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How much different will X1 and PS4 multiplats be visually?

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IMO roles have switched, PS4 is the console for 3rd party devs, many were influential in the PS4 design and even the DS4 controller design.

With Ps4 Sony created a console for 3rd party devs who did not like Ps3 Arch design and never cared to learn it either.
Xbox One:
40.9 GTex/s
13.6 GPix/s
68GB/s DDR3
109GB/s eSRAM

1.84 TFLOPS (+40%)
57.6 GTex/s (+40%)
25.6 GPix/s (+90%)
176GB/s GDDR5

We also know that PS4 will be superior in GPGPU tasks since Sony integrated four times as much compute command processors than Microsoft. And we can expect that Xbox One will not have a hUMA, otherwise Microsoft would have said it explicitly.

With a 40% GPU advantage we will see significant performance differences at launch with xbone dropping frames, screen tearing and so on. Better lighting on PS4 too.

Ps4 is also easier to program for. So the gap will widen quicker as devs get to grips with HUMA and all the other secret sauces.

My point is to everyone that games won't be that bad on XB1 that people won't want to play them.

When everyone sees better performance on a competitors console yet paying the same price for an inferior version I think it does matter. It's why I hardly bought PS3 version of games this gen. "not wanting to play them" is an extreme metric that has no basis if you can't afford two expensive consoles anyway, there are still plenty negatives having an inferior version of the game.

1 Consumer satisfaction
2 Constantly being reminded on threads how your version is inferior and "getting superior PS4 version", "bone this, bone that" in every single thread in every single multi. :)
3 Profit
I can see emotionally troubling times ahead for some of my fellow gaffers in Digital Foundry articles next year... unless Rich Leadbetter puts in some olympic level mental gymnastics of course!

This year's batch of juniors has been among the very worst.

I'm sorry :(


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Infinity Ward said Call of Duty Ghost will be 1080p native at 60fps on both systems. With that said, what graphical advantages will the PS4 version have over the XB1 version?

What am I reading?

Call of Duty Ghosts? Really?

Also, there is more to graphics than 1080p 60fps.

Lighting, Textures, Particle Effects, Physics, DoF, Motion Blur, AA, AF, HBAO, Reflections, Animations, Shadows, Scale, Draw Distance, Loading Times, Uber-sampling, 3D, VR, Polygons, decals, hair rendering, subsurface scattering, etc etc etc etc etc.

Will we see many differences at launch?


ESPECIALLY in CoD Ghosts which barley qualifies as a next gen title.

We should however see improvements in later games, if we don't it will be due to lazy development(that gets thrown around to much but it applies)

The hardware architecture is near identical, but one platform is just more powerful, by a significant amount. No reason not to take advantage of that.
We have a little over TWO months to go people. TWO MONTHS! Let the games do the talking in two months.

Have some patience. Digital Foundry will make gaming forums melt from zealot fanboy ether.

Patience... is a virtue.

Yeah pretty much

Regardless of how DF comparisons go

PS4 multiplats looking better or look the same or even somehow magically X1 looks better

Gaf will be a fun place to watch

I fully expect some PS4 multiplats to look better and almost none look worse

Honestly none should look worse but you never know

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I'm skeptical that there will be much difference.

Third parties just care how many copies they sell total, not how many sell on one platform vs. the other, so I can't see them spending a lot of effort really optimizing games for the PS4 to produce any huge difference in graphics. Cheaper to just develop for lowest common denominator and port over to the more powerful machine.

I'm sure they can just easily scale things up and make things look better, but it will probably only be things the videophiles/graphic's whores really notice.

But maybe I'm wrong. I couldn't care less, not being a videophile type at all and only planning on getting a PS4 (so I won't be doing any comparisons, or looking up reviews that compare versions etc.).


uh, holy shit? I was aware of the GPU and RAM advantages, but 64 queues compared to 16 that seems like a significant advantage for computing tasks.

and some people speculate that X1 have just 8 not 16, I was generous enough to put the maximum.
Personally, I expect the difference in raw visuals to be largest at launch, because most games were being developed on PC, which should favor the PS4's simplicity and raw power advantage that the PS4 holds, and disadvantage the more exotic and architecture of the Xbox One.

And then I expect the differences to become more minimal when devs move on to their next projects where they're properly beginning and ending on dev kits, but with the PS4 still having the edge.


My guess is that the difference is quite noticeable already, MS wouldn't be upclocking the console if they didn't see the need for it, didn't we have some graphs comparing the GPUs with different benchmarks? A theoretical 40% better framerate is not a small advantage, that is enough for me not to get multiplatforms on the x1, and that's without consideing the architectural advantages of the ps4.

Another thing is that I haven't seen 3rd party devs showing the X1 version of their games.
Exactly what we saw last gen.
Some multiplats will favor certain consoles marginally.

First party is where you will see any noticeable differences.

You're a developer correct? I remember you were the first to break the bad news regarding the Wii U specs that triggered mass meltdowns at GAF.

Have you personally worked with either system yet?


add the the cpu faster ont he xbox the bandwith peak (the average should be around 150 gb/s) the move engine the co processors and the shape pls
and for some laugh also the cloud

I will, got any specifications for those? no? just vague promises? guess that won't fit on a chart.

but if you do don't forget about the PS4's cpu speed, which isn't known yet or the PS4's audo proccessor (if you want a catchy name to make it sound better like SHAPE call it the ACP) don't forget the VCE/UVD units or the DCE or even the Zlib decompression hardware.

See we can both list things that will be in both consoles that actually have no solid numbers behind them.


the move engine help the gpu...and grant do dont have stalls....

the machine is created to work all together

Even if move engine helps GPU, GPU has max 1.31 Tflops... actually will have max 1.18 Tflops because 10% from GPU goes to OS.
PS4 GPU will have 1.84 > 1.18.


You're a developer correct? I remember you were the first to break the bad news regarding the Wii U specs that triggered mass meltdowns at GAF.

Have you personally worked with either system yet?

Sadly no I am not working first hand with either. I am on a PC only project currently.
That said I talk to my friends and colleagues about the upcoming hardware and their software for them. Most all consider the two consoles to be 'the same' as far as their games are concerned. Only real difference is some Kinect integration on the X1 side.

I wish I knew more details (like frame rate differences, texture res, etc) but they are either being tight lipped or simply dont care :p


With a 40% GPU advantage we will see significant performance differences at launch with xbone dropping frames, screen tearing and so on. Better lighting on PS4 too.

Ps4 is also easier to program for. So the gap will widen quicker as devs get to grips with HUMA and all the other secret sauces.

When everyone sees better performance on a competitors console yet paying the same price for an inferior version I think it does matter. It's why I hardly bought PS3 version of games this gen. "not wanting to play them" is an extreme metric that has no basis if you can't afford two expensive consoles anyway, there are still plenty negatives having an inferior version of the game.

1 Consumer satisfaction
2 Constantly being reminded on threads how your version is inferior and "getting superior PS4 version", "bone this, bone that" in every single thread in every single multi. :)
3 Profit

when this will happen we will see
right now ..forza is 1080 60 fps driveclub no...but should be easy to pull that on the ps4..damn


extra source of jiggaflops
Even if move engine helps GPU, GPU has max 1.31 Tflops... actually will have max 1.18 Tflops because 10% from GPU goes to OS.
PS4 GPU will have 1.84 > 1.18.
I don't think it's fair to say 10% go to the GPU. I think it was more likely that it was 10% at the time before the 53 MHz GPU upclock, so it was used as a short hand.

I doubt the snap-in feature gets more expensive because the GPU gets better. It should be 10% of the old value subtracted from the current TFlop max.

Sorry if someone already posted but this article from Digital Foundry covers the comparison theoretically.

Read here why it isn't a very good comparison and we expect more from DF.
Or look the same or even somehow magically X1 looks better.
Hardware wise there's zero reason to think this.

Thread is basically (mostly) uninformed guesswork at this stage.

umm no. 40% GPU will mean better performance whilst xbone will suffer from inferior lighting and framerates minimum, Sony will mandate that 40% be utilized over the competition to guarantee easy wins in every face-off even if the dev is lazy and the buffs are marginal.

forza is 1080 60 fps driveclub no...but should be easy to pull that on the ps4..damn
multiplats face-offs, not budget > budget, weak dev > strong dev.


interesting comment from Albert Penello in the other thread
True story about this interview:

I made poor Adam wait for me for like 20 min. I had totally underestimated the fact it was going to take me NEARLY AN HOUR to find parking at PAX. So I was totally frustrated, had been in a car in traffic for over 90 minutes, and was RUSHING into the convention center. I had just walked in, and had been keeping him and his crew waiting. So I sat down, and we rolled – no prep or anything. I’m surprised I didn’t come across as a complete buffoon given how cold I came into this.

I also found out this was going to be on-camera, which I’m not a big fan of, because, well… look at me. I have a face for Radio.

Anyway I appreciate the kind comments.

I’m not going to get into this PR thing again. There are clearly people who understand, and people who don’t. I’ve been a GAF member for a while, and was a reader long before that. I’ve been in gaming my entire professional career, and a player since videogames EXISTED. I come on GAF because I want to. I don’t get paid to post here or any other silly nonsense. Occasionally, the PR team will roll me out to do official interviews, which I’m not really a huge fan of doing.

Regarding the Kinect video I was talking about. There are several, but the one I like best is this. Also – this is now several months old. Latency is even better now.


Disc install – Turns out, at this point the speed and throughput of the consoles exceeds the transfer speeds of the disc. I don’t have the exact numbers, but the reason BOTH CONSOLES do mandatory installs is because you’d be actually giving up a ton of potential performance by bottlenecking the systems at the read speeds of the disc. Even on 360 games like GTAV are mandatory HDD installs – at this point reading from disc is just too slow. On top of which, the instant game switching feature goes away…

Performance: I’m not dismissing raw performance. I’m stating – as I have stated from the beginning – that the performance delta between the two platforms is not as great as the raw numbers lead the average consumer to believe. There are things about our system architecture not fully understood, and there are things about theirs as well, that bring the two systems into balance.

People DO understand that Microsoft has some of the smartest graphics programmers IN THE WORLD. We CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against. So while people laude Sony for their HW skills, do you really think we don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way we’re giving up a 30%+ advantage to Sony. And ANYONE who has seen both systems running could say there are great looking games on both systems. If there was really huge performance difference – it would be obvious.

I get a ton of hate for saying this – but it’s been the same EVERY generation. Sony claims more power, they did it with Cell, they did it with Emotion Engine, and they are doing it again. And, in the end, games on our system looked the same or better.

I’m not saying they haven’t built a good system – I’m merely saying that anyone who wants to die on their sword over this 30%+ power advantage are going to be fighting an uphill battle over the next 10 years…
That says a lot...

You know it's something I literally haven't thought about until this very second just because I personally am completely blind when it comes to things like tearing/frame rate.

Now that I think about it ... where ARE the Xbox One versions of these games like ACIV?


Hardware wise there's zero reason to think this.

umm no. 40% GPU will mean better performance whilst xbone will suffer from inferior lighting and framerates minimum, Sony will mandate that 40% be utilized over the competition to guarantee easy wins in every face-off even if the dev is lazy and the buffs are marginal.

multiplats face-offs, not budget > budget, weak dev > strong dev.

with 40% (or more) of power in your hand trust in me ....a weak dev become a god dev.....the story will be like always....naughty dog will have the edge .........end of the story...
and im sure ps3 users didnt die coz they had 5 fps less in their old console


Personally, I expect the difference in raw visuals to be largest at launch, because most games were being developed on PC, which should favor the PS4's simplicity and raw power advantage that the PS4 holds, and disadvantage the more exotic and architecture of the Xbox One.

And then I expect the differences to become more minimal when devs move on to their next projects where they're properly beginning and ending on dev kits, but with the PS4 still having the edge.

Dear SenjutsuSage

To me you seem like a reasonable and logical guy. please look at this comparison and tell me that difference is minimal between the two.

PS4: 1.84TF GPU ( 18 CUs)
PS4: 1152 Shaders
PS4: 72 Texture units
PS4: 32 ROPS
PS4: 8 ACE/64 queues
8gb GDDR5 @ 176gb/s


Xbone: 1.31 TF GPU (12 CUs)
Xbone: 768 Shaders
Xbone: 48 Texture units
Xbone: 16 ROPS
Xbone: 2 ACE/ 16 queues
8gb DDR3 @ 69gb/s+ 32MB ESRAM @109gb/s

if this numbers don't translate into something in real world performance, then what the point of upgrading from GTX 660 to GTX770 ?

what is the point of investing in a better hw if 40% doesn't matter, double the ROPS doesn't matter, 400% the queues doesn't matter?


I predict that the Xbox One will outsell the PS4 in the United States in the first year after launch.

Why would people whose friends are using 360s and are on Xbox Live drop all of that for the PS4?

I don't know, maybe you should go ask them. Because that's exactly what they're doing.


Xbox One will have better graphics.

This opinion is clearly backed up by some expert analysis and uses a deep technical understand to thoroughly assess bot consoles and come up with a conclusion based on all of the facts we have at hand, you can tell by all of the reasons given and sources referenced to back up these reasons that this poster is clearly correct and we should pack up this thread and leave now.


interesting comment from Albert Penello in the other thread
My response from the other thread:

he differences between next-gen and other generations has been explained many times.

Are you so dense as to equate the two?

Also, lol at both systems having good looking games being some sort of evidence to suggest that the two systems are equal.


I think multi plat games will be close. I think you'll see small advantages in PS4 versions of some games, more stable /consistent framerates perhaps in the most demanding "stuff blowing up all over the screen sections" .. possible you'll see better AA in PS4 games, and maybe more FXAA in XB1 games. Totally just guessing tho.

I still think MS's big advantage is XBL, and dedicated servers. If Sony can't match that, then I'm not sure crisper AA, or a few dropped frames here and there is gonna be enough to win over many of MS's hardliners. But I'm getting off topic. I think for the most part games will look close, with a slight advantage possibly going to the PS4 versions.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
People keep mentioning "special purpose processors" but nobody says what they do. Here is the slide in question:


And here is the architecture of the audio hardware from the leaked documents:

It's not clear what those 15 processors are, but by conjecture the following list seems plausible to me:

  • 4x Data Move Engines
  • 1x Video decoder
  • 1x AV Out rasterizer/composer
  • 1x Audio Control Processor as audio task scheduler
  • 1x Audio Scalar Processor for chart/audio
  • 1x Audio Vector Processor for Kinect echo cancelation
  • 5x SHAPE functions
  • 1x Audio DMA

The data move engines are only necessary to manage the dual memory pools (eSRAM and DRAM). They free the GPU from copying data between main memory and eSRAM. Hard to judge those as a benefit if you compare the entire memory setup against a single pool of GDDR5.

Video decoder is nothing special, both systems have one.

The rasterizer and composer is something that you need to compose separately rendered display outputs like the game output and snap output. Again not something that you need, if you don't have that (snap) feature.

The rest are audio functions. And here we don't know what the PS4 can do expect Cerny's two inconclusive sentences, Matt's recent "Ehh…", and the statement that Guerrilla has offloaded audio to special hardware since the initial Killzone demo.

To me, that is not enough evidence to establish any performance benefit of any console due to "co-processors".


Junior Member
This opinion is clearly backed up by some expert analysis and uses a deep technical understand to thoroughly assess bot consoles and come up with a conclusion based on all of the facts we have at hand, you can tell by all of the reasons given and sources referenced to back up these reasons that this poster is clearly correct and we should pack up this thread and leave now.

U mad cos truth hurts
when this will happen we will see
right now ..forza is 1080 60 fps driveclub no...but should be easy to pull that on the ps4..damn

It's painfully obvious that you have no clue about what you are talking here. Seriously, I cringe almost everytime I read your posts. Guess what, resolution and framerates are not the only thing which matter regarding graphics. Those two games are not comparable, because they are doing different things graphically (one has pre-baked lighting, one has dynamic lighting etc., polycount, different shaders, car / track details etc.). If you want a real comparison, you have to compare actually the same game (a multi-platform game).


Before, the ps4 version of a game should have run, at least, faster in certain areas. With the bump of the Xbone cpu and assuming the ps4 on is clocked at 1.6 Ghz and 2 cores are not usable for games there are now situations possible where the XBone version runs a little faster.


I tried to find a more appropriate/less overused gif, but there just isn't one.


This opinion is clearly backed up by some expert analysis and uses a deep technical understand to thoroughly assess bot consoles and come up with a conclusion based on all of the facts we have at hand, you can tell by all of the reasons given and sources referenced to back up these reasons that this poster is clearly correct and we should pack up this thread and leave now.



I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Does Xbox one OS always reserve 10% of GPU?

Seems certain to me. You can summon a snapped Metro application at any time. Metro is hardware-accelerated, and Metro apps can perform GPU-related tasks. Hence there must be GPU resources reserved for that snapped application at any time. Resources on XB1 seem to be statically allocated by the virtualization layer, hence the available GPU power to the game partition is 1,18TF.
Sadly no I am not working first hand with either. I am on a PC only project currently.
That said I talk to my friends and colleagues about the upcoming hardware and their software for them. Most all consider the two consoles to be 'the same' as far as their games are concerned. Only real difference is some Kinect integration on the X1 side.

I wish I knew more details (like frame rate differences, texture res, etc) but they are either being tight lipped or simply dont care :p

Interesting to hear to say the least

I imagine Dev mentality determines how games are developed more than anything


if you want to point the advantages:

PS4: 1.84TF GPU ( 18 CUs)
PS4: 1152 Shaders
PS4: 72 Texture units
PS4: 32 ROPS
PS4: 8 ACE/64 queues
8gb GDDR5 @ 176gb/s


Xbone: 1.31 TF GPU (12 CUs)
Xbone: 768 Shaders
Xbone: 48 Texture units
Xbone: 16 ROPS
Xbone: 2 ACE/ 16 queues
8gb DDR3 @ 69gb/s+ 32MB ESRAM @109gb/s

I'm looking at these advantages and came to the conclusion that multi-plats will be the exact same on the PS4/Xbone.
I don't expect to be visually better, I think most developers will just use the same assets on both games. I expect PS4 to outperform XB1 in 2 or 3 years in framerate, screentearin, popup and that kind of sutff barely noticeable that digital foundry talks about.
ps3 users didnt die coz they had 5 fps less in their old console

I died inside when I played ps3 bayonetta and skyrim. PS4 is easier to program and more pwerful so I expect the roles to be reversed.

with 40% (or more) of power in your hand trust in me ....a weak dev become a god dev....

Not enough to make drive club > forza, but enough to make the same game perform better than an xbone version.
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