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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done


People called Romanes they go the house?
Man, that ending is such
a tease
. Fun, fun stuff.

I think I enjoyed Wolfenstein a bit more (for no particular reason, and its close) in terms of bringing old franchises back, but seeing things come back together herein felt like a classic romp taken one step up, and elevated. Definitely worth the price of admission.

Really curious to see what they do with the DLC.


I'm pretty sure iD are going to be there. I think that's already been confirmed.

Only thing that will happen from iD is most likely some DLC for DOOM. They wont announce a new game for a while

I have a very spoiler-heavy question that I'd like to ask of others who beat the game...


When Dr. Hayden takes the Crucible from you and says that he can't kill you, does he mean...

1. He can't because of moral reasons?
2. He can't afford to kill you because you might be useful in the future or serve as a plot device?
3. He literally can't kill you for some reason?


Might be a silly question, but the ambiguity left me wondering.


I have a very spoiler-heavy question that I'd like to ask of others who beat the game...


When Dr. Hayden takes the Crucible from you and says that he can't kill you, does he mean...

1. He can't because of moral reasons?
2. He can't afford to kill you because you might be useful in the future or serve as a plot device?
3. He literally can't kill you for some reason?

It's the latter. He couldn't do it if he tried :)

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I have a very spoiler-heavy question that I'd like to ask of others who beat the game...


When Dr. Hayden takes the Crucible from you and says that he can't kill you, does he mean...

1. He can't because of moral reasons?
2. He can't afford to kill you because you might be useful in the future or serve as a plot device?
3. He literally can't kill you for some reason?


Might be a silly question, but the ambiguity left me wondering.

I think it is a combo of 2&3. He knows he needs you incase the demons get out again and he couldn't if he tried. Someome else pointed put his name is S. Hayden. Sayden. Satan. So that might play into it as well.
I am nearing the end of the campaign ( I'm playing on Hurt Me Plenty, because I'm a wimp ), and this has been my favorite gaming-experience since The Last of Us. Sheer, utter brilliance throughout - the action is so visceral that the larger fights make me grin like a madman every single time. I'm going to do a Ultra Violence / Nightmare run for this game, no question - I can see myself playing this campaign again and again, just like the original Doom.

So yeah. My single-player GOTY right here. The biggest surprise of the decade.


Has anyone tried out classic nightmare yet? I'm at Argent D'nur on my Nightmare run and just do not want to finish this game up ='(

Also, does anyone know if there's a noclip function? When secret hunting in the later levels it gets irritating when the levels cockblock you from going backwards. Monitoring resources I can tell why they did it, even if it is annoying. Levels like Titan's Realm I've seen the game using upwards of 7.2 GBs of RAM. Since I'm on 12 GBs I think I can get away with noclip'ing backwards to get stuff I missed.

Don't ruin this for me!

The Doom opinion turnaround is one of the best feel good things for me this year

Yeah, its great to see a game everyone had the knives out for turn out not to be just good, but absolutely brilliant.

Man, the later levels are insane tho. The map design in some of the arenas feels straight up like cut content from Quake 3 maps. Theyre so well designed. The boss fights are legit too. At first I was like "fuck this is bullshit I'm dying constantly" and then my coddled gamer brain woke up and was like "yeah, its a boss, its not supposed to be a pushover". Almost finished now, think I'm on the last level. What a ride so far


I just finished the foundry level on PS4 [Ultra-Violence], and mah gawd. It's fucking awesome.

The only thing that I missing is new GPU for my PC so that I can play it with keyb/mouse, and Q3 sound pack for player movement and item pickup sounds. :)
It's okay. It's not horrible. It gets the job done as something that you can do when you want to play against human beings in a Doom-like setting, and I've spent some hours on it gaining levels. I'm like, level 60 or something (which isn't that big a deal, actually.)

But it doesn't live up to the standards of the single player campaign.

Best way to describe it.

Gets the job done but you're not going to have an itch for it that'll make you want to turn I your computer/console soley to play mp.


Incredible game, later half can get so intense, had to put down the controller couple of times just because it was too much sometimes.


Lé Blade Runner;204330645 said:
I am nearing the end of the campaign ( I'm playing on Hurt Me Plenty, because I'm a wimp ), and this has been my favorite gaming-experience since The Last of Us. Sheer, utter brilliance throughout - the action is so visceral that the larger fights make me grin like a madman every single time. I'm going to do a Ultra Violence / Nightmare run for this game, no question - I can see myself playing this campaign again and again, just like the original Doom.

So yeah. My single-player GOTY right here. The biggest surprise of the decade.

Exactly how I feel. I went back with the mission select to pick up the secrets, and I'm finding myself playing through the levels over and over, like I used to do with Doom, Goldeneye, Quake etc. Those 90s shooters were definitely replayable, and this recaptures this nicely.
Incredible game, later half can get so intense, had to put down the controller couple of times just because it was too much sometimes.

There are those fights where you are like I'm never gonna get through this.

Then you start shooting rocket launchers while you're in mid air running around the arena dodging things, turn around and run into a hell knight who slams you..You think you're dead but you realize you have 9 health left but no ammo so you start running away like a defeated coward..And then you remember...I STILL HAVEN'T USED MY CHAINSAW. You go back and cut him up and all of a sudden you're ammo had has been repleted and you have some of your health back. You turn around and see a bunch of zombies and a 2 mancubus...You take out the zombies first for health while dodging the mancubus rockets. Then you unload your plasma rifle, rocket launcher, and shot gun on one of them to bring them down. Now its just you and one one big mancubus, you take out the last weapon with ammo that you have and unload but he's still coming for you and worse, he just leaped at you and hit you...back to 26 health, you may not survive another attack. You run for your life and then you see it....rocket launcher ammo that you didn't pick up early because you were already at max capacity. You dash for it, get into a safe position, lock on to him and shoot. Direct hit, he staggers, you pull off a glory kill and rip him up in half. Time to breathe again.

This is doom.

For the love of god take the controller mapping that lets you jump and aim at the same time--I think antitrop was posting about it earlier--otherwise you'll be hurting later on. With double jump you should be at least 2x as mobile as you are in that video.
Eh, don't feel like unlearning the way I've been playing shooters for the past 15 years. I don't feel limited by the control scheme and it's the default so I'm sure the devs are cool with it.


Bumper Jumper is morally wrong

I'd say something that would cause a ruckus in this thread, but I won't. I'll just say there's a reason I'm playing this on my PC instead of my PS4, and it's not the extra gfx.

Eh, don't feel like unlearning the way I've been playing shooters for the past 15 years. I don't feel limited by the control scheme and it's the default so I'm sure the devs are cool with it.

When I did that fight on nightmare I got hit one time. If you plan on going higher than UV, and even UV will cause problems pretty soon, I would take the jumping option. There's a rune later that allows free movement while jumping that totally changes the gameplay that you won't be able to take advantage of without it.

Playing the game I really think they designed it around a keyboard and mouse and just made the game work on a gamepad. Stuff like air mobility rune just kinda proves it.
I think the opposite. Everything about the controls, the UI, the way weapons work, Snapmap, how they had to relegate chainsaw/BFG to the two face buttons that weren't used cuz the weapon wheel was filled up, says this was a game made with consoles in mind, and they just so happen to have a very good PC version as well.
This game is straight demon crack. Fiending for a hit before going out to meet friends, fiending for a hit before wifey comes home and wants to watch a show.


Playing the game I really think they designed it around a keyboard and mouse and just made the game work on a gamepad. Stuff like air mobility rune just kinda proves it.

Yup, it really shows once you get the air mobility rune

And i'm thankful for that


I think the opposite. Everything about the controls, the UI, the way weapons work, Snapmap, says this was a game made with consoles in mind, and they just so happen to have a very good PC version as well.

Some weapon mods are designed for gamepad use yes, but they are easily ignored for the more offensive mods that pair with the added mobility and function offered with a keyboard.

With the "way weapons work" and "ui" you can change that by opting for the simple crosshair. The chaingun, for example, works completely differently when you opt for the precision of the simple crosshair coopted with a mouse.
Well, I guess its really to ID Software's benefit that we can play the same game on Nightmare with different control methods(and control schemes even) and feel like our control method of choice was what the game was made around.

I probably won't play the game on Nightmare, UV feels good to me. We can't all be as ELITE as you. ;)

Dont mind him. I and many others played the game just fine on UV with the default controls. Just do whatever's fun, you dont have to compete with anybody for what's optimal, or who gives a shit.
I'd say something that would cause a ruckus in this thread, but I won't. I'll just say there's a reason I'm playing this on my PC instead of my PS4, and it's not the extra gfx.

When I did that fight on nightmare I got hit one time. If you plan on going higher than UV, and even UV will cause problems pretty soon, I would take the jumping option. There's a rune later that allows free movement while jumping that totally changes the gameplay that you won't be able to take advantage of without it.

Playing the game I really think they designed it around a keyboard and mouse and just made the game work on a gamepad. Stuff like air mobility rune just kinda proves it.
I probably won't play the game on Nightmare, UV feels good to me. We can't all be as ELITE as you. ;)


The chore of extracting the music, had taken away some of my enjoyment of this game. Gonna try to get some time in give it a proper play through. Overwatch and total war hammer will have to wait
I'm not necessarily looking for Hell on Earth for Doom 2016's sequel. Towns and cities and countryside are not going to lend themselves to the kind of level design that makes this game awesome. If it needs to be as abstract as Doom 2 (which is 'Earth' but doesn't look or feel anything like it) then is there really much point to doing it? Something tells me they aren't going to put story first if they do a follow up to this...

But when I think of the play spaces... I don't want anything recognizably Earth like. Again, they were doing that, and when they decided to put gameplay first, they set it on Mars and dropped any real pretense of the levels being anything other than interesting places to shoot stuff in.



For the love of god take the controller mapping that lets you jump and aim at the same time--I think antitrop was posting about it earlier--otherwise you'll be hurting later on. With double jump you should be at least 2x as mobile as you are in that video.

I got the Ultra Nightmare achievement (3rd try) and completed Ultra Violence swimmingly with the default button mapping. Bumper jumping and bunny-hopping aren't as essential as some are preaching.


I got the Ultra Nightmare achievement and completed Ultra Violence swimmingly with the default button mapping. Bumper jumping and bunny-hopping aren't as useful as some are preaching.

Yes, they are. Just because you can grind your way to some cheevos doesn't mean it wouldn't have been much easier if you'd swallowed your pride and taken the path of least resistance.


sorry but is there any way to record gameplay on PC?

Sadly it seems we wait for vulkan. Shadowplay I've heard hates OGL, and AMD just hates OGL period.

I know some PC guys are twitching the game, so I'd guess the game might do decently with something, but idk what it would be.
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