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Aliens and UFOs

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^^^maybe they want to meet you because you're willing to check in with him if you see anything weird. I'm sure most people see weird s*** and just write it off when they might actually have a good sighting if they were to get some investigators to check it out.


I bought the phenomenon on YouTube and I finally watched it last night. Thought it was really good! It's done in the style of a classic documentary. Not like that weird Jeremy corbell thing lol.

I don't know where else you can get it, but it was seven or eight bucks and I would recommend it.

edit: I don't know why I put so much trust in voice -to-text.
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Gold Member
This is the first time I have ever seen this most logical of questions asked, kudos to you!!

OK so first time i saw it, about 15 minutes prior it was closer to the shore and a higher elevation in the sky, it was a rugby ball shape with what i guess you could describe as undulating plasma in appearance, very bright, like burning magnesium, but not blue white light like magnesium, but the colour of sparklers, like a golden light. My initial thought was that it was a distress flare from a fishing vessel, i left my apartment and went down to the park across the road but i could no longer see it. About 15 or 20 minutes later it was much darker outside and it was back, just moving slowly above the sea... The biggest thing to note is the refection in the sea, the object was so bright it illuminated the sea massively, like in the videos there, I am not sure how a professional UFO investigator could think that a 3" x 3" paraffin candle, of a Chinese lantern could illuminate the sea like that haha. Anyway the rest is in the video and the daylight location below will give an idea of distance out to sea



As for why they would say it it's likely covering their own ass as it's a "we honestly don't know but don't want to sound like we don't know".

It's like the actual wackos who see airplane lights and believe it to be a flying saucer (you know, those loonies they put on some UFO "specials" to help discredit eyewitnesses) as they don't want to make a commitment.

It might have been something mundane but you do have an interesting mystery on your hands.



As for why they would say it it's likely covering their own ass as it's a "we honestly don't know but don't want to sound like we don't know".

It's like the actual wackos who see airplane lights and believe it to be a flying saucer (you know, those loonies they put on some UFO "specials" to help discredit eyewitnesses) as they don't want to make a commitment.

It might have been something mundane but you do have an interesting mystery on your hands.

I think you're onto something there


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Extreme Human Antiquity is one of my favorite "spooky" subjects. I think there is at least something to it. I think we would have found more evidence (every once in a while someone finds what looks like technology way too deep in the ground or something like that) if it was a real industrial civilization. But im more convinced all the time that settled people with math and stuff existed way before the history books say.

Ancient aliens tho... I'm open the idea but in my gut i dont feel so convinced. And I have definitely poured over much material on it over the years.
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Here is my biggest vindication since the events of that fateful nyt article:

A lot of people holding out for "hard evidence" really just needed the okay from an authority to consider the possibility. I've known this for years and now I get to see it play out. The government could have said those videos were balloons and they would have been dismissed.



The Paradox of Fermi’s Paradox​

Moreover, there are historic whistleblower provisions in the pending Intelligence and DoD Authorization bills in Congress. These provisions enjoy broad bipartisan and bicameral support and will almost certainly be enacted by year’s end. Once enacted, they will enable Congress to learn the truth of long-standing allegations that the U.S. government is in possession of recovered alien technology. Concurrently, pending legislation will require a General Accounting Office review of classified information pertaining to UAP dating back to the end of WWII. I am already aware of a number of individuals who claim they will testify to the existence of recovered alien technology or are considering doing so.
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Gold Member
What would happen if people within the US government came out to testify to the existence of recovered alien technology? Would the US government have to be completely honest with the public and say "yep. We've been covering this up for decades for XYZ reason".

"All we can say at this time is that there are known unknowns and unknown unknowns and that is fact".

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
What would happen if people within the US government came out to testify to the existence of recovered alien technology? Would the US government have to be completely honest with the public and say "yep. We've been covering this up for decades for XYZ reason".
"All we can say at this time is that there are known unknowns and unknown unknowns and that is fact".
"We chose up to this time to keep this information from the public at large in order to preserve national security."

"Why would revealing this knowledge earlier have threatened national security? And does that mean that you no longer think releasing this knowledge is a threat to national security?"

"I cannot answer that question at this time as it would jeopardize national security."
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Extreme Human Antiquity is one of my favorite "spooky" subjects. I think there is at least something to it. I think we would have found more evidence (every once in a while someone finds what looks like technology way too deep in the ground or something like that) if it was a real industrial civilization. But im more convinced all the time that settled people with math and stuff existed way before the history books say.

Ancient aliens tho... I'm open the idea but in my gut i dont feel so convinced. And I have definitely poured over much material on it over the years.
Ancient Aliens often asks the right question then jumps to the wrong conclusion.

I got a bit too much into it, bought chariots of gods, giza powerplant, books from structural engineers saving old pyramids, hindu religious books and even spent a few afternoons with my amatuer attempts to translate hieroglyphs (using books on the subject).

A lot of what they say on the show is nonsense and they know it, but I do believe they are right about advanced civilisations in antiquity. I believe there is enough evidence that at least one advanced enough to have flying craft existed and that civilisation tried to educate and share some of their knowledge with lesser technologically developed humans. I also suspect that humans had explored the whole earth long before European history currently claims.


Gold Member
Ancient Aliens often asks the right question then jumps to the wrong conclusion.

I got a bit too much into it, bought chariots of gods, giza powerplant, books from structural engineers saving old pyramids, hindu religious books and even spent a few afternoons with my amatuer attempts to translate hieroglyphs (using books on the subject).

A lot of what they say on the show is nonsense and they know it, but I do believe they are right about advanced civilisations in antiquity. I believe there is enough evidence that at least one advanced enough to have flying craft existed and that civilisation tried to educate and share some of their knowledge with lesser technologically developed humans. I also suspect that humans had explored the whole earth long before European history currently claims.

Question to readers of this thread; should this thread maintain its original base of simply aliens and ufos or be allowed to have certain subjects like the above that can be dovetailed like possible ancient advanced civilizations and/or something like the Saturn Polar Configuration Theory which unifies the similar cave iconography the world over (and in their own words that our history is even more insane that any science fiction book out there).


All lot of this gets covered as both ancient UFO/Alien explanations but these related side-trails can also be of interest however I feel a separate thread won't garner much attention.

"We chose up to this time to keep this information from the public at large in order to preserve national security."

"Why would revealing this knowledge earlier have threatened national security? And does that mean that you no longer think releasing this knowledge is a threat to national security?"

"I cannot answer that question at this time as it would jeopardize national security."

We are so sadly predictabo'.

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
Question to readers of this thread; should this thread maintain its original base of simply aliens and ufos or be allowed to have certain subjects like the above that can be dovetailed like possible ancient advanced civilizations and/or something like the Saturn Polar Configuration Theory which unifies the similar cave iconography the world over (and in their own words that our history is even more insane that any science fiction book out there).


All lot of this gets covered as both ancient UFO/Alien explanations but these related side-trails can also be of interest however I feel a separate thread won't garner much attention.

We are so sadly predictabo'.
I'm 100% for expanding this thread to include advanced ancient civilizations and anything else that some folks might consider "conspiracy theories".

All that stuff is like crossover catnip to me, and I'd bet it is for other people ITT


Ancient Aliens often asks the right question then jumps to the wrong conclusion.

I got a bit too much into it, bought chariots of gods, giza powerplant, books from structural engineers saving old pyramids, hindu religious books and even spent a few afternoons with my amatuer attempts to translate hieroglyphs (using books on the subject).

A lot of what they say on the show is nonsense and they know it, but I do believe they are right about advanced civilisations in antiquity. I believe there is enough evidence that at least one advanced enough to have flying craft existed and that civilisation tried to educate and share some of their knowledge with lesser technologically developed humans. I also suspect that humans had explored the whole earth long before European history currently claims.

Ancient aliens is insane but it's a good show. In fact I though it was funny for years how ancient aliens is so fun and ufo hunters was fucking painful. Then I realized it was Georgio.

I saw him guest appear on some show about the loch ness monster, right... So he shows up in scotland at a monster gift shop looking like a huge dork and when the girl running it is immediately making body language like she wants him to murder her vagina. Then he's "theorizing" and he throws out THERE MIGHT BE A FUCKING WORMHOLE UNDER THE LOCH where plesiosaurs can time travel from the past. Then it clicked. This guy is fucking gold and he is not an idiot. He makes these shows fun the second he gets on camera.

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
That's a slippery slope. You'll end up with flat earth believers and kindness credit folk.
When flat earth started gaining traction, I went and looked up the YouTube videos I kept seeing referenced as being the most convincing. And was not at all convinced. But I did the same thing with UFO docs and did come away convinced there's more going on than is fully understood. I think allowing for the discussion can be fun regardless.

I like being exposed to the ideas, even if I don't end up espousing them, is what I'm saying.

Also what the heck is kindness credit? Couldn't seem to find much about that when I searched.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
When flat earth started gaining traction, I went and looked up the YouTube videos I kept seeing referenced as being the most convincing. And was not at all convinced. But I did the same thing with UFO docs and did come away convinced there's more going on than is fully understood. I think allowing for the discussion can be fun regardless.

Also what the heck is kindness credit? Couldn't seem to find much about that when I searched.

More of a cult really than a conspiracy. They believe that legal names are fraud and money is "slave tokens", which members can easily exchange for kindness credits.

We're getting a lot of letters from customers recently who have joined up to this nonsense idea. They send us legal notices saying it was illegal to bill them and set up a contract in their name, then they ask for a cheque to be paid to them for a full refund (even though they don't believe in money) some of them sign off their letters in human blood as well.

All very odd and honesty, I don't really understand them. If you're interested, there is this website which appears to be part of this cult movement. Enjoy!


Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
More of a cult really than a conspiracy. They believe that legal names are fraud and money is "slave tokens", which members can easily exchange for kindness credits.

We're getting a lot of letters from customers recently who have joined up to this nonsense idea. They send us legal notices saying it was illegal to bill them and set up a contract in their name, then they ask for a cheque to be paid to them for a full refund (even though they don't believe in money) some of them sign off their letters in human blood as well.

All very odd and honesty, I don't really understand them. If you're interested, there is this website which appears to be part of this cult movement. Enjoy!

Thats interesting, thanks for sharing and for the personal anecdote. I've heard US Social Security Numbers likened to a sort of ID tag like the kind you put on cattle's ears, which I don't necessarily disagree with, but, yeah, sounds like they take it next level.

Thanks for sharing. I get lonely sometimes. Maybe this cult is just what I need!
Edit: (jk, jk)
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Thats interesting, thanks for sharing and for the personal anecdote. I've heard US Social Security Numbers likened to a sort of ID tag like the kind you put on cattle's ears, which I don't necessarily disagree with, but, yeah, sounds like they take it next level.

Thanks for sharing. I get lonely sometimes. Maybe this cult is just what I need!

Mate, don't ever join a cult!


I knew a lady at work who drove around with no plates and no drivers liscense. When she got pulled over she would go into the "natural person" speil. "I'm not driving, I'm travelling", "I have not entered any contract with the DMV", and all that. It seems she's been getting away with it for years!

I don't want to be entertaining flat earth or contrails or harp, etc, either. Anything at least tangential to aliens and ufos, sure.


Gold Member
I knew a lady at work who drove around with no plates and no drivers liscense. When she got pulled over she would go into the "natural person" speil. "I'm not driving, I'm travelling", "I have not entered any contract with the DMV", and all that. It seems she's been getting away with it for years!

I don't want to be entertaining flat earth or contrails or harp, etc, either. Anything at least tangential to aliens and ufos, sure.

Nothing like that, no.

What I want is what I mentioned - for things that can dovetail with the ufo/alien phenomenom as either other explanations or can tangent into them or be somewhat relatable. Again using possible ancient civilizations as an example or the cave-paintings being due to everyone seeing the same thing in the sky at the same time.

Just simply to expand on what the thread can talk about a bit since they are a bit related but not different enough to carry it's own thread.

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
Nothing like that, no.

What I want is what I mentioned - for things that can dovetail with the ufo/alien phenomenom as either other explanations or can tangent into them or be somewhat relatable. Again using possible ancient civilizations as an example or the cave-paintings being due to everyone seeing the same thing in the sky at the same time.

Just simply to expand on what the thread can talk about a bit since they are a bit related but not different enough to carry it's own thread.
I'd say go for it. The reaction you get will tell you whether it belongs or not


Ancient aliens is insane but it's a good show. In fact I though it was funny for years how ancient aliens is so fun and ufo hunters was fucking painful. Then I realized it was Georgio.

I saw him guest appear on some show about the loch ness monster, right... So he shows up in scotland at a monster gift shop looking like a huge dork and when the girl running it is immediately making body language like she wants him to murder her vagina. Then he's "theorizing" and he throws out THERE MIGHT BE A FUCKING WORMHOLE UNDER THE LOCH where plesiosaurs can time travel from the past. Then it clicked. This guy is fucking gold and he is not an idiot. He makes these shows fun the second he gets on camera.
I must say, I think he is on the border of batshit crazy and total genius. He seems to be having a lot of fun, often at himself ... such a joy to see him on resident alien https://www.syfy.com/syfy.com/resident-alien-giorgio-tsoukalos-ancient-aliens-interview

I would jump at the chance to spend an afternoon drinking with the guy. If I had the money, I would definetly spend a year or two in his shoes.
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I'm 100% for expanding this thread to include advanced ancient civilizations and anything else that some folks might consider "conspiracy theories".

All that stuff is like crossover catnip to me, and I'd bet it is for other people ITT
They have more or less confirmed this is all real short of the president addressing the nation. The crashed craft being retrieved are true and we can only assume recovered bodies as well at places like roswell.

This means we need to start considering some people who say they have been abducted are telling the truth.


I must say, I think he is on the border of batshit crazy and total genius. He seems to be having a lot of fun, often at himself ... such a joy to see him on resident alien.

I would jump at the chance to spend an afternoon drinking with the guy. If I had the money, I would definetly spend a year or two in his shoes.

Really, until it clicked, I would just make fun of him and though I didn't give it much thought, had some kind of feeling that he ruins any credibility the show might have. But now I see it all different and yes I am a legit fan.


They have more or less confirmed this is all real short of the president addressing the nation. The crashed craft being retrieved are true and we can only assume recovered bodies as well at places like roswell.

This means we need to start considering some people who say they have been abducted are telling the truth.

I'm not quite there yet. My conclusion going back for at least 10 years has gone no farther than "there is definitely some fucked up shit flying around". That much has definitely been settled.

I'm open to any remaining explanations for what it is. Space aliens might be the *least* strange explanation at this point. That shit could be ghosts, for all we know. Tooth fairy. Something weirder than weird.


Gold Member
This means we need to start considering some people who say they have been abducted are telling the truth.

It's honestly terrifying when you think about it.

Even more disconcerting are stories that not all abductions are done by the aliens "themselves" but that there are military abductions (MILAB) done using grey "drones" that we "have".

Shit just gets crazy the more you learn as you dive down.


not tag worthy
They have more or less confirmed this is all real short of the president addressing the nation. The crashed craft being retrieved are true and we can only assume recovered bodies as well at places like roswell.

This means we need to start considering some people who say they have been abducted are telling the truth.
Independence Day Hello GIF


not tag worthy
When flat earth started gaining traction, I went and looked up the YouTube videos I kept seeing referenced as being the most convincing. And was not at all convinced. But I did the same thing with UFO docs and did come away convinced there's more going on than is fully understood. I think allowing for the discussion can be fun regardless.

I like being exposed to the ideas, even if I don't end up espousing them, is what I'm saying.

Also what the heck is kindness credit? Couldn't seem to find much about that when I searched.
Rendlesham Forrest. Charles Halt. Nick Pope. Leslie Kwan’s book.

J Allen Hybeck. Didn’t he go from skeptic to believer also ?

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
Very interesting case with lots of witnesses, radar operators, pilots, and ground assets. Notice how one of the witnesses describes the movement of the object compared to the Nimitz encounter pilots.

I like to think I've got a decent BS detector and those interviewees seem to be shooting it straight. Air Force officers tend to be pretty credible like that


I like to think I've got a decent BS detector and those interviewees seem to be shooting it straight. Air Force officers tend to be pretty credible like that

Yeah, it just seems weird that all these officers from different branches and nations are telling a similar lie that goes back to ww2. It's incredibly impressive and expansive if so. The Russians have UFO nuclear silo account that is eerily similar to what happened in the US. The US silos went down for awhile, the difference with the Russians was their nukes started counting down for launch and suddenly stopped. Both were in conjunction with red UFOs shooting beams at the ground.


not tag worthy
Yeah, it just seems weird that all these officers from different branches and nations are telling a similar lie that goes back to ww2. It's incredibly impressive and expansive if so. The Russians have UFO nuclear silo account that is eerily similar to what happened in the US. The US silos went down for awhile, the difference with the Russians was their nukes started counting down for launch and suddenly stopped. Both were in conjunction with red UFOs shooting beams at the ground.
Yup. Everyone is playing prank. Especially the time they decided to chase a lighthouse at USA airforce base in British soil with nukes during the Cold War, for three nights. Such a jape


Yup. Everyone is playing prank. Especially the time they decided to chase a lighthouse at USA airforce base in British soil with nukes during the Cold War, for three nights. Such a jape

The 80 guys watching over the nukes were hallucinating or playihng grabass in the woods. Clearly a non-event of no national security interest.
If anyone is interested lol. Oh. And has Spotify. Take a listen

This is pretty fucking interesting.

I don't agree with parts of it but some of it is pretty mind blowing. The parts about dumbing down society with GMO in the COVID vaccine and graphine turning people in to attennas as a way to gather information. It made me wonder if our mobile phones/wifi/4g/5g electronic waves can detect changes in our mood in order to more accurately hit us with adverts.
Punching a hole in the Ionosphere to let the NASA rockets through so that the energy doesn't fry the rockets. Its a pretty batshit theory that makes sense and it got me thinking...the pyramids. Were they an ancient way to punch through the ionosphere to let craft enter/leave earth? Is that what the batteries were for? Is that what the lakes of red mercury in South American aztec pyramids were for?


Gold Member
The 80 guys watching over the nukes were hallucinating or playihng grabass in the woods. Clearly a non-event of no national security interest.

80 trained military personnel all tripping, whilst guarding nuclear materials........that's pretty 'high' on national security tbh. Would you be happy for me to be high on LSD running a nuclear power plant? Let alone in charge of nuclear weapons?
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80 trained military personnel all tripping, whilst guarding nuclear materials........that's pretty 'high' on national security tbh. Would you be happy for me to be high on LSD running a nuclear power plant? Let alone in charge of nuclear weapons?

Yes. As long as you use a condom.

I was being bitterly sarcastic. :> The lighthouse write-off for the case has pissed me off for all these years.


Gold Member
Yes. As long as you use a condom.

I was being bitterly sarcastic. :> The lighthouse write-off for the case has pissed me off for all these years.
Tbh I don't really buy that story overall, no real concrete evidence, other than tape recording and a drawing

I prefer the Malmstrom Air Force Base incident

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