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Did you enter the DESTROY ALL HUMANS 2 contest and NOT get a copy? See post #1490

Thank you so much for what you've done so far Erco.
Even if some of us don't receive the game no one can say that you didn't do your best for helping us.
Good job once again.

Seth C

Darn it. Looks like I missed out a second time. That'll teach me to go to Italy. Oh well. Have fun with the game, guys.


Seth C said:
Darn it. Looks like I missed out a second time. That'll teach me to go to Italy. Oh well. Have fun with the game, guys.

Seth man, I was wondering why you never got in touch with me regarding my second survey. I can probably still get you set up with Craig and whatnot if you want the game. Let me know.
thanks a lot ecrofirt... i greatly appreciate the effort you put into this, although thq should've taken care of it themselves a long time ago. and imo, we deserve something of equivalent value to DAH 2 at its launch. we could probably buy it for $15 now... everyone else got a game that would've costed them $40 at the time, but we're getting one that's worth $15, and we're getting it about a year later. not fair, but whatever. >_>


Guys, I have another update from THQ:

Hey James,

I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we have discontinued
DAH! 2 on the Xbox, and I am unable to fulfill the requests. I can however
fulfill the PS2 ones.

The good news is that I feel really bad about this (ok, that's not the good
news), and to make it up to the faithful DAH! fans, I'm going to provide
each of the people on your list (with Xboxes) a copy of the new Destroy All
Humans! Path of the Furon on Xbox 360 when it ships in early 2008. How does
that sound?

If they don't have Xbox 360s, I'm happy to provide an alternative THQ on the
PS2, or Xbox if we have it in stock.

It's the least I can do for all the great fans who have supported the DAH!

Let me know if that works with your community. Thanks


If you signed up for the Xbox version of the game, I'll be PMing/emailing you this evening or tomorrow afternoon. Be on the lookout.


Ecrofirt said:
Guys, I have another update from THQ:

If you signed up for the Xbox version of the game, I'll be PMing/emailing you this evening or tomorrow afternoon. Be on the lookout.
Schweet :D

I was interested in that game but didn't feel like paying for it. Now, it looks like I won't have to.


works for Gamestop (lol)
"The good news is that I feel really bad about this (ok, that's not the good
news), and to make it up to the faithful DAH! fans, I'm going to provide
each of the people on your list (with Xboxes) a copy of the new Destroy All
Humans! Path of the Furon on Xbox 360 when it ships in early 2008. How does
that sound?"

OMG SWEET! I actually suggested this in the last page or two and looks like they're doing it. Thanks Ecro, thanks Craig.

This works well since I probably wouldn't even try out DAH2 at this point. But I'll definitely play the X360 version.
Applause in the general direction of Ecrofirt and Craig at THQ. I regret going with the PS2 version now though. :(

Is it possible to change your mind at this stage?


VibratingDonkey said:
Applause in the general direction of Ecrofirt and Craig at THQ. I regret going with the PS2 version now though. :(

Is it possible to change your mind at this stage?

No, it's not going to be possible. Good question though.

From what I gather, THQ will be sending the PS2 games out shortly.


Ecrofirt? When I entered the compo, I chose the Ps2 version, but I don't have one anymore. I'd love a 360 version though, since that's the only console ( apart from Wii ) which I have now. Would it be alot of trouble to ask for me anyway?

Thanks in advance..

( oh and I moved to a different adress as well )


MMaRsu said:
Ecrofirt? When I entered the compo, I chose the Ps2 version, but I don't have one anymore. I'd love a 360 version though, since that's the only console ( apart from Wii ) which I have now. Would it be alot of trouble to ask for me anyway?

Thanks in advance..

( oh and I moved to a different adress as well )
You moved to a different address from where you were in June?


Yes thanks ecro, i can't believe this is still going on, i'm gonna have a good laugh if it ever hsows up at my door. I wonder how many liars are going to try and weasel a 360 version of the new game now.


Ecrofirt said:
You moved to a different address from where you were in June?


By the way im not lying about not having a Ps2 anymore, I really wouldn't have any use for a Ps2 version, other than selling it.

Which would be fine to, but I'd rather enjoy it :).

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Does this apply to those of us not in the USA as well?

Even if it doesn't, great work Ecrofirt and good news for those who wanted the Xbox version of DAH2 but didn't receive it :D


Hey guys, I just got back in from the bar. I'm pretty beat so I don't have time to address any questions asked. I'll post again tomorrow afternoon.
Ecrofirt said:
Hey guys, I just got back in from the bar. I'm pretty beat so I don't have time to address any questions asked. I'll post again tomorrow afternoon.
Is htere still a chance that we get the game ? I don't really understand what happens.
I'd just posted to thank you for what you've done but it seems that it's not over ?!?
Btw i live in Europe so i don't know if i'm concerned or if i'm totally screwed :/


I was looking for the 360 backwards compatibility list to see if OutRun 2 and Coast to Coast are on there when I noticed this thread. I forgot about it but am now curious if anyone got their game since the last update on this.


We should make this into a monthly annoyance:

"Did you get Destroy All Humans 2 or 3?"


"Did you get it yet?"


"Did you get it now?"


"Did you get it this time?"

NO! Leave me alone ok, I don't want your stupid free game and I hate your company now!
Happy one year anniversary! :lol
I've since long passed the point of caring whether I get the damn thing or not, but has anyone actually received it since the last update?


VibratingDonkey said:
Happy one year anniversary! :lol
I've since long passed the point of caring whether I get the damn thing or not, but has anyone actually received it since the last update?

I havent and Im just guessing but I think that they hope we forget about it.


I remember them saying they'd send some of us the copy of Destroy All Humans! 3 for the 360. So I'm holding out one last hope for that. If not, well, thanks anyway Ecro, you did a lot of work for us and we're all grateful.


Heh the first contest i ever "won" and i never get the prize. It's funny seeing this thread pop up from time to time.


not a medical professional
LAMBO said:
Heh the first contest i ever "won" and i never get the prize. It's funny seeing this thread pop up from time to time.

Serves as a constant reminder of how fucking stupid AMN is for the way they handled it.

I also, have not gotten my copy :p
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