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Matrix - Path of Neo thread: is it a glitch in the Matrix when Shiny screws us twice?


Worships the porcelain goddess
I simply cannot WAIT for Leguna's Final Judgement on this game. Especially after he hyped it up huge after E3 (was E3 right?).

Ohhhh maaaaan. :lol

Mr Mike

1 million Canadian dollars
SailorDaravon said:
Don't they have the rights to the DBZ games though? I'm sure those probably sell pretty well.

True. They sell really well in some Euro territories too thanks to Cartoon Network.


Mr Mike said:
I hope Atari goes under soon, I really do. After this whole Atari-brand-fetishism, the Enter The Matrix and Driv3r magazine score debacles, and then picking up the Franco-fetishistic Fahrenheit (Hello! Vivendi dropped it because it was shit and origiunally commissioned by another Frenchman. DUH.). Now this car crash. FUCK OFF Atari. Fuck off and die.

Yeah, seriously. They went on for a year about how this game would be polished, with smooth gameplay and no bugs. Turns out it's Enter the Matrix 2. Awesome.

Fuck off Atari, or should I say...*pulls off mask*...INFOGRAMES!?!




bishoptl said:
BTW folks, a free tag to the first person who encodes a video of the
final fight and Zionites singing Queen
, because:

1 - I want to see it
2 - I'll be damned if these guys get any of my $$ even as a rental


I'll do it.


Guys don't forget that Perry wants consoles to be upgradeable just like PCs.

PGR4 or MGS5 not at 60 fps? Buy more VRAM for your console!


Pure lunacy!


m0dus said:
Made a new thread. didn't see the sticky. God help me, I wish I did this morning.

Got a chance to pick up a copy of Path of Neo today. PC version.

Though, in all honesty, with all the blurring, lo-res textures, glitches, absolute lack of shadowing/lighting/physics/smooth animation, I swear, this should be renamed "Enter the matrix 2: You still can't fucking leave"

This has got to be one of the worst looking and (so far) playing releases I've subjected myself to yet this year. As mentioned before, almost no lighting model to speak of, so it is quite often that we see characters literally floating on the screen. secondly, the amount of glitches in this game rivals the original ETM, much to my continued disbelief. Poly glitches, objects vanishing from the environment entirely, the specular shading intermittently vanishing from Neo's and Agent Smith's faces intermittently during dialogue. The this is the best Shiny can do WITHOUT the pressure of a movie release and ridiculously high expectations!? Dave, WHAT THE FUCK? By the second or third stage (a training level gone haywire, where the dojo you find yourself in is succumbing -- I kid you not -- to program errors and glitches in the system--the game actually CRASHED. it took me a second to realize the fatal error onscreen wasn't some dubiously clever part of the game. This buggy piece of shit managed to crash for REAL during a scripted 'crash' sequence!) The game is plagued by the GTA III "lets smear vaseline on the lens and blur the shit out of everything like you're playing on a crappy LCD monitor with a 40ms response time" motion blur that you can't fucking turn off. . .

I think the worst part is I actually had hope for this game. problem is all the cool looking 'scripted' combat moves in all the trailer amount to clicking away on the mouse inneffectually like a caffienated monkey playing diablo 2. This is the first game in a long time I ended up returning to Gamestop on the same day it was purchased. It's like the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me into buying another Shiny Matrix game, Take my wallet and cut my thumbs off, I don't fucking deserve them."

Sorry to hear that man. :\

As others are reporting, the PC version was apparantly ported by one fucking person. Pathetic, really.


Man that sucks. I have fond memories of The Matrix so I was hoping this would be good, but it sounds like pure shit. Should have given the license to someone capable instead of Shiny, I mean they had TWO tries to get this right.


Unbelievable. With Enter the Matrix, the excuse was that the production was rushed in order to coincide with the release of the film, and that Shiny was in the middle of a messy move to a new building during a key part of the development. What the hell is the excuse this time?

The Matrix is easily one of the most videogame-friendly franchises of all time, and had such potential to be a truly satisfying and memorable experience. Shiny managed to blow it not once, but twice. They had access to such unprecedented resources, but still could not pull off a worthwhile game. I cannot get over how terrible this game looks in motion - there's no sense of weight, mass, or inertia whatsoever. What a freaking embarrassment.

I remember seeing the first gameplay movies of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and desperately wishing that Ubisoft (Montreal) had gotten the Matrix license instead of Atari. Then when Enter the Matrix got ravaged by the critics, I thought that maybe there was hope; maybe another developer would get a shot. Nope. Another pathetic turd from Shiny.



shuri said:
The ending is the craziest, most fucked up hilarious ending to a game to, it seems

According to Mrs. Badcrumble at the SA forums
Basically, when you kill Super Smith like in the end of Revolutions, the other regular Smiths everywhere say that all that Jesus stuff wouldn't work in a videogame, so they all jump together along with debris and cars and chunks of buildings and take those sunglasses off of a billboard. Then they fight you in that giant Smith form, and when you kill that, the ending is basically the same as in the films except Neo isn't dead, and then after that it shows everybody in Zion singing Queen's "We Are The Champions." I shit you not. It's retarded and the Wachowskis must hate everyone and I have no idea how Shiny let them do that.

Also this was confirmed by another poster putting up a screenshot of the final boss and a scan of the manual :lol :lol :lol

Matlock said:


I'm going to try rent this tonight. :lol


m0dus said:
To say nothing of the fact that, for some odd reason, if you set the graphic setting to maximum, it stops rendering shit entirely--first time I played all I could see was the background and Neo's fucking head. THAT WAS IT. Neo's fucking head lying on the desk. Neo's fucking head floating around as it leisurely bobbed between cubicles trying to avoid the agent heads and security guard heads looking for it. Neo's fucking head spinning around like a drunk baby as it did pre-canned martial 'arts' maneuvers. Please explain that shit to me, cause honestly, even though it was one fucked up glitch, it was far more involving and captivating than the actual game.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

That should be in the running for "post of the year."


works for Gamestop (lol)
i always wondered what the ending would be, considering the ending to Enter the Matrix was a teaser for The Matrix Revolutions. it looks like Shiny totally delivered this time

Further fuel to the fire, from a Shacknews interview:


Shack: It would be kind of a bummer to die at the end of the game like Neo did in Revolutions. Is the ending different in Path of Neo? If so, any specifics you're willing to divulge?

BJ: The ending is different in PoN. It's actually so different that... ah, I can't go there. (emphasis mine) But what I can tell you is that the Wachowski Bros. make a special appearance and personally introduce the new ending and divulge thoughts on the original. It's great. It's original. And it's for the gamer. Cool.


Wario64 said:
i always wondered what the ending would be, considering the ending to Enter the Matrix was a teaser for The Matrix Revolutions. it looks like Shiny totally delivered this time

:lol :lol



JackFrost2012 said:
BJ: The ending is different in PoN. It's actually so different that... ah, I can't go there. (emphasis mine) But what I can tell you is that the Wachowski Bros. make a special appearance and personally introduce the new ending and divulge thoughts on the original. It's great. It's original. And it's for the gamer. Cool.

I like how it sounds like he's going to spill the beans about how it blows, then he suddenly sees Perry fingering a gun or something, and his attitude suddenly changes.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
this is the best Shiny can do WITHOUT the pressure of a movie release and ridiculously high expectations!?
Unfortunately, it may be the best they can do NOW...but in the past, Shiny had a great track record. Really, up until EtM, they had generally been known for releasing high quality games. I guess the people that left Shiny really WERE important...


The ending is different in PoN. It's actually so different that... ah, I can't go there. (emphasis mine) But what I can tell you is that the Wachowski Bros. make a special appearance and personally introduce the new ending and divulge thoughts on the original. It's great. It's original. And it's for the gamer. Cool.

What the hell?


hyperbolically metafictive
:lol i'm a bit sad to hear that shiny have in fact gone to shit, but that ending at least merits a rental.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
FiRez said:
so the media of this game was doctored has hell?

because the screenshots are not that bad.
How much do screenshots REALLY mean, though? A game can look great in stills, but animate and control like ass...
The Matrix franchise has to be one of the most mismanaged entertainment franchises of all time. The first movie was greatness that basically came out of nowhere.The two sequels, while dissapointing in many ways, layed the groundwork for a universe with almost infinite potential -- especially games. Where the fuck did they go wrong?!?!?!?!


Drunky McMurder
Between that ending and this:
To say nothing of the fact that, for some odd reason, if you set the graphic setting to maximum, it stops rendering shit entirely--first time I played all I could see was the background and Neo's fucking head. THAT WAS IT. Neo's fucking head lying on the desk. Neo's fucking head floating around as it leisurely bobbed between cubicles trying to avoid the agent heads and security guard heads looking for it. Neo's fucking head spinning around like a drunk baby as it did pre-canned martial 'arts' maneuvers. Please explain that shit to me, cause honestly, even though it was one fucked up glitch, it was far more involving and captivating than the actual game.

How could this possibly not be game of the year? I didn't give a damn about it and wouldn't have thought about giving it a chance if it weren't for these new developments.
oh god oh god someone HAS to upload the Queen singing.

i mean, yeah, the whole new boss fight is lame, but the Queen sining

Wow, I really hope this drives the final coffin nail into people's endless wanking over the w. bros. They made ONE good flick, FROM AN IDEA STOLEN FROM F'N SHADOWRUN, and that's about it. I'm also suprised Shiny still carried any weight after EtM, this should clear up that little problem too. *Hey kids, play along at home and insert your own Drake of the 99 Dragons rip right here---*

Edit: So can we assume that the W. bros were pissed noone liked thier follow up films and game, and are taking their ball and going home? "Didn't like revolutions huh?, well .... take this.... is that the ending you wanted?!?!?" I really hope for so more fallout, this is just piss poor.
JackFrost2012 said:
What the hell does Shadowrun have to do with Philip K. Dick?

Read up on Shadowrun.

walkthrough said:
"THE YEAR IS 2050"

And the megaplexes are monsters casting long shadows. When you become a
shadowrunner that's where you live...
in the cracks between the giant cooperate structures. The megacorps are
powerful in a time when power means information...
...computer information flowing in the global network called the

Go read about the games.


First tragedy, then farce.

Man, Im so fucking cool. Just look at this Bandana. I'd like to see Romero pull this off.


Hey Fucker, Remember us?




Yeah, we made all your games. Like the good ones. Remember MDK and Earthworm Jim. Well, we got tired of your Koala pooping everywhere, so we left. Since then we made Giants, Armed and Dangerous and Infected. Since then you have released Enter the Matrix and um.. path of Neo.


Yeah, well I have a Koala, so you can shut the fuck up.
JackFrost2012 said:
Wow, a computer network called the MATRIX? Ripoff city! Those poor original visionaries. :(
Now damnit monkey, I said go read about the games, not just read my post. GO READ ABOUT THE GAMES. You jack into the matrix and fight your battles in it.You upload programs to add skills and increase stats. Yes its actually VERY different than the film. Sry I brought it up :p

Edit: read about the Sega Gensis ShadowRun Game, I thought it was the best anyway, but I never played the SCD version.
StoOgE said:

Man, Im so fucking cool. Just look at this Bandana. I'd like to see Romero pull this off.


Hey Fucker, Remember us?




Yeah, we made all your games. Like the good ones. Remember MDK and Earthworm Jim. Well, we got tired of your Koala pooping everywhere, so we left. Since then we made Giants, Armed and Dangerous and Infected. Since then you have released Enter the Matrix and um.. path of Neo.


Yeah, well I have a Koala, so you can shut the fuck up.


"Is John Romero gonna have to choke someone...

...and then proceed to make them his bitch?"


Oh god...where do I even begin with this game....

..... I picked up this game anyway today at lunch...just got around to opening it and playing

I got as far as
the first level if you will...where you run around as defenseless Mr. Anderson through an office building.......it feels like a poorly implemented sneaking game shoehorned in just for the sake of following the movie plot...

Halfway through the level I realized all I did for the first 10 minutes or so of the game was run around an office building shoving security guards to the ground :lol

Your usual checklist of everything that's wrong with a movie game tie in goes here (framerate problems, camera is glitchy, nonresponsive gameplay, the general lack of fun of it all).

After glancing over this thread though, I'm dying to see this ending....so I'll probably try to plod through the rest of this game later tonight.


EekTheKat said:
it feels like a poorly implemented sneaking game shoehorned in just for the sake of following the movie plot...




Part of me is trying to find SOMETHING to enjoy here. If the characters were animated well I could get past a LOT of the other glitches. But there's really no excuse for a lot of what we see here.

Oh, and whoever said that they wanted to see Ubisoft take this license on? Do you REALLY think it'd be LESS glitchy? This is the company that let Warrior Within ship with multiple game-ending bugs.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh, and whoever said that they wanted to see Ubisoft take this license on? Do you REALLY think it'd be LESS glitchy?
Agreed there...

Ubisoft has shipped some of the most unpolished, bug-filled games this gen. I can't think of any recent Ubi game that didn't have SOME sort of problem.
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