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Nvidia bans HardwareUnboxed from receiving review samples


How many times, would you guys repeat the lie?

He did review feature sets in all videos:

HU is blamed not for not having RT, but for NOT FOCUSING ON IT.

So? It's their channel, let HU be judged by their audience. They will either succeed or fail by their methods but Nvidia has no right to dictate how things should be reviewed.


Meh NVIDIA can choose who they send cards to, but I guess it is a bit silly. Didn't Intel start pulling off similar antics when AMD started winning? (e.g. I remember that LTT video where he said Intel sent them a review unit at a weird timing to try to steal the spotlight from AMD). Not saying AMD has "won" against NVIDIA at all, but they are kinda starting to get close. Remember how far away the 5700 XT was from the 2080 Ti? Even in rasterisation and before we even got onto RT?

Plus, obviously it's a privilege not a right but you know damn well it'll hurt the channel a lot not receiving pre-release units.
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Neo Member
That's easy to say. But you have to remember that they will therefore not get the card in time to do all the analysis to release their review on the embargo date, which is either just before or on the day of release.

In the current market where everything sells out, it likely means not getting a card at all, since you can't buy them either. You really think this doesn't hurt such a channel? Not only will everyone be watching all the other channels instead, but if you get your video out a week or two later, the amount of people interested will be a lot lower. That means the views will be lower, and that means that income will be lower.

Hardware Unboxed can take it because of their size. But it sets a very bad precedent, because if only the ones that are positive are allowed to get the products on time, you're never going to get honest reviews, and that defeats the whole purpose of reviews in the first place.

That's a fair point about GPUs selling out. But if this channel really is reviewing GPUs in a way that is at odds with what Nvidia is trying to achieve, I can't blame Nvidia for saying "lol nope." Nobody is entitled to free stuff. This isn't a life and death situation. Consumers can wait to read comprehensive reviews from the outlets they trust. Honest question from a non-PC gamer: if you're a consumer who doesn't care about ray tracing, would you really be considering these Nvidia GPUs? Why would you want to pay a premium for a feature that you don't care for?
They may not be biased in favor of a particular company, but they are certainly biased against ray tracing, which negatively effects Nvidia considering that Nvidia's cards blow away the competition in regard to ray tracing. Also, who's to say that AMD didn't ask them to minimize their focus on ray tracing in their review of the RX 6800 XT because it's not good at ray tracing compared to the competition?
Given that they did the same shit with the 3080 and 3090 reviews which were done months before AMD announced RX6000, so no. That probably isn't the case.

Yes in the 6800 XT review phat phuck says: “though I personally I care very little for ray-tracing support right now as there are almost no games where I feel it’s worth enabling. That being the case I haven’t invested too much time in testing ray-tracing performance and perhaps this is something we’ll explore more in future content.”

Another game with pointless ray-tracing shadow effects performance is Dirt 5.”

He used Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Dirt 5 to handwave-away benchmarking ray-tracing as a whole. Maybe the phat phuck thinks it’s pointless but some people are interested in ray-tracing performance and effects.

Guy completes 90% of his job and says he’s finished evaluating a product. Guy acts shocked that some people are disappointed he didn’t do 100% of his job.

90% of the job by whose definition? Yours? Nvidia's?
That's not how reviewing a product works. They're fully entitled to omit shit that they feel adds no value. And I know you'll say in response that Nvidia are well within their rights to withhold review samples to them.
And I suppose you're right.
That doesn't change the optics of the situation though. Nvidia here are effectively tacitly admitting that they hand out review samples with a loose expectation that the reviewers become little more than influencers - list out all the bullet points in the "reviewers guide", switch off critical thinking, and read the results on the graph out. Lest we forget Tom's Hardware's "Just buy it" bullshit from back when Turing launched.
Part of a review is to get the data - its there and its valid. The test methodology is known. That's fine. The other part is to analyse the product in the competitive landscape and offer your opinions on that.

I don't know if everyone forgot, but Hardware Unboxed gave the RTX 3000 series a glowing review. Talking about its amazing price/performance following how shit Turing was.
Why didn't Nvidia call them up about their lack of support for RTX back in September - three whole fucking months ago? Why is it suddenly an issue now? Why didn't they do it back when Turing launched?
Undoubtedly Nvidia feel they've been gipped, but why now?


I can't believe the idiots here who think this is about getting free GPU's.

It's about the expectation that a company wants you to be biased towards their products and is pressuring you into it. All for a feature that only 2% of games currently support.

Edit: Not only is this a gross practice it also puts into question the authenticity of EVERYONE who review Nvidia GPUs who have received their sample from Nvidia. It doesn't just hurt HU, it hurts tech reviews, it hurts Nvidia and it hurts the consumers.
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Gold Member


Honest question from a non-PC gamer: if you're a consumer who doesn't care about ray tracing, would you really be considering these Nvidia GPUs? Why would you want to pay a premium for a feature that you don't care for?
DLSS maybe? And $50 is not exactly a premium (RTX 3080 vs 6800XT), especially right now where everything is overpriced. Not to mention availability of current cards; Many people get what they can, irrespective of it being AMD or nVidia.

Undoubtedly Nvidia feel they've been gipped, but why now?
Because AMD is a threat again. And nVidia wants to use reviewers as extended marketing.


If I send you a product and you don't benchmark one of its most important features then I have every right not to send you that product. Not a fan of Nvidia, but I can totally see their reasoning.


If I send you a product and you don't benchmark one of its most important features then I have every right not to send you that product. Not a fan of Nvidia, but I can totally see their reasoning.
I wonder if people would be using these arguments if AMD did the same thing and saying that power consumption measures should be taken with Radeon Chill enabled.
If AMD cards don't support ray tracing as well then AMD numbers should reflect that in benchmark tests. If This is the reason they are ignoring the features then I understand why nvidia is upset. It misleads consumers who are comparing products and unfairly levels AMD.
Except that in some cases that isn't even an option. Take Cyberpunk 2077 for example...ray tracing is currently only supported in that game on RTX cards, there's no RT benchmarking to do be done on AMD because the option isn't even open to those cards at the moment.


I wonder if people would be using these arguments if AMD did the same thing and saying that power consumption measures should be taken with Radeon Chill enabled.
Not exactly the same thing, ray tracing is now supported by both GPUs and by a bunch of new AAA games. Omitting RT completely makes no sense.
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A product needs to be compared in all its features.
If one product lacks or doesn't do well some feature it is a product issue and an advantage from the competion.

You can't ignore a clear advantage.

Imagine reviewing two cars and one of them has electronic steering and the other not... you will just not review how the car handle because one of the cars did lack a feature? In fact the electronic steering is a clear advantage for one of the car.

You can't just close your eyes.
It is up to AMD to offer similar or better feature... not the reviewer decide that.
Define advantage? That's totally subjective. As HU have already noted a good many people (myself included) could not give a flying fuck about RT. As far as I'm concerned being able to do ray tracing confers no advantage. I literally do not care how RTX cards perform with RTX enabled, I would rather disable it, stick to pure rastarization, and have higher framerates / play in a higher native resolution. In fact if NVIDIA would sell me a "GTX 3070" with all the rasterization horsepower but with the RT cores cut out for $100 less...I'd take that over the RTX card any day of the week.
No they're not.

They just happen to do everything in AMD's favor and missinforming about nvidia or ignoring the main point of their cards. Continuosly, for years. And they just happen to be the only website in the world where vega is the same with a 1080Ti and a 5700 is better than a 2070S. Its just a concidence. Steve going on and on how shit RT is and how it doesnt matter and how useless it is is also just his honest opinion. They're completely neutral ,thats why this just happened to them and why so many people are calling them out. The small guy is under attack by the big corporation, someone help him
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It's not about them having a negative opinion, they are legit not putting real effort in covering a feature on a card and then blasting it.If they're going to be that critical of the feature set, then at least show real effort in testing it.GN has been critical of Nvidias RT library in the pass, but they put their best foot forward. Nvidias comment on their reviewing methods is merited. Unboxed are leaving things out based on how important they find them, which is fine, but you can't fault Nvidia for not supplying them cards to make negligent , disposed reviews.
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They just happen to do everything in AMD's favor and missinforming about nvidia or ignoring the main point of their cards. Continuosly, for years. And they just happen to be the only website in the world where vega is the same with a 1080Ti and a 5700 is better than a 2070S. Its just a concidence. Steve going on and on how shit RT is and how it doesnt matter and how useless it is is also just his honest opinion. They're completely neutral ,thats why this just happened to them and why so many people are calling them out. The small guy is under attack by the big corporation, someone help him
Uhuh... Explain this one to me, which includes comparing the 970 vs the 290 instead of the actual competitor that was the 390, which completely ignores the 3.5GB RAM vs the would be 8GB if they actually did it with the 390, and they are trashing AMD's card on power consumption while they didn't for the RTX 3080 vs AMD.



Gold Member
Except that in some cases that isn't even an option. Take Cyberpunk 2077 for example...ray tracing is currently only supported in that game on RTX cards, there's no RT benchmarking to do be done on AMD because the option isn't even open to those cards at the moment.
So AMD should have no bars or numbers on the results for their cards for those examples with an explicit disclaimer that the card does not support the feature. If you're looking for an RTX card for a game like that then the information is important.
So AMD should have no bars or numbers on the results for their cards for those examples with an explicit disclaimer that the card does not support the feature. If you're looking for an RTX card for a game like that then the information is important.
If you want to use ray tracing...yes. But I would personally disable it because I have yet to see an implementation that is worth the framerate hit. Developers have gotten very good at faking these effects and unless I'm explicitly looking for differences I just don't find it that noticable when I'm actually playing the game. There are also plenty of channels already that cover RT performance. Need I also remind you that 99% of games do not support RTX. Rasterization performance is far more pertinent since in most games that's all that matters.
Uhuh... Explain this one to me, which includes comparing the 970 vs the 290 instead of the actual competitor that was the 390, which completely ignores the 3.5GB RAM vs the would be 8GB if they actually did it with the 390, and they are trashing AMD's card on power consumption while they didn't for the RTX 3080 vs AMD.

i dont know man. I mean when you have a biased behaviour at some point in time, do you expect that to be forever ? Why are going to videos from other years talking about something else ? The point is how he talks about nvidias tech right now and how he talks about amd. You're not adressing the points i made which are so obvious, but instead go to something else from 2019. A lot of people are seeing what he does. This is why this happened to him.

He shits on one vendors card and ignores the number 1 feature then he airs his laundry on twitter. What in his behavious strikes you as normal or deserving of support ?


i dont know man. I mean when you have a biased behaviour at some point in time, do you expect that to be forever ? Why are going to videos from other years talking about something else ? The point is how he talks about nvidias tech right now and how he talks about amd. You're not adressing the points i made which are so obvious, but instead go to something else from 2019. A lot of people are seeing what he does. This is why this happened to him.

He shits on one vendors card and ignores the number 1 feature then he airs his laundry on twitter. What in his behavious strikes you as normal or deserving of support ?
You said;
Continuosly, for years.

That video is from 2019.
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down 2 orth

Nvidia is a shit company that unfortunately makes top of the line products. Might switch to AMD in a few years if I can be persuaded.


So? It's their channel, let HU be judged by their audience. They will either succeed or fail by their methods but Nvidia has no right to dictate how things should be reviewed.

Agreed, and HU has no right to free hardware.


I can't believe the idiots here who think this is about getting free GPU's.

It's about the expectation that a company wants you to be biased towards their products and is pressuring you into it. All for a feature that only 2% of games currently support.

Edit: Not only is this a gross practice it also puts into question the authenticity of EVERYONE who review Nvidia GPUs who have received their sample from Nvidia. It doesn't just hurt HU, it hurts tech reviews, it hurts Nvidia and it hurts the consumers.

That's such a lame-brain way to put it. An increasingly relevant amount of games use Ray Tracing, to suggest otherwise is totally disingenuous.

The Skull

And they just happen to be the only website in the world where vega is the same with a 1080Ti and a 5700 is better than a 2070S
What?! Where on earth do they say a Vega is like a 1080ti? They stated the 5700xt is a better value buy not outright better, which at MSRP and not recent inflated prices, it absolutely is.
If by shits you mean he points out over 95% of games reviewed in 2020 don't feature those. Then yes he is shitting on it.

He goes out of his way in every single gpu video to point out how he thinks all the worst things about RT. This really needs repeating 100 times ? RT in the gpu world is less than 2 years old. It was only pushed by nvidia. Of course its not gonna be in a million games. It doesnt have to be. It needs to be in a handfull of heavy hitters. Games that people build systems for. You know what kind of games? One such as Cyberpunk. That sold 8 million copies before it even launched, just from preorders. The one who had these sales 60% on PC. Who is the first singleplayer game to break 1 million CC players. The biggest game event since GTA 5 back in 2013. If you only have RT in a game like that, its worth it


Agreed, and HU has no right to free hardware.

Nor does Nvidia have the right to that exposure. Why do you think Nvidia sends out these GPUs? Because they know if they don't, some of these guys won't invest in those GPUs to review them, and guess what...Nvidia won't get that coverage. So yes, it's a small price for Nvidia even at $1499 a GPU for the marketing that costs well into thousands.

No matter how you slice it, Nvidia is not looking good.


He goes out of his way in every single gpu video to point out how he thinks all the worst things about RT.

By showing RT Benchmarks, stating the 3080 is far superior, stating DLSS 2.0 makes images better than native. Fuck he really shits on them.

Edit: The only thing he didn't do is harp on how amazing it is and makes everything else pointless.

His own channel poll showed over 70% of his audience preferred Raster performance over RT. Because every game uses Raster and only a few right now have RT. And it tanks perf without DLSS. Which not every RT game even has.
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Nope. Last time I checked Nvidia didn't say anything about the reviewers trashing the value proposition of the 3090's. Context is key.
Ok... So... nVidia wanting an editorial direction change in order for Hardware Unboxed to receive these cards again in the future, does not strike you at all as nVidia extorting free marketing from their reviewers....?


Ok... So... nVidia wanting an editorial direction change in order for Hardware Unboxed to receive these cards again in the future, does not strike you at all as nVidia extorting free marketing from their reviewers....?

That's a false equivalency. My perspective is that they want their cards reviewed using fair criteria (which is entirely reasonable), look at Nvidia's reaction to everyone trashing the 3090's value proposition. They weren't taking away anyone's cards because it was a fair criticism. Ignoring or downplaying a major feature because the competition doesn't have it and the REVIEWER deems it unimportant is not reasonable; so why would Nvidia be obligated to provide them the privilege of free hardware?


Nor does Nvidia have the right to that exposure. Why do you think Nvidia sends out these GPUs? Because they know if they don't, some of these guys won't invest in those GPUs to review them, and guess what...Nvidia won't get that coverage. So yes, it's a small price for Nvidia even at $1499 a GPU for the marketing that costs well into thousands.

No matter how you slice it, Nvidia is not looking good.

Very simple then... Don't review their cards? Who do you think will suffer more?


Ok... So... nVidia wanting an editorial direction change in order for Hardware Unboxed to receive these cards again in the future, does not strike you at all as nVidia extorting free marketing from their reviewers....?

Something tells me that guy doesn't see anything wrong with that. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
That's a false equivalency. My perspective is that they want their cards reviewed using fair criteria (which is entirely reasonable), look at Nvidia's reaction to everyone trashing the 3090's value proposition. They weren't taking away anyone's cards because it was a fair criticism. Ignoring or downplaying a major feature because the competition doesn't have it and the REVIEWER deems it unimportant is not reasonable; so why would Nvidia be obligated to provide them the privilege of free hardware?

You can't dictate any criteria when you send out products for review. Everyone has a different approach to reviews, when cars get reviewed some people value looks over performance, comfort over capability, safety features over this or that. That's why folks watch 50 different reviewers on one car, to identify themselves with one of those reviewers in the things they personally care about. Guess what, we all have opinions and we all care about different strings of things.

Also, manufacturers learn from all of those different things people complain about or adore about a product.


Very simple then... Don't review their cards? Who do you think will suffer more?

Actually, if all these YouTubers boycotted Nvidia. Nvidia would suffer greatly, these guys built their platform and audience that Nvidia wants access too. You think I go to one of these YouTubers just for their reviews on Nvidia products? No, my dude, no.

They built their channels reviewing and testing hundreds of products, not just Nvidia ones.
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Buggy Loop

They just happen to do everything in AMD's favor and missinforming about nvidia or ignoring the main point of their cards. Continuosly, for years. And they just happen to be the only website in the world where vega is the same with a 1080Ti and a 5700 is better than a 2070S. Its just a concidence. Steve going on and on how shit RT is and how it doesnt matter and how useless it is is also just his honest opinion. They're completely neutral ,thats why this just happened to them and why so many people are calling them out. The small guy is under attack by the big corporation, someone help him

They also happen to be the (1) of (2) site from out of (17) that favors 6800 XT at 1440p, but not only a possible error, they have the lowest average for the 3080. (again a narrative we keep hearing since the beginning that the 6800 XT is better at rasterization at lower resolutions, it's statistically not)

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