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Batman v Superman TOPS Razzies Shortlist

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The last 45 mins of BvS was awesome and a lot better then a lot of action movies so I don't understand why it even made the cut.
People keep saying Affleck was amazing in the film. Which part exactly? He was decent as Bruce Wayne, nothing spectacular, and he looked good in the Batsuit. I can't think of any stand out acting scenes. The action parts were either stuntwork or cgi. He didn't deserve a nom at all but I'm really failing to see how he was so amazing acting wise.

They were "good". Inoffensive, average, decent.
That's good enough for BvS, where everyone else stuck out like a sore and shit covered thumb.
The last 45 mins of BvS was awesome and a lot better then a lot of action movies so I don't understand why it even made the cut.

It was 45 minutes of not giving a flying fuck about anything that's happening, with some cringe thrown in here and there to regrab my attention.

(Affleck wasn't interesting but the writing doing anyone any favors)

I really like the UC of BVS but that said I don't care if it's nominated for something stupid like this. I hope one of them turns up for a laugh.

Ha, from that cast? No way anyone shows up. (well, maybe Irons could have some fun with it)
Kubrick was nominated for a Razzie for the Shining, in comparison the nominations for Affleck and Irons are quite tame.

Edit: Brian De Palma for Scarface too.


Razzies I feel never see the movies, they just rag on what's popular.

Eisenberg I get but Irons? He was my favorite character.


People talking shit and being mad at the Razzies....wow.

It's the fucking Razzies, you're not supposed to take it seriously.
Go try to shut down Rotten Tomatoes or something. You're wasting your energy here.
No, I want them to keep going. I sustain myself on the tears of DC marks.


Eh... Eisenberg I could understand, although I still think that Lex was more a result of someone's (Snyder's?) idea and Eisenberg simply did what he was supposed to do - be an eccentric nerdy businessman with an evil plan.

But I don't think Cavill or Affleck deserve the nominee - they may star in a bad movie, but they themselves weren't bad, not Razzies kind of bad. Cavil was... just there, too serious and mopey for a Superman, but Afflect was a great Bruce and a decent Batman. When I think of Razzies I see Halle Berry in "Catwoman" who was terrible and cringeworthy throughout the whole movie.

Kubrick was nominated for a Razzie for the Shining, in comparison the nominations for Affleck and Irons are quite tame.

Edit: Brian De Palma for Scarface too.

Whoa, really?
Good. Fuck that piece of shit film. It's embarrassing to think that this was the same studio that delivered The Dark Knight. This is what happens when Execs dont realize the real reasons why their properties are popular and endearing. Brand recognition can only do so much. Shit is shit.

I call a spade a spade and BVS a Shit movie.
Disagree with it warranting any of these nominations. But eh it was expected. They tend to go for the more popular critical flops


Lol these awards are so stupid. Half of what it was nominated for is just pure nonsense, and the other half I personally don't agree with.

This movie is number 9 on my top 10 of 2016


Homeland Security Fail
It deserves it. Such a terrible movie.

But I agree with many in this thread. Alffeck and Irons were good in this. Jessie definitely deserves the nom though.


In a year that brought you a new Adam Sandler movie, a new Kevin James film, the Ghost Busters reboot, and Suicide Squad.

I don't think the judges actually looked at any other films.
I can understand why they did this, only because of how shocking that somebody can make fucking BATMAN VS SUPERMAN suck donkey balls.
Nobody really expected any of those other movies (maybe besides Sucide Squad) to be good, so I think this is why BvS got the spotlight.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Movie was legit terrible, but I feel sad for Sad Affleck. I'm sure he's punished himself enough already.
Nobody really expected any of those other movies (maybe besides Sucide Squad) to be good, so I think this is why BvS got the spotlight.

I suppose it's fair to say that BvS being so terrible took some of the edge off SS being so bad. If BvS (and MoS) had actually been good movies going into SS, the fact it was awful would have been shocking; instead it was just sort of the status quo by that point.
why are people getting angry lmao. Irons was not "brilliant" or "fantastic" in BvS and he was nominated for assassin's creed. just so happens he was in two of the worst picture noms so they're both mentioned. it's the razzies ffs.
Will Smith completely lost it. Shitbomb after shitbomb. Focus, Suicide Squad, Collateral beauty. At this rate he'll be voicing animated dogs in a shitty dreamworks knockoff studio.

You mean Focus, a 50 million budgeted film that grossed 160 million; Suicide Squad, a 175 million budgeted film that grossed 745 million, and Collateral Beauty, a modestly budgeted 36 million film that has grossed 60 million so far are all shitbombs inspite of one having mixed reviews and the latter two having terrible reviews.

Can we please get some perspective?


Good, rake this damn movies over the fires. They are beyond awful, some of the worst renditions of these characters of all time. Even Affleck seems to be poor in the movies this year not just in BVS but the accountant and live by night. Is BVS to blame for this?

And people claiming he was good as Batman: the infamous Martha scene is not only the worst scene in CBM history it may even be the worst scene in a movie this entire decade it was so just... How. And this is in a movie where Jesse eisenberg forces a jolly rancher into an older man's mouth.

How did this movie even get released !?


Canadians burned my passport
It's one thing to take the academy awards seriously despite them being a huge joke, it's another to get all butthurt over the Razzies.

You guys are certainly taking this way more seriously than the people at the razzies


Worst (both Jesse Eisenberg, who played Lex Luthor, and Jeremy Irons, who played Alfred Pennyworth)

I'm sorry, but this is a bloody outrage. Jermey Irons' take on Alfred was by far my favourite thing about Batman V Superman. He wasn't bad in that film at all!


I'm sorry, but this is a bloody outrage. Jermey Irons' take on Alfred was by far my favourite thing about Batman V Superman. He wasn't bad in that film at all!

Someone being nominated for a Razzie is never an outrage, come on now...
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