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4 years ago today March 3rd 2017 one of the greatest games ever made was released


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Great game but a bit flawed.

Exploration was great, but in the long run it felt unrewarding most of the time. Also the difficulty curve was madness, it went from a hard game to a piss easy one by the end, something that could have been fixed just by limiting the amount of food you could eat at a given moment.

Aside from that I loved the game, and being able to play a game like this in comfy mode on the Switch was just the icing on the cake.


I haven’t played much but enjoyed the freedom of what I did play, I do own it on my switch. I’ll have to get to it eventually but just wanted to say that a game can be both overrated and great.
Good fun game but not the best Zelda, some would say it's barely a Zelda game, and i think it's huge shame that in the course of revolutionizing and shaking up the series they lost what made it unique in the first place! Here's hoping BOTW 2 devs learns from it's mistakes and not let the unending praise cloud their better judgment.
Great game, loved it. But the criticism it gets is valid.

But when looking at the complete package it was wonderful even with some of the design flaws.

Can't wait for BOTW2


Modern day ACs have completely shit the bed with their level gating. I was talking more about ac games that came before it. Black flag, unity and ac Brotherhood. When exploring was fun and rewarding.

The problem i had with the horses was that on your first trip to the four dungeons, they wnt you to walk or climb shit forcing you to leave your horse behind. I remember giving the game another chance going back to it after a few months and it took me like two hours just to get to the lesbian colony in the desert area because there were no stables around and i hadn't unlocked any fast travel points in that region. Then they told me i can't enter and that i would to find my way around the city. It was just a deflating feeling.

I hope they borrow from dark souls a bit. They have the weapons already. Let me upgrade them and give each weapon different attributes so i can create builds around it. It doesn't need arbitrary skill points per level up but there is no reason to not have upgrades trees for gadgets and abilities.

Instead of hiding korok seeds that only increase inventory space, add better rewards like weapon upgrades, armor upgrades and anything that makes these puzzles worth doing.

Let me call my damn horse from anywhere and have it spawn like in ghost of tsushima. It will fix so many issues.

Incorporating abilities like statis and magnets into combat would give make the combat far more dynamic.
Lmao lesbian colony, ok that got me. I feel you on the ac black flag. Dont know how they would balance builds in that kind of game but you might be on to something there, i believe different enemy types would necessitate the need for different play styles . One thing i liked in immortals was the combat and skill integration, mind you could use rune ability in combat it just wasn't very intuitive. Also in the desert there are sand seals for transport. Would really like an equipment upgrade sytem li,e instead of many diferent weapons laying around there would be permanent upgrades like adding elements to the sword that would require some resource to use.


Probably my favorite game last gen. Really excited for BOTW2.

I do hope they completely overhaul the weapons system tho. Make the more unique and cool weapons purchasable at different vendors. Currency would be the Korok seeds you win for the trials. No more managing inventory for a million similar enemy weapons.That plus more conventional dungeons and Nintendo just might have the perfect game on their hands...


I was ready to accept your opinion, but

"maybe you just weren't good at the game or took time to get good"

Bahahahaha. Get the fuck out with this shit.

'cause nowadays Nintendo games are so hard, huh?

I played enough to beat 2 of the Divine Beasts. I think that I played enough to have a good judgement of the game's mechanics.

The game is not hard, at all. Those things were just annoying, not hard.

If you are happy with the game that you got, good for you.

To me, it was as full of holes as a swiss cheese with its core mechanics, and I dont give a damn if you agree with me or not

You didn't play enough tbf.


Gold Member
It's incredible how this game sabotages every one of its mechanics

Here, one of Zelda's best combat system yet. But wait, here's also weapon degradation.

Climb everywhere! But wait, when it rains ... It'll suck. And it rains a lot.

Go anywhere! Actualy, don't. Not until you have the right gear for it, or you gather a lot of ingredients to cook a lot of food that makes you capable of exploring this area.

Here, have your horse! But you can't call it from everywhere. So always stay close to it.

Explore, there are thousands of things to find! Thousands of koroks seeds or shrines, I mean. Nothing else.

I spent too much time discussing about what I think about this game here, so I'll just leave it at that

I REALLY wanted to enjoy this game. It was the first game that I got for my Switch. But it tries really hard to make the experience less enjoyable at every turn.

It has so many design flaws that calling it one of the best games ever is almost painful.
I think the horse distance and cold/hot requirements are justified. The rest I fully agree with. It’s these things that hold it back from being amazing in my eyes, and it’s a shame.

I also think the game goes a bit too far in thinking its mechanics are solid at points. I seem to be the only one that has had this problem and talked about it, but in the blue fire dungeon there’s a door where you have to light a torch on the other side of a door with a hole in. I thought it would be fine, I’ve played plenty of Zelda games and I just need to fire an arrow through the flame to the target. No luck. After trying everything under the sun with what I’ve been taught by the game, I ended up looking up a video.

The solution is to equip a bow and arrow, then walk up to the flame so that the arrow catches fire. This is something that makes absolutely no sense to me, given that there’s no animation for it (that I remember) and I had absolutely no reason to think that when I exposed a wooden bow and wooden arrow to fire that just the tip of the arrow would be set alight. None at all. No reason to ever expect, assume, or guess that. I’ve been told that there’s a trial nearby that teaches it, but to this day I’ve never seen it. What was I supposed to do, leave the dungeon half way through and hope there’s a tutorial somewhere nearby for a mechanic I didn’t know existed? Yes this is a rant, but the game pissed me off with that.
One of the best games I have personally played. Top 20 all time for sure.

Weapon degradation I got used to eventually and I didn't mind it. I liked how it forced me to switch up my weapons. The main issue for me was thr lack of enemy variety and the lack of real reward for clearing out enemy camps. By the end of the game I was just running past them.
I can relate. And when I do that in games I feel like I’m skipping the designed encounters, so I’m actively ignoring the content of the game. To me that’s bad game design if I don’t want to engage with it.

But despite everything negative I’ve said, the changes needed to fix them aren’t much at all. More permanent weapons other than just the Master Sword (one per dungeon would be fine), making climbing not completely ruined by rain, and giving more of a reward for clearing out mobs wouldn’t take too much effort yet would be a massive improvement.

Giving us some dungeons and making them better than the 4 robots takes a lot more effort, but they easily could also have cut down on the 50,000 shrines in the massive world they made and used their time to better effect. Because it might be a great game, but it’s not a great Zelda game. It arguably fails on that front in a number of ways.

I have learned to enjoy the game more on some of my revisits by playing the game on its own terms and not mine. Things like accidentally learning that horses will follow roads that take you to your destination much more quickly than trying to navigate the world by hiking. It both cuts down on the climbing and saves you time. I still struggle with not wanting to use my good weapons, though. I will always save them for when they’re most needed, even if that day never comes.

Breath of the Wild was so close to being what OP sees it as for me, and I would love for the sequel to get there because there’s so many solid elements to the game and its systems. People spend hundreds of hours playing with the mechanics, and that’s a testament to how solid they are.


Gold Member
Yeah when they are gonna fix all the major flaws, the sequel is gonna be one to remember.

The first one was a nice 7-8\10.


You should have waited for another year, because 4 years is nothing. 5/10/15/20 years are significant numbers, but 4 is just a regular one, like 7 or 9. Opening this thread, I expected something unusual/unpopular, like Rain World or whatever, not a masterpiece praised by everyone.
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For me the second best game ever made (Doom will always be number 1) but more importantly BOTW and the Switch ended a near 20 year break from console gaming for me. I played it to death for two solid months, every day having lapsed and become a casual gamer. I just could't get over a game as sprawling and sophisticated being possible on a hand-held. What a game. I have no problem with some people considering it overrated but when I see some on here claiming its shit and the worst Zelda game ever, well, fuck off. You don't deserve to play games :messenger_hushed:


Gold Member
There are more Ubisoft games with a less barren and lifeless map than breath of the wild, I'd say the combat was fun but then my sword broke and it became a chore where I actively went out of my way go avoid combat. I got to the point where I had beaten the 4 avatars "dungeons" with there copy paste boss fight and then just quit... I had absolutely no drive to complete it, first Zelda game I have never finished since A link to the past, hell I prefer Skyward sword to it...
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Still got it on WiiU, but it's never really clicked with me. It's not the worst Zelda out there, or one of the GOATS either, but it's an interesting stepping stone for the direction the series is likely to go in future mainline games.

Then again I quite enjoyed Skyward Sword on the Wii, heretical to the wider Zelda fanbase, so my view of the franchise differs a lot to most anyway.


Amazing game. Love it and deserves the love it gets.

Not for every game fan or even every Zelda fan but what game is?

I still to dis day dislike the weapon break. Really hoping they get rid of that mechanic for BOTW2
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I played, loved it, then I moved to other games. The game is incredible at times, and frustrating at others (especially the weapon degrading system). It's a solid 9 to 9.5 to me, but I don't blame some people for not liking it, I can understand them to some extent.


Today marks the 4th anniversary of the Legend of Zelda Breath pf the Wild, in my opinion one of the greatest games ever made and to me shows how exploration in an open world should be done. The sense of adventure this game invokes is something I personally have never experienced in an open world before, and the amount of freedom it offers is best in class. No game is perfect however, hyrule can use less rain and yes the weapon degradation is annoying and the lack of real dungeons sucked, although I didn't mind, but in spite of those annoyances this game is still one of the greats. The legend of zelda is my favorite gaming series and this game represents what a zelda world should be, free and open and I hope more games earn from it's open nature (no you asshat thinking I mean I want every open world game to have the protag climbing every surface and paragliding down everywhere, I just mean the world should be more open and you should have the choice to approach an objective in different ways like deus ex and dishonored but bigger). I have have high hopes for it's sequel and I believe Nintendo can pull it off and I would go so far as to say it might be their
One of the most overrated games of all time. If this not your first zelda you should be ashamed. This zelda didn't even have dungeons.....playing it on master mode is an experience though.
With any hope, time will wear on the opinions of BOTW and people will realize it's not good. Skyward sword is legitimately good but people still hate it largely, and it's better than Wind Waker.

Zelda cycle blah blah blah lol.


Gold Member
I never expected BOTW to enthrall me like it did. I was even on the fence about buying it until last minute. But the game came in at the right time for me to dedicate time to it, and boy did I dedicate some time to it. For a few weeks, BOTW was the only thing I’d think about when not working. I’d come home, boot up the game and play it for hours on end. Took my Switch along whenever and wherever possible to squeeze some more time out of the game. It was borderline addiction, and I loved every minute of it.

Ended up spending more than 100 hours on the game, and just in time. Come the second half of 2017, I could never do that again due to work reasons.

The game may have its flaws, but it’s the way it constantly manages to titillate your curiosity that makes it great. Not even Xenoblade made me so happy to find new places. I remember the moment I got to the desert and saw the circle of statues from above while paragliding. I remember discovering the seaside village after dozens of hours, having narrowly but completely missed it while going through that area, just like it could happen in the real world.

BOTW is a game full of wonder. It deserves all the praise and some more. There’s no open world game without its gameplay issues; this one just makes those issues largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, imo. Yeah, I too hated the rain, and more than once. Yeah, sometimes I’d wish I could keep that new weapon. In the end, the pure pleasure of playing the game wiped away any concern.
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Gruesomely overrated by Nintendo loving manchildren and pansexual, genderfluid game journalists.

It's okay. Sometimes fun. Sometimes boring.
This post...🙄

I wonder what endorphine or serotonin gets secreted into folk when they shit on a thread from on high that makes it so pleasurable and irresistible to do...?


While it's not GOAT for me, I really loved this game (my first Zelda game, pls don't hit me).

Contrary to most people, I liked the weapon durability system and weather effects (including rain). For me, I would like a sequel to engage even deeper with these systems. Make traversal more extreme and more of a challenge, rather than just have enough stamina food to ascend any mountain.

For instance, use the physics and sheika slate abilities more in the open word for traversal puzzles. Like, make an airship out of a flat rock wall using those octorock balloons to get to the birdman village or something. Make us cross a dangerous ocean with the threat of starvation and heat exhaustion to get to the water people village. Make scaling a mountain in a rainstorm a legitimate threat of death rather than a mild annoyance.

And with the weapon durability, I think it needs tuning to either be more or less extreme to really work. I like the idea of scrounging from battle to battle to inch your way through a hostile environment, but with the current balancing you always have a wide array of weapons readily available. In this scenario I think most people would have more fun with fewer unique but unbreakable weapons.

Even though my suggestions are completely ridiculous, I think Nintendo reached a really good balance with the gameplay systems of the game. Especially considering the extreme popularity of the game. I feel like all those exploration and survival elements could easily have made the game a complete slog for everyone if tuned incorrectly. I doubt any of my ideas are suitable for a mass audiences, but I'm very excited to see where they'll go with BotW2.
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Feels like longer ago than that.... and I played the game from launch for about a year. Some of the most fun exploring I have ever had in a video game.

The sequel cannot come soon enough! I am hoping they can make the map feel fresh again. Would live to scour Hyrule again.


Please don’t bring TLOU2 into Zelda thread /s
Funny you should mention.

I totally got lost in BOTW and adored the world, the freedom and experience.

I then went to play TLOU and hated the obvious handrails that predetermine the path you have to tread...still loved the story and the tactical combat but the "fakeness" of the path negatively impacted on immersion... BOTW was to blame and I love it for that.


One of the biggest dips for me. Absolutely adored it when I first started, then it just sort of "stopped". Just before heading to the final dungeon I put it down seemingly for good.

Maybe one day I'll go ahead and finish it.
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