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Returnal has gone GOLD!


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Yes? If you want to call it a game you are not interested in then do so, if you want to question its budget and call it AA or whatever then do so. "Indie game" it is not though even if you were talking typical indie budgets.

sorry for trying to be concise. It’s a mid tier game made by a pervious independent studio that only made $20-30 games in the past published by Sony...

Rolls right off the tongue. Sorry I’ll keep the syntax police in mind next time I post.

Corrected my original post just for you.
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'Cool story Bro'
Why do Returnal threads always get derailed by the same comments about her character design?
The gameplay itself looks pretty sick, but even when the thread topic is about the game going gold, these same comments show up without fail. :/
I would have thought the latest Watch Dogs would have broken the stigma of playing as a grandma, but I guess it's still seen as taboo by gamers.

forgive me :lollipop_anguish:
These fucking incels have nothing better to do.

Obviously, they wouldn't know what to do with the taco, even if they had one sitting in front of them.

It's strange how any criticism of the character design becomes "you must want her porn-ified, you incel" -- it's rather revealing how you interpret any preference for a better female design as necessarily meaning we want a sexualized female design.

No--it would be nice to just have a female design that isn't deliberately made to be ugly & scowling for vaguely political reasons... and that's all the complaints above began with; not a word was spoken at the outset about her needing to be sexy. As a decidedly non-incel (middle-aged family man), let me give you a better picture of it, since I seem to be facing an internet-addicted generation who think "feminine" means "sexualized," since they only know the world through porn & video games:

Most of the wars over gender representation are in fact not waged across sexes, but within sexes. There's a vocal subset of women--easy to recognize in the young, politically obsessed, childless & academic world--who despise another subset of women (my wife, for instance, since she's a mother & homemaker) to the point where they have a hysterical need to eliminate anything from popular depictions of women that might suggest motherhood or heterosexuality, including everything from having a feminine facial structure to having longer hair, a non-"fierce" smile, any very typical female elements of softer features, or even a body shape with female markers like hips. All of these become unacceptable, and the definition of "badass female character" becomes "she must be made to overwhelmingly invert all dominant beauty norms."

So what we end up getting is an increasingly eye-rolling series of female designs in Western games and media who are crafted out of resentment, and who follow the same tired patterns: squarer jaws, scowling faces on all the cover art, pre-pubescent boy bodyshapes or masculine muscular builds, short pop-lesbian inspired hair, heights that are way out of the standard deviation for a woman, etc. Game after game after game goes this direction, and it's profoundly dull. It's also sexist in its own way, because it suggests that a character who represents normal femininity in any way would be a weaker representation by definition.

I vote with my wallet, and games that emerge from that mindset just aren't worth spending on. You can pretend it's a secondary matter in this game, but the advertising has rather decidedly focused on her scowling face and weirdly boyish body, so they've told us all we need to know about their vision.
Sounds fake but I wouldn’t put anything past Sony these days. Their transition from one of the least woke places on 🌍 (Japan) to by far biggest (California) is nothing short of stunning. I guess they figured gamers are next demographic group they needed to indoctrinate, academia and culture have long been conquered. It’s doomed to fail in the end just like everything else that’s forced upon and unnatural.


You guys infest every thread with this shit and then, like clockwork, wheel out the “what about the woke agenda?” speech

It’s boring and nobody cares as much as you think they should

Nah, Sony needs to only make whore-like protagonists.



If she's not hot, dressed like a stripper, and extremely weak-built like she never had a catfight at school then that's some serious agenda.

If she wears normal, convincing clothes or armor then you know what that means; intentionally forcing their woke agenda.



And be ware of The Worst of Us!


And why the fuck use steroids in an apocalyptical world full of zombies and monsters?


She only needs those muscles if she's an MMA fighter, there is the real danger not zombies.


Also Abby gets fucked! That's crazy! Only muscular men can get fucked, not muscular females.

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I hope those critics play the game and beat the game first. I really think Metacritics is becoming 4chan Elite now. It should be tied by a vetted user account for each critic and show that they actually played at least a decent amount of the game.
Yeah not trusting too many game critics.
I'm pretty sure that I'll buy it day one, but before that I would like to get some idea if it's a half decent game.

Of course it will, it's a Housemarque game.
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Yeah not trusting too many game critics.
I'm pretty sure that I'll buy it day one, but before that I would like to get some idea if it's a half decent game.

Of course it will, it's a Housemarque game.

Preordering it before it gets available for download like a day before or so. It's not like we got anything worth playing now, really. But this Metacritic bullshit should tie all users to their original PSN, XBN, Steam etc accounts so BS gets banned from bombing reviews and the main critics show the receipts that they actually played the fucking game and beaten it. If the Critic isn't good enough to beat the game then he/she should shut the fuck up and let other true critics do it.
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The plot 🤣🤣🤣🤣



Really hope it ain’t true, but I’m sure it probably is

Way to go woke Housemarque. Enjoy going broke.

In a way I kind of hope it's true just for the backlash coming.

From a gaming perspective something like this feels kind of the worst way to do storytelling in a game.

It would be like a developer wanting to make a game about something but there is no good way to tell that story through gameplay so let's make a game and then just tell the story separately with the game basically being a dream sequence.

It satisfies the people who insist that everything is political in the most stupid way. We've made a rogue-like Sci fi action shooter game but actually the game is just the dreams of an activist who got PTSD from the Trump presidency so after every level we have a cutscene where they talk about that.

Pretty funny.

I wonder if it would be praised for tricking people who see the gameplay and like it but definitely wouldn't be into this story. Kind of forcing them to experience a narrative that is hidden behind unrelated gameplay.
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Great stuff. He did the soundtrack for Midsommar which was amazing and disturbing in equal measures. That’s some good taste for videogame music. Creative decisions for Returnal look to be perfect.

I think the game seems crazy hard, but Selene seems pretty nimble to counter all these crazy, colorful roguelike shots at you. Seems to have a special feel as I've never seen a roguelike game that is based on current, top tier animations in 3D, only indies and other very basic/simple games that feel too outdated.

Sony is taking risk here but glad they've greenlit this game, hope it's good enough for the new asking price.
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Haven't even heard whispers of review codes going out yet, like you usually would by this stage. I wonder if Sony are leaving it a bit closer to release than they usually do?


Haven't even heard whispers of review codes going out yet, like you usually would by this stage. I wonder if Sony are leaving it a bit closer to release than they usually do?

Maybe they're not happy with how Critics are taking it going forward. I think Uncharted 4 if it was released today it would be bashed to 80's instead of its deserved number now for being "typical, boring white protagonist, etc", probably the same for GOW. There has been a steep shift in this BS happening with all the agendas from all sides.
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  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Isa


Maybe they're not happy with how Critics are taking it going forward. I think Uncharted 4 if it was released to day it would be bashed to 80's instead of it's deserved number now for being "typical, boring white protagonist, etc", probably the same for GOW. There has been a steep shift in this BS happening with all the agendas from all sides.
Problem with Sony is they need these critical reviews to infuse the hype cycle for a $70 game like this. If this was a Plus game they could ignore game critics but not when asking for that much money. Hopefully they added enough woke winks and nods to get the Twitter seal of approval.


Problem with Sony is they need these critical reviews to infuse the hype cycle for a $70 game like this. If this was a Plus game they could ignore game critics but not when asking for that much money. Hopefully they added enough woke winks and nods to get the Twitter seal of approval.

Maybe there is an embargo then, keeping it there until like few days before release or after release if they're not confident. I'm one buying the game because there isn't really enough games to play anyway.
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Maybe there is an embargo then, keeping it there until like few days before release or after release if they're not confident. I'm one buying the game because there isn't really enough games to play anyway.
Probably. I really want to pre-order the game but can't bring myself to do it until I hear some impressions from somewhere (not Polygon or Kotaku). Even here would do.


Probably. I really want to pre-order the game but can't bring myself to do it until I hear some impressions from somewhere (not Polygon or Kotaku). Even here would do.

Well, count us in then. I'm always honest, but my cup of tea might be different than yours or you don't even like tea to begin with. You just need to visit this thread I think you'll catch some first impressions, which can be deceivable as this replayability shit can feel charming at first but if not designed properly to last well till the end its magic will fade away quickly. This is the same with Deathloop which I think it's even worst in this regard as it feels much smaller in scope and more static. Both are coming with this fight-die-repeat scenario.
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You got proof it’s fake or are you just crossing fingers?
Sony insider here with the real plot of returnal.

It’s actually a metaphor for reality of Xbox as a platform in the game industry. It’s crazy but trust me, this is all true.

First the house. This is my personal favorite part of the game. The guys at howsymarqy (what we insiders call them) really killed it with this. It’s symbolic of the “Xbox safe space” also known as the first couple hours of playing a new Xbox first party where the player is still trying to convince themself they are having fun and that the game lives up to Microsoft’s hype. Think halo 5, gears 5, and crackdown 3. There’s a bunch of little Easter eggs here, the best one is the hbox which you can have the character turn on, and your character sits there staring at a blank screen and an internal monologue plays wondering where all the games are.

As for the rouge-like aspect of the game, the purpose is to have the character represent Xbox executives trying to “win.” Think of each new upgrade or weapon you pick up as something new Xbox has tried. The speed boost power up is referred to internally as the power of the cloud. The strongest gun in terms of pure damage output is actually a reskin of the starting weapon. The player is meant to feel happy about the power, but they quickly realize some of the other rare weapons are far more fun to use. The dying and reset aspect of being a roguelike is symbolism for each time the Xbox ends up last in any given console generation but gets a surge in cash from Microsoft to try again. The best Easter egg during this part of the game is a master chief secret boss section. You enter his arena ready to fight but he breaks down crying and begs to be put out of his misery.

The enemies are the real twist. You start off thinking they represent Nintendo and Sony’s first parties and various services, but come to realize they are stands in for things like Kinect, red ring of death, and consumer taste. As the game progresses far enough though, you finally encounter Bill Pencer. The ruler of this world. He wants, desperately, for the player to succeed but has a jekyll and hyde type of thing going on. He’ll throw you power ups and dope weapons at the start of the fight, but transforms into his evil personality and starts throwing out crazy combos that will one shot the player. This is the final twist of the game, there is no end. He is impossible to beat. You can never win, just keep playing the cycle over and over.

Prove this fake.
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Sony insider here with the real plot of returnal.

It’s actually a metaphor for reality of Xbox as a platform in the game industry. It’s crazy but trust me, this is all true.

First the house. This is my personal favorite part of the game. The guys at howsymarqy (what we insiders call them) really killed it with this. It’s symbolic of the “Xbox safe space” also known as the first couple hours of playing a new Xbox first party where the player is still trying to convince themself they are having fun and that the game lives up to Microsoft’s hype. Think halo 5, gears 5, and crackdown 3. There’s a bunch of little Easter eggs here, the best one is the hbox which you can have the character turn on, and your character sits there staring at a blank screen and an internal monologue plays wondering where all the games are.

As for the rouge-like aspect of the game, the purpose is to have the character represent Xbox executives trying to “win.” Think of each new upgrade or weapon you pick up as something new Xbox has tried. The speed boost power up is referred to internally as the power of the cloud. The strongest gun in terms of pure damage output is actually a reskin of the starting weapon. The player is meant to feel happy about the power, but they quickly realize some of the other rare weapons are far more fun to use. The dying and reset aspect of being a roguelike is symbolism for each time the Xbox ends up last in any given console generation but gets a surge in cash from Microsoft to try again. The best Easter egg during this part of the game is a master chief secret boss section. You enter his arena ready to fight but he breaks down crying end begs to be put out of his misery.

The enemies are the real twist. You start of thinking they represent Nintendo and Sony’s first parties and various services. As the game progresses far enough though, you finally encounter Bill Pencer. The ruler of this world. He wants, desperately, for the player to succeed but has a jekyll and hyde type of thing going on. He’ll throw you power ups and dope weapons at the start of the fight, but transforms into his evil personality and starts throwing out crazy combis that will one shot the player. This is the final twist of the game, there is no end. He is impossible to beat. You can never win, just keep playing the cycle over and over.

Prove this fake.

Imagine taking the time to think and write all this out 😂


Sony insider here with the real plot of returnal.

It’s actually a metaphor for reality of Xbox as a platform in the game industry. It’s crazy but trust me, this is all true.

First the house. This is my personal favorite part of the game. The guys at howsymarqy (what we insiders call them) really killed it with this. It’s symbolic of the “Xbox safe space” also known as the first couple hours of playing a new Xbox first party where the player is still trying to convince themself they are having fun and that the game lives up to Microsoft’s hype. Think halo 5, gears 5, and crackdown 3. There’s a bunch of little Easter eggs here, the best one is the hbox which you can have the character turn on, and your character sits there staring at a blank screen and an internal monologue plays wondering where all the games are.

As for the rouge-like aspect of the game, the purpose is to have the character represent Xbox executives trying to “win.” Think of each new upgrade or weapon you pick up as something new Xbox has tried. The speed boost power up is referred to internally as the power of the cloud. The strongest gun in terms of pure damage output is actually a reskin of the starting weapon. The player is meant to feel happy about the power, but they quickly realize some of the other rare weapons are far more fun to use. The dying and reset aspect of being a roguelike is symbolism for each time the Xbox ends up last in any given console generation but gets a surge in cash from Microsoft to try again. The best Easter egg during this part of the game is a master chief secret boss section. You enter his arena ready to fight but he breaks down crying end begs to be put out of his misery.

The enemies are the real twist. You start of thinking they represent Nintendo and Sony’s first parties and various services. As the game progresses far enough though, you finally encounter Bill Pencer. The ruler of this world. He wants, desperately, for the player to succeed but has a jekyll and hyde type of thing going on. He’ll throw you power ups and dope weapons at the start of the fight, but transforms into his evil personality and starts throwing out crazy combis that will one shot the player. This is the final twist of the game, there is no end. He is impossible to beat. You can never win, just keep playing the cycle over and over.

Prove this fake.


:lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: Deserves a fucking gold.

While your story is wonderful, and would enjoy it better than any xbox game, he doesn't seem like bashing it from that stance, AFAIK. He loves Days Gone a lot, from what I can tell he's just irritated from woke agendas that made him a bit too sensitive. And from what I've seen already there is 0% proof of any woke/political stuff in the game so far. It's too early to talk about this matter.

Imagine taking the time to think and write all this out 😂

It is a masterpiece to read. :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy:
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:lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: Deserves a fucking gold.

While your story is wonderful, and would enjoy it better than any xbox game, he doesn't seem like bashing it from that stance, AFAIK. He loves Days Gone a lot, from what I can tell he's just irritated from woke agendas that made him a bit too sensitive. And from what I've seen already there is 0% proof of any woke/political stuff in the game so far. It's too early to talk about this matter.

It is a masterpiece to read. :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy: :lollipop_tears_of_joy:
Yea I guess my i was coming from the perspective that that “leak” is a weird attempt at derailing the hype for a game by a developer that has been nothing but a positive member of this industry. Thanks for gold man


Yea I guess my i was coming from the perspective that that “leak” is a weird attempt at derailing the hype for a game by a developer that has been nothing but a positive member of this industry. Thanks for gold man

You're welcome, mate! Thank you for that very entertaining post! It's one of the best mockery pieces I've read around here. :lollipop_tears_of_joy:

Returnal will be preordered, hope it's not extremely hard as I'm not really that good at/fan of roguelike games.
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Imagine taking the time to think and write all this out 😂
And actually my source just sent me more. Apparently when you start the game you have a prompt to buy the photo mode (internally referred to as Kinect v3 at howsymarqy) for a hundred dollars. If you select no, the game uninstalls and prompts you to buy resogun instead.


You're welcome, mate! Thank you for that very entertaining post! It's one of the best mockery piece I've read around here. :lollipop_tears_of_joy:

Returnal will be preorder, hope it's not extremely hard as I'm not really that good/fan of roguelike games.
I’m waiting on the first batch of reviews, my main concern is purely in how much variety the game is going to have. If it’s that’s not an issue they have my $70. I’m already sold on the gameplay and concept. One of the best parts of good rogue-likes is the type of run where you are godlike overpowered, so hopefully that’s a thing with this one for ya lol


I’m waiting on the first batch of reviews, my main concern is purely in how much variety the game is going to have. If it’s that’s not an issue they have my $70. I’m already sold on the gameplay and concept. One of the best parts of good rogue-likes is the type of run where you are godlike overpowered, so hopefully that’s a thing with this one for ya lol

Yeah you really need to maneuver and have spider eyes to see and monitor every fucking shot at you with different colors, lol. I'll try it out and share my thoughts here.
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