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Screen Digest: "Nintendo behind the next gen curve; isolated from market"

It's a valid concern IMO. Apple just announced over 500 million iOS devices have been sold, and Google said a few months ago they're activating 1.3 million Android devices per day. Even though neither PS Mobile or Smartglass has been a huge success as of yet, it's very smart that Microsoft and Sony are beginning to tap into this massive userbase.

I think Microsoft in particular can be very agressive with Smart Glass - they could theoretically replicate a lot of the Wii U's functionality without requiring people to buy a new console (use your 360) or any hardware (use your iPad/tablet). With the hardware capabilities being similar they could get most of the Wii U ports on 360. And that could end up extending the 360's lifecycle a bit longer.

And it's not hard to imagine a scenario where Smart Glass is a requirement for all 720 games, where they'd all have some form of "second screen" experience. Suddenly Nintendo's biggest differentiator wouldn't be as big of a selling point anymore.

Oh yes, you're right, there's crazy potential. If you're gonna go down the "screen in your hand" rabbit hole, re-purposing people's phones and tablets makes a lot of sense, much more than a proprietary device.

The big problem, though, is what do we use this for? So far, I'm not seeing a convincing argument for the technology. You can't play away from the TV because all these devices don't have any physical controls (at least the Wii U will have that going for it, however big a pull that is, so that big differentiator won't be totally disappearing), so it basically comes down to some sort of info dump for most games. I am eager as all hell to see what game will eventually say "OK, you're playing this on your Xbox, and you're controlling it with your iPhone", but even when that happens, it's still just a spin on the DS concept (generalising there but it kinda is), kinda like The Wonderful 101 or Rayman Legends.

At the least, yay, more asymmetrical multiplayer. That could be a big deal. But it's too early to call- and too early to be calling for Nintendo's head for not being so eager to dive in. That's all I'm saying- I'm definitely not suggesting MS or Sony shouldn't be pursuing this path. Someone needs too.



Your gif is of what? Sorry? Something that is supposed to be next generation?

I want to call you an internet tough guy, but you are so sassy I'm not sure it fits.
That gif really did change the"i don't care about graphics" wii fans perception.The true colors are showing.How much do you want to bet you'll see the former "i don't care about graphics" nintendo camp jump back to that slogan when the other consoles launch.

Have you been into the X thread? Most people are excited by the scale of the game(& the fact it looks so much like Xenoblade), & artstyle will always be more important than graphical quality(or do you think the reaction to WWHD supports your hypothesis?).


That gif really did change the"i don't care about graphics" wii fans perception.The true colors are showing.How much do you want to bet you'll see the former "i don't care about graphics" nintendo camp jump back to that slogan when the other consoles launch.
...nah we aint playing that.

The Wii U has unified IDs and no friend codes, and the downloads are only paid for Wii U VC versions with enhanced functionality. I agree that 3DS needs to catch up and that NNID being tied to a single system is bogus.
OK well that's good at least. Baby steps.

I would normally guess that this is sarcasm, but the last couple of days have been very weird on Gaf so I am unsure.
I'm never sarcastic. I see I got some details wrong though.


While I agree that they are behind the curve, I can say that I'm totally fine with it. The only nitpick I have with them is that the purchases are linked to the console, a thing I hope they'll fix in a near future.

That X gif is a proper response in this situation imho, even if overused. It means that even with its limited hardware that so many are criticizing, the Wii U will be able to provide us wonderful titles.

What Skyrim Looks Like When You’re Running 100 Mods At Once




Looks great, shame u need an uberpowerfull pc to run it even properly, not forgetting skyrim is boring as hell in the gameplay department.


Has problems recognising girls
That gif really did change the"i don't care about graphics" wii fans perception.The true colors are showing.How much do you want to bet you'll see the former "i don't care about graphics" nintendo camp jump back to that slogan when the other consoles launch.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Wii therefore I am a fan of the system. Now try to look and see whether I have made a single post in the Monolith Soft - X announcement thread.

I understand where you are coming from because that .gif is being seen everywhere, but don't pool a section of people together.
Your gif is of what? Sorry? Something that is supposed to be next generation?

The gif is a visual representation of the JRPG genre coming back into the light and soaring to new heights

It's prequel had last gen graphics but the gameplay surpassed any current gen standard.

Sure this and the previous outdated game game could be made on ps3 and 360 but really this game should have been made already with how long the current gen has been around.

But I guess everyone in the JRPG genre who works on ps3 and 360 are behind the curve when it comes to improving on the JRPG genre.


Neo Member
Oh boy. More negative Nintendo press. Surely this is what Nintendo needs to improve their image to the industry.


That gif really did change the"i don't care about graphics" wii fans perception.The true colors are showing.How much do you want to bet you'll see the former "i don't care about graphics" nintendo camp jump back to that slogan when the other consoles launch.

C'mon everybody like good graphics.


*Heavily modded Skyrim Pictures*

Your gif is of what? Sorry? Something that is supposed to be next generation?

For reals? You're gonna use these as a counter argument. It's a great looking game, but please remove all the mods first and then we will have real, impartial comparisons.
Killzone was years ago under a different set of mods, who really cares if this gif is banned?

the people who love what it represents obviously

We dont look at it and say these graphics are da best there is..

At least the people who have played Xenoblade look at it and say I want to explore the open world(on a scale similar to xenoblade) through the sky on a transforming mech because I've never done that in a game before.

Not saying it cant be done on current gen PS3 360. There are tons of open world games that have air travel.
I'm just glad someone finally did it!


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
It was hugely successful, which the gaming press is afraid will show other publishers that they do not need ign/kotaku/etc. to market their games.

Which they don't.

The gaming press has become de factor PR firms for the publishers, reducing themselves to nothing more than an expendable commodity. Now that publishers will realize that they can go directly to the fans, there will be no reason for the gaming sites anymore.

And this scares the hell out of them.

Nintendo either lacks the manpower or the initiative to do what the article writer is asking. And quite frankly what he's asking is something shareholders asked for years ago. There's no reason Nintendo couldn't hire a team to create an iOS/Android initiative. What Nintendo fan wouldn't love an official Nintendo app that constantly updated with new trailers, news, interviews etc. What Nintendo fan wouldn't enjoy game-specific tie-in apps that were both fun and raised awareness of the 3ds/Wii U game? Marketing, Nintendo. Do you know of it? The avenues are definitely open to them if they felt like using it.

Yet a Pokemon app and Miiverse app coming to smartphones is totally forgotten and ties in better to games than some app made for marketing on 3rd Party platforms which I don't own. As soon as the Miiverse app is done I don't see how hard it would be for Nintendo to also allow buying games on eShop from that miiverse app which they already said they plan to do. Again in a Nintendo Direct.

It is not that Nintendo is behind in using technology to market games. Nintendo sees Miiverse as the way to allow that connection to games everything else is really a waste of money and resources. Marketing right now has been better served by Nintendo Directs / Iwata Asks which reaches those who are interested in games. Miiverse will be that next step.

So what Nintendo fan would not love a Nintendo app. Let me raise my hand, I don't even own a smartphone. That stuff has nothing to do with why I purchased a 3DS / Wii U. But even I knew it was coming.

So a reply about gaming to this stuff is warranted, Nintendo is not behind the curve in that important point. This is Gaming Age Forums full of people who love games so I thought. I get highly pissed when I see no games coming out so I don't want to hear about some bullshit app for smartphones when those resources are better served going into the next game I could have had to enjoy. So this fan does not want to hear about apps I need some games. So seeing the gif of X in reply to this topic made me feel I should have been the first to post that gif. THAT GAME is what I want. That is what I enjoy on my gaming console. So another thread forcing Nintendo to go spend resources on anything else other than funding another game like X is extremely annoying for someone who enjoys games. Who needs more marketing and ads? They don't sell shit without good games.

I hated the idea of Nintendo TVii because this is Nintendo walking away from gaming into something I did not buy my Wii U for. I am fine with having HuluPlus as an App that was enough. NOA ended up focusing on Nintendo TVii instead of funding a new western game. Nothing from Retro Studios talked about but we heard plenty about the promises of Nintendo TVii. The same NOA that would not fund localization of Xenoblade paid for that piece of buggy crap Nintendo TVii. (I have no idea if they fixed it I have not used it since the first week)

If I was so attached to my Smartphone to get apps for everything under the sun as people seem to be in this day, making me feel old. I would not need a dedicated gaming device which is what Nintendo sells I hope they don't cave into the hype and forget to fund great games.


For real though it's starting to drive me batty.

"Nintendo is failing because they haven't implemented [______] that Competing Console B has implemented."

Why do all the machines need to be the same? Why must there be feature parity, why must they have similar goals, why must they shoot for similar markets? Who came up with the RULE that "the market" is a homogenous thing that must be approached by all comers in the same fashion and from the same direction? Just because one machine does something cool, why do all of the other machines HAVE TO DO IT OH GOD OH MAN better do it, better do the same thing all over the place. Better have three identical machines, because choice is bad, and different methods are stupid.

Why can't a Nintendo console just be a thing, and a Sony console be a thing, and a Microsoft console be a thing, and they are things, and we buy them.

Yeah. In 2007 Apple released a cellphone that:

- Didn't run Java or BREW apps (standard)
- Didn't have a physical keyboard (standard)
- Couldn't easily transfer data to other phones/devices without using the internet (standard).

And it was a smashing success. If anything, Nintendo is being too conformist with the Wii U and the 3DS.
That gif really did change the"i don't care about graphics" wii fans perception.The true colors are showing.How much do you want to bet you'll see the former "i don't care about graphics" nintendo camp jump back to that slogan when the other consoles launch.

It's not like their previous title was greatly enjoyed for the gameplay or anything, right? It's not like it scored highly on most sites and is cited as one of the best JRPGS this gen, right?
Real talk: the Xbox 3 and the PlayStation 4 will do worse than the WiiU for basically the same reasons: crappy advertising, more expensive than an iPad Mini and only the biggest fanboys want to buy a new X brand console instead of buying a tablet or smartphone like everyone else. At least the WiiU has Nintendo games, while Microsoft and Sony's first party is more than a little lacking.


The article wouldn't be wrong, except I believe we're going to soon see all the systems are isolated from the market as they all under-perform to some degree. I don't think this is a Nintendo-specific phenomenon right now... it's just it's amplified with them because they're so far behind the curve on hardware all the time.
That gif really did change the"i don't care about graphics" wii fans perception.The true colors are showing.How much do you want to bet you'll see the former "i don't care about graphics" nintendo camp jump back to that slogan when the other consoles launch.

If you're going to imply that people are liars and/or hypocrites why not be more specific?
It is not that Nintendo is behind in using technology to market games. Nintendo sees Miiverse as the way to allow that connection to games everything else is really a waste of money and resources. Marketing right now has been better served by Nintendo Directs / Iwata Asks which reaches those who are interested in games. Miiverse will be that next step.

Everything you just described is the exact opposite way of how you reach a mass market with info about your games. Nintendo is smart enough to know that you don't reach the masses that they need to sell to with Miiverse and Nintendo Directs.
Honestly that X gif is getting annoying but I think the point of it was more than graphics. That game is gonna have a huge scope and an amazing sense of freedom if you can just fly around the entire world like that.


Gold Member

Who knows really, but I guess the first batch of 720/PS4 games will look like current PC games if you're lucky (rumours hat it will be less powerful than a good gaming PC right now).

Those screens are Skyrim with 100 mods, some of them are pretty intensive, also those just happen to be good screenshots, but 720/PS4 will probably have games looking that good before 3 years.


So long as Nintendo can out-compete the entire console market, as it did this prior gen, then it doesn't matter what the hell anyone thinks they should do. I mean, that's a pretty extreme view and not one that I think is 100% advisable, but there's some truth to what people in this thread are saying when they say that not every product within a space has to be feature-to-feature even with one another. I'm not sure why anyone would actually want that.

That said, there are many things Nintendo could learn from others... but until they outright fail, they have little reason to heed what people predicting their demise for decades have to say.
This needs to be the default first post in all Nintendo Doomed thread.

The problem is that no one is saying they're doomed here. This entire argument is a strawman defense by Nintendo enthusiasts essentially covering their ears and humming anytime someone presents any sort of criticism of Nintendo's current business strategies. In the minds of you guys it seems that they can do no wrong and anyone who says otherwise is saying "DOOMED"!


The problem is that no one is saying they're doomed here. This entire argument is a strawman defense by Nintendo enthusiasts essentially covering their ears and humming anytime someone presents any sort of criticism of Nintendo's current business strategies. In the minds of you guys it seems that they can do no wrong and anyone who says otherwise is saying "DOOMED"!

No. Just the same stuff repeated every few years gets boring.


The problem is that no one is saying they're doomed here. This entire argument is a strawman defense by Nintendo enthusiasts essentially covering their ears and humming anytime someone presents any sort of criticism of Nintendo's current business strategies. In the minds of you guys it seems that they can do no wrong and anyone who says otherwise is saying "DOOMED"!

Agreed. There's a sort of melodrama on both sides though: Many Nintendo fans take any negative criticism as an explicit call for Nintendo's demise, while many non-fans (and analysts) overdramatize some failing aspects of Nintendo's products.

The key is this: Nintendo is not Sony or Microsoft. No matter what it adds, as part of some 'Do This!' Checklist espoused by people not interested in their products, it will not get those people because Sony and MS will take those things and always go one step further. Why? Because if they didn't, if they allowed Nintendo to reach full feature parity with them, MS and Sony would be in deep shit. This is their competitive advantage against the company with certain segments of consumers, and so they will defend it with whatever effort and resources it takes.
With regards to online and services, Nintendo needs to catch up with this gen before it concerns itself with next gen.
Yeah they should start charging people to use Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu like a REAL online service does it.
The problem is that no one is saying they're doomed here. This entire argument is a strawman defense by Nintendo enthusiasts essentially covering their ears and humming anytime someone presents any sort of criticism of Nintendo's current business strategies. In the minds of you guys it seems that they can do no wrong and anyone who says otherwise is saying "DOOMED"!
This is not true and is another blanket generalized attack that serves no real purpose.


The problem is that no one is saying they're doomed here. This entire argument is a strawman defense by Nintendo enthusiasts essentially covering their ears and humming anytime someone presents any sort of criticism of Nintendo's current business strategies. In the minds of you guys it seems that they can do no wrong and anyone who says otherwise is saying "DOOMED"!

nintendo is doomed has always felt like an inside joke to me, no need to take it so defensively and try to sum up the user base with that.

those pics are pretty much cutting edge right now and is the collaborative work of a full scale development studio + huge amounts of modders. i would say that realistically thinking something like that would launch commercially is a dream. it just does not seem feasible yet.
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