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Batman v Superman TOPS Razzies Shortlist

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Both DC movies will perform very well at the Razzies. As for those talking about Affleck; as good a Bruce Wayne he was, as soon as he put on the Batman costume, he was even less convincing and more hilarious than the Halloween Vader costume from Rogue One. Probably the worst film Batman performance in decades.


Suicide Squad deserves to clean up. I'm happy to see both movies get a good haul though. They were both offensively bad in pretty much every regard.


Someone being nominated for a Razzie is never an outrage, come on now...


You mean Focus, a 50 million budgeted film that grossed 160 million; Suicide Squad, a 175 million budgeted film that grossed 745 million, and Collateral Beauty, a modestly budgeted 36 million film that has grossed 60 million so far are all shitbombs inspite of one having mixed reviews and the latter two having terrible reviews.

Can we please get some perspective?

They're shitbombs because they're bad movies, not commercial succeses. Look at this


Freaking Cypher Raige in After Earth. Come on. If all anyone cares about is commercial success, then we should put Robert Pattison on a pedestal because his dumb teen vampire heartthrob movies made assloads.

Will Smith coming in a lot of shit movies but they been doing pretty well. Suicide Squad his biggest hit in a minute too
Yeah well he can sell out all he wants. We all know he is a gifted actor, but he's more interested in cash and dumb oscar baits.


Really seems like "BvS was he most popular movie to shit on, so let's maximize the noms" with Irons and Affleck on there.
Apparently a lot of you didn't watch Assassins Creed. Irons is fucking awful in it.

Most everyone was. But Irons was either drunk and/or half asleep.


BvS is complete garbage but Affleck and Irons were fine considering what they had to work with. They don't belong on the nom list.


I mean there are far worse movies that came out this year but sure, let's go with BvS. I just wish the Razzies would actually try to be chill instead of going for cheap shots.


That's how it starts. The critics "Worst of the Year" lists, the Razzies, that turns the DC Cinematic Universe...into an even bigger joke than it currently is.

In all seriousness, this was not that much of a surprise. Short of the Angry Birds film, no movie made me more infuriated by the baffling creative decisions, terrible direction and maggot-infested script than that of Batman V. Superman. If Wonder Woman turns out to be the disaster many are reporting it is behind the screen, i'm more done with this film universe than Frank Miller's relationship with sanity.
This sounds more like a hitlist from people basing their opinions on the social media echo-chamber

Yup. Snyder is not perfect but he's becoming ridiculously unfairly maligned. It's a shame because you know the DC stuff is eventually just going to end up becoming Marvelized to make people happy.

Hell, we're probably going to get at least 12 more quips than necessary in Justice League. Because god forbid superheroes don't do gentle comedy.
I liked it.

It's not a masterpiece, but it really doesn't deserve this much shit in the year of Zoolander 2 and Independence Day: Resurgence. Maybe it's because I don't consider the characters too sacrosanct to care if Batman kills and Superman is emo.


BvS and Suicide Squad deserve criticism, but if the Razzies are supposed to be the Anti-Oscars, they need to actually put some effort into their shortlist/nominations. They seem to just pick a dozen films that were critically panned, and nominate every feature of said films.

There's zero case for Ben Affleck or Will Smith's performances in BvS/Suicide Squad being in the top 10 worst for the year. Both were better than almost everyone else in their own films, let alone the many stinkers of 2016. Where are Cara Delevingne, Joel Kinnaman, or Jay Hernandez in the supporting actors categories? Not on the list because their names don't get clicks/media coverage.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Sölf;227905503 said:
Are these guys relevant, because I never heard of them before.

They are relevant, that's why you are seeing so many meltdowns here.
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