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Video released of Tulsa PD shooting and killing unarmed black man (Up: not guilty)

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I seriously just can't stand this. This story makes me sick-and the video of his twin sister saying "This 'Big Bad Dude' was my brother."

But no-Kapernick is full of hot air-there's nothing to his protest, right?

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Fucking infuriating. Feels hopeless. Nothing is ever going to change, maybe in a 100 years, but not in my lifetime. Sad as fuck.


I seriously just can't stand this. This story makes me sick-and the video of his twin sister saying "This 'Big Bad Dude' was my brother."

But no-Kapernick is full of hot air-there's nothing to his protest, right?

All the bigots calling out Kap for protesting are, strangely enough, nowhere to be found when another unarmed POC is killed.

I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked.

Well, not that shocked.

Basically what I said just more eloquently.



Going to share this on facebook. Looking forward to pruning the secret bigots from my Friends list.

And racist motherfuckers will try to whitewash it like they do now...


Are you fucking kidding me with this??? Holy cow!
Absolutely disgusting.

I hope this starts to sink in to the general public. They especially need to pay attention to the police's original statements versus what the video actually showed. They flat out lied about numerous facts. What the public needs to understand is that this isn't new. This has been going on for decades but now there are just cameras/video phones to record it. And what's ironic is that we still never see the body armor camera footage when these situations happen.

People used to laugh at me when I told them my mom taught me specific behavior by detail on how to act when I get stopped by a police office for a traffic stop. As a black man, there's always that chance things can escalate quickly if I fail to keep an absolute calm demeanor or make an unknown movement in front of the cop.

What's really sad about this situation is that this guy didn't do any of those things and he still got shot to death. He walked slowly, had his hands up, no erratic movements, no suspicious materials in the car, or on his person, yet he still got tazered which was bad enough and then shot to death within a half second. Those cops were both racist and cowards.


This is sad.. who can you call now when your car is broken down on the road??
what the hell is making these cops so afraid and quick to rush to judgement?

i could have sworn this man was a human being- do these cops think that Black people have some kind of hidden super powers...

Surely by now we would have harvested our energy to stop these injustices


But...the video literally shows him following instructions.

And wtf, did they not at least peak inside the car first before assuming he had a weapon? I know you can't search without a warrant but you can at least do some eyeshifting to peak and see if there's anything dangerous.

Or fucking at least lead him to the back of the car where there's no open windows

I couldn't hear any of the police audio, but what were their instructions? Did they instruct him to walk over to the side of his vehicle?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
i had no idea jennifer, i had no idea.

“Fuck society, you people make me sick,” said Aniston on the Today show. “While you idiots are talking about this Brangelina bullshit, you’re ignoring what just happened yesterday with Terence Crutcher. An unarmed black father of four was driving home from college when his car broke down. The police showed up and shot him while both of his hands were in the air. This was all caught on video, which you can easily watch on the Internet. But instead, no, none of you will do that. You will instead focus on the fact that a celebrity couple is going through a divorce. Fuck you.”

Aniston continued:

“The same people that get super offended and lose their minds over whether or not an athlete takes a knee during the National Anthem don’t give two shits when an innocent person is executed with video evidence. They always say that it ‘needs more investigation.’ What is the matter with people? Do they not have souls? This country needs to get its shit together, stop shooting its citizens, and stop focusing on stupid nonsense so much.”


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Oof, an entire flood of thoughts rushed through my head when i read this. It can be a topic in and of itself.

actually its pretty easy.

Police: hey there's a car in the middle of the road.
Driver: hey my cars broken down, please help
Police: holy shit he's black!
police : shots fired.

i hate to joke about it but i dont know what else to do.
what a bunch of fucking spineless cops. why does a man with his hands up need to be killed? that should never happen. wtf kind of training do American cops get??

i would bet all i have that this hasn't happened in Finland in modern times since WW2, like not even once. and we have racist asshole cops too, so.. what the fuck? think it's gotta be the training, our cops have to pass psychological exams etc (afaik) to weed out the trigger happy psychos, maybe America needs to look into that..


Tagged as I see fit
i had no idea jennifer, i had no idea.

Welp, Jennifer Aniston just became even more beautiful than before - didn't think that was possible.

what a bunch of fucking spineless cops. why does a man with his hands up need to be killed? that should never happen. wtf kind of training do American cops get??

i would bet all i have that this hasn't happened in Finland in modern times since WW2, like not even once. and we have racist asshole cops too, so.. what the fuck? think it's gotta be the training, our cops have to pass psychological exams etc (afaik) to weed out the trigger happy psychos, maybe America needs to look into that..

They have testing though...to weed out the ones that are too intelligent. Seriously.
So...uh, I hate to be that guy, but PCP was found in Crutcher's vehicle. The officer who shot him believed he might have been on it.


Not saying he used it (I'm assuming there will be a toxicology report) and I'm certainly not saying he deserved to be killed for it.

I bet he was on the marijuana too!!!

Not saying you are, but the character assassination will begin.


Unconfirmed Member
So...uh, I hate to be that guy, but PCP was found in Crutcher's vehicle. The officer who shot him believed he might have been on it.


Not saying he used it (I'm assuming there will be a toxicology report) and I'm certainly not saying he deserved to be killed for it.


Homicide Sgt. Dave Walker declined to say where in the vehicle investigators recovered the vial of PCP, nor did he say whether officers determined Crutcher, 40, used it Friday night, when he was fatally shot by Officer Betty Shelby at 36th Street North and Lewis Avenue at about 7:45 p.m.

My first instinct is to not believe a single fucking thing cops have to say, especially when they filed a report and blatantly lied in it. Fuck them. Fuck them in every way imaginable.

And holy shit! I would love to see a video of Jennifer Aniston saying that. She's definitely cool in my book.
So...uh, I hate to be that guy, but PCP was found in Crutcher's vehicle. The officer who shot him believed he might have been on it.


Not saying he used it (I'm assuming there will be a toxicology report) and I'm certainly not saying he deserved to be killed for it.

Man, slowly walking to your vehicle with your hands above your head sure is damning evidence that you're on that angel dust.

My first instinct is to not believe a single fucking thing cops have to say, especially when they filed a report and blatantly lied in it. Fuck them. Fuck them in every way imaginable.

And holy shit! I would love to see a video of Jennifer Aniston saying that. She's definitely cool in my book.

Why didn't this come out Friday?




Tears in the rain
So...uh, I hate to be that guy, but PCP was found in Crutcher's vehicle. The officer who shot him believed he might have been on it.


Not saying he used it (I'm assuming there will be a toxicology report) and I'm certainly not saying he deserved to be killed for it.

Considering the fuckery of US police, and the fact that they've just got caught fabricating evidence a few days ago....Fuck it. Not believing a single word of that. So she fucking drove by a stalled black guy, and magically saw that he was on PCP from her squad car. Horseshit.


Right, well, even if he was high and did have pcp in the car (both of which I am inclined to doubt in this case), that's not a legitimate reason to shoot a man. You suck, Tulsa PD.


So...uh, I hate to be that guy, but PCP was found in Crutcher's vehicle. The officer who shot him believed he might have been on it.


Not saying he used it (I'm assuming there will be a toxicology report) and I'm certainly not saying he deserved to be killed for it.

How convienent. It totally falls in line with the helicopter dude saying he was on something! How about that!


never left the stone age
I feel really bad for minorities in the US :(. Can't do much more than that though I'm afraid, sucks that there's this systematic abuse of power that results in the death of people that don't deserve to die.


I feel really bad for minorities in the US :(. Can't do much more than that though I'm afraid, sucks that there's this systematic abuse of power that results in the death of people that don't deserve to die.

It takes the tiniest of baby steps over years and years to make the progress we want. Over the past year, I have noticed a small handful of conservative FB friends go from "they should have complied" to "this seems wrong, why did the police shoot him/her?" So that brings me small hope.
Btw, I know GAF tends to warn people about not reading comments, but I read them anyway. Man the mental gymnastics people go through to defend actions like this.

Apparently his vehicle wasn't stalled and he was just acting crazy according to witnesses? Have there been reports on that?


So...uh, I hate to be that guy, but PCP was found in Crutcher's vehicle. The officer who shot him believed he might have been on it.


Not saying he used it (I'm assuming there will be a toxicology report) and I'm certainly not saying he deserved to be killed for it.

"Homicide Sgt. Dave Walker declined to say where in the vehicle investigators recovered the vial of PCP, nor did he say whether officers determined Crutcher, 40, used it Friday night, when he was fatally shot by Officer Betty Shelby at 36th Street North and Lewis Avenue at about 7:45 p.m."

"Wood said Monday that Shelby's drug recognition expert training led her to believe Crutcher had been exhibiting signs of being under the influence of PCP."

This sounds sketchy as hell. Looks like a pretty damn forced connection, especially since none of the original reports said anything about drug use or the officers' suspicion of it.
Btw, I know GAF tends to warn people about not reading comments, but I read them anyway. Man the mental gymnastics people go through to defend actions like this.

Apparently his vehicle wasn't stalled and he was just acting crazy according to witnesses? Have there been reports on that?
Not that I've seen.


I'm skeptical of that report too. Especially since these guys were already caught out lying. Read the comments, was pleasantly surprised that not ALL of them were complete shit and there was at least one sane person there.
"Homicide Sgt. Dave Walker declined to say where in the vehicle investigators recovered the vial of PCP, nor did he say whether officers determined Crutcher, 40, used it Friday night, when he was fatally shot by Officer Betty Shelby at 36th Street North and Lewis Avenue at about 7:45 p.m."

"Wood said Monday that Shelby's drug recognition expert training led her to believe Crutcher had been exhibiting signs of being under the influence of PCP."

This sounds sketchy as hell. Looks like a pretty damn forced connection, especially since none of the original reports said anything about drug use or the officers' suspicion of it.

And here you see the real reason for the war on drugs. What bullshit.

this is the same PD that said he didn't have his hands raised, right?

How convienent. It totally falls in line with the helicopter dude saying he was on something! How about that!

Considering the fuckery of US police, and the fact that they've just got caught fabricating evidence a few days ago....Fuck it. Not believing a single word of that. So she fucking drove by a stalled black guy, and magically saw that he was on PCP from her squad car. Horseshit.

Yeah, I'm definitely starting to see that too. And having been to Oklahoma, it wouldn't shock me in the least. I have family from that area and they are all blatantly racist as all get out. They don't even hide it.

And oh yeah, one of them is a police officer.


I thought police always said PCP gave black people super powers. How were they able to bring him down with the tasers so they could execute him cleanly if he was on PCP?


So...uh, I hate to be that guy, but PCP was found in Crutcher's vehicle. The officer who shot him believed he might have been on it.


Not saying he used it (I'm assuming there will be a toxicology report) and I'm certainly not saying he deserved to be killed for it.
Awww, yiiiiissss. Time to rip off those wings and halo, cuz HE WAS NO ANGEL.

Complying while on PCP is the highest of horeshit.
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