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Jack Thompson sues Facebook for $120 million

Sean said:
here's the facebook group he's "emotionally distressed" about: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2215436182

421 Members now. NeoGAF, believe.


Felium Defensor
Never give up, never surrender!
J.T is kinda like a console warrior, such dedication, such passion. You will loose this one as well, but there are a billion other things you can sue. Swing away, J.T.
billy.sea said:
Can some GAF members make a group that go against me at Facebook, so I can sue them for $120 million too?

I found this funny not only because he is pretty much suing internet users for their comments, he is also overvalue himself for comparing himself to Obama.
Thompson seems deranged but this suit will have some merit if they can prove any negligence on the part of Facebook in overlooking this group. Cases like these although seeming frivolous at first do have some impact on the role of websites governing their users who by-and-large are anonymous. Could set a dangerous precedent, not sure if there have been too many other cases like this. (I'm sure there has)


Jack Thompson is a lawyer, and lawyers sue people for living. As we know, he's not a good kind either.


Facebook users started an “I Hate Jack Thompson” group, according to the lawsuit. The complaint cites a posting that said “Jack Thompson should be smacked across the face with an Atari 2600.” Thompson included images of the Facebook postings in the lawsuit.

So, is "screenshot or it didn't happen" a legal term now?


you know, the entire world is starting to remind me of that 11-12 year old age span where wanky kids would be saying "I'll sue you!!!" to everything.

except this is grown men.

HOWEVER, can we have a class action against Jack after all the blanket statements he made about gamers?

Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

$500k each should be enough, fairly trivial amount for all the distressful mental (and keyboard) damage over the years.


God can not be perfect if this guy is still permitted to go near a court.

it's high time we should be able to bring court cases for the crime of Oxygen Theft.

Some people on the planet are clearly taking up valuable oxygen whilst offering no advances to mankind at all.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
avatar299 said:
If this is true, then he actually has a winnable case. Maybe not 120 million, but a winnable case
No he doesn't. Threatening the US President's life is a federal offense. Threatening Jack's is not.


I can never decide if this dude is a professional troll, or if he's actually that stupid. I'm leaning towards the ladder.
naib said:
I can never decide if this dude is a professional troll, or if he's actually that stupid. I'm leaning towards the ladder.
i don't normally suggest tags for people... but come on. that's brilliant.


i don't normally suggest tags for people... but come on. that's brilliant.

i love slips like this.

A girl at work "accidentally" (maybe language i guess) sent a mail to the whole of IT telling us that the coke machine on our floor had been reduced in price.

Through out the mail, she wrote -cock- not -coke-

the email basically read

"Everyone will be pleased to know that the price of cock in the relaxation area has been reduced. So please go there and get as much cut price cock as you can before it's all gone!"

Crippled an entire department for at least 30 minutes.
WhiteAce said:
i love slips like this.

A girl at work "accidentally" (maybe language i guess) sent a mail to the whole of IT telling us that the coke machine on our floor had been reduced in price.

Through out the mail, she wrote -cock- not -coke-

the email basically read

"Everyone will be pleased to know that the price of cock in the relaxation area has been reduced. So please go there and get as much cut price cock as you can before it's all gone!"

Crippled an entire department for at least 30 minutes.

"Does anybody know where I can find some black caulk?"


Sushen said:
Jack Thompson is a lawyer, and lawyers sue people for living. As we know, he's not a good kind either.

He's not a lawyer, he had his license permanently revoked for filing frivolous lawsuits.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
My first thought on seeing this thread title
"Farmville allows members of the 'social-networking' site Facebook to grow virtual crops and raise virtual cattle, training our youth to lives of agricultural servility. We need more engineers ans scientists, not farmers, damnit!


Parmesan et Romano
You guys are all...all.. all despicable!

You should all know that not everyone gets along so easily with people!
This is his way of making friends!

So, I for one, will be his friend when he is in need! Don't worry Jack, I'm rooting for you!
More, even more insane coverage here: http://www.gamepolitics.com/2009/10/01/jack’s-back-sues-facebook-declares-himself-winner

Choice quote

An email from Thompson sent this morning, under the headline “Instant Confirmation from Around the Globe that Jack Thompson’s Suit against Facebook Is a Winner,” trumpets coverage of the case on both “reputable” news and videogame websites as proof of “not only why the lawsuit had to be brought but why it will succeed.”

Seeing as John Bruce is batting 0/1000 right now, the only purpose of this is hilarity. The guy is insane, yet no-one will get him the help he desperately needs.

Surgeon Rocket said:
You guys are all...all.. all despicable!

You should all know that not everyone gets along so easily with people!
This is his way of making friends!

So, I for one, will be his friend when he is in need! Don't worry Jack, I'm rooting for you!

The reason John has no friends is because he turns on them and distances himself from them through is insane behavior. He called the FBI on Penny Arcade after they donated the $10,000 dollars to charity that John Bruce said he would if his ludicrous game concept was brought to life, as stated in his 'modest proposal'. The guy is insane.
Nearly 1000 members now. Keep it up, GAF!

brendanrfoley said:
Internet sites can be held responsible for libel, because the courts treat message boards and similar places as 'publishers' (which they are). That said, I don't see how this case will work. I am certain Thompson was libeled in postings, but it will be an extremely difficult case to win.
This is actually completely wrong. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects service providers from the actions of their users. Thompson can sue, and Facebook might settle, but Thompson doesn't have a chance if it goes to court.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Kaako said:
Never give up, never surrender!
J.T is kinda like a console warrior, such dedication, such passion. You will loose this one as well, but there are a billion other things you can sue. Swing away, J.T.
Once this guy was defanged he has becoame my favorite person on the planet. His life is like a sitcom. What crazy antics will Jack get into this week? Tune in to find out!

I can't wait until the episode where he sues the Statue of Liberty for being an illegal immigrant.


Jive Turkey said:
Once this guy was defanged he has becoame my favorite person on the planet. His life is like a sitcom. What crazy antics will Jack get into this week? Tune in to find out!

I can't wait until the episode where he sues the Statue of Liberty for being an illegal immigrant.
jack thompson is a lawyer versoin of ross from friends.


Facebook users started an “I Hate Jack Thompson” group, according to the lawsuit. The complaint cites a posting that said “Jack Thompson should be smacked across the face with an Atari 2600.” Thompson included images of the Facebook postings in the lawsuit.

Look on the bright side Jack, it could be a PS3!
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