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Game of Thrones - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Season 1 - Sundays on HBO

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LegendofJoe said:
I mostly took issue with how spatially constricted the fight was due to the location. I know the fight took place in the throne room in the book, but I felt like the small set size limited the physicality of the duel.
IIRC, it's a space-constrained battle in the books as well. It's pretty much Bronn tiring Ser Vardis out by running while waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Although Ser Vardis wasn't pushed out of the Moon Door in the books, is he?


LegendofJoe said:
I mostly took issue with how spatially constricted the fight was due to the location. I know the fight took place in the throne room in the book, but I felt like the small set size limited the physicality of the duel.

Doesn't it take place in the godswood?


So I've just been notified about a certain utterance by one Jaime Lannister in episode seven. Already I think I might want to be done with this series.
"I could care less."

I mean, yeah, who cares, people say that a lot. But what it does show is that the writers aren't exactly good at their job, y'know?

(Half joking. Of course they're good enough at writing and of course I'll still keep watching. But it does show they lack attention to detail and as the story gets more and more complex that has me worrying.)
The Ser Vardis scene also adds to the speculation that...

End of Book 3 Spoiler:

Lysa really does not give a shit if any of her knights are killed because they all want to get with her. Not giving Vardis the opportunity to yield or not stopping the fight when he obviously lost


Outdoor Miner said:
Now that my move is complete and I have internet/cable again i've had the chance to catch up. Wow. Episode 5 was good not great, 6 was probably the best episode of the season, and 7 was every bit as good as 6 for me. Soooooooooooooo good. The last 3 episodes should be absolutely MENTAL.

I have finally trained myself to enjoy the show on its own without the constant comparing to the books. It took some time but man does it make the show much more enjoyable.


Episode seven?


Suairyu said:
HBO made the wonderful decision to let some people see it a week earlier than others.

It's memorial day weekend this week. I think it was a good idea. They usually don't show new episodes of ANY show on holiday weekends.
CrankyJay said:
It's memorial day weekend this week. I think it was a good idea. They usually don't show new episodes of ANY show on holiday weekends.
Yup, it makes a lot of sense for them to do it this week. The viewership numbers are going to be down next weekend anyway. It's a good opportunity to see gauge interest in HBO Go, stress test the network, and get some press for their new streaming site.


Suairyu said:
So I've just been notified about a certain utterance by one Jaime Lannister in episode seven. Already I think I might want to be done with this series.
"I could care less."
I slapped my head SO HARD at that line. This is what happens when GRRM doesn't write the script!

Sotha Sil

epmode said:
I slapped my head SO HARD at that line. This is what happens when GRRM doesn't write the script!

Are you kidding? It was a incredibly subtle reminder of a quite obvious fact: Tyrion is the smart one.

Well done, writers. Well done.


Sotha Sil said:
Are you kidding? It was a incredibly subtle reminder of a quite obvious fact: Tyrion is the smart one.

Well done, writers. Well done.
You're now the King of 'reaching', though your bannermen ask if this is done with or without irony.


TheExodu5 said:
I thought the Bronn fight was the best action sequence so far in the show.
I thought it was hilarious where they were fighting. People had to scramble to get out of the way, and one guy was thrown in the middle of it.
Suairyu said:
So I've just been notified about a certain utterance by one Jaime Lannister in episode seven. Already I think I might want to be done with this series.
"I could care less."

I mean, yeah, who cares, people say that a lot. But what it does show is that the writers aren't exactly good at their job, y'know?

(Half joking. Of course they're good enough at writing and of course I'll still keep watching. But it does show they lack attention to detail and as the story gets more and more complex that has me worrying.)

Just because the actor playing Jaime said it doesn't mean it was actually penned by the writers in the script. Also not to excuse the line, but the actor playing Jaime's native language is Dutch.
Suairyu said:
So I've just been notified about a certain utterance by one Jaime Lannister in episode seven. Already I think I might want to be done with this series.
"I could care less."

I mean, yeah, who cares, people say that a lot. But what it does show is that the writers aren't exactly good at their job, y'know?

(Half joking. Of course they're good enough at writing and of course I'll still keep watching. But it does show they lack attention to detail and as the story gets more and more complex that has me worrying.)

For all intensive purposes
I think they're doing a great job. The show really runs the
from great to awesome.


Chuck Norris said:
I dunno why everyone imagine huge colloseums? I don't think George ever described it as such. I personally never imagined anything of the sort. In fact how it was described that the noble people were close to the action meant there couldn't have been the many people

I expected more than there were, but nothing on a massive scale
I haven't read the book, so I'm just going off the lines in the show and the actual size of King's Landing which appears immense. I do expect it to be have thousands of people (It's the only way it would generate revenue for the city).

The picture from Knight's Tale is a pretty good example of my expectations.

To be clear, it's a bit offputting to see the contrasts in scales of location with the actual inhabitants, but it's a pretty minor one considering the focus is on the charcters and they are handling that superbly . The numbers are appropriate for what they are supposed to convey, but I'm just not getting the sense of all the people that actually populate the 7 Kingdoms (Even the hunt seemed small considering it's the King).


Unconfirmed Member
LegendofJoe said:
Just because the actor playing Jaime said it doesn't mean it was actually penned by the writers in the script. Also not to excuse the line, but the actor playing Jaime's native language is Dutch.

Isn't he Danish?
Somewhat of a tangent, but damn if that scene wasn't just awesome wrapped in incredible with two orders of badass-- *with just two people talking*.

Charles Dance was perfect.
Ignatz Mouse said:
Somewhat of a tangent, but damn if that scene wasn't just awesome wrapped in incredible with two orders of badass-- *with just two people talking*.

Charles Dance was perfect.

Yeah, I was happy when they announced he was cast. Perfect for the role.


formerly nacire
I've never read the books, but I'm fucking loving this show! I'm so jealous of everyone who gets to see episode 7 early!
I'm kinda disappointed with Theon
I pictured him as just as powerful a presence as Robb, not some scrawny teenager with gaps between his teeth.
the kind of stuff he does later on, he really seems miscast.


scar tissue said:
I'm kinda disappointed with Theon
I pictured him as just as powerful a presence as Robb, not some scrawny teenager with gaps between his teeth.
the kind of stuff he does later on, he really seems miscast.

Yea, I am disliking Theon as well. I blame all of his new scenes because they are just terrible. I actually sort of liked the guy a bit in the books, but he is just too damn angsty and repetitive in the show


People like Theon in the books?

I understand his motivations, but he's basically a petty little shit who wants what he hasn't earned, and feels like he has to prove himself to everyone. I think Allen is perfect.
KingGondo said:
People like Theon in the books?

I understand his motivations, but he's basically a petty little shit who wants what he hasn't earned, and feels like he has to prove himself to everyone. I think Allen is perfect.

Yeah, all he does in the book is talk about fucking girls and fighting, and he laughs alot. In the first book at least.


KingGondo said:
People like Theon in the books?

I understand his motivations, but he's basically a petty little shit who wants what he hasn't earned, and feels like he has to prove himself to everyone. I think Allen is perfect.
He but considering he was kidnapped from his father and raised by someone else, it's kind of understandable he'd have some issues.


CrunchyB said:
Yeah, there's too much Theon and WAY too much sexposition.

We want more wolves and more Arya!

They had to make Theon a character in Season One that watchers would recognize. The writers are already going to have to introduce one location/characters that wasnt shown at all in Season One (Stannis), they needed to make Theon recognizable so the Iron Islands werent also that way.

Edit: Also I think the way they are handling Theon on the show makes his actions make more sense in Season Two than they do in the book.


NewLib said:
They had to make Theon a character in Season One that watchers would recognize. The writers are already going to have to introduce one location/characters that werent shown at all in Season One (Stannis), they needed to make Theon recognizable so the Iron Islands werent also that way.

Edit: Also I think the way they are handling Theon on the show makes his actions make more sense in Season Two than they do in the book.
This is true but I think non readers will already know who Stannis is since he's been talked about so much in the first season. All they'll have to do is put a face to the name. Balon and the other Greyjoys will be the ones who will be difficult to introduce since outside of knowing it's Theon's family I don't think the audience will even really know anything about them. I feel like they scarcely even mentioned the Greyjoy rebellion which is kind of important since it's the reason Theon was raised in Winterfell.


NewLib said:
They had to make Theon a character in Season One that watchers would recognize. The writers are already going to have to introduce one location/characters that wasnt shown at all in Season One (Stannis), they needed to make Theon recognizable so the Iron Islands werent also that way.

Edit: Also I think the way they are handling Theon on the show makes his actions make more sense in Season Two than they do in the book.

They didn't have to. Hell, I remember when first reading GoT, I didn't even recall who this Theon person was, he was very peripheral to the story.

CoK Spoilers:
As is, I think HBO overdid it with his characterization to the point that his betrayal in Season 2 will come as no shock to the viewer.


q_q said:
This is true but I think non readers will already know who Stannis is since he's been talked about so much in the first season. All they'll have to do is put a face to the name. Balon and the other Greyjoys will be the ones who will be difficult to introduce since outside of knowing it's Theon's family I don't think the audience will even really know anything about them. I feel like they scarcely even mentioned the Greyjoy rebellion which is kind of important since it's the reason Theon was raised in Winterfell.

I agree. Its easier to tie Stannis/Mel/Davos into the main plot quickly so they are easier to introduce. The Iron Islands will take half of Season 2 to tie it in.


scosher said:
They didn't have to. Hell, I remember when first reading GoT, I didn't even recall who this Theon person was, he was very peripheral to the story.

CoK Spoilers:
As is, I think HBO overdid it with his characterization to the point that his betrayal in Season 2 will come as no shock to the viewer.

I'd rather have a developed character than
a shitty background character who suddenly does something major and unexpected.


Clevinger said:
I'd rather have a developed character than
a shitty background character who suddenly does something major and unexpected.

Fair enough.
I still think most of his development could've been pushed to S2 as it is in the books, and just given him a presence in GoT, but to each his own.


NewLib said:
I agree. Its easier to tie Stannis/Mel/Davos into the main plot quickly so they are easier to introduce. The Iron Islands will take half of Season 2 to tie it in.
Can't wait for this. Casting hurry up!
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