people who let a lot of shit slide in the name of allowing people to speak their mind (even if what's coming out of their mind is diarrhea)

Same principle acknowledgement, different context.

Here is where the paths start to diverge:

My hope is that they’re their own worst enemy. That their extremism will turn sane people against them, and more and more, they’ll be marginalized as the group nobody wants to associate with, as a proper, classical left kicks back into action. They’ve certainly shown that pattern.

My only problem is that requires a whole lot of faith in people. If I had faith in people, none of this stuff would have been allowed to get this far in the first place, and would have been shut down by popular opinion in its early stirrings on campuses and the internet.

As such, insulting someone for practicing a form of hopeful nihilism -- strive for the best, do what you can with respect to your own time and mental energy, but expect the worst, is not only unnecessary, it's also out of touch.

Letting the chips fall as they may and hoping for the best as the extremists see the folly of their ways is a strategy, but it is only one half of what's necessary. As you say, none of this stuff should have been allowed to get this far, but relying merely on faith isn't going to change anything. What changes things is action - providing an example of a reasonable alternative. Hopeful nihilism is a contradiction. If you're just waiting for others to see the error of their ways after shitting themselves, you're gonna have to wade through a lot of shit before you see results. Like I said before, there are those who do not see the flaws in their thinking even after their actions have played themselves out fully to bad results. Oftentimes it's because they are not presented with alternatives because those who could offer alternatives have long since given up trying due to nihilism.

I propose that hopeful optimism is the more viable approach.

I don't see any proof that your particular methods bear fruit, nor that a society in a decline trend, ought to be rewarded with much more than honest nihilism, on or off the internet.

Ask @hariseldon if he's ripened yet.
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Rodent Whores
What the fuck am I being dragged into? Could someone provide a TLDR version so I don't have to trawl through a big old conversation to see what's going on?
Not trying to drag you into anything, mate. I'm using you as a positive example of how people's minds change over time.


To make a quick point, I want to reiterate that my intention throughout all of this is to engage honestly. I respect you and like you as a person enough to converse openly on any and all topics with you, even if there is contention. I think you have important things to say, which is why I continue.

Let me try to approach the topic from this angle, and I want you to keep in mind that our goals are still the same, yet our pathways to reaching that goal are different. I also want you to know that I am giving your point of view lots of consideration and fully acknowledge its merits - because we actually have both recently recognized the importance of the freedom of expression in an open forum.

Same principle acknowledgement, different context.

Here is where the paths start to diverge:

Letting the chips fall as they may and hoping for the best as the extremists see the folly of their ways is a strategy, but it is only one half of what's necessary. As you say, none of this stuff should have been allowed to get this far, but relying merely on faith isn't going to change anything. What changes things is action - providing an example of a reasonable alternative. Hopeful nihilism is a contradiction. If you're just waiting for others to see the error of their ways after shitting themselves, you're gonna have to wade through a lot of shit before you see results. Like I said before, there are those who do not see the flaws in their thinking even after their actions have played themselves out fully to bad results. Otentimes it's because they are not presented with alternatives because those who could offer alternatives have long since given up trying due to nihilism.

I propose that hopeful optimism is the more viable approach.

Ask @hariseldon if he's ripened yet.

Nope, nope, nope.

I respect the conversation, but that side of Arcadia is shut down for the day. We're not going to do this for 48 hours straight, over a simple comment, lol.

Engage me with fun, silly stuff, because that's what I'm here for, for right now.

Hang onto that, though. Maybe PM me or bring it up later.


There's a female word for homie so it works xD

Homette ;p .. We all good brother alhamdulillah, how's your mother?

MY BOY! Glad you liked it <3
All the way till the end I was hooked. I told my brother to watch it too. They did a real amazing job of making you care about characters immediately. I loved that bodyguard dude towards the end. That was my dog! Not to spoil but yea its a must watch. Thanks man.
There's a female word for homie so it works xD

Homette ;p .. We all good brother alhamdulillah, how's your mother?

MY BOY! Glad you liked it <3
Alhamdulillah that's good to hear and she's been getting better with each week, just talked to her this week! :)

Hommette can be a legit way to call a girl "homie" haha, and I'm also interested in watching Monsters! Love me some Madhouse productions :goog_lol:


You guys and your fucking special characters in your names, I want to @ phonepunk or Arcadia or ONE and I have to look the name up to see which special way you've spelled this, with hashtags or tildes or dashes.

Anyway, why do Jewish people have their own hospitals? Seems kind of weird.
Quick question to the mods in regards to all the bans/suspensions that happened due the single digit number we shall not utter, what happens if the alleged leaks actually end up being relatively close to the systems real life performance. Are they going to get unbanned, get an apology, or you guys take responsibility for acting and taking a stance to hastily around a issue that clearly isn't as clear cut as it is being presented. Also I am not talking about the clear trolls, that just throw the number around, but more so the people that bring up the number in general discussion where its being placed under the assumption just like the multitude of assumptions that many make about Xbox with out 100% proof to back their assumption.

We can already calculate and know for a fact that a decrease of 2.724% in performance will drop the system into single digits, the only thing we don't know for certain is how low it can go. The only official word is that it can fluctuate a "couple" of percent, which has subjective meaning as there isn't a definite meaning of the word couple in the context it was used as is evident by even Meriam-Webster. It only needs to drop around 10% to hit the figures in the alleged leaks.
OK Craig.


You guys and your fucking special characters in your names, I want to @ phonepunk or Arcadia or ONE and I have to look the name up to see which special way you've spelled this, with hashtags or tildes or dashes.

Anyway, why do Jewish people have their own hospitals? Seems kind of weird.

The honest story is that I tried every name I could think of, was shot down on everything, desperately searched my mind for anything, came up with Arcadia, got rejected on that too, and was just done.

At that point, anything was in the table. Even random numbers. Lol.

Thankfully, it didn’t have to go that far. I thought it looked a bit too ‘much’, but at the same time, I figured nobody would ever notice me anyway, so it was fine.



The honest story is that I tried every name I could think of, was shot down on everything, desperately searched my mind for anything, came up with Arcadia, got rejected on that too, and was just done.

It's not a big deal really I was just grumbling, several times recently I've tried to @ someone that I knew the name of in my head, but their name wouldn't autocomplete after the @ because I didn't have the special character then I'd have to go look for a post by that person to confirm the spelling. It would be cool if the autocomplete would pick up users with the same character strings instead of exact spellings, but it's not really a big enough deal to worry about. Carry on.


Gold Member
3 decimal places, Meriam Webster citations...

I don't think I even put that much attention to detail into my masters thesis.


You can prob take A Arcadia 's name since he/she hasn't logged in for 5 years.

I appreciate it, but I’m pretty settled in. After a while, the name becomes a part of you. Which is why I’ll never get the frequent name changes around here.

It's not a big deal really I was just grumbling, several times recently I've tried to @ someone that I knew the name of in my head, but their name wouldn't autocomplete after the @ because I didn't have the special character then I'd have to go look for a post by that person to confirm the spelling. It would be cool if the autocomplete would pick up users with the same character strings instead of exact spellings, but it's not really a big enough deal to worry about. Carry on.

Not at all. I tried to tag myself once for a gag, and it was was extremely frustrating, because I forgot about the hyphens too, lol. So I completely understand.


Rodent Whores
It's not a big deal really I was just grumbling, several times recently I've tried to @ someone that I knew the name of in my head, but their name wouldn't autocomplete after the @ because I didn't have the special character then I'd have to go look for a post by that person to confirm the spelling. It would be cool if the autocomplete would pick up users with the same character strings instead of exact spellings, but it's not really a big enough deal to worry about. Carry on.
Real talk I remember your username by typing @ Nympho and then pressing backspace one time.


I wonder if they’ll ever ‘auction’ off those names?

Like, not somebody that racked up 10,000 posts, then left for a few years, that wouldn’t be cool at all.

But if you look at something like the other Arcadia, where she/he signed up, didn’t even post once, I think, and it’s been abandoned for 15 years, someone could make use of names like that.


Most likely, since signing up was so difficult back then, we’re looking at members that never made it through the confirmation process.

I don’t miss that at all. The paid email, and the long wait to be confirmed. It was just enough of an obstacle for me to just lurk, rather than go to all the effort.
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