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LTTP: Resident Evil 6 (2016) via PS5


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Resident Evil 6

This is originally a 2012 game developed and published by Capcom for the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 than in 2016 PS4, and Xbox One versions were released.

Larger picture, RE8 hype and recent spring sales got me into the Resident Evil series.

Much like RE4, and RE5 you're on a momentum trip going forward with little time spent collecting keys in a mansion or police stations like RE1-3. Macho, Gears of War, Action adventure gamers will love this thriller horror game.

The HUD showing your health and ammo.

Resident Evil 6 doesn't have a main character, you play the path of several characters each getting 5 chapters or 8 hours of a campaign.


New fans won't know much about these characters. You play as confident ex-military, ex-merc, ex-umbrella operatives that aren't all that unique but hardcore fans will rush to tell you Leon is their favorite because of his RE 1-2 past.

The game is linear, lacks puzzles and is spread across 5 different characters which is 120% confusing to new players, and lacks the classic horror feel of RE1-3 and even RE4, and 5. You don't learn anything new about the virus either.

If I were Capcom I would be proud of RE6 for selling like it did (Highest selling Resident Evil game), I would be proud of it's success and would consider exploring action parts in future games but it's not a game I'll go back and replay like the classic Resident Evil or Resident Evil 2.

What are GAF's thoughts on Resident Evil 6?

fart town usa

Gold Member
I love that you've been playing these older RE games. Time well spent! lol

I personally really dislike RE6 but the game is an absolute blast with the melee upgrade and playing with a friend. Nonstop laughs. Just kick the shit out of everything and roll around on the ground slashing at enemies ankles. It's such an absurd/ridiculous game. I think it's easily one of the dumbest games ever made and a trainwreck beyond belief but I still play it from time to time for laughs. I think it's biggest hinderance is how the enemies react to being shot, or lack thereof. RE4 and RE5 crowd control feel really good, lots of strategy. RE6 is just over the top and mostly bang bang shoot everything then run forward, not much thought goes into anything.

Sherry is fantastic in it though, it's a shame she had to be lumped in with Jake.

Cutty Flam

I love how Capcom decided to take the series to this level, it was overly ambitious and lacked much in the way of great gameplay but it was still very entertaining because of the protagonists. I finished each campaign twice, and the greatest of them is the Chris Redfield and Piers Nivans campaign. Seeing those two work side by side is a timeless soldier’s story as far as I am concerned
with somewhat of an identity crisis.
They just tried to appeal to every part of the fanbase.
RE1 with the leon section
RE3 with the sherry section
RE5 with the chris section
RE4 with the ada section, though this was actually ruined a bit when they patched it to have coop.

I like it, but all the content can be seen as a pro and a con.
The higher difficulties showed how bad the "stumble over" mechanic was, glad that's never coming back.
No persistent upgrades like RE5 made multiple playthroughs a bit pointless.
Mercenaries is an absolute blast though, all the mobility and melee options, make it probably the best playing mercenaries by far (though the character variety in mercenaries reunion is hard to beat).



Resident Evil 6 was the best ever!

On a serious note, it was much more entertaining than 5, and the gameplay and controls were improved and much more polished.
They had perfected the formula with 6.

Unfortunately due to fanboy complaints they have now turned the series into a first person walking simulator with shooting segments that is boring as hell in order to appeal to the zoomer Slender generation to get that fresh money out of them.
Hope they release another third person RE with muh explosions and muh zombie punching in the future.
Go Away GIF

The "formula" was perfected with RE 2-remake and to a lesser extent RE 3-make. Keep the games in line with those 2 from here on (with some improvements, extra scenarios, heavier gore systems, randomizers etc) and everything will be fine.


I appreciated them fixing Leon's character and the Sherry/Birkin campaign was fantastic. The rest was an absolute mess despite the great combat mechanics that the game doesnt really explain or make you use in the actual campaign. A lot of the online functionality was pretty cool too especially the crossover segments.
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Masterpiece. A legendary, all-you-can-eat celebration of all things Resident Evil. Jam-packed with heart and soul.

great combat mechanics that the game doesnt really explain or make you use in the actual campaign

It's true that it doesn't explain much, leaving it up to the player to figure out how to use them or discover that they even exist, but mastery of the game's move set is essential when playing the game on higher difficulties where a single attack can put you into dying status or kill you outright.

The "formula" was perfected with RE 2-remake and to a lesser extent RE 3-make.

I disagree. As good as those games are, they still come with a lot of problems and are far from perfect examples of RE.
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RE6 is an amazing coop shooter with really fun gameplay and surprising amount of depth to the moveset... that's basically what it is. might have been better received as a spinoff title not as a mainline one.

it's way better than RE5 that's for sure... that game didn't know what it wanted to be. it's an RE4 wannabe which they added coop to last minute (and it is apparent every second) because Gears was popular and they needed a selling point for the dude-bros
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It's true that it doesn't explain much, leaving it up to the player to figure out how to use them or discover that they even exist, but mastery of the game's move set is essential when playing the game on higher difficulties where a single attack can put you into dying status or kill you outright.

Eh, maybe on the hidden one but the highest base difficulty can beaten by playing it like a bog standard cover shooter with little difficulty.

Cutty Flam

can you explain jake's hatred to me?
I never took it as him having any hatred. He’s a gruff and seasoned mercenary soldier despite his age, and he never knew much about his father. Mostly, it appeared that he only knew he (Wesker) was taken from him and not much else. If anything, Jake is alright, and yearned to have that father son relationship

Jake was only 21 during the events of RE6, but he stood close to Sherry and protected her. He looked the man who took his father’s life right in the eye and forgave him
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Thats because it's absolute dogshite made to appeal to the CoD crowd (and i believe capcom even said that at the time). All flash, no substance and not a hint of Resident Evil in there at all.
I actually liked the opening of Leon's campaign
It's like they bait switch us(which Capcom has a habit of doing, ie it's like they tease us that they can make a traditional RE and then go in the complete opposite direction)
Everything else went back to RE5 on steroids after that.


I had fun with the mechanics, the shooting was fine and a lot of fun. I just don't think the games arenas do much to get the most out of the combat. I only played Leon's campaign with a friend this year on PS5. It was a good game, but not a great one. I prefer 5 as a coop shooter.
I remember playing this at a friends house because he got it first and it was a big WTF to us. Literally EVERYTHING felt off with this game for me. The amount of zombies, pure shooter...and I enjoyed RE5 before it. That for me was a realization point where I was sure, Capcom were totally lost what they want the franchise to be anymore. The biggest surprise though were sales numbers. I dont understand how the worst RE title ends up selling almost the best lol. Throw Leon on the cover and that number 6 (a giraffe getting its dick sucked meme), and people will buy.


Gold Member
It’s pure dumb fun.

I thought 5 was pushing the mutations already but a 180 pound human turning into a fucking dinosaur and then into Beelzebub is just

Justin Timberlake What GIF


Gold Member
It's a fucking abomination. A complete disaster of a game that fails to nail any one thing properly, but then incredibly manages to COMPLETELY fail at so many different things.

Apologists for RE6 are worse than Alien 3 apologists...which is a stunning achievement in its own right.

This is one of those rare times where people are right and this game sucks shit.

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The Shepard

The game lacked the polish of the other mainline titles, was completely bonkers and to long for its own good. Felt more like a spin off then a mainline resident evil.
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Gold Member
I was down for some action-y re game but unfortunately i didn't liked the combat at all, too clunky to be complete action, too action to be a survival horror.
RE 6 is a good game and the 1st part of the game is actually brilliant. The middle and end part spoilt it a little with too much focus in action and it started to feel like a 3rd person Call of Duty game. Not that's a bad thing, just doesn't work well for a horror game imo


Gold Member
With 5 they had no vision except “Copy 4 but but with Chris, and chase the popular co-op mechanic.” It was fun at the time, but now I dislike it and didn’t enjoy a recent PC play through. I’m as good as done with the game. Contrast that with 4, where I’ve only not replayed it because I’m waiting for the 4 HD Project to be finished.

With 6 they went balls deep on everything that didn’t work in 5 and turned it up to 11. It is a game that was commercially very successful but made them press reset on what they were doing with their lives because it was a mess. A Pyrrhic victory - they won, but at what cost? The best thing about the game is that they learned to never do that again.

6 is the only game I the series I grew with that I’ve quit before fully completing. I did Leon’s campaign, and I pushed through that because I wanted it to be over. I was doing it for the story, and I don’t remember much of anything about it. Virus in a city, university type place, underground caverns type section, then last boss that I didn’t enjoy.

6 gets praised for its gameplay, but I enjoyed that the least. Everything get loose and flimsy to me, a stark contrast to 4 where everything felt solid. I tell myself I want to attempt another person’s story to see how it plays these years later, but I’m in no rush and I’m not holding out much hope.


It's the worst RE game in my opinion. A lot of people who love it completely miss the point of why people dislike it (as seen in the GamingBrit video posted).

Shitty maps with tedious tasks that don't feel engaging (collect the 3 things) while fighting off the most annoying enemies in the series isn't fun. As great as the combat is, the campaigns lack the variety to keep things engaging, and after the 100th pointless QTE, you start to realize how much of the 4 campaigns are pointless filler. RE4 constantly kept things interesting by pacing the game with both action set pieces and slower exploration based areas. RE6 is just obnoxious at all times, and I think this is to cover up how unengaging the maps really are.

With that said, Jake and Sherry are the best duo in the series. I love them, and want them to return.


the highest base difficulty can beaten by playing it like a bog standard cover shooter with little difficulty.

Enemies are way too aggressive and damaging on Veteran and Pro to just stand around shooting things. What's more, you'll run out of ammo quickly if you don't set up stuns and melees at every available opportunity.
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Fart Knight

Al Pachinko, Konami President
Worst (main) Resident Evil. Bought it at launch, finished it and sold it the next day. I did buy it again for X1 recently just to see if its really that bad after all these years.


Gold Member
I really had high hopes for this game after the disappointment of RE5. Can’t believe we had to wait until REmake 2 for the series to get back on track


Given my deep love for the franchise i was super excited for Resident Evil 6, despite the departure from its roots RE5 was still one of my most played games during that gen and this one promised a return to the series original feel.
Then the demo released and i absolutely hated it. I hated its animations, hated its textures and lack of polish in general and reviews and impressions didn't help in the slightest. At the time i was literally starving for immersive survival horrors, then The Last of Us came and gave me everything i ever wanted. Years later, after RE2R (first run on Hardcore) also provided me with everything i ever wanted from a Resident Evil game and SH in general, i don't have harsh feelings towards RE6 anymore.
It's a fun game with amazing and deep mechanics. Story can be all over the place, with emotional chapters right next to absolutely laughable ones, but a very fun game nonetheless with lots of replayability and unlockables and, to be honest, even the aforementioned story is still something i prefer over everything that came after in the series (i have yet to play RE8).
In my opinion, an underrated game.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
At least it’s better than the shitfest that is ”Village”


This game is a train wreck. They threw everything at it to see what sticks.

The Leon campaign starts off decent, but becomes awful soon enough. The Jake campaign is awful all around with heavily scripted chase sequences. Chris campaign is probably the best one, it doubles down on the shooting and he has a decent ending. The Ada campaign is awful. The game takes like 25 hours to beat, which is far too long. The boss battles are whatever, you just shoot or something and after some time you win. The final boss is terrible and doesn't know when to stop. The mechanics look cool but executing them is clunky and I felt the level design didn't really compliment it. The hit reactions and enemy animations are weak so the punching and shooting lacks impact compared to 5 and 4.

They probably did 2 things better in 6, the AI generally can't die and you can move while aiming. This is honestly a terrible game.


Masterpiece. A legendary, all-you-can-eat celebration of all things Resident Evil. Jam-packed with heart and soul.


A celebration of all things Resident Evil?

It doesn't even look of feel or play like previous RE games. It's the most non-RE of the RE games so far. Even the first person ones have at least some tension and horror elements involved.

Anyway, REmake is the celebration you are looking for.

Edit: Unless you mean the RE movies. Yeah, RE6 is more like those shitshows for sure.
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Enemies are way too aggressive and damaging on Veteran and Pro to just stand around shooting things. What's more, you'll run out of ammo quickly if you don't set up stuns and melees at every available opportunity.
Wasnt an issue at all in my game.
Go Away GIF

The "formula" was perfected with RE 2-remake and to a lesser extent RE 3-make. Keep the games in line with those 2 from here on (with some improvements, extra scenarios, heavier gore systems, randomizers etc) and everything will be fine.
I agree with you, but I think it will be 1st person going forward at least for the foreseeable future. They will probably keep 3rd person for the remakes though.

And speaking of which. Give me a fucking Code Veronica remake damnit.
I'm going to replay RE6 in a week or so (depends how long it takes me to finish up the Revelations games) and I'm looking forward to it. I just replayed RE4 and 5 after Village, and the controls in 4&5 are SO much more rigid and limiting than I remember. I guess I was just used to it at the time, but it was certainly rage-inducing in 2021. Makes sense that they're going to remake RE4 next... cuz if a RE4 veteran is raging at the controls, then imagine new players lol

But yeah, my point is that I couldn't help but think of RE6's fluid controls as I was playing 4 and 5. For all the things that RE6 got wrong, the controls were the one thing they totally nailed for the action gameplay they were going for.
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