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Which one will have the bigger cultural impact? TLOU show or Mario Bros movie?

Which one will have the bigger cultural impact?

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Which one will have the bigger cultural impact? TLOU is a critically acclaimed tv series that has drawn in lots of viewers and not just the traditional gamer. Mario Bros film has yet to be released, but is seen as more general audience friendly. Of course the movie could bomb like the 1993 one. Video game adaptations to the big screen doesn't always work out well, but maybe that could all change with this one. So which one will have the bigger cultural impact when it's all said and done?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
TLOU has already been provoking people gen X and older to return to games, at least to try out the first game. At least it looks that way according the Reddit and what little other social media I still browse.

I don’t think the Mario Bros movie will be bringing anything new to the zeitgeist, but I’d be pleasantly surprised if it does.


I don't know. But Mario already has a cultural impact that dwarfs that of TLOU. I see it difficult for the movie to make it even bigger. I think that, of the two, TLOU is the one that will end up benefiting the most from the existence of its adaptation, while for Mario it's just business as usual.


Already TLOU

Mario is already the biggest gaming IP in the world, a movie with Chris Pratt isn't about to change that


TLOU without a doubt since you’re asking about the movie & the show, not the IP’s in general.
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Gold Member
Both are derived from games that already have had a bigger cultural impact than their filmic versions could ever hope to achieve.
TLOU is a zombie show among a million and Mario is a kids' movie that means nothing to those who don't know the games. Both will soon be forgotten by anyone who doesn't play video games.

Astral Dog

They have different enough demographics/target audiences that i don't think it even matters




Will be a bloodthirsty fight


Both of these properties already have a demonstrabe “cultural impact”. Hell I was driving the other week and I saw a Firefly bumper sticker. For TLOU it’s only up from here, while Mario, is Mario, so I don’t think that’s really a concern.
Mario will have 0 additional cultural impact, other than what Mario already has.

TLOU has made the Internet explode with memes and praise for the show, and for Pedro in particular. Can't even tell you how many Instagram stories etc I've seen from female friends especially, who are obsessed with the show (and have never heard of the game before).
If you asked me a year ago, I'd had guessed Mario. But, it's definitely The Last of Us.

Mario will be a huge hit, but it will come and go and won't really change how people already think of Super Mario, who everyone's grandma already knows.

TLOU show is such a hit that it might be even more recognized as the show than it is as a videogame.


I don't know how you would answer this question, even if we already knew how the Mario movie was going to perform. It's like asking, "What had the bigger cultural impact, The Walking Dead or The Lego Movie?"

I voted Mario, because I assumed we're talking about broad cultural saturation, shit like memes and merchandise, but TLOU will almost certainly win out in terms of awards, prestige, and critical acclaim.
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Gold Member
TLOU has already been provoking people gen X and older to return to games, at least to try out the first game. At least it looks that way according the Reddit and what little other social media I still browse.

I don’t think the Mario Bros movie will be bringing anything new to the zeitgeist, but I’d be pleasantly surprised if it does.

Keep an eye on the Amazon games charts when the movie launches. I predict the top 20 will be Switch games with Mario in them.

By definition Mario appeals to about 100x more people than a franchise about extreme violence.*

*I love both TLOU games and very much enjoyed the TV show.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Keep an eye on the Amazon games charts when the movie launches. I predict the top 20 will be Switch games with Mario in them.

By definition Mario appeals to about 100x more people than a franchise about extreme violence.*

*I love both TLOU games and very much enjoyed the TV show.

Spiking sales should be expected and wouldn't be a new phenomenon, but that isn't a cultural impact.


Gold Member
What “cultural impact” did TLOU show cause outside of spiking TLOU games?

TLOU is one of the best games ever made… which now has a TV show.

The Super Mario movie will be all over social media, tv spots, Kids and their families will be pact into cinemas for weeks and sales of Switch hardware, software, accessories and Mario merchandise will all explode.

Super Mario is simply put one of the biggest IP’s in all of entertainment. His appeal is arguably as large as anything Disney offer. He appeals to a massive global audience from young kids to 50 year old nerds.

The Switch games alone staring Mario have sold over 160 million units and generated more than $8 billion in revenue and that’s not including all the Switch hardware Mario games singlehandedly sold and trips to their theme parks he has generated.

It’s an apples to oranges comparison and just not fair to TLOU tbh. The only games that come close to the same global appeal of Super Mario is Pokemon, Minecraft, Fortnite CoD and GTA V.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
What “cultural impact” did TLOU show cause outside of spiking TLOU games?
I mentioned it in the post you quoted, that it appears to be attracting people back to the hobby. Beyond that, it also seems to be making some people aware that games aren't all for kids, it can be serious drama. There really is a lot of people out there that thinks all games are like Mario Bros or mobile stuff. Like my boss.


That poll was a lot closer than I expected. I was voting for the Mario movie out of spite; I was expecting a TLoU rout.
Simply because of what's about to happen in Season 2 of TLoU, definitely TLoU.

But even without the inevitable discourse, still TLoU.

I do think this will be the start of a massive Mario film franchise, but... it's Mario.



Mario movie will sell tickets like crazy, but is not something ppl will be talking about a week or 2 after watching it. Families will go watch it with they kids for the entertainment value of a loved IP, maybe buy some merch. Sales of the Mario games will most likelly take a boost, but thats it. Mario is Mario and everyone knows him already. Hes around for 30 years. Mario as a game character already had the cultutal impact many decades ago, I dont see the movie changing anything.

TLOU is new to a big audience, the shock value in the series is enough to generate conversation and debate around it. The word of mount surround TLOU Show series is already crazy. So TLOU show is aleady having a big cultural impact.
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I doubt either will have any real cultural impact, but probably Last of Us, if only because Mario is already such a household name that it's not going to really affect anybody, whereas Last of Us might trigger people to look into the Last of Us, unless the Mario movie is some absolute smash hit then that might change things


With the obvious answer?

... Which is?

I'm not being snarky here. I honestly have no idea.

I feel like you think it's The Walking Dead, but only because I'm also guessing you're an American male in his 30s or 40s, probably without kids. I think different demographics would give vastly different answers to that question, which is my point.


Mario is the bigger game in the overall picture but this movie is just more of what people have already been getting. Not saying that is a good or bad but TLOU shows that a video game can be turned into a quality drama that people who never even picked up a controller can enjoy.


Mario is so much bigger than TLOU. A comparison of impact is difficult to make given that practically everybody on the planet can already recognize Mario. Speaking purely in terms of change in recognition it's probably TLOU. In terms of overall revenue and buzz I think the Mario movie is going to be bigger.


TLOU just another zombie series. things already been done many times ago and it wont stop there.

parent daughter bonding also not first things done too.

so i doubt TLOU has much cultural impact since it bring nothing new and the series itself is the result of pre-existing of other popular on going pop culture trend.


Mario is a soulless corporate Minions dumb kids movie made for kids and man children. TLOU show was pretty sick aside from all the explicit gay sex. Just a little gay sex would have been fine but phew
Well, maybe I won’t check this out. Are they pushing boundaries to be extra woke?
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