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Matrix - Path of Neo thread: is it a glitch in the Matrix when Shiny screws us twice?

Pole Fight

Up until the fight begins, it looks pretty darn similar to me. Heck, the flames even get started the same way. Its been a few years since I've seen it last, but the inspiration is unmistakable. (also, Yuen Woo-Ping connection for both films)

Didn't know the American version was chopped, but considering Miramax released it here, I'm not really surprised. Those bastards have been on a spree aquiring neat Asian films at their new company, they better not be pulling that crap again.

BTW, one of my dream game concepts is if a great HK series (Once Upon a Time in China, Police Story, Drunken Master, A Better Tomorrow, etc.) gets the rights bought up and somebody makes a competent action game out its setpeices and plot. Kinda of like what they did with Path of Neo, only without a stoner sound-alike and a Smithzilla boss.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
HyperZone<3 said:
Pole Fight

Up until the fight begins, it looks pretty darn similar to me. Heck, the flames even get started the same way.

Didn't know the American version was chopped, but considering Miramax released it here, I'm not really surprised. Those bastards have been on a spree aquiring neat Asian films at their new company, they better not make those same mistakes again.

OOOOOH this is something in the game(watches clip)... yeah that's definitely an homage to Iron Monkey. Even some of the fights in the training sequences are homages.. I had to laugh at the quick Enter the Dragon infiltrate the control room homage.

I made it a bit further last night and while it does have issues the combat engine is leaps and bounds above ETM some of the special attacks and especially the link in combo attacks(which sometimes cause weird positional glitches) look really good.


Just went up to EB to pay off my DQVIII pre-order, and noticed Path of Neo running on their Xbox. Played a little bit of the first level. Oh my God. This game is beyond terrible. The animations, the controls, the camera, the bugs. I was running up some stairs and half of Neo's body clipped into stairs. :lol So here I am, half of my body sunken into the floor, and my only defense against these security guards is pushing them in the most sissy manner possible. Awesome.


keep your strippers out of my American football
DarienA said:
OOOOOH this is something in the game(watches clip)... yeah that's definitely an homage to Iron Monkey. Even some of the fights in the training sequences are homages.. I had to laugh at the quick Enter the Dragon infiltrate the control room homage.

I made it a bit further last night and while it does have issues the combat engine is leaps and bounds above ETM some of the special attacks and especially the link in combo attacks(which sometimes cause weird positional glitches) look really good.

Good impressions. I probably will pick it up when the eventual price drop happens.
Reading around I heard there was a homage to John Woo's Hard Boiled. The concept of these homages in a game is a great idea like someone said, but damn it's so wasted by this game.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Reading around I heard there was a homage to John Woo's Hard Boiled. The concept of these homages in a game is a great idea like someone said, but damn it's so wasted by this game.

Hmm that would probably be the gun training stage... it takes place in a restaurant. I haven't seen Hard Boiled in awhile... but yeah that sounds about right....


Rage Bait Youtuber
Snaku said:
So here I am, half of my body sunken into the floor, and my only defense against these security guards is pushing them in the most sissy manner possible. Awesome.

Let me guess, you never saw the movie right? The first level of the game is where Thomas Anderson is sneaking out of his office while listening to Morpheus. He doesn't know kung fu yet.


ManaByte said:
Let me guess, you never saw the movie right? The first level of the game is where Thomas Anderson is sneaking out of his office while listening to Morpheus. He doesn't know kung fu yet.

Surely he doesn't need a program uploaded into his ass to know how to throw a punch? :lol The pushing I can accept though, even though they could have made the animation a bit more believable (no way would that knock a full grown man onto his ass for several seconds). Everything else was atrocious.

And yes, I've seen the movies, many times.


Rage Bait Youtuber
I was just playing the level where Neo has to run away from the agents at the end of the first movie and it completely locked up.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Wow, that was hilarious and sad at the same time. I never thought I'd see a franchise implode like this. It's also degrading to the gamer, in a sense that gamer's don't want epic stories, they just want to beat shit up. While that's partially true, all that "matyr time" crap would still fit good into a game.

They hired a shitty studio to do the game and they basically insulted themselves,their work, and gamers in the process. I had high hopes for this one, because the Matrix is easily one of the best canidates for game adaptations, the story could've been done better now that they've been given another chance, and hell, it should've been extremely fun to play. But they went the way of self parody, some how making "intentionally funny" into "unintenionally funny" in one of the most amusing failures I've ever witnessed in gaming.

Congrats Wachowskis, I never even thought a failure of this magnitude was even possible.
Not only did they alienate the remaining fans of the series, they alienated the gamers. Games are the only medium where the franchise could still thrive. Fucking morons self owned themselves :lol The condecension in that ending was disgusting. Not all gamers want just big boss battles.
OpinionatedCyborg said:
I don't know why that ending disappoints me, but it does... I guess I was expecting everyone in Zion to be holding hands and singing as one while the credits rolled instead of "We Are the Champions" playing over some stock Revolutions footage.

Me too, I was let down. But, I never planned on buying this game, so it doesn't matter.

aoi tsuki

ManaByte said:
I was just playing the level where Neo has to run away from the agents at the end of the first movie and it completely locked up.
Still not as bad as Smith's vacuum throw from Enter the Matrix. In the level where you have to run from the Smith clones, there was a stairway that led to a dead end. The first time i got stuck there, i turn around and Smith is at the top of the stairs. i get sucked into his throw from a good ten feet or more, and since i'm unable to escape, he keeps doing this until i'm dead.


Hahaha, I threw a punch and hit a guy from 10 feet away.

It's a decently fun game so far, but jesus it's so buggy...


what the fuck? I just saw the ending and I'm not sure what to think. I do know that if i had actually played the game and thats what I got to I'd be mad as hell.


well not really...yet
Hilarious. But that ending would be much much better if the game was actually really good :lol


Rage Bait Youtuber
Matlock said:
Hahaha, I threw a punch and hit a guy from 10 feet away.

It's a decently fun game so far, but jesus it's so buggy...

The rail shooter where you rescue Morpheus had some fun destruction. And the PS2 version looks really really good for a PS2 game.


I'm through a bit more...it's still buggy as hell and ugly, but it's FUN. I don't know why, because it offends every natural receptor to stimuli, but it's FUN. Being Neo is like being a goddamned badass with no remorse...man oh man.


Right now I'm chasing a S&M hooker and fighting ants that walk and fight like people...in the middle of a MC Escher painting.

I'm confused.


The game is pretty good, imo :)

The fighting looks cool (although sometimes repititive) and it just plays well. The end is one big fuck-up though, as is a part where
you're playing in a theatre where a dude is watching Reloaded

And some things don't match the original story, which I find pretty stupid.


Xrenity said:
The game is pretty good, imo :)

The fighting looks cool (although sometimes repititive) and it just plays well. The end is one big fuck-up though, as is a part where
you're playing in a theatre where a dude is watching Reloaded

:lol the theatre part was awesome


The game is so, so horrible, but I'm trying my hardest to plow through it just to see the ending. (I haven't spoiled it for myself yet)

I don't know if I'll make it. This game is truly a piece of shit.


The fighting is sooo cool. Probably the best part about the entire game, but even then the fighting is reaaaaaaally crappy.

I'm at the Subway fight with Smith. I can't knock him into the tracks when the train comes :(


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
demi said:
The fighting is sooo cool. Probably the best part about the entire game, but even then the fighting is reaaaaaaally crappy.

I'm at the Subway fight with Smith. I can't knock him into the tracks when the train comes :(

Knock him down near the edge then charge up a super and tap him with it just as he's getting up/subway is coming. The air super works great for this one if you have it.

Docpan said:
The fighting is cool until you end up doing the same stun throws/kicks/punches a million times over.

And this is different than most beat em ups in what way? Besides the throws and kicks you've got supers, disarms, wall attacks, walk supers, weapon attacks... and don't forget the 2, 3(4?) person link up attacks, as well many of your attacks are position sensitive as well(different attack based on opponents position around you) shit the actual amt of moves is pretty large.



The endboss is fucking awesome.

It's almost like a crossover between
Shadow of the Colossus
House of the Dead's Bit By Bit Bullethole Process!
Neo is the bullet!


Did anyone else find it incredibly stupid that the production values of the end game CGI was waaay waaay higher than the rest of the game.

I mean wtf is with polygons in Neo's next tweaking out in cutscenes.


Xrenity said:
The game is pretty good, imo :)

The fighting looks cool (although sometimes repititive) and it just plays well. The end is one big fuck-up though, as is a part where
you're playing in a theatre where a dude is watching Reloaded

And some things don't match the original story, which I find pretty stupid.

Don't forget the part where
Neo and Morpheus bust in on Congress...


So now that the dust has settled a bit, let's hear the final words from people who've actually played it. Is the game as bad as people have said? I actually liked ETM, and from the videos and video reviews I've seen of this game, it actually looks decent.

What say you?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Kolgar said:
So now that the dust has settled a bit, let's hear the final words from people who've actually played it. Is the game as bad as people have said? I actually liked ETM, and from the videos and video reviews I've seen of this game, it actually looks decent.

What say you?

It's decent to What in the f*ck where they thinking with THAT level.

If you liked ETM you'll f'n love it.

The cutscene editor should be shot.

The hand to hand combat engine is fun.

The shooting is acceptable, targeting with your right stick can be wonky when you get to levels with ALOT of enemies on the screen, as it's sometimes hard to target the person right f'n near you.

The voice acting sucks goats.

Camera goes batshit insane at awkward moments.

Again... not great... not completely shit... incredibly average.

If you're still a Matrix fan you'll probably get a kick out of the game.


DarienA said:
It's decent to What in the f*ck where they thinking with THAT level.

If you liked ETM you'll f'n love it.

The cutscene editor should be shot.

The hand to hand combat engine is fun.

The shooting is acceptable, targeting with your right stick can be wonky when you get to levels with ALOT of enemies on the screen, as it's sometimes hard to target the person right f'n near you.

The voice acting sucks goats.

Camera goes batshit insane at awkward moments.

Again... not great... not completely shit... incredibly average.

If you're still a Matrix fan you'll probably get a kick out of the game.

i have a lot of fun with the hand to hand combat in this game


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Incredible the new Path of Neo commercial that I just saw during the Denver/Dallas game gives away a portion of the new ending... brilliant.


DarienA said:
Incredible the new Path of Neo commercial that I just saw during the Denver/Dallas game gives away a portion of the new ending... brilliant.
Assuming you're talking about the same ad I saw, it also makes a really, really lame dig at King Kong. "The biggest thing on consoles this year isn't an ape!" (I'm paraphrasing.)
FoneBone said:
Assuming you're talking about the same ad I saw, it also makes a really, really lame dig at King Kong. "The biggest turd on consoles this year isn't from an ape!" (I'm paraphrasing.)

That would have been super more funnier. I only played it at a GameCrazy for twenty minutes...what happened, Shiny? Hell, I even finished the crappy first one every way you can, and I don't know why. The Planet Moon guys really must've been the driving force behind it all.


I really wanted to like this game. I looked forward to it so much.

Then - luckily - I rented it instead of buying, after I could delay action no more.

Two sittings with it was enough. The game controls awkwardly, the levels look and feel generic, and there is simply very, very little fun to be had. In case you're wondering, I made it to the roof battle near the end of movie 1, and that was simply enough for me.

I have better games to play.

Shiny, how could you? I enjoyed EtM more than this.
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