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Perfect Dark XBLA | The Official Thread


FTWer said:

Sounds reasonable to me. The problem is though, the 360 buttons are too spread out.



Batteries the CRISIS!

BTW this game will be $8 for me, after Amazon had that 24-hour sale on $40 4,000-point cards a couple weeks ago ^_^


wow early thread.

im glad though, give me a chance to space out my friggin XBLA purchases. im a day late on the RE DLC as it is.

800pts = BOUGHT day 1 for this game.



Batteries the CRISIS!
Daigoro said:
wow early thread.

im glad though, give me a chance to space out my friggin XBLA purchases. im a day late on the RE DLC as it is.

800pts = BOUGHT day 1 for this game.


It's not early. Two weeks before a game's launch is allowed.
I could never play Turok 2 because of the controls so I didn't choose the similar setup in Perfect Dark. I might try it now just to see if I still don't like it. ;D
Less than 2 weeks away! I've been stuck on "legacy" controls for 13 years now due to Goldeneye. Can't wait for PD! Being able to play it without the framerate issues will be glorious.
Can't believe how much I am anticipating this. I played the original so much, with the improvements it'll be as close to playing the game for the first time without a memory wipe.


My eye still twitches involuntarily when I remember the level where you had to
rescue Elvis from the lab

I hope they put a checkpoint in half way through that mission this time around - it was a right bastard clearing the section just prior to using the freight elevator. Getting killed in the lab after doing all that used to piss me off royally.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Thankfully I played more of the multi-player than anything, so the second half of the single-player campaign will be new to me.

So hyped for this. Think I'll start playing Banjo Kazooie to take the edge off.


Dipswitch said:
My eye still twitches involuntarily when I remember the level where you had to
rescue Elvis from the lab

I hope they put a checkpoint in half way through that mission this time around - it was a right bastard clearing the section just prior to using the freight elevator. Getting killed in the lab after doing all that used to piss me off royally.

Isn't there a bit of a glitch at the end of this one when
you get to the lab, under disguise, and the guy's supposed to talk to you and let you in? I seem to remember him randomly not noticing you existed, or sometimes not even being present.


Shafto said:
Isn't there a bit of a glitch at the end of this one when
you get to the lab, under disguise, and the guy's supposed to talk to you and let you in? I seem to remember him randomly not noticing you existed, or sometimes not even being present.

Huh - I can't remember ever running into that. That's not to say I didn't of course - I did have to repeat that level a lot back in the day. Of course it's been 10+ years since I've played it and my memory ain't what it used to be :D


So how sure are we that this game even still holds up? I played GoldenEye, single player and multiplayer with three others, a little while ago and the game hasn't held up at all. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's a piece of shit now. Has anyone played Perfect Dark recently and can chime in to say that the game still indeed holds up?

Either way I'll know when I try the demo, but hell one person said he was buying a second XBOX and live subscription for this game.


Kenak said:
Either way I'll know when I try the demo, but hell one person said he was buying a second XBOX and live subscription for this game.
That's me and I already bought it today :lol . It will arrive next week though.

I've been playing both games with my friends for more than 10 years, so they are as hyped as I am about it. Buying a second xbox for the ultimate shooter is not a bad deal for me, especially considering that we find it more fun than any other shooter out there.

So, as you can see, I can't say if they hold up or not because I'm totally biased.


Kenak said:
Either way I'll know when I try the demo, but hell one person said he was buying a second XBOX and live subscription for this game.

Yeah, that's pretty outrageous, but I gotta say, for me, PD looked and felt dated the day Halo:CE dropped. I think its hard to tell how people's feelings will translate to the remake. Multiplayer options-wise, the game is extremely eccentric and tailored towards a frenzied split-screen experience - that doesn't seem to have changed. This experience will undoubtedly be vastly improved with a stable 60fps and sharper imagery in split-screen (and of course, gamers generally have bigger TVs now).

My only real hang-up is Rare's insistency on holding onto digital controls for aiming and movement. This is where I think the game will show its age: Gameplay mechanics. The non-subtle and heavy aim-assisted experience of PD just doesn't hold up to the analog precision of FPS games today, IMO. I think that's a real missed opportunity to improve the game, but I can see how it must have been a hard decision for them.
So stoked for this! All of my friends who have an Xbox are excited for it, too. I'll imagine we'll have some nights where we do nothing but play this multiplayer. :D


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
doctordoak said:
Less than 2 weeks away! I've been stuck on "legacy" controls for 13 years now due to Goldeneye. Can't wait for PD! Being able to play it without the framerate issues will be glorious.
Me too man, me too.

I've only recently begun to use "default" stick layout in fps due to so many games not supporting legacy, but it's just not the same.


y'all should be ashamed
I could have sworn there was a jump button in PD. Huh. :lol

Man, I remember making those multiplayer game scenarios with a storyline and everything! Ahh, the good ol' days.


Kimosabae said:
Yeah, that's pretty outrageous, but I gotta say, for me, PD looked and felt dated the day Halo:CE dropped. I think its hard to tell how people's feelings will translate to the remake. Multiplayer options-wise, the game is extremely eccentric and tailored towards a frenzied split-screen experience - that doesn't seem to have changed. This experience will undoubtedly be vastly improved with a stable 60fps and sharper imagery in split-screen (and of course, gamers generally have bigger TVs now).

My only real hang-up is Rare's insistency on holding onto digital controls for aiming and movement. This is where I think the game will show its age: Gameplay mechanics. The non-subtle and heavy aim-assisted experience of PD just doesn't hold up to the analog precision of FPS games today, IMO. I think that's a real missed opportunity to improve the game, but I can see how it must have been a hard decision for them.

to me I think that PD had a better multiplayer experience than Halo:CE but there was nothing like 4 player PD multiplayer split screen even though Halo:CE had a good multiplayer experience, I still think that PD was superior.


Lothars said:
to me I think that PD had a better multiplayer experience than Halo:CE but there was nothing like 4 player PD multiplayer split screen even though Halo:CE had a good multiplayer experience, I still think that PD was superior.

To each his own.

I've never experienced anything like the Halo LAN parties I used to hold back in the day since. I honestly can't say I've had any memorable 4 player experiences with PD - the framerate just wouldn't allow it.

2 players split-screen, I have quite a few.
whitehawk said:
Seeing as Rare has brought 4 classic games to XBLA now (Banjo 1&2, Perfect Dark and Jetpac Refueled) are there plans to bring any other old games to XBLA?

According to my earlier post in this thread, it looks like on the jet Force gemini and 4J studios wikis that 4J also has the rights to do a JFG XBLA port. Let hope they follow through with it since that game deserves it just as much as PD does. :D


They have also ported the following games to other consoles:

* The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (PS3) (2007)
* Overlord: Raising Hell (PS3) (2008)
* Banjo-Kazooie (XBLA) (2008)
* Banjo-Tooie (XBLA) (2009)
* Perfect Dark (XBLA) (2010)
* Jet Force Gemini (XBLA) (TBA)

Lets hope hope hope!


Kimosabae said:
To each his own.

I've never experienced anything like the Halo LAN parties I used to hold back in the day since. I honestly can't say I've had any memorable 4 player experiences with PD - the framerate just wouldn't allow it.

2 players split-screen, I have quite a few.

I don't blame you at all, I had many times of amazing experiences of 4 player perfect dark, it's such a great game.

It's not for everyone though and I don't know about Halo:CE because I never really played any LAN experiences of it but did have some fun multilayer experiences from it.


Kenak said:
Has anyone played Perfect Dark recently and can chime in to say that the game still indeed holds up?
I played PD about a month ago in co-op campaign and even with its shitty framerate and bad story it was still tons of fun to play. And we only played in medium difficulty, so it wasn't even as much fun as it would've been in hardest difficulty (as it was way too easy), but since we hadn't played the game in ages before that, we started carefully. :D

Anyway, I can't say if the updated version will be as good (have the charm the original had), but I think it's worth a try at least.


You like me, you really really like me!
Seems like Nick Ferguson is everywhere lately, giving interviews and selling the game to the public. :D

just discovered another new interview!

read it in full here:


Nick Ferguson: Perfect Dark plays very differently to recent shooters like Call of Duty and Halo. Whereas COD is a tightly scripted rollercoaster ride, Perfect Dark gives players a huge amount of freedom in how they choose to navigate the levels and complete mission objectives. The visuals may not be as spectacular, but the mission design is very smart and the system of level objectives that change based on difficulty has never been bettered.

Halo introduced the concept of limiting players to use of two highly focused weapons at a time and built great, strategic gameplay decisions around that. Perfect Dark works at the opposite end of the spectrum – players can start levels with access to an incredible toolkit of weapons and equipment, including a gun that can fire through walls (Farsight), a laptop that doubles up as both a machine gun and remote sentry post (Laptop Gun) and a weapon that turns enemy characters into allies (Psychosis Gun).

Like both Halo and Call of Duty, Perfect Dark on Xbox LIVE Arcade also has a deep and engrossing multiplayer mode that rolls all the great content from the single player into competitive online play!

NF: Perfect Dark is an incredible game that just got the tune-up of the decade. Some classic games don’t age well, and even when they do it can be hard to look past blurry graphics, outdated controls and a sluggish framerate without a healthy dose of nostalgia for the original release. We’re incredibly proud and privileged to be bringing a top-notch update of a legendary game design – one that was years ahead of its time – to Xbox LIVE Arcade in 2010 where a new generation of players will get to discover its unique charms all over again.


Dizzy-4U said:
That's me and I already bought it today :lol . It will arrive next week though.

I've been playing both games with my friends for more than 10 years, so they are as hyped as I am about it. Buying a second xbox for the ultimate shooter is not a bad deal for me, especially considering that we find it more fun than any other shooter out there.

So, as you can see, I can't say if they hold up or not because I'm totally biased.
Wasn't trying to criticize, just worried everybody was counting their chickens before they hatched. If you still play it and love it, more power to ya :D


I dont remember but did you get awarded after each multiplayer deatmatch in PD like you got in GE? , awards where something like "most cowardly" , "most suicidal" , "lemming award" etc ? :lol :lol

me and my friends always had a good laugh after each session to these, cause people seem to get the same award each time and it also kinda suited their playstyle :lol

oh btw , SLAYER ROCKETS FTW!!!!!!!!!!
Kimosabae said:
My only real hang-up is Rare's insistency on holding onto digital controls for aiming and movement. This is where I think the game will show its age: Gameplay mechanics. The non-subtle and heavy aim-assisted experience of PD just doesn't hold up to the analog precision of FPS games today, IMO. I think that's a real missed opportunity to improve the game, but I can see how it must have been a hard decision for them.
The auto aim can be turned off. And besides, the auto aim you see in the videos is like that because it's on Agent. On Perfect Agent it's not nearly as much. Ken Lobb explains it in one of the videos.

PD > all other console FPSs ever made.
Lionheart1827 said:
According to my earlier post in this thread, it looks like on the jet Force gemini and 4J studios wikis that 4J also has the rights to do a JFG XBLA port

Lets hope hope hope!

Crap i was hoping for BLAST CORPS (instead of JFG)
I'm still wondering if I should use my 800pts for this. But I also want that Borderlands Secret Armory or first MW2 map pack.

*Sigh* I guess I have to get some more points. *sob, no money, sob*
Kimosabae said:


But.....he's right.

I love when people make a big deal about halo bringing dual wielding into the game when Perfect Dark did it so long ago, a game truly ahead of it's time. Although Marathon did it way back when, strange how Bungie didn't just put it in the first game.


Mr_Guillotine said:
But.....he's right.

I love when people make a big deal about halo bringing dual wielding into the game when Perfect Dark did it so long ago, a game truly ahead of it's time. Although Marathon did it way back when, strange how Bungie didn't just put it in the first game.

Gotta love gaming forums. No conception of an "opinion" or "differing tastes" whatsoever.
Mr_Guillotine said:
But.....he's right.

I love when people make a big deal about halo bringing dual wielding into the game when Perfect Dark did it so long ago, a game truly ahead of it's time. Although Marathon did it way back when, strange how Bungie didn't just put it in the first game.

Indeed, even Goldeneye did it before that. I seem to remember dual uzis and a few others at some point.
Kimosabae said:
Gotta love gaming forums. No conception of an "opinion" or "differing tastes" whatsoever.

Could you not notice, that like you, I was just just being an obvious ass? Way to take me serious.:lol


0G M3mbeR
Can't wait for this.

However, him mentioning the "Yellow buttons are mapped to the right stick" has me worried.

I guess my question is if I pick the duty calls mapings are the right and left directions on the right stick going to still be straif L and R? I guess that would work, but it would be awkward as hell.


True fact: this will be the only game I play all year. I bought the original Xbox just for Perfect Dark. I died when PDZ came out, I shall now be resurrected.
Damn the wait for this game is unbearable!

I remember one fun scenario me and my friends used to play back in the day:

Map: Facility
Humans: 4 splitscreen
Bots: Max ammount of bots with them being turtle sims (the ones with extra strong shields)
Guns: Laptopgun and whatever else you want.
Objective: All the humans camp in the upstairs bathroom, deploy laptop guns on the wall and take aim at the one door into the room. Then when all the bots charge into the room we all open fire along with the mounted laptop gun turrents desperately trying to keep them out and from killing us :D Really fun.


TheVampire said:
Damn the wait for this game is unbearable!

I remember one fun scenario me and my friends used to play back in the day:

Map: Facility
Humans: 4 splitscreen
Bots: Max ammount of bots with them being turtle sims (the ones with extra strong shields)
Guns: Laptopgun and whatever else you want.
Objective: All the humans camp in the upstairs bathroom, deploy laptop guns on the wall and take aim at the one door into the room. Then when all the bots charge into the room we all open fire along with the mounted laptop gun turrents desperately trying to keep them out and from killing us :D Really fun.
You know what we did? 4 people but 1 vs 1. Players that have the controller are blindfolded. The other two give directions to the blindfolded ones. Those were some intense crazy matches :lol
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