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Final Fantasy VII Remake is a multi-part series


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
This is purely a money making exercise, they know that the demand for an FF7 remake is insane and they only get to do it once. FVIIR is basically the panic button they pressed after they wasted massive amounts of money on abominable FF titles last generation. They have a once in a lifetime opportunity to gouge consumers while pretending they are 'doing justice' to the remake we all imagined in our heads.

I won't even consider buying it until the full game is available.
Shoutout to @tokyofog for translating some of the parts of the interview.

Nomura: VII in one work would turn into a digest. We judged that the remake must be full volume, so we decided to make [VII] multi-part.

I'm finding this really hard to believe. I guess their reasoning (or at least the one they're claiming) is something like "sprawling and detailed TV series or book as opposed to a condensed movie." I mean they're really planning to add that much content? To the point where it feasibly cannot be contained into one project? Cause that makes it sound like this would be a modern, AAA game with unprecedented scope. Kinda hard to imagine given how huge some of today's AAA games already are.

It's such a fucking shame. This was an instant FULL COLLECTOR'S EDITION DAY 0 PRE-ORDER for me. Now it's gone to anxiously wait and see wtf they're doing, how they're doing it, how much it costs and what bundles/ways it's all gonna be released in.

SE needs to come forward and thoroughly detail and explain pricing, number of episodes, length and amount of content per episode, what they're covering and what they aren't. And they need to do it quick.

This is purely a money making exercise, they know that the demand for an FF7 remake is insane and they only get to do it once. FVIIR is basically the panic button they pressed after they wasted massive amounts of money on abominable FF titles last generation. They have a once in a lifetime opportunity to gouge consumers while pretending they are 'doing justice' to the remake we all imagined in our heads.

I won't even consider buying it until the full game is available.

See, if this is truly what they're doing, it'd be so incredibly short-sided of them. They'll make money up front, but there's no way they'd recover after that kind of damage with their demographic.


What is this nonsense?
One game split into small parts? Is it not clear that the remake is the opposite of this? It's one game, originally consisting of pre-rendered backgrounds and fixed camera angles, recreated into a fully 3D world.
You assume they will be split into small episodic chunks, based off of what? Because someone threw out the word 'episodic' and everyone jumped to conclusions, when SE never used that word.
The game may well be three whole titles, each with 60+ hours worth of content, which would mean we are getting even more content than the original.
Multi-part series, a trilogy, is NOT the same as episodic, however much you try and imply it.

You assume it will be split into three full 60+ hour games based off what?
Why is your assumption more valid than mine?

Here's an idea to appease us while we wait. Free new Golden Saucer mini-games released throughout the year(s).

We have a game for you. It's called Final Fantasy XIV.


I hope there won't be a Collector's Edition for every Episode/Part... And another one for the Complete Edition one year later.
This is starting to remind me about StarCraft 2 and the "Let's split the game into 3 one-faction-story-only games" approach ... how did this pan out in the end?

Yo man I would pay top dollar for more Gackt.
Then, good sir, this is your chance! Let them know, reach out on Twitter! Maybe they can make it additional DLCs chapters for each episode? :D


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
This is starting to remind me about StarCraft 2 and the "Let's split the game into 3 one-faction-story-only games" approach ... how did this pan out in the end?

Starcraft 2 is at least a far better analogy than Telltale.

You assume it will be split into three full 60+ hour games based off what?
Why is your assumption more valid than mine?

I dunno about 60 hour games. Perhaps?

But it won't be the 12 hour game that people assume by doing the dumb math of dividing 1997 FFVII's length into 1/3rd.


Season pass 600€.
turning serious, I think those willl be several games because otherwise SE would definite FFVIIR as "episodic" and not "multi-part series".
So they want use the fact FFVII is a long game (well, pretty much as ALL rpgs anyway) to split it into several titles and sell all of them. Even if each game will be 20-30 hours, I still find it very unfair, probably they won't be priced a full 70€, maybe 50€, it's still crappy because FFVII was a single game, if they split it it's only to do much money out of it.
It's such a fucking shame. This was an instant FULL COLLECTOR'S EDITION DAY 0 PRE-ORDER for me. Now it's gone to anxiously wait and see wtf they're doing, how they're doing it, how much it costs and what bundles/ways it's all gonna be released in.


They're changing the instasold game making millions and millions of sales including massive collector's edition, for a game we'll be waiting to see what they're doing.

Because now there is no illusion and there is no hype, and we don't want to pay for a part.
You assume it will be split into three full 60+ hour games based off what?
Why is your assumption more valid than mine?

We have a game for you. It's called Final Fantasy XIV.

Because SE never used the word 'episodic' - they said multi-part series (of games), which is entirely different.
You argue that a trilogy is the same as episodic, which is rubbish. You didn't see people saying they'd never play the Witcher series because it is episodic, did you? Or the Mass Effect trilogy? No? That's because they're not episodic, and there is no reason to believe FFVII is, based off what SE has said.
Just people jumping to conclusions.


This is starting to remind me about StarCraft 2 and the "Let's split the game into 3 one-faction-story-only games" approach ... how did this pan out in the end?

Then, good sir, this is your chance! Let them know, reach out on Twitter! Maybe they can make it additional DLCs chapters for each episode? :D

I will do it. For the Gackt fan in all of us. It is time.

Also, these reactions are nuts. For the last fifteen years I've been hearing nothing but 'I'd do ANYTHING for a Final Fantasy VII remake!"

Now it is "I will do anything! ...except for a multi-part release."

I mean, if it were this or nothing, I'd have to go with this. Especially when the details are very vague at the moment.


If they will make it as big as the original I'm perfectly fine with this. No cuts, big cities, overworld completely open world, fleshed out Midgar, 2017 release date for the first episode. Can't wait.

Just don't add bullshit like Gackt.


I honestly have not that a big problem with this. I mean, I think it is a good idea to have something recalling the 3 discs of the original game. Finishing a disc was a great memory.

However, of course I don't like the fact that this will probably means 3*79$ (or whatever how much), with a two years delay between the beginning and the end of the game (and that's conservative).
I'm finding this really hard to believe. I guess their reasoning (or at least the one they're claiming) is something like "sprawling and detailed TV series or book as opposed to a condensed movie." I mean they're really planning to add that much content? To the point where it feasibly cannot be contained into one project? Cause that makes it sound like this would be a modern, AAA game with unprecedented scope. Kinda hard to imagine given how huge some of today's AAA games already are.

It's such a fucking shame. This was an instant FULL COLLECTOR'S EDITION DAY 0 PRE-ORDER for me. Now it's gone to anxiously wait and see wtf they're doing, how they're doing it, how much it costs and what bundles/ways it's all gonna be released in.

SE needs to come forward and thoroughly detail and explain pricing, number of episodes, length and amount of content per episode, what they're covering and what they aren't. And they need to do it quick.

This is a great post and the bolded is where I'm worried. I was already put off by the combat from the trailer and now it sounds like they might try to fleece fans for the price as well.

Depending on how this plays out, it's a really shabby look for Square Enix and Nomura.


If they will make it as big as the original I'm perfectly fine with this. No cuts, big cities, overworld completely open world, fleshed out Midgar, 2017 release date for the first episode. Can't wait.


I just would like some clarity from S-E. Them saying 'its impossible to tell you now' is bullshit. They must have a roadmap and it planned out. If they don't at this stage, that's insanity on their part.

'We're splitting it into three parts and aiming for annual releases' would be more than enough information for me. 'We're kind of splitting it up, please understand' is whats doing the damage here. I think most rational people would be fine in principle of splitting such a behemoth title in context of some of the other quotes from the recent interview floating around


( ≖‿≖)
No complaints from me.

Knights of the Round summon should be it's own blu-ray IMO. Anything less lacks ambition.


Because SE never used the word 'episodic' - they said multi-part series (of games), which is entirely different.
You argue that a trilogy is the same as episodic, which is rubbish. You didn't see people saying they'd never play the Witcher series because it is episodic, did you? Or the Mass Effect trilogy? No? That's because they're not episodic, and there is no reason to believe FFVII is, based off what SE has said.
Just people jumping to conclusions.

But those games were always planned as trilogies but still told complete stories. Here we will get "complete" games that are bits of a once complete story. I just don't trust SE to pull it off well. You have this faith that SE will release three full $60 games with 60 hours+ worth of game time in each one and they will cut off at the disc cut-off points like FFVII and be great while I don't. I think SE will mess it up.

I mean, Midgar is totally just going to be "disc one" right? That was way before the original cutoff so if Midgar is all of one game then the rest of the multi-part game will have to be more than 3 parts right?

When does "muti-part" become "episodic"? It has to be at least 5 right like Tell Tale usually do? So if FFVII is split into 5 or more parts is it an episodic release then?

Episodic doesn't have to mean cut down, 2 hour long pieces you know.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, "HD towns are hard," I get it. It's rough out there for SE these days. I'm still not going to be buying Final Fantasy VII: Early Access. Because that's all this is. An unfinished game being sold to consumers with a promise that the rest is going to come - and since this is SE - come at a reasonable rate of release.

The problem here is the obvious to anybody who thinks about it for a second. If they have to break it apart because suddenly a 20 year old game simply has too much content, that means they'll still be working on future installments when they release Episode One. And have you met SE? Given their history, how can anybody, with a straight face, believe that they'll be able to push out the other pieces at a reasonable rate?

And let's say this breaks ground for them and that becomes a possibility. So? We're still paying for pieces of a game. Meanwhile, every other RPG on the face of the planet somehow manages to sell itself as a complete experience. We wouldn't stand for MGSV being sold to us in fractions. Or Dragon Age: Inquisition being sold by the area, with the story dependent on being split across the series.

I simply don't care about their front-facing excuses and "please understands." It's all bullshit, and it's not bullshit we'd tolerate under any other circumstances. That's my entire point. They're doing this because they know they can, because no matter what they did here - short of making it a mobile on game or something - fans are still going to buy it, still going to defend it and still pretend that it's a great thing that when they leave Midgar they're faced with "Thanks for playing, see you again in Episode 2: Nibelheim Burns"

Can't say I disagree with you at all. On point, co-sign and all that.

At the end of the day though, I can't say I care enough, and to be fair I haven't cared much about Squeenix outside of Eidos and Life Is Strange for the past 8 or 9 years. They've kind of been the kings of fucking up for a while. So I'm mostly amused at this fuck up and the fan reactions.

As far as if I'll ever play it. Yeah, too curious about it not too even if I can predict some of the changes from far away. If I can deal with DmC(not great but not as bad as it could have been) I can deal with this.

I just would like some clarity from S-E. Them saying 'its impossible to tell you now' is bullshit. They must have a roadmap and it planned out. If they don't at this stage, that's insanity on their part.

'We're splitting it into three parts and aiming for annual releases' would be more than enough information for me. 'We're kind of splitting it up, please understand' is whats doing the damage here. I think most rational people would be fine in principle of splitting such a behemoth title in context of some of the other quotes from the recent interview floating around

They've probably set a goal and a release window, but if they can't reach their goal in time, they'll be forced to change it. Hence them not saying anything now.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Episodic doesn't have to mean cut down, 2 hour long pieces you know.

No it doesn't.

But I think he is right to argue against perceptions that it will be a Telltale/Life is Strange/RE Revelations 2 style affair. I really doubt it will be.

It's actually Square Enix's greed that leads me to believe each part will be a full release. Each time they can sell you a new $60 game, a new CE, a new set of toys and merchandise, a command of mindshare across multiple years....

It's their Star Wars trilogy.



this gif is simply perfect for this thread, lol



I mean, I hope they don't intend to charge full price (60.00 usd) for each part.

Will wait for their official pricing before I start raging and cursing their existence. This just sounds shady and bad though.


Well, I knew they were going to mess it up. I just didn't know how.

I guess I got my answer

$120 or $180 to play though a game that we played 18 years ago. Square pls


Well, I knew they were going to mess it up. I just didn't know how.

I guess I got my answer

$120 or $180 to play though a game that we played 18 years ago. Square pls

Criticise some of their decisions sure but this is a really disingenuous and flimsy riposte.

Show me you playing FFVII to the level of fidelity shown in the trailer 18 years ago

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I don't have much invested in this remake, but I don't know, I guess this seems reasonable?

Has there been a game as long as FFVII with as many intricate story scenes etc etc in recent years that matches an old-school JRPG in size?

I'm genuinely asking, because I fear my memory of pre-PS2-era JRPGs may be making me exaggerate the size of those games.

I guess my value perception has changed over the years. A FFVII remake seems crazy expensive to produce. I'll pay more for it, I guess.
So does this mean it's a limited size open world that is only fully unlocked following purchase of all the episodes?

Either way I'll just buy it on discount once everything is in the public domain.
Hey $quare, it deserves the change of the massive hype and preorders for the caution and suspicious eyes to your product?

You're doing this. Look how many ppl is saying "too good to be true". Remember the E3 reactions? You broke it.


( ≖‿≖)
So does this mean it's a limited size open world that is only fully unlocked following purchase of all the episodes?

Either way I'll just buy it on discount once everything is in the public domain.

The public domain? How many decades will that take?
But those games were always planned as trilogies but still told complete stories. Here we will get "complete" games that are bits of a once complete story. I just don't trust SE to pull it off well. You have this faith that SE will release three full $60 games with 60 hours+ worth of game time in each one and they will cut off at the disc cut-off points like FFVII and be great while I don't. I think SE will mess it up.

I mean, Midgar is totally just going to be "disc one" right? That was way before the original cutoff so if Midgar is all of one game then the rest of the multi-part game will have to be more than 3 parts right?

When does "muti-part" become "episodic"? It has to be at least 5 right like Tell Tale usually do? So if FFVII is split into 5 or more parts is it an episodic release then?

Episodic doesn't have to mean cut down, 2 hour long pieces you know.

Well I'd argue it's pretty obvious they are really going to be fleshing out the plot (for example making AVELANCHE more prominent, and letting us get to know Jessie etc) so while yes essentially the original plot of the game will now span more than one title, it will be much richer in detail, and they can probably find a good ending arc for each title, within the overall plot. So while you say 'bits of a once complete story' there may actually be lots of stuff in there (as SE already has stated). It's essentially the same as any trilogy, in which the designer drafts the ending and then each title developers towards that ending, but in this case we already know the plot.

And there's no reason to assume the first tile would be just Midgar, it could go much further, we have no indication of knowing either way just yet.

I already made my point about episodic being different to multiple titles, don't wanna keep repeating myself.
FFVII remake is SE's biggest project (possibly ever) in terms of expectations. They're not just going to shove out a digital download episode chunk every six months. They are going to make it into several full length titles, retail releases, with LE etc etc because people will buy it.
Why spend all the fanboyism there is with this game with a $60 game when you can make them buy three $60 games!

Despite games like GTA5, Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 showing what you can do in a single AAA game.

This. So. Much.

Pretty disappointed with this announcement. Even more so considering it showed up right after PlayStation Experience's awesome trailer.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't say that I'm not feeling a bit smug about this.
I've been too much of a realist to really fall in love with the idea of a HD cutting edge graphics 7 remake.

I was always more "team graphical touch up" in the same spirit of how the PSP FF IV did it.
I mean there is just tons of improvements to be made on FF7 without going full super graphics. Search for a good art direction. I mean good art direction > cutting edge graphics, always. Also way less pitfalls because the transition wouldn't be as big.

Just one example look at the Bravely Default town backgrounds they look amazing(and they did that probably on a budget that's way less than what this one will have, and imagine that budget more focused in stellar art direction than poly count), I don't think we needed a 3d Midgard.
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