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Screen Digest: "Nintendo behind the next gen curve; isolated from market"

back on topic: Nintendo is extending the MiiVerse to ios/android, and have released a pokedex app as well. Not sure what else Screen Digest could want them to do.

I would imagine they think 3DS and Wii U need to hook up. Sony has PSN across PS3/Vita, MS has XBL on 360, W8 and WP8. It's important as far as establishing the brand as a big deal.

Nintendo of course doesn't give a fuck, and why would they? They wouldn't even have an online system if they thought people didn't want to play and buy games online. It's the most basic need fulfillment- so, just like every other one of Nintendo's hardware features.


Fun+graphics beats just fun every single time. There's no reason the two have to be mutually exclusive.

Nintendo still makes some of if not THE best games in the industry, and they always manage to push the visuals with their hardware for their biggest titles.


'Nintendo is behind the times because the VIRTUAL BOY is not doing better than SEGA MASTER SYSTEM , their legacy of IPs including DEVIL WORLD is not doing better than game series like HORSEZ and WONDERBOOK.

Analyst say that Nintendo should GIVE UP AND GO HOME in order to be relevant in the market again."
Is Xbox Smartglass actually popular and not just a proof of concept?

I know a lot of people who have downloaded it, but I dn't know if it is particularly useful just yet.

Can anyone disagree with this part?

"Nintendo ... is behind the curve in its online ... strategy."

Neither the 3DS nor the WiiU matches even circa 2005 functionality of Xbox Live. No unified ID; the continued usage of friend codes; not being able to log into other systems and redownload things you've already bought; having to pay extra to redownload Virtual Console games onto the WiiU... It's a mess.

I would normally guess that this is sarcasm, but the last couple of days have been very weird on Gaf so I am unsure.
As nice as this gif is, and as nice as it is to see it repeatedly linked in thread after thread, it does absolutely nothing to disprove the point in the OP about being behind next gen standards.

Yeah, because current gen standards (PS360) have proven to bring great jRPG experiences.


'Nintendo is behind the times because the VIRTUAL BOY is not doing better than SEGA MASTER SYSTEM , their legacy of IPs including DEVIL WORLD is not doing better than game series like HORSEZ and WONDERBOOK.

Analyst say that Nintendo should GIVE UP AND GO HOME in order to be relevant in the market again."

Nintendo still makes some of if not THE best games in the industry, and they always manage to push the visuals with their hardware for their biggest titles.

I don't deny that. All I denied is the notion that in order for you to have fun you have to sacrifice graphics. That's just false.



Hey look we have HD now toooo!
Soooooo not enough dudebro shooters that look pretty? I am good with that. You play those why I play my 100+ hour rpg with flying mechs and giant monsters.


From the business point of view making their online ecosystem 100% identical to Live or PSN in functionality won't help. The CoD/FIFA/etc. crowd still won't buy their consoles because they suck and are for kids. That's why it is not Nintendo's first priority right now, as always they want to differentiate themselves from the competitors.
I would imagine they think 3DS and Wii U need to hook up. Sony has PSN across PS3/Vita, MS has XBL on 360, W8 and WP8. It's important as far as establishing the brand as a big deal.

Has either of those initiatives actually been successful? The Vita has tanked to the point that Sony is giving you free vita versions of PS3 games and still can't sell the thing, and W8/WP8 hasn't exactly been setting the world on fire either.


Get Inside Her!
Hey look we have HD now toooo!

Considering the size of that GIF, and the quality of the Nintendo Direct stream, I hardly think "high definition" is what's being shown off here. JUST A PEEVE of mine, where "HD" is equated to a generational graphics jump.
I can't wait till next week when Nintendo releases their financial results and has the investors meeting. That will really spark some interesting discussion.

Anyway, as for the article most of their suggestions seem silly and nonsensical. On top of that it seems like every generation Nintendo is seperated from its competitors. Last gen when Wii was doing well sony and microsoft basically said it doesn't matter as the Wii isnt there competition and is sonething else


So basically anything Nintendo does right now is going to get criticized, right? Well, other than announcing Super Super Mario Universe for release next month?

The best way to counter the perception the Wii U doesn't have games is to not announce games.
Fun+graphics beats just fun every single time. There's no reason the two have to be mutually exclusive.

The problem with this argument is it assumes that there is no consequence or cost involved with "+graphics," and also assumes "fun" is a checkbox, which if you add graphics to it, equals TWO CHECKBOXES!

It is painfully flawed logic coming from anyone.


I don't deny that. All I denied is the notion that in order for you to have fun you have to sacrifice graphics. That's just false.
In order to have high-end graphics in Nintendo games you'd have to sacrifice Nintendo itself. They're having trouble adjusting to mid-tier HD development, going even further can make them even more vulnerable than they are right now.
Has either of those initiatives actually been successful? The Vita has tanked to the point that Sony is giving you free vita versions of PS3 games and still can't sell the thing, and W8/WP8 hasn't exactly been setting the world on fire either.

To clarify: it spreads the name further, ergo on paper it's a good thing. Also it generally requires less resources due to the recycled designs and such.

In practice, you're right, it has pretty much been a wasted endeavour. Still, when the next Xbox is shown off and has a Metro-style dashboard again, you'll see how blind to resistance these marketing chaps really are!


Why is Nintendo refusing to follow industry norms and trends. When has that ever worked out for anybody?

It worked out quite well for them with the Wii, but this was after losing tons of third party support when it didn't work for them on N64 and Gamecube.


Why do people think the idea of subsidized consoles actually has a future?

The 360 did it and as far as we know it's been a miniscule portion of their hardware sales (according to average sale price).
Wow what the hell is going on? I seriously think there is some anti-nintendo hivemind bullshit out there. These western media types need to get over themselves.

Ricky 7

We literally don't have any concrete information on the other 2 next generation consoles so articles like these are quite redundant as of now.


I think it's more of a case of some people enjoying playing the victim. It's easier than actually confronting a problem. All these articles didn't spring up because of some massive media conspiracy to go after poor little old Nintendo. 24 hour news cycles etc.

If you don't see how these articles are reactionary to the successful ND you are being a little bit more than naive. While articles predicting Nintendo's doom have never been scarce, this recent batch has been nothing but embarrassing. They usually hide their trolling better, now they are coming out as angry fanboys without an actual decent argument, is the same old crap we've heard for years.
nintendo is behind the curve and is it not precisely their strategy?
They know they can't compete on Sony and Microsoft's field, so yeah.

I for my part am waiting on the first footage of next gen games. Will the Average joes and the soccer moms notice immediately the difference? I mean, there WILL be a difference, but better hair and better particle effects don't necesseraly speak to everybody down the street. Especially when it comes to spend 400 bucks.

Let's wait for sales number from sony and Microsoft before judging wiiu's. Perhaps they will be bad too...


Why do people think the idea of subsidized consoles actually has a future?

The 360 did it and as far as we know it's been a miniscule portion of their hardware sales (according to average sale price).

Beats me. It might catch on if Microsoft and/or Sony offer it right out of the gate with Durango/Orbis, but there's nothing we know about those systems' specs to suggest that it will be strictly necessary to sell them subsidized.

Let's wait for sales number from sony and Microsoft before judging wiiu's. Perhaps they will be bad too...

Indeed. What some people are dismissing as late gen fatigue could very well be the entire console market shrinking.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Yeah this is kind of the thing I'm starting to fight against. It is time to live in reality, where Nintendo will never do what the other machines do, and you can be miserable about it forever, or just come to terms with the fact that a Nintendo machine is its own kind of thing, and you either accept it for that or you don't buy it. Wishing it would turn into one of its competitors is like wishing a grizzly bear was a tractor.

This is pretty much where I'm at now, probably have been for a few years now.

IMO there's no ultimate point in wishing Nintendo somehow becomes Sony or MS in set top box gaming - unless of course, one of them drops out and leaves a true, legitimate vacuum to be filled. Perhaps Sony - it seems possible they could eventually bottom out and retire, leaving a real opportunity for Nintendo to expand and fill the vacuum.

But otherwise, there is no sense in being constantly frustrated at Nintendo failing to be something they aren't. They obviously have problems in finding a way to successfully be what they are - they have to find their niche, their sustainable market, find a way to make some kind of growth. This kind of inherited childhood memory of Nintendo being the leading face of all gaming though, and failing miserably when they don't achieve that - unrealistic.

It's like how every time a Zelda game comes out, and it's not the all things to all people superior RPG of the entire industry. Lots of people gather around and act perplexed, wondering why Nintendo "can't figure out how to beat Skyrim" or insert whatever is currently hyped as the genre king for any derivative of adventure or RPG game. Because that series, in this example, was held up and venerated by the gaming public as an end-all of gaming - when it has never even been one of Nintendo's own best sellers.

The industry has become too large, too wide. I feel many folks still see it simplistically. There's "real gaming" and everything else which is "not real gaming". To many, "real gaming" right now is AAA production value "hardcore" targeted games hosted on bleeding edge, sleek black dedicated gaming machine boxes. All wrapped up and optimized for that 20-35 year old male demographic.

The thing about the Wii, and the incredible allergic reaction it triggered among cool gamers, is it demonstrated there was more to it than that. People see the Wii "expanded audience" has having been some kind of trick, fad, or illusion, as that supports the narrative that real gaming is only this one very narrow thing aimed at a specialized group of people. But the audience the Wii tapped into is sustainable - it's just that it turns out platforms like smartphones and tablets may have been an even better fit for said audience. Gaming is just as real a thing over there, as "over here".

Nintendo's challenge isn't in trying to crush destroy Sony or Microsoft and dominate the enthusiast gaming market. It's in trying to figure out a place for themselves to exist doing what they do.

Indeed. What some people are dismissing as late gen fatigue could very well be the entire console market shrinking.

There's way more forms of entertainment including interactive entertainment vying for attention today than in 2005.

In addition to that, I still personally suspect there's some degree of genre fatigue and cynicism among game players due to the industry trying to run certain styles of games into the ground for seven years straight, resulting in a plaque-like buildup of disinterest in gaming as a whole.

Stupid useless anecdote time: was just having a conversation with the manager of our local Gamestop last night. Not a dumb person, not a stereotype of Gamestop employee. He was tired of games, all he's seen and all that's been marketed at him for the last half decade are the same 2 military shooters, the same "serious" open world crime / terrorist games, the same palette of names characters colors. So we asked him about five or six other games that came out in the last couple of years that broke the trend. He'd never really paid attention to them or cared to try the few he'd taken note of, because gaming was just... tired. Dull. That is what audience disinterest looks like.

If nothing else, we did get him to consider trying a few non-stereotypical Doritos Industry games to try and have fun again.


Let's wait for sales number from sony and Microsoft before judging wiiu's. Perhaps they will be bad too...
They'll sell very well at first because of the generation's fatique and MS/Sony fanboys, just like Nintendo's new systems did well in their first two months. But past January the numbers will fall significantly and everyone will be writing articles about console gaming doomed as a concept. Around that time Nintendo will be able to cut the price for Wii U and will start selling decent numbers, but no one will notice.
A simple question: Does Nintendo need to be the same as Sony/MS in order to be successful? The Wii and DS were both "behind the curve" and "isolated from the market" yet were wildly successful for Nintendo. Why should they change a business model that is working?


Jesus christ. I'm so fucking sick of all these Negative Nintendo threads. Can I haz one positive one please.

Unfortunately for them things will only get worse once more capable and innovative systems are announced by Sony and Microsoft.
Nintendo with the WiiU is at risk at turning back to the Gamecube era, it's obvious that after the success of Wii and DS the market is disappointed with them.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Unfortunately for them things will only get worse once more capable and innovative systems are announced by Sony and Microsoft.
Nintendo with the WiiU is at risk at turning back to the Gamecube era, it's obvious that after the success of Wii and DS the market is disappointed with them.

Ok, I have to ask- based on what we know, what exactly is going to be "innovative" about the Sony and Microsoft systems?


Get Inside Her!

I'll tell ya what, I wish Nintendo would expand their development teams, buy up some great additional teams, and release a machine that was completely closed to third party developers. A machine of 100% exclusives. Third parties are their problem, and will always be their problem. Trying to court them, gamers measuring the machines against one another and finding one inferior because it can't run a game that runs better on another machine. If Nintendo doesn't want to make hardware that can "compete" with its "competitors," it needs to stop trying to get the same software on its machine that are on those competing machines.

Nintendo machine for Nintendo games, one of the other two for the rest. Until they go there, they'll be fighting this battle forever. And they'll never go there.
So, this is the new savior for the Nintendo hardcore fans now? Not a bad gif, but...

As with the dozens of .gifs from the bird/Zelda demo, Nintendo fans need something to rally around to lift their spirits. A placebo pill, if you will. I'm a Wii U owner and I think that the gif is particularly unastounding, far below what I felt seeing The Last Guardian or Halo 4 for the first time.

The morphing mech is cool, though, but that has nothing to do with graphics.
It worked out quite well for them with the Wii, but this was after losing tons of third party support when it didn't work for them on N64 and Gamecube.

The GC was probably Nintendo's most conservative console, & it's failure killed any chance of Nintendo solely aiming any future device at the people complaining about their output since then.

As with the dozens of .gifs from the bird/Zelda demo, Nintendo fans need something to rally around to lift their spirits. A placebo pill, if you will. I'm a Wii U owner and I think that the gif is particularly unastounding, far below what I felt seeing The Last Guardian or Halo 4 for the first time.

I'm guessing you never played Xenoblade(hint, the graphics aren't why people are getting excited about that game).
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