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God of War Sequel and Gran Turismo 7 are Cross Generation Titles

Is your argument that by being the lowest it will "hold back" the gen no matter what, even if the difference was hypothetically like .01 HZ? Then sure technically you could be correct, but the Series S will not have any real meaningful detriment to next gen game design, so saying it will "hold back" the gen seems disingenuous and kind of fanboyish.
Indeed. Of course it also ignores every future Xbox game will be on PC yet somehow the XSS is the lowest common denominator not low end PCs. It's pretty cool how that works.

On topic it's great to see all major businesses see the benefits of cross gen development. MS even took extra steps to ensure those cross gen games have an easier time getting the power of their box without having to code specifically for it.

Mr Moose

Indeed. Of course it also ignores every future Xbox game will be on PC yet somehow the XSS is the lowest common denominator not low end PCs. It's pretty cool how that works.

On topic it's great to see all major businesses see the benefits of cross gen development. MS even took extra steps to ensure those cross gen games have an easier time getting the power of their box without having to code specifically for it.
Yup, if games have to work on dog shit PCs (like my GPU) then that's the lowest.
I will hopefully get a 3060 or a 2060S soon-ish.


Not sure how I feel about this.

Surely though, unless they are fully prepared to develop 2 distinct games, then there is some sort of compromise. Either the PS5 version is held back or the PS4 version runs like shit.
I am hoping for the latter. LOL.
scared season 1 GIF by The White Princess


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
PS4 userbase is too big to be ignored, with the current COVID situation, it makes no sense to launch the game next gen only.

But thats not the point here.
Even as a PS owner, I gonna say that when you say something to the public, you better mean it because people is going to remember what you say.

A stupid mistake by Jim here.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
The fact sonys trying to spin asobi as a new studio, when they’ve been an established studio for years now, says a lot.
It IS a new studio, different studio name and team, the old one is no more.


No one took that out of context. There is a video with the banner "PS5 Exclusive" that features God of War in it. There is no way around it. But Jim Ryan knew what he was implying anyway, so most would hold him to that statement, regardless.

And yes, they also lied about the release date. They didn't suddenly realize the game wasn't going to make the 2021 release date. Everyone and their mother knew the moment it was announced. It's totally lame, but feel free to defend it.
Which big banner said PS5 Exclusive? I call bullshit because I've been following GOW Ragnorok news religiously and even was predicting it's DLC:

All we had is some resetera user doing some dumb assumption. Don't know where you are getting this 'big banner with PS5 exclusive' from.


FFS! I really wanted to see what this team could do with a PS5 and it's controller by making it solely for that system. GOW PS4 did not wow me the way GOW3 did on the PS3. The open world felt a bit empty with repetitive enemies.

When it comes to Horizon we don't know how that might've looked and played as a PS5 exclusive.
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FFS! I really wanted to see what this team could do with a PS5 and it's controller by making it solely for that system. GOW PS4 did not wow me the way GOW3 did on the PS3. The open world felt a bit empty with repetitive enemies.

When it comes to Horizon we don't know how that might've looked and played as a PS5 exclusive.
Even on the island, while pretty, was empty as hell
On the PS5, that island would be filled with dinobots and NPC characters
Probably bigger in size too


Is it me or does it feel like all hype and momentum Sony had just vanished? Is that hyperbolic to say, perhaps? Anybody else feel this way?

It's just you. PlayStation is breaking gaming history records in most areas:
-Making more money than themselves or the other platform holders ever did
-Launch aligned PS5 is the best selling console ever on its life cycle point even if supply constrained
-PS4 is only 2.5M away of the same at its life cycle point
-PS4 is the console with more games sold for it in gaming history, over 1500 million games, almost 3X the amount of games sold for Switch
-Sony's first party games sell more than ever
-Sony's exclusives have been dominating GOTY awards and nominations for the last decade or so
-PS4 has almost 100 million monthly active users even if being 8 years old
-PS5 has higher user engament than PS4
-Several recent videos of PS5 and the main recent/upcoming Sony exclusives broke records on YouTube an social media
-They just released Returnal, got a great reception and Sony is very happy with its results
-Horizon 2 and Ratchet recent trailers got great numbers and feedback a few days ago

So no, all that didn't magically vanished because now instead of ~14 million PS5 players there are going to be ~140 PS4+PS5 million players how will be able to buy these couple of games.
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God dammit Sony. Will keep my Ps4 pro and wait for a PS5 slim or Pro. Last gen physics, last gen gameplay and etc.


Next God of War being on PS4 eliminates my only real reason to get a PS5, thanks Jimbo!

I guess playing at the highest quality the game can be at on day 1 of its release isn't enough of a reason? That is a pedestrian move.
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So for those who already have a PS4 they get to keep it for longer? Sounds good in my book. I might even go an grab a second hand PS4 just to play some games.

Good news!


I think they are trying to hype them up because they dissolved their Japan Studio branch.
It IS a new studio, different studio name and team, the old one is no more.
What does it say?

They didn't dissolve Japan Studio, they restructured it.

They downsized Japan Studio and refocused its internal development staff around Team Asobi, which was one of the internal teams inside Japan Studio, so Team Asobi got people from the other Japan Studio games. This team already were using this Team Asobi name for their two games, the Astro games.

The Sony 2nd party management now is going to be handled globally from XDEV, the ones who until now handled the European 2nd party games and were way more successful than Japan Studio with the 2nd party Japanese games and Santa Monica with the 2nd party American games.

According to both Hermen and Ryan, they will continue releasing 2nd party Japanese games but being handled from another office. They also said they are mantaining their existing relationships with external Japanese games and creating new ones.

So no, maybe they now are getting a new office because they are going to be less people, and maybe will rebrand it from Japan Studio to Team Asobi (name they were already using, and because they are only team there so it would be the same and wouldn't make sense to have 2 names for a single team) but it isn't a new studio or team. They are the guys who made the Astro games (plus previous Japan Studio games).
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I like the "cross gen isn't so bad, just pare it down like its done on PCs" commentary now that Horizon was shown with great visuals + this news, as if that isn't all of us have been saying regarding the Series S, except the Series S has the benefits of near identical CPU and SSD as Series X, unlike the slow HDD and shit CPU of last gen. :rolleyes:
Horizon looks like a PS4 game with better lighting


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
They didn't dissolve Japan Studio, they restructured it.

They downsized Japan Studio and refocused its internal development staff around Team Asobi, which was one of the internal teams inside Japan Studio. They already were using this name for their two games, the Astro games.

The 2nd party management now is going to be handled globally from XDEV, the ones who until now handled the European 2nd party games and were way more successful than Japan Studio with the Japanese games and Santa Monica with the American games.

So according to both Hermen and Ryan they will continue releasing 2nd party Japanese games but being handled from another office.

So no, maybe they now are getting a new office because they are going to be less people, but it isn't a new studio.
technically, Japan Studio is no more, i personally consider it a new studio.


It looks great, but if Horizon was built for PS5, it would look much better. Perhaps Ray tracing, better animations, higher fps to name a few
Thers already a good amount of Crossgen games that use Ray Tracing on PS5. Miles Morales for example use Ray Tracing on PS5. Demon's Souls is a PS5 game only and dosent use ray tracing.

A crossgen game dosent stop a game on PS5 to have better visuals or FPS. pretty much all cross gen games on PS5 have both of those things.
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I never paid attention before, but I've noticed quite a few instances where if the situation was reversed, there will be a huge blowout against xbox, but Sony kind of gets a pass for some reason.. most of the "media" do that as well, not sure why tho. Must be something to do with market share and clicks or whatever.

Like for example if Microsoft said they would offer expandable storage, and 6 months into production they didn't have it, there will be 100s of articles and memes about it lol
It’s pathetic, the bias gets tiring and yeah Microsoft does deserve a lot of criticism but in the long run they have done really good and it’s why I have both systems of Xbox but in all it’s annoying.


No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
RIP. Disappointed but they are still going to be amazing games.

also I’m sick of idiots parroting “we believe in generations” as some kind of gotcha. The reality is Xbox wanted to make all games play on all their systems for the foreseeable future, including the ancient Xbox.

Sony saying they believe in generations still holds true because they have a clear separation between PS4 and ps5. There are exclusives, there are crossgen games like normal, nothing has changed when looking back at each generation. They made a system that has clear generational differences and are using them, such as dualsense and tempest audio, even on crossgen games. This is markedly different from Xbox’s “all games on all xboxes” approach.

Stop being obviously disingenuous for console warrior points.
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Well that tends to happen when you release a lot of high quality and highly rated games over several generations.

Whether it's fair or not Microsoft are judged based on their output. Phil saying nice things and doing pro-consumer stuff can only take Xbox so far in the eyes of many. They need to start delivering amazing games to get people to stop being hypercritical of them.

It's the same way Nintendo gets a free pass for almost anything they do, they deliver incredible games. There's no hidden agenda in the gaming media against Microsoft. I can guarantee you when they start delivering GOTY caliber games all this negative talk surrounding Xbox will fade away.
How long has Phil been steering the ship? The man practically saved Xbox. He will deliver again also, no doubt.
So for those who already have a PS4 they get to keep it for longer? Sounds good in my book. I might even go an grab a second hand PS4 just to play some games.

Good news!
I'm ok with cross generation titles tbh
I’m fine with Cross gen too, I just hate that Sony was trying to avoid bad PR then. But now it’s actually worse because of that deceit.

I may end up upgrading to a Pro with this news if I can get it for $150 or less...
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Playing at the highest quality isn't worth the extra $400/$500 for just the one game.
To each his own. I paid 1800 for a 3090 just to play Cyberpunk 2077 at its highest setting. As a bonus, i'm able to play other games at extremely high fidelity. No regrets.
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thats why i say technically, most japan studio staff is no more.

Everybody knows that.
Yes, Sony said they shut down the Japan Studio part dedicated to handle 2nd party games, because they will continue publishing 2nd party games but globally from XDEV, and downsized their internal development part firing some people and putting the other ones into Team Asobi, their most successful internal development team.

So Team Asobi remained as the only Japan Studio team, so they rebranded/refunded the studio using the Team Asobi name because it wouldn't make sense to have 2 names for a single team.

We know a few known Japan Studio devs left the studio, we don't know if in addition to them they fired a few or a ton more internal development devs. We have no idea of the number. And we don't know if they fired all the 2nd party team or if they moved some people so Sony Japan headquarters or to XDEV, etc.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
It’s pathetic, the bias gets tiring and yeah Microsoft does deserve a lot of criticism but in the long run they have done really good and it’s why I have both systems of Xbox but in all it’s annoying.
Colin Moriarity called them out on it immediately today. He runs the biggest Sony fan podcast. Imran Khan made fun of the i believe in generations thing as well.

This entire forum has been on fire all day because Sony fans have revolted instead of sitting down and making excuses. You will find one or two blind fanboys baghdad bobbing this but the overwhelming majority of Sony fans are absolutely sickened by this. On here, on twitter, on era, and even on Sony's own blog.
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