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Gaf I need your help and opinion with this discussion on race

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So I'm trying to explain Race/ Racism to one of my new English friends. He's convinced that Race isn't or shouldn't be a thing and doesn't really understand American white privilege.
This is a conversation over Xbox live so it's start is kind of weird. but i'm going to post where the discussion started on race.

I'm sorry that this is hard to read, but this literally the message string copy pasted when you don't see a name in front of a Text it's still me or him.

This is also my first thread so i'm sorry if it sucks a bit.


Actually African Americans and Native Americans are the only ones who didn't invade the country lol

Lol who cares

Lol I find the term African American so fucking racist lol

Don't get me wrong I don't give a shit about racism. Hell the whites are persecuted all the time.

But the fact that Americans assume black people are from Africa is fucking awful lol

You do know I'm black right lmfao

Yeah I know

I mean at one point we all were

But you are not "African American"

You are an American who happens to be black



ehh I don't mind it it's better than Afro American
Look at the people from the West Indies, Jamaica, Dominican Republic,and every other black nation

Their call some type of Islanders actually

I forget the name
Surely assuming something based on colour as in where someone is from is the definition of racism. So saying you are African American is assuming something your origin based on colour. To me that is racist lol

Yeah but to be "politically correct" people in the USA say African American without finding out if that person is from the islands

That's not really how its used. Lol don't' get me wrong my country is racist as fuck

Because some people find being called "black" offensive. It's the same in the UK

Several of them are running for President

And several of them are black lol

Lol I can't bet bothered by that small shit

People have said and done worse to me because of my skin
Exactly. It's fucking stupid. It's so annoying when someone goes on about what their great great grandad went through. Black, white, Jew, whatever. Fuck that! All that matters is how we act now.

Hey I have Been massively discriminated against for being white. It's not nice for anyone!

I can't agree with that the sins of the past are still effecting people here.

Being white in America is like winning a mini lottery
I used to go to an all Jamaican black church ( to be fair it was just for the chicken lol) and I grew up in a very Somalian run area. On top of that the police were too worried to hassle the blacks as it could look discriminating

lol over here they kill black people for looking or speaking to them cross and they get off with it.

It depends how you look at it. I can't comment on America as I'm not from here but in the UK people are so focused on meeting quotas whether it be black, female, gay or anything else the white straight people are bottom of several lists lol

In my opinion stereotypes always come from somewhere and are always in some way true

Yeah that's very possible over there but over here hell no

Look at the U.S. Police force. Yes I'm sure a huge amount are racist cunts. But also a huge amount of black people get involved in criminal activity. That's the problem with stereotypes. It may be true for a huge amount but it's never true for


I really wish we lived in a time where people can be labeled a cunt not because of their skin, profession or history but because they are a cunt lol

I'll have to link to some stories and data on why the numbers are skewed that way.

It's not that simple

Our police have a problem due to subpar training in certain areas.
Yeah but for every link you sent me someone else could send me another. It is true that in the USA and the UK the most gang activity is from black people. Does that make all black people bad? Hell no!

The training I agree with 100%

I can't say anything about the Uk but our police are pretty much trained to bully the poor and avoid the rich

In the UK the police don't have guns so it doesn't escalate like it does here.

Meaning constantly horas blacks and hispanics

Lol it's the same in the UK.

But the poor are white

But that's the point. It doesn't matter!

Apparently we have superpowers too because they think we can spawn guns and that as teenagers we have superstrength


Yeah I heard

Majority of poor people are minorities

They also think we have Sharingans for some reasons
Can I ask you question? First of all you have to understand I'm not racist. I hate everyone lol

Go ahead

Where do you stand on the "N word" whether it be nigga, nigger or any other way of spelling/saying it?

This is a question I like to ask as it shows the way people view race

They are very different

Is there any version a white person shouldn't say?

If someone says nigger it's meant to hurt and demean black people

What if it's a black person saying it?

White people should NEVER ever ever say nigger. No one should black people don't even use it

Ok good answer!

Nigga was made as a filler word such as bro or bra or bruh. It's our word

Our word?

Who's word exactly?

I won't be offended if a white person uses it but i'd look at them like they are stupid because I know their using it because they feel like their cool enough to say it around me. Some white guys say it so awkwardly because their scared of my reactio

Lol ok. I was gunna say

Black people coined that version of it

That's the problem. Looking at it as black people and white people instead of just people

I honestly don't' care if some of them use it, but in those cases they have a real respect and understanding of black people

Colorblindness doesn't work for several reasons

That can be a thing of the future but the problems of race need to be solved now

Do you ever wonder why Blacks are statistically poor in America?

Most civilised people agree that stopping black people from using certain words, using certain restaurants and transportation and stuff like that was wrong. Doing the same to whites is no better.

And in such our crime rates spike because of it.

It's about respect you don't here me calling every white person I meet a "Cracker"

Don't call me a N. we have to accept that Yes, all humans are the same but our culture is different from each other and most cultures are of uniformed "race"

No I don't. But I don't respect blacks

Or whites

Or Asians or anyone

I respect people. The ones who deserve it

So what do you consider yourself then

Me? I'm a 30 year old English guy

My colour is irrelevant.

Who is White. I'm a 19 year old Black guy living in Racist ass Georgia

Race has to be addressed and understood

many whites in my country don't' even discuss race many of them go through childhood without seeing another race

I'm not disputing that. But racism is like a 5 way street. It's all around us and effects every single race isn't seen as the country of origin but is seen as the colour of the skin which is sad but one of the most persecuted people today and

In the past has been the whites. Not in the USA but on a global scale

But when people have this attitude of " we commit crime because of this" and " we arrest blacks because of that" it doesn't help anyone. I'm not saying people should accept discrimination based on colour or anything like that

I know the Turkish have Killed several Whites

No one is disputing that

Do you think I don't know people are racist to whites

But I never said we commit crimes because of this and tried to excused this but crime is an eventuality of poverty

But at the same time its never gunna get better when there is a lack of education, acceptance of different cultures (within reason) and also the ability to let shit go

I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about people in general. These days there is loads of hugely successful black people which is great. Some shouldn't be successful. Not because they are black but because they suck lol.

It happens, However, in America certain laws are made to punish poor minorities more so than whites. To the point that whites get soo much sympathy and passes through the arrest and the courts

Yeah true but lets talk about equality.

If you look at the Jews. Who are without a doubt are the most persecuted people of all time ( quickly being caught up by the European sex traffic victims) none of them use it as a shield. I have never once heard you say blah blah blah

Because I'm black. But loads of people do. That's what I'm saying. The work needs to happen to the ignorant on both sides

Many rich whites in America think they are "Self made" or that they came from the ground up

Both races. Well all races. I honestly hope one day we aren't black, white, brown, red, yellow or whatever colour people are given

However, none of them truly started form the bottom like we did many literally rose from slavery to try and gain money.

I did a lot of studying on slavery for an exam in school and I learnt some shit I never knew,

We didn't have our ancestors success to help us build and the government never gave us our reparations. That were due to us

First slave owner was black, over 95 percent of slave merchant were black and so on...

They even gave The native Americans Reparations and we still got nothing

However I agree those born into money regardless of colour got a sweet fucking deal

They even Gave the Japanese people we put in concentration camps something and we still got nothing

Many people here honestly dispute why the civil war started to this day.

Many black slave owners existed to buy up Slaves and keep them safe together.

People who moved the the USA under the understanding it was part of the UK and who worked their arse off to later be stripped of everything and either killed or banished

One of our political parties literally hates us and tries to steal away our voting rights constantly

I don't think any of those people including the blacks should have got anything with the exception of the native Americans who got royally fucked!

That's just wrong!

But sadly racism is going no where. And I know it sounds horrible but you as a young black American are there possibly due to slavery. Slavery is never right however a lot of black people who live in the USA who yes still have a way to go for true

Yes, that's true I'm not denying that. But, you were never enslaved, denied jobs, citizenship, Murdered in masses as naturalized Americans, denied the right to vote or so many other insane atrocities

Equality and have to let a lot of shit go to achieve it

To be fair nor where you

Dude we got soo tucked too we were promised land and stocks by the gov't but then our racist southern president gave all the War criminals of the south pardons

If we lived by our ancestors and what they went through the Africans would be one of the worst people of all time. But I can't judge you on your father let alone your great great great great grandad.

We all got screwed! Trust me. It's just that the USA history is so short so is still so raw and people are scared or those who are different. And a lot of black people give the rest of you a bad name

Just like a lot of white people give us a bad name

But my ancestors were and since we couldn't' vote or work for fair wages policies were set in place to keep us down. We had racist making laws for decades and constantly making the rules, and some of them are still in effect to this day

Our county was built in the 18 and 19th century by racist and it allowed their groups to thrive and succeed while we suffred and we have to deal with it

Yeah same as the feminist issues. However it is the way people go about things. As I said the white, brith is are by far the most persecuted in the UK yet we still have blacks moaning about the same shit. Some people need to learn and others need tI

Let shit go. Otherwise this will never end

Did you know that black slavery is still huge business? Ok maybe not as big as European but still it's huge. And yes some of those involved are white but most are the corrupt black people in Africa etc. we need to stop blaming races and start blaming

Complete cunts

I know nothing about the UK so I can't argue with you about it. But I can't just write them off without researching it

The UK had black slaves, white slaves ( still does ) and every other colour

UK has a huge problem with Sex slaves iirc

N fact they say that in the UK you are never more than 6 miles from a slave "camp"

I just wish shit would get better for everyone but sadly ignorance on both sides stops it 😭

We all know slavery isn't' exclusive to America but they were some of the most brutal slavers in the world

All I know about you is you are an American, you are a gamer, you play sports, you're young, you're a nice guy and you eat great food.

I don't think of you as black. Nor would I as it means fuck all to me.

I don't think people should be proud of being black, white, Asian or even gay, lesbian or transgender. People should look at them selves and be proud of themselves as a human being, what they contribute. That's it

Fuck your ancestors and fuck your future generations. The only thing that really matters is the difference you make and the way you live your life.

Lots of people have ancestors who were nazis, slave owner etc. doesn't make them bad people.

I'm not saying that about people or do I feel that people should suffer for the fucked up things people's ancestors have done but some actions have lasting effects and they need to be righted

Or ignored and started again. There is very rarely a one sided issue. There is definitely race issues in the world including the USA. At the moment it's the Muslims who are the most effected. Not that all Muslims are bad people. I know I live in

An ideal world in my head lol. Wanting racism to go away is stupid and unrealistic and sadly as a white male in the UK I will always be discriminated against but fuck it
I mean you could always move to America

I don't want to know what colour my friends such as people like yourself are as I just don't give s shit. You are not entitled to anything and you shouldn't be held back from anything either. If I like you I don't give a shit lol

That's the thing I can't!

I'm a white British man. I have to pay half a million to get into the USA. Yet asylum seekers can get in lol

I don't feel entitled trust me

But there are wrongs that must be righted.

I don't doubt that for a second! However I'm sure that's true on all sides

In the USA there is a long way to go. No one can deny that

But honestly can you blame people for being scared, less likely to employ?


The vast majority of black Americans are lovely, harmless people who just want a life for their family

However the numbers suggest that there is a larger black gang community than white. Because they are poor some people do things that hold back others.

It's the same with other minorities

Hold on I;m playihbg gears


Lol no worries. I should probably go sleep soon anyway.

12:01:12 AM
I do have to say though that I personally believe you should go far. Not because you or "your people" deserve it but because you seem like a smart, athletic guy.

Me 12:01:32 AM

12:01:41 AM
Lol ik you have to be tired
HIM12:03:01 AM
Try not to give into the racist twats. Don't think of yourself as a "black man" and instead measure yourself by your true worth. You're a man. Your colour in this day and age really shouldn't matter ;)

12:03:32 AM
Yeah I have tried staying up as long as possible but the longer I'm up the more I drink lol

Me12:04:14 AM
It's late as hell at home I'm sure

HIM12:06:42 AM
In the UK it would be after 5am

12:07:24 AM
Right it's bedtime.

Me 12:07:31 AM
Night man

I'm gunna end our chat with one final thought. If one day we end up meeting under any circumstances I'm gunna slap anyone who treats me differently for being white or you differently for being black. And not just coz I like slapping people lol

12:08:56 AM
Night dude

I know I've probably said some stupid shit in this but I wanted you all to have the full conversation to educate myself as well as him. How can I make my argument better and what am i saying wrong?


Tell him to try spending a day in America with a minority, especially a black person. Even the rich ones get shit on constantly. I am half white and Asian and earlier when I was jogging a nice white couple with their friends not only left the street as I approached, but the husband actually stood guard like a fucking sentinel as I passed. Later a cop car slowed down and shined a fucking flashlight on me. I live in an area where every household makes well over six figures. That is some daily shit white people don't have to deal with. Now imagine being black and dealing with institutions.


Tell him to try spending a day in America with a minority, especially a black person. Even the rich ones get shit on constantly. I am half white and Asian and earlier when I was jogging a nice white couple with their friends not only left the street as I approached, but the husband actually stood guard like a fucking sentinel as I passed. Later a cop car slowed down and shined a fucking flashlight on me. I live in an area where every household makes well over six figures. That is some daily shit white people don't have to deal with. Now imagine being black and dealing with institutions.

I tell him stuff like that and he goes on and on about how we should just stop having race and how it's all stupid.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Your friend is right in that race shouldn't be a thing.

Kind of like crime. Crime shouldn't be a thing. But let's see how good denying the existence of crime will do you.


He does know that when he talks about the black peoples from the Carribbean he is talking about direct African descendents (ie slaves) as well, right?
"Black people use their oppression as an excuse to do commit crime"

smh. Your friend doesn't WANT to understand the issues with racism in the modern US. Not understanding and not wanting to understand are two very different things.


Honestly I think he sort of has the right idea.

Using the labels African American, Mexican-American, Chinese-American, et al just segregate people. People should only be called "American".

Other than that though, racism should always be acknowledged. There are a lot of very real problems and we shouldn't be looking the other way.


"Black people use their oppression as an excuse to do commit crime"

smh. Your friend doesn't WANT to understand the issues with racism in the modern US. Not understanding and not wanting to understand are two very different things.

I've found that most people from the UK who come the the US really can't appreciate the difficulties blacks here face because their society is so much more fair.


I agree with him in some ways. America really is, ideally, supposed to be the world's biggest melting pot. Perhaps once the whites are outnumbered or less represented in government, things will change.


I've found that most people from the UK who come the the US really can't appreciate the difficulties blacks here face because their society is so much more fair.

I think that why i'm having a hard time explaining this to him.

I don't want to call him an idiot I honestly don't think he understands where i'm coming from.
Your friend sounds..no, is an idiot. He reminds me of some real nice people I knew that had some odd change as we got older. I think they call people like that trolls around these parts..

Just the dismissing of articles is enough.
Honestly I think he sort of has the right idea.

Using the labels African American, Mexican-American, Chinese-American, et al just segregate people. People should only be called "American".

Other than that though, racism should always be acknowledged. There are a lot of very real problems and we shouldn't be looking the other way.

The "labels" are important because the issues plaguing each member of said label are very different. You're talking about completely unique cultures and varying ways of life. Encouraging homogeneity only sounds good on paper, but one can't solve cultural problems if one doesn't want to understand said problems in the first place.

To give two extremely basic examples, Chinese-Americans aren't being systematically profiled by police because "they look like thugs". Black people's discriminatory problems aren't being ignored largely due to a "model minority" notion. Saying "let's just call everyone American" isn't solving any cultural prejudice issues so much as it is sweeping them all under the rug at the same time.


Your friend sounds..no, is an idiot. He reminds me of some real nice people I knew that had some odd change as we got older. I think they call people like that trolls around these parts..

Just the dismissing of articles is enough.

Yeah I found his retort to that crazy. Yeah, we can't believe every article we find on the internet but I could have easily found some credible sources to prove my point.


Yeah I found his retort to that crazy. Yeah, we can't believe every article we find on the internet but I could have easily found some credible sources to prove my point.

He seems to be very dismissive toward any actual discussion of racial discrimination in America. Acting dumb, skeptical for no reason, and unwilling to empathize with you whatsoever.

You can game with the dude, but I wouldn't go much further into serious discussions with him, he's pretty stupid and hardheaded.


He seems to be very dismissive toward any actual discussion of racial discrimination in America. Acting dumb, skeptical for no reason, and unwilling to empathize with you whatsoever.

You can game with the dude, but I wouldn't go much further into serious discussions with him, he's pretty stupid and hardheaded.

He gets this mentality because he grew up poor in the UK and has become very wealthy through his life. That's why he believes in that colorblind mentality. He thinks everyone is equal just because he rose himself up and he know of others who've done the same regardless of race.

I tried to tell him it's never that simple but as you know the argument kept going in a circle.
You might be right.


The "labels" are important because the issues plaguing each member of said label are very different. You're talking about completely unique cultures and varying ways of life. Encouraging homogeneity only sounds good on paper, but one can't solve cultural problems if one doesn't want to understand said problems in the first place.

To give two extremely basic examples, Chinese-Americans aren't being systematically profiled by police because "they look like thugs". Black people's discriminatory problems aren't being ignored largely due to a "model minority" notion. Saying "let's just call everyone American" isn't solving any cultural prejudice issues so much as it is sweeping them all under the rug at the same time.

Ehhhhhhh I still don't know about the need for that. I was born in Mexico, but I've been raised here. I consider myself an American -- not Mexican-American. I am still aware of racism and the hardships people are faced with.


I see it as an excuse for really meaning "I don't acknowledge racism" or "I choose to ignore racism".
Which comes to the same result. Denying someone's struggles, their history, and denying them empathy in more troubled times when they may be greater targets of scrutiny and ignorance.
I hate the "I don't see race" argument which can be gross on its own. It's denying people their identity.
I kind of agree with this. What sounds like a noble concept is actually turning the whole thing into a taboo to be abused. The colour of one's skin is part of whom you are, especially in times when in practice people will still treat you according to your hue or heritage. It can be exhausting when you see articles of obvious hate crimes come up, and a bunch of people start discussing hypothetical alternative reasons behind the events. I'm not saying that exploring these things is an inherent bad thing, but sometimes it feels like the elephant in the room is being wilfully ignored.

I do agree with the OP's friend that terms like "African-American" is a bit of a sneaky term to divide and other-ise the black community from "American". I prefer to not use it in most cases.
I've found that most people from the UK who come the the US really can't appreciate the difficulties blacks here face because their society is so much more fair.

I really don't think that is true. My grandad emigrated to England from Guyana in the 50/60s and dealt with a tonne of racism. Especially with my grandmother being white.

It's a big part of history around that time and people that don't know are just ignorant.

Hell I still get shit to this day as does the rest of my family, school was disgusting.
I hate the "I don't see race" argument which can be gross on its own. It's denying people their identity.
I don't think i agree. I'm sure they will welcome differences and are interested in roots and identity. It just means we are all people and every life is worth the same and everyone should be able to follow their own pursuit to happiness. At least, i think that is what they actually want to say.

Ofcourse they "see" differences. They just don't want to treat people different.



Are you taking the same stance as Nigel Farage? That race quota's etc. need to go away because racism isn't exist anymore?

I also don't like the term African American, and these days people don't mind saying black (in the UK, no one ever gave a shit), but I don't see what the argument is even about.

EDIT: Other way around.

I got it the other way around.

You see, it's because in the UK there's basically no dialogue for racism here. Wherever it happens, it's hush-hush, but it happens in London about the same as much as discrimination for many other reasons.


I get that things are different in the US but in the UK there is a reason why people say stuff like "racism doesn't exist here" etc.

But think about it, the reason why that can even happen in the UK (which had a history of slavery, oppression etc. long ago) is because people try not to be bothered about it from both sides. Socioeconomically, there are families that for generations will benefit of oppression sure, but there are so many poor and discriminated white people in the world that it's racist as fuck to just blanket say "stupid white people" all the time.

Hating white people for the colour of their skin is no different than the racism the same people fight against.


Cool. Not all Mexicans consider themselves to be "American" only
Like the entire Mexican side of my family who have lived in America for over 30 years but insist that I apply for Mexican citizenship regardless of having been born in America.


Most civilised people agree that stopping black people from using certain words, using certain restaurants and transportation and stuff like that was wrong. Doing the same to whites is no better.

Eugh. Painful to read. I'm goimg to keep reading but this kind of ignorance is just..
I don't think any of those people including the blacks should have got anything with the exception of the native Americans who got royally fucked!

I used to go to an all Jamaican black church ( to be fair it was just for the chicken lol) and I grew up in a very Somalian run area. On top of that the police were too worried to hassle the blacks as it could look discriminating

Also I've yet to meet someone who says "the blacks" who isn't racist.


Eugh. Painful to read. I'm goimg to keep reading but this kind of ignorance is just..

Ok, I read the rest. I think he means well enough but ultimately just does not get it and unfortunately isn't interested in considering a point of view other than his own.


One thing that discomfits me a bit as someone who was raised Jewish but does not identify as Jewish anymore is how eager people are to paint Jews as "better" because they don't complain about racism. Being Jewish is often something people can't see when they look at you. Being black is not the same at all. People know your race as soon as they are you, but not your religion. I think that drastically effects how you are judged and treated.


Probably wouldn't have continued after this.

Xbox live probably isn't the best medium for that sort of discussion.

And agreed. That's about when I determine the individual is a lost cause and my time is better spent doing something productive.

Probably because that's Mariana Trench levels of ignorance. And it's not worth the effort trying to elevate them out of it.

I kept going for the sake of the argument


I saw his point at the start then it just went waaay downhill..The beginning reminded me of the controversy over an Australian KFC ad and a youtube "news" show being racist because all the West Indies fans became silent when a bucket of KFC was produced..Going so far as to call them "African Americans" despite not being African nor American.

But the guy's doing his best to avoid the real issues.
I kept going for the sake of the argument

I get that. I used to do the same but then I got tired of the same ole song and dance. I can only explain things and have it ignored so many times until it becomes old and tired. Some people are either willfully ignorant or just too far gone for my patience.


I get that. I used to do the same but then I got tired of the same ole song and dance. But I can only explain things and have it ignored so many times until it becomes old and tired. Some people are either willfully ignorant or just too far gone for my patience.

Yeah, part of me was getting angry and I honestly wanted to call him an fucking idiot " because he was acting like one, but that's rarely how you change someones mind. I'll probably never talk to him about something like this again.
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