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Perfect Dark XBLA | The Official Thread


TheVampire said:
Damn the wait for this game is unbearable!

I remember one fun scenario me and my friends used to play back in the day:

Map: Facility
Humans: 4 splitscreen
Bots: Max ammount of bots with them being turtle sims (the ones with extra strong shields)
Guns: Laptopgun and whatever else you want.
Objective: All the humans camp in the upstairs bathroom, deploy laptop guns on the wall and take aim at the one door into the room. Then when all the bots charge into the room we all open fire along with the mounted laptop gun turrents desperately trying to keep them out and from killing us :D Really fun.

And left for dead was born PD>All
Cerrius said:
Not sure if anyone is interested but msxbox-world are giving away 20 Perfect Dark codes.

Go here for the details:

Only issue I have with it is that the closing date for the contest is March 23rd. It doesn't appeal to me at all since I'll be downloading PD the second it hits marketplace on the 17th. :lol

Yeah, talk about a pointless competition. Anybody who is even remotely interested in entering will almost definitely be buying this on day one. Especially considering the price.


Kimosabae said:
So do most you still find the idea of bots compelling in this day and age?

Confused that people might not!

Imagine MW2 on a private server free for all with 8 friends and the rest of the slots made up with bots that are balanced to the skill levels of the humans. Or my younger relatives with the weakest bots playing in matches where they can actually get decent ranks occasionally.

Sometimes it's nice to mix it up and play against the AI. Notice a lot of people have few Achievements on the MW2 due to them all being single player though so I may be an exception.


nli10 said:
Confused that people might not!

Imagine MW2 on a private server free for all with 8 friends and the rest of the slots made up with bots that are balanced to the skill levels of the humans. Or my younger relatives with the weakest bots playing in matches where they can actually get decent ranks occasionally.

Sometimes it's nice to mix it up and play against the AI. Notice a lot of people have few Achievements on the MW2 due to them all being single player though so I may be an exception.

Yeah, you make some good points. I was starting to see them as irrelevant today, with the emergence of online gaming, higher powered consoles for better frame rates in split-screen, LAN and such; but I have to admit having AI behaviors mix things up with 8 other human beings does sound interesting.


Maybe I shouldnt be asking this but will PD have DLC?:D

I cant wait for this to drop. Good old memories relived once again. Last week I played PDZ co-op with my friend and tried to get some achievements on the harder difficulty but we couldnt beat the damn first mission! God the check points are terrible. Bad way to get hyped lol.

Cant wait for the real thing.
Playing with two or three friends against a team of perfect sims on classic goldeneye maps was probably the most fun I've ever had in a video game.

Of course online multiplayer will make things easier, but bots are still just as relevant.


I don't agree with "just" as relevant - times have changed and the role bots could play in a multiplayer FPS have most certainly diminished with the advent of those changes.

I can still see how they could still host value, though.
Kimosabae said:
So do most you still find the idea of bots compelling in this day and age?

I really liked the MP challenges mode in both Timesplitters and Perfect Dark games. It was a nice way to learn the maps, etc... And bots are future proof, when MS will decide to shut down the servers for the game, we'll be very happy to be able to play some MP against bots.

DieNgamer said:
The only game with great bots was always Perfect Dark for me. If other games would do it like this, why not?
Killzone 2's bots are pretty awesome, I actually prefer playing this game with bots instead of real people. At least bots don't abuse the rocket launcher :lol I was surprised by how good these bots are considering the gameplay modes are very objective driven.

The Unreal Tournament games have pretty nice bots too.


tuco11 said:
4 player split screen challenge 24.
Which one was that? I remember that aside from challenge 30, the only one that gave me big trouble was the one with the Maians at the Carrington Villa. Those Maians were pretty tough. Thank God the laptops were there.

The problem with some challenges is not that the bots are hard, the problem is that you are always stucked with a stupid bot as a partner who always runs to the enemy with no guns and gets killed all the time (and the commands that you could give him didn't work very well).


Junior Member
Kimosabae said:
I don't agree with "just" as relevant - times have changed and the role bots could play in a multiplayer FPS have most certainly diminished with the advent of those changes.

I can still see how they could still host value, though.

Bots allow you to play in larger maps. Playing 2 vs. 2 in a large scale map isn't fun. 4 human vs. 4 CPU in a large map is better.

Warhawk has 4P splitscreen but the maps are massive. 2 vs. 2 in Warhawk isn't that fun for 75% of its maps. If there were bots it could have worked out for the rest of the maps.


Iknos said:
Bots allow you to play in larger maps. Playing 2 vs. 2 in a large scale map isn't fun. 4 human vs. 4 CPU in a large map is better.

Warhawk has 4P splitscreen but the maps are massive. 2 vs. 2 in Warhawk isn't that fun for 75% of its maps. If there were bots it could have worked out for the rest of the maps.

Well in games like halo, i'm pretty sure if you have gold for one person, then your 3 buddies can join in and play real people. So in that sense bots did lose some value, however, if you just want to deal with your friends bots can help a lot in filling the gaps on big maps.


erotic butter maelstrom
ZZMitch said:
I got my Microsoft Points, ready to give you my money Rare! March 17th!

Same here, I just bought the 1000 point package. Fuckers made me charge and extra $2 I didn't need. Anyways....it's crazy to have this and God of War 3 coming out two days apart, that's a lot of good gaming in one week. I'm probably most excited about playing the multiplayer on live with all the upgrades but I'm also excited about playing the counter co-op again. That mode was really fun back in the day, we haven't really seen anything like that since then, only Left 4 Dead's MP is similar.

4J also has the rights to do a JFG XBLA por

OMFG....why did you have to even mention that. I fuckin loved Jet Force Gemini, I would do terrible things to have it remade for Live like Perfect Dark. TERRIBLE THINGS, I'm not even kidding.


Junior Member
goldenpp72 said:
Well in games like halo, i'm pretty sure if you have gold for one person, then your 3 buddies can join in and play real people. So in that sense bots did lose some value, however, if you just want to deal with your friends bots can help a lot in filling the gaps on big maps.

Yeah this is strictly offline stuff but that is a good point.

Came here to ask a question and got caught up with that bot thing I forgot to...

Will PD XBLA allow for LAN play? The trailer said 8 players over Xbox Live. Is it just Xbox Live?

Forza 3 didn't have LAN play at all and only allowed for online multiplayer. I hope it isn't a trend among Microsoft Game Studios titles.


Iknos said:
Yeah this is strictly offline stuff but that is a good point.

Came here to ask a question and got caught up with that bot thing I forgot to...

Will PD XBLA allow for LAN play? The trailer said 8 players over Xbox Live. Is it just Xbox Live?

Forza 3 didn't have LAN play at all and only allowed for online multiplayer. I hope it isn't a trend among Microsoft Game Studios titles.

I imagine it will have some kind of lan support but, I don't think it has been mentioned yet..


Junior Member
HadesGigas said:
No LAN. Would be listed on Xbox.com in it's features if it had it.

Those bastiches.

If Halo: Reach doesn't feature LAN play I'm going to shake my fist in anger at Seattle's general direction.
The more I read about this game, the more I want it now. I was going to get Borderlands Secret Armory or wait for the MW2 map pack, but because of the IW thing, I'll just get the Borderlands content and get Perfect Dark with the rest.
I'm so sick of waiting for this game. When they announced a march release date, I was happy until of course, it would be the fucking end of march. Mother Fucker


heck yes! cannot wait for this. I know this will bring back all kinds of great memories, the pinnacle of split-screen MP has returned!


y'all should be ashamed
I leik Halo said:
I'm so sick of waiting for this game. When they announced a march release date, I was happy until of course, it would be the fucking end of march. Mother Fucker
Wait what?!? I thought official threads weren't supposed to be made until a week before launch. I thought we were getting PD this week. ;_;



chubigans said:
Wait what?!? I thought official threads weren't supposed to be made until a week before launch. I thought we were getting PD this week. ;_;


Two weeks is the maximum amount of time allowed.


mr jones said:
Does the alternate control schemes just have the button configuration of other popular FPS games, or does the actual control simulate that of Call of Duty and Halo?

This is still kinda unclear to me.

And yeah, Day 1.


Chili Con Carnage!
Definitely looking forward to PD, will come at just the right time, work is a nightmare at the moment.

I'd like to see the JFG remake but jesus christ there's no way I'm collecting all those fucking Tribals and Ant heads again.


Running off of Custom Firmware
There's probably something really wrong with an updated port/remake of a decade old console FPS being near the top of my most anticipated list in the middle of the most packed month outside of the holiday season. But there it is.


zero margin said:
GoW III and this in the same week? Can't wait would be an understatement.

I hate it when that happens. The pain of splitting play-time between two triple A games.. Luckily for me PD is the only game I'm waiting for around this time period.

Also just found a answer about the controls schemes. They will indeed simulate the COD and Halo styles:

NF: We’ve worked really hard to preserve the original “feel” of Perfect Dark on a twin-stick controller, and we’re really happy with the results. The original game made ingenious use of the N64 controller, but there was a lot of advanced functionality that required buttons to double-up for actions like cycling weapons backwards or even reloading. We’ve put those functions on their own buttons on Xbox 360.

We’ve adapted the feel of Perfect Dark onto the dual analog layout that modern gamers are familiar with so if you never played shooters on N64, you’ll be able to pick up and play Perfect Dark with ease. We’ve even included control schemes based on Halo (“Spartan”) and Call of Duty (“Duty Calls”) so players familiar with those titles can dive right in. Having said all that, if you played Perfect Dark on N64 for hours and hours back in the day I think you’ll find the new controls will fit you like a glove.


Iknos said:
Bots allow you to play in larger maps. Playing 2 vs. 2 in a large scale map isn't fun. 4 human vs. 4 CPU in a large map is better.

It depends on your priorities.

If I don't have the right amount of players, I avoid bigger maps. In general, I'd rather rely on that route than deal with Bots. I'm very competitive oriented, which is a worthless disposition with AI, because they don't give a fuck how hard you shake your fist at them after out-strafing you.

Besides, I like the idea of small amounts of players on well-designed large maps. It can be a very rewarding, slow paced and intimate experience, if your tastes enjoy such a thing - see: Halo 2v2/3v3 Blood Gulch.
QuadCore said:
What awesome timing. My girlfriend and I broke up and Joanna comes here to save me. More time for her :D


Little pet-peeve of mine. In PD they are called simulants. I've always hated the word bots. Makes em' seem less than they are.

PD have a variety of different simulants with different behaviors for each.

Some were the turtle sim, venge sim, peace sim[who hilariously would horde the maps weapons and disarm anyone he came across, in the process storing a massive cache of weapons]

Not to mention one thing that still has yet to be duplicated in a major game is the simulant commands. You actually could control a sim on your team if you didn't like what he was doing. Copy n pasted from a faq:

Normal: Computer controls the simluant as normal
Hold: Simulant will stand on the spot from which you gave
the command, attacking any enemies that pass by
Defend: Simulant will stand in one spot but chase any
enemies that pass by
Protect: Simulant will stay close to you and attack any
nearby enemies
Follow: Simulant will follow you but chase after enemies
who attack
Attack: Simulant will concentrate its attacks on a
specific enemy (btw this command will actually let you select from a list of players both human and AI, to focus it's attack towards)

Next week is going to be awesome.
I was totally uninterested in this until reading that they have alternate control schemes....

Might be worth a look now. I was afraid that the old N64 style of control wouldn't hold up. I'd be getting this for the single player- the single player of this was good, right?

I remember liking it a lot, but being annoyed by the frame rate issues. A smooth version would be pretty fun I imagine.

Also, great news about a possible Jet Force Gemini remake! I loved that N64 game. Not sure if I'm remembering it through a nostalgia-haze, but I really got into that one back in the day. Something about the mix of exploration and shooting really hooked me.

People never talk about that game nowadays- any other fans of it here?
Whoompthereitis said:
Also, great news about a possible Jet Force Gemini remake! I loved that N64 game. Not sure if I'm remembering it through a nostalgia-haze, but I really got into that one back in the day. Something about the mix of exploration and shooting really hooked me.

People never talk about that game nowadays- any other fans of it here?

I remember really liking JFG, but being pissed that there weren't bots in the multiplayer if I remember correctly so that might have hampered my memories of the game. I honestly don't really remember. :lol

Still waiting for my Conker sequel though. :/
JFG is still a blast to play (in my personal opinion at least)! It never really was a multiplayer game but the single player mode rules them all!! I agree about the 3rd person shooter/adventure mix...have yet to see another game that does this. I aslso loved the splatter effects. :D Weapons had real impact in JFG!
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