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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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*sigh* Natasha got banned? I was hoping it'd end up limit 1 just like the FAN was. I was waiting for the news to drop all day but finally at the end miss it. It's times like these I wish comp TF2 was made into an all class limit 1 game, but I suppose it wouldn't really solve many gripes.

I'd be willing to join up for a GAF team. My friend wanted me to join for a league earlier this summer but all my traveling made it impossible. Now he's on a team and I'm a Medic without subjects.


rar said:

I don't have a much of a problem with it playing as both Soldier and Medic. A quick rocket jump plus equalizer will save you unless you got caught in the open (in which case you had a high chance of dying against Sasha anyway), and playing Medic I'm faster than most classes so I just use my heal target to body block and maybe eat a few bullets for him if he's running low. The only classes really screwed by it outside of the close range the Heavy would destroy everyone at anyway are the Scout, Pyro, and Sniper at midrange.

Is it dangerous with coordination? Yes, but who doesn't want a weapon that rewards coordination?

My biggest beef with all of this is that the primary reason Heavy was getting much more play and usefulness was because of Natasha. Now Natasha has been banned and Viaduct has been kicked out of the next CEVO map rotation. Off classing will get rarer and rarer in the higher divisions.

But hey, I suppose I don't think like a comp FPS player. That's why the closest I've gotten to competitive FPS gaming is TF2, playing Medic, and even now that's turning me off. I'll try to support the fuck out of Monday Night Combat when it comes out on 360, or at least when it gets ported to PC, but that, TF2, and Halo Reach will probably be the last multiplayer FPS games I ever care about, and with Reach it's mostly for its expanded Firefight mode (I love co-op gaming...).


Proven said:
My biggest beef with all of this is that the primary reason Heavy was getting much more play and usefulness was because of Natasha. Now Natasha has been banned and Viaduct has been kicked out of the next CEVO map rotation. Off classing will get rarer and rarer in the higher divisions.

Viaduct is week 2. It's a good map and was featured prominently in the ESEA finals (as were heavies).

I think you're overly pessimistic about heavies in 6v6 comp play. Regardless of their weapon they don't have the necessary mobility to be one of the core classes. No one can move as quickly or easily around a map as scout, soldier and demo. Pyro, spy, sniper, engie and heavy are always going to be situational classes. There's really no way around their lack mobility. Heavies, even without natascha, are still going to be used frequently for defending the final cap pont. They also work fairly well in smaller maps (viaduct, gullywash, freight, etc.).

There's plenty of off classing in the higher divisions, but they're off classes for a reason, and they're used now and then for specific situations. Of all the off classes I saw I saw played during the esea finals heavy and sniper were the two most frequently used. There was probably a heavy in every match of the tournament.

If any class has a right to complain about lack of use in comp it's pyro. I don't think I saw her used once during the ESEA finals. Sniper get's plenty of use, spy pops up now and then for the occasional pick and sneaky cap, engie get's play on gravelpit, but pyro isn't quite fast enough for offense and doesn't have the durability for defense (although I do like pyro for defending Gravelpit C).

As far as natascha being annoying goes. It's not annoying because it racks up kills or anything; it's annoying because in a game all about mobility having your movement speed to next to nothing is a is goddamn aggravating. Getting killed by a natascha heavy isn't the same as running into a sticky trap and getting blown up none the wiser, or getting headshot as you move around a corner or open a door, or juggled by a soldier or demo. Getting killed in a match should feel like there's an even trade off, and while all of the above deaths happen without any real fight on your end there's solace in that they took some skill to pull off. Mowing someone down while they're running through molasses doesn't (and I think this is the reason so many people get upset about body shots; they feel like lazy bullshit kills--as an aside I really don't mind bodyshots. They get the job done, at least they don't reduce your movement speed). Same thing with sandman; you get popped, you can't move well, you're dead.


I find it surprising that they took out the heavy's weapon instead of sniper. The latter is much more of a bullshit kill, regardless of the mobility issue. I'm not a fan of those custom rules at all.


Javaman said:
I find it surprising that they took out the heavy's weapon instead of sniper. The latter is much more of a bullshit kill, regardless of the mobility issue. I'm not a fan of those custom rules at all.

Which sniper weapon...?

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Volcynika said:
Natascha haters gonna hate.
Shaddap Volcanoman!

I'm not sure how much I'm into the who comp TF2 thing anymore. Though 6vs6 with all the usual fixings is hella fun and definitely interesting than the usual mad chaos of a 32 player server.

Might be better just to do a weekly 6 vs 6 thing like pet had going awhile back. Not sure how successful it was though. Another server I frequent (dirty cheater that I am) has nightly 6v6 so I get all the action I need.

There's also www.tf2lobby.com, which I also frequent. It'd be really interesting seeing how some of our pr0z skillz l33t players do on it (sciz/artistdude/java/iadien/etc)


Javaman said:
I find it surprising that they took out the heavy's weapon instead of sniper. The latter is much more of a bullshit kill, regardless of the mobility issue. I'm not a fan of those custom rules at all.

the bow is only really a cheap kill when aiming into crowds in 24 or 32 man pubs, not 6v6. also if you're playing sniper you should at least have decent aim and you're better off using the rifle for picks any way.


Wallach said:
Which sniper weapon...?

Either of them. Those changes seem so arbitrary considering how many other possible cheesy kills there are in the game. I'd rather keep everything in and allow people to play how they want. Unless something is totally unbalanced more variety makes for more interesting and unpredictable games.


Boonoo said:
Viaduct is week 2. It's a good map and was featured prominently in the ESEA finals (as were heavies).

I think you're overly pessimistic about heavies in 6v6 comp play. Regardless of their weapon they don't have the necessary mobility to be one of the core classes. No one can move as quickly or easily around a map as scout, soldier and demo. Pyro, spy, sniper, engie and heavy are always going to be situational classes. There's really no way around their lack mobility. Heavies, even without natascha, are still going to be used frequently for defending the final cap pont. They also work fairly well in smaller maps (viaduct, gullywash, freight, etc.).

There's plenty of off classing in the higher divisions, but they're off classes for a reason, and they're used now and then for specific situations. Of all the off classes I saw I saw played during the esea finals heavy and sniper were the two most frequently used. There was probably a heavy in every match of the tournament.

If any class has a right to complain about lack of use in comp it's pyro. I don't think I saw her used once during the ESEA finals. Sniper get's plenty of use, spy pops up now and then for the occasional pick and sneaky cap, engie get's play on gravelpit, but pyro isn't quite fast enough for offense and doesn't have the durability for defense (although I do like pyro for defending Gravelpit C).

As far as natascha being annoying goes. It's not annoying because it racks up kills or anything; it's annoying because in a game all about mobility having your movement speed to next to nothing is a is goddamn aggravating. Getting killed by a natascha heavy isn't the same as running into a sticky trap and getting blown up none the wiser, or getting headshot as you move around a corner or open a door, or juggled by a soldier or demo. Getting killed in a match should feel like there's an even trade off, and while all of the above deaths happen without any real fight on your end there's solace in that they took some skill to pull off. Mowing someone down while they're running through molasses doesn't (and I think this is the reason so many people get upset about body shots; they feel like lazy bullshit kills--as an aside I really don't mind bodyshots. They get the job done, at least they don't reduce your movement speed). Same thing with sandman; you get popped, you can't move well, you're dead.

Oopsie on Viaduct. I read too fast. I was mostly just surprised to see Well.

I did watch the ESEA finals, every single round, and I'm sad that coL ended up third because I adore the stuff they do with off classing, and have some of the very best players in many of the different classes and using many of the different weapons. Monday night had the ESEA open finals, in which both sides tried a Pyro at mid on badlands to varying degrees of success.

The problem really lies in the mobility issue. The other classes are extremely underpowered when it comes to mobility, but not so in other metrics. But because competitive play always tends to favor speed, those classes get marginalized. There's nothing that can be done about it because comp TF2 formed to making TF2 to their liking, instead of forming up along the way TF2 is, which is much more slower paced. There is the issue of matches taking a long amount of time, but there are things that can be done about it, like say the Euro method of only playing for 30 minutes on 5cp and ctf maps, highest score wins, golden cap if tie. As for class limits, instead of having cl2 on so many classes, just have cl1 on everything, which would necessitate more of the slower classes.

But, comp TF2 formed on the basis of wanting speed and the possibility of diversity, and now has too much momentum for me to feel like I can do much of anything besides going along with it or supporting some irrelevant league.

As for Natasha, I understand that's how pro's feel, but I also end up feeling like they're whining. The Heavy is a class built around winning the battle before it's started, and he has to work for his kill by catching you out in the open anyway. Plus, even once he starts firing, it's not over yet. You don't die right away often leaving enough time for other members of either team to interfere in some way. I sorta sympathize with the thought that it doesn't take much skill once the shooting has started for the Heavy, but I also don't see it as bad as say, dying to a sticky trap.

With Sandman, especially the current incarnation, I like it. You're slowed and can't shoot, but it lasts for a second or two, you can still jump around allowing you to dodge a bit, and like Natasha, you're not dead yet. Plus with the health reduction, if you get unlucky with damage spread you'll die to one meatshot, and you're completely screwed if you get hit by a close range explosive.

I am probably being overly pessimistic about the offclassing. I just felt like the reason why the finals were filled with so much class diversity was because of the Heavy with Natasha and all of the types of responses that forced, from Scout caps to Spy caps to more Sniper use outside of their near overpowering role on Viaduct. As for the Wrangler being banned, I understand there was no good way to include it with current way they set things up (another reason to have cl1 for all classes, but eh).

Well, those are my gripes, and I'm sorry for taking it out on you. Whining isn't going to make things better. I'll try to be on for TF2 tonight with the rest of you guys.

Edit: Oh, and Snipers. I understand body shots. I understand the huntsman. I just hate dying in an instant from something I have very little power over. So I'll forever hate assassination classes. Surprisingly, as a Medic, Natasha and Sandman don't bother me very much, but that's probably because I don't get caught by them as much, except in cases where I was more than likely going to die anyway.


Will QA for food.
Proven said:
I don't have a much of a problem with it playing as both Soldier and Medic. A quick rocket jump plus equalizer will save you unless you got caught in the open (in which case you had a high chance of dying against Sasha anyway), and playing Medic I'm faster than most classes so I just use my heal target to body block and maybe eat a few bullets for him if he's running low. The only classes really screwed by it outside of the close range the Heavy would destroy everyone at anyway are the Scout, Pyro, and Sniper at midrange.

Is it dangerous with coordination? Yes, but who doesn't want a weapon that rewards coordination?

My biggest beef with all of this is that the primary reason Heavy was getting much more play and usefulness was because of Natasha. Now Natasha has been banned and Viaduct has been kicked out of the next CEVO map rotation. Off classing will get rarer and rarer in the higher divisions.

But hey, I suppose I don't think like a comp FPS player. That's why the closest I've gotten to competitive FPS gaming is TF2, playing Medic, and even now that's turning me off. I'll try to support the fuck out of Monday Night Combat when it comes out on 360, or at least when it gets ported to PC, but that, TF2, and Halo Reach will probably be the last multiplayer FPS games I ever care about, and with Reach it's mostly for its expanded Firefight mode (I love co-op gaming...).

From a PUB's perspective:

I've never had a problem with a Soldier with standard Rocket Launcher and Natasha. Especially if they're foolish enough to try to Rocket Jump to evade my fire. The Natasha will bring them down quickly, shortening the jump, and the Equalizer's speed gain is negated by the Natasha. So unless the Heavy can't hit the side of a barn at close range, you won't win.

Exceptions because Direct Hit Soldiers that actually hit things, but Equalizer is still horrible against him. It's like saying a charge and targe Demo countering Natasha. Natasha Heavy shouldn't be exposing themselves in the open to Soldiers at any rate, and would be better off trapping and surprising.

If Natasha is up against a Medic+Buddy, it's situational. I will kill the Medic if I feel like I'm going to bite the bullet, but if I manage to surprise them and have the gun spin up before they can react, the Heavy will win 9/10 times.

That's my feeling. I play a lot of Natasha Heavy (and Medic, and Soldier.. and everything..)


EvilMario said:
From a PUB's perspective:

I've never had a problem with a Soldier with standard Rocket Launcher and Natasha. Especially if they're foolish enough to try to Rocket Jump to evade my fire. The Natasha will bring them down quickly, shortening the jump, and the Equalizer's speed gain is negated by the Natasha. So unless the Heavy can't hit the side of a barn at close range, you won't win.

Exceptions because Direct Hit Soldiers that actually hit things, but Equalizer is still horrible against him. It's like saying a charge and targe Demo countering Natasha. Natasha Heavy shouldn't be exposing themselves in the open to Soldiers at any rate, and would be better off trapping and surprising.

If Natasha is up against a Medic+Buddy, it's situational. I will kill the Medic if I feel like I'm going to bite the bullet, but if I manage to surprise them and have the gun spin up before they can react, the Heavy will win 9/10 times.

That's my feeling. I play a lot of Natasha Heavy (and Medic, and Soldier.. and everything..)

From my own personal experience, if I die to Natasha as a Soldier, I would have probably died against Sasha. The Equalizer speed boost is lessened, but but there is still a slight boost to how you'd normally run away, and it helps me get the last two or three steps around a corner. If I rocket jump immediately upon hearing the bullet fire, then I can often get out of the way before I'm fully slowed (or perhaps that's just slow aim/lag compensation working to my favor), which will often surprise people enough. I'd go for mostly a quick distance rocket jump anyway.

But yeah, in my cases, the reason why I don't have a problem is because I keep myself from being too far in the open often times.


Proven said:
From my own personal experience, if I die to Natasha as a Soldier, I would have probably died against Sasha. The Equalizer speed boost is lessened, but but there is still a slight boost to how you'd normally run away, and it helps me get the last two or three steps around a corner. If I rocket jump immediately upon hearing the bullet fire, then I can often get out of the way before I'm fully slowed (or perhaps that's just slow aim/lag compensation working to my favor), which will often surprise people enough. I'd go for mostly a quick distance rocket jump anyway.

But yeah, in my cases, the reason why I don't have a problem is because I keep myself from being too far in the open often times.
As usual, closed vectors trump mobility.
pet said:
the bow is only really a cheap kill when aiming into crowds in 24 or 32 man pubs, not 6v6. also if you're playing sniper you should at least have decent aim and you're better off using the rifle for picks any way.
Unless you bring the huntsman into vents, where you get headshots 100% of the time.


Despite all the complaining about natascha, I (as the bestest heavy ever) shot artistdude (as a possibly injured soldier) pretty much pointblank with natascha for a bit, and he lasted long enough to hit me three times with the equalizer to kill me.

Now, I might have missed him with every bullet! But since I'm presumably the best player ever, surely not. =(

*edit* I killed a few medics with natascha so it was all worth it. I <3 all the medics on my team who sacrificed themselves blindly to my cause.


So I mentioned it to the guys on the Neogaf TF2 server tonight... but where the hell is the server IP in this thread? It's not in the OP.

I had to go to gametracker and/or game-monitor to figure it out!

edit: damn spies!


Apropos of nothing:

So the Westboro Baptist Church came out to protest SDCC, and the nerds were ready with a counterprotest, but one picture caught my eye...




Clydefrog said:
So I mentioned it to the guys on the Neogaf TF2 server tonight... but where the hell is the server IP in this thread? It's not in the OP.

I had to go to gametracker and/or game-monitor to figure it out!

edit: damn spies!
I let it slip for two pages, expecting one of you louts to pick up the slack and look what happens. D:<


Blizzard said:
Despite all the complaining about natascha, I (as the bestest heavy ever) shot artistdude (as a possibly injured soldier) pretty much pointblank with natascha for a bit, and he lasted long enough to hit me three times with the equalizer to kill me.

Now, I might have missed him with every bullet! But since I'm presumably the best player ever, surely not. =(

*edit* I killed a few medics with natascha so it was all worth it. I <3 all the medics on my team who sacrificed themselves blindly to my cause.

In that situation, for whatever reason, it looked like you were aiming at him, but killed me instead. That got him the first 1-2 hits easy.


So I crafted my first hat last night, and recieved the glengarry bonnet.

Playing this afternoon, and what do I get as a random drop? The glengarry bonnet.

You have to be shitting me. I think Im gonna craft em together as I'm not much of a demo guy. WTB Hotrod.


Zerokku said:
So I crafted my first hat last night, and recieved the glengarry bonnet.

Playing this afternoon, and what do I get as a random drop? The glengarry bonnet.

You have to be shitting me. I think Im gonna craft em together as I'm not much of a demo guy. WTB Hotrod.

You're probably going to get screwed worse than I was when I crafted two hats.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Blizzard said:
Dude, a headless hat would be the ultimate defense against snipers (unless it rendered you blind while wearing it). :O
Don't give Valve any bright ideas. My job is hard enough as it is what with you spies and the backstabbing and the cocky taunts and grumble grumble blah blah.


I just realized spy is the ultimate counter to wrangler, since when I kill the engy with rockets his sentry goes retarded for more than long enough for a spy to stab, then sap.
firex said:
I just realized spy is the ultimate counter to wrangler, since when I kill the engy with rockets his sentry goes retarded for more than long enough for a spy to stab, then sap.

Speaking as an Engineer, the time a Spy gets to stab and sap (especially multiple items practically all at once) is incredibly forgiving as it is. But I'm not actually sure your argument is the case, unless I'm misunderstanding it, since a decent Wrangler Engineer doesn't sit huddled behind his sentry all the time, they're running around, able to pick priority targets like disguised spies, and so forth. In those situations, sapping the sentry first disorients the Engineer, since they've suddenly got a useless gun equipped.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Jangaroo said:
Don't give Valve any bright ideas. My job is hard enough as it is what with you spies and the backstabbing and the cocky taunts and grumble grumble blah blah.


Corporate Apologist
I really want inflatable sentries. Make it so when a spy tries to sap them, they pop and cause a BONK status.



anyone here interested in competitive tf2?

if anyone is, i can help introduce it to you and give you an idea of what it's like if you want, and help you to get a little better at tf2 in the process. it's alot different from normal tf2 and it can be frustrating and difficult to get into, but imo it can also be alot of fun. if you want to just quote and post, or add me on steam

also, me and boonoo are thinking about starting a pretty casual team for cevo, and if anyone wants to try out and give it a shot you're welcome to. we're probably going to lose alot and not be very upset about it, but we're still looking for somebody who will give us a fighting chance. it would help if you like playing soldier, demoman, or scout, and know about stuff like rocket jumping and changing your fov


firex said:
I just realized spy is the ultimate counter to wrangler, since when I kill the engy with rockets his sentry goes retarded for more than long enough for a spy to stab, then sap.
Not if you know anything about opportunity cost and body blocking, though I've had to rely more upon coordination with spies to take down wranglers since their shields are..... Well, OP.

Drop it down to 35% damage reduction, give slightly higher damage, greater range than a normal sentry but not infinite range. Problem solved. Then it's not a spawn-camping flagrantly OP piece of shit.


Kulock said:
Speaking as an Engineer, the time a Spy gets to stab and sap (especially multiple items practically all at once) is incredibly forgiving as it is. But I'm not actually sure your argument is the case, unless I'm misunderstanding it, since a decent Wrangler Engineer doesn't sit huddled behind his sentry all the time, they're running around, able to pick priority targets like disguised spies, and so forth. In those situations, sapping the sentry first disorients the Engineer, since they've suddenly got a useless gun equipped.
Well, either way, spy is the only real hard counter to wrangler. I run into some bad engineers who hide behind their wrangled level 3 sentry and are nearly invincible (especially on defense) but that's where a stab would easily get rid of them, while sapping them is basically pick your poison since they have to kill you before they unsap or else you will just keep sapping until someone on their team kills you or the sentry dies.


Corporate Apologist
rar said:
anyone here interested in competitive tf2?

if anyone is, i can help introduce it to you and give you an idea of what it's like if you want, and help you to get a little better at tf2 in the process. it's alot different from normal tf2 and it can be frustrating and difficult to get into, but imo it can also be alot of fun. if you want to just quote and post, or add me on steam

also, me and boonoo are thinking about starting a pretty casual team for cevo, and if anyone wants to try out and give it a shot you're welcome to. we're probably going to lose alot and not be very upset about it, but we're still looking for somebody who will give us a fighting chance. it would help if you like playing soldier, demoman, or scout, and know about stuff like rocket jumping and changing your fov
I could help you there, but I am not sure I will help much in the whole "somebody who will give us a fighting chance" department.

I can stand in front of there guns! And rush in and set them on fire for them to quickly put them selves out.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
teams usually consist of 2 soldiers, 2 scouts, one demoman, one medic.

Scouts are the ones who usually switch to other classes (pyro, heavy, sniper) when situation arises...

Haven't seen a comp team constantly run a pyro though :p

It's a great way to improve your skills too.

edit: Server IP:

Steam Community group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Neogaf-TF2


rar said:
anyone here interested in competitive tf2?

if anyone is, i can help introduce it to you and give you an idea of what it's like if you want, and help you to get a little better at tf2 in the process. it's alot different from normal tf2 and it can be frustrating and difficult to get into, but imo it can also be alot of fun. if you want to just quote and post, or add me on steam

also, me and boonoo are thinking about starting a pretty casual team for cevo, and if anyone wants to try out and give it a shot you're welcome to. we're probably going to lose alot and not be very upset about it, but we're still looking for somebody who will give us a fighting chance. it would help if you like playing soldier, demoman, or scout, and know about stuff like rocket jumping and changing your fov

Blah. I was just coming here to say that I'm seriously thinking about jumping into the next TGL season which is starting in a few weeks. Free to enter, known for pretty good prizes, low to mid teams in attendance.

Unfortunately I don't have a team and I'm only willing to play Medic and there's a lot of stuff I need to learn about still, but yeah.


Seeing Sappers destroyed by a Pyro is probably the most depressing thing I ever saw in a game.
Makes me cry everytime I see it. :(


Won said:
Seeing Sappers destroyed by a Pyro is probably the most depressing thing I ever saw in a game.
Makes me cry everytime I see it. :(
You should play competitive mode. I heard they don't use pyros much there. ;o
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