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Colin Moriarty - Introducing Last Stand Media (includes new XBOX podcast hosted by MrMattyPlays And Karak)


The terms “harm, dangerous, white supremacist” etc are all abused by people who are desperate to claim victimhood and slander people they don’t like. Those words are tossed around like candy for innocuous opinions and beliefs. All that does is expose the lack of intellect of the individuals who do it. The same nonsense is used for JK Rowling and Cyberpunk 2077. They all “caused tons of harm” and “threatened the well being of marginalized people” yet can not name a single person who was harmed. It’s complete fiction.
Absolutely agree with you and this mentality is spreading like a disease. In the case of Cyberpunk and JK Rowling I have seen posts pointing to some examples of "victims," but it's never really someone who experienced any real harm, just someone feeling uncomfortable or "sick to their stomach" by the mere existence of a different point of view. Suddenly one dissenting opinion is "driving them out" of their safe spaces and affecting their mental health. I don't understand why fragility of character is rewarded in an online world where you can shut someone up with a click of a button. If you are that sensitive then just do that.
Yeah apparently making a joke at a woman's expense means you hate them all.

Well, judging by those replies it's "marginalized folks", whatever that means. I keep seeing that phrase all over the gaming centric social media and forums, but I can never figure out who those people are. Don't bother asking for specifics because the mere act of trying to communicating with them is probably what they consider harassment.

I swear.. I know it's stupid and childish but I am instinctively start to judge people that type out certain phrases now like "folks" because a weird ass take always goes hand in hand.

I didn't either but when I saw he was admin over at Ree I had a nagging feeling he had to be like the rest of the mods to be in their inner circle.
It's the difference between how men and women interact with each other. When women are together it's all about validating and pumping each other up. If a woman get a new haircut her friends will all say "oh that really suits you" "you look amazing" "who's your hairdresser?". If she gets a new top her friends will say "that looks awesome" "you are so pretty you make me jealous" etc.
This is how they show kinship with each other.
Men on the other hand are the opposite. We make fun of each other as a sign of bonding. If a guy gets a new haircuit his mates will make comments like "don't worry dude, it will grow out in a few weeks" or "did you let your mum cut your hair again?".
If he buys a new top he will be greeted with "did you get that from the kids section" or "that style should come back in in a couple of years" etc.
Men tease the women in their life they like. It's how they show affection to some degree.
Only a person with literally no interaction with men would not get that.
The reality is that 90% of women love men and understand the dynamics of it. 90% of men love women and will ultimately do everything they can to protect those in their lives.
To the 10% of those who don't? The world will pass you by and you will die lonely and alone.


It's the difference between how men and women interact with each other. When women are together it's all about validating and pumping each other up. If a woman get a new haircut her friends will all say "oh that really suits you" "you look amazing" "who's your hairdresser?". If she gets a new top her friends will say "that looks awesome" "you are so pretty you make me jealous" etc.
This is how they show kinship with each other.
Men on the other hand are the opposite. We make fun of each other as a sign of bonding. If a guy gets a new haircuit his mates will make comments like "don't worry dude, it will grow out in a few weeks" or "did you let your mum cut your hair again?".
If he buys a new top he will be greeted with "did you get that from the kids section" or "that style should come back in in a couple of years" etc.
Men tease the women in their life they like. It's how they show affection to some degree.
Only a person with literally no interaction with men would not get that.
The reality is that 90% of women love men and understand the dynamics of it. 90% of men love women and will ultimately do everything they can to protect those in their lives.
To the 10% of those who don't? The world will pass you by and you will die lonely and alone.
I like this theory a lot and agree that lack of social development between the sexes and different groups in general has a lot to do with this shift we are seeing. I am also worried that the 10% you are talking about is growing... either that or they disproportionally vocal on social media. It certainly feels like most people on there have lost their damn mind. This is why I don't really use social media outside of access to select niches that I control.


That name looks familiar. I think I followed him on social media for about a day and he was retweeting a bunch of defund the police rhetoric so that follow only lasted a day lol. Naturally, he flippantly throws the term “whites supremacist” around, which is no surprise. People who dislike Colin perhaps not coincidentally seem to all fall in the same bin of ideologies.
…trash bin.


I also think that Colin is not the brightest person, but probably for other reasons than those Twitter people. If I remember correctly, he referred to Microsoft's Play Anywhere initiative as "asinine" - which is all I need to know to conclude that he has no clue what he is talking about.


Moderated wildly
Is there actually any evidence I can look at that proves any of these accusations about Colin? Who has he "driven" out of the industry or what crazy hurtful comments has he made?

I'm genuinely interested to see the receipts.

I know he has made some crazy comments about Nintendo and Microsoft business stuff, and he used to go to bat gard for Sony but it never bothered me as I liked to at least hear his perspective.

I'm just interested in all this damage he has done to people. I can't see anything.
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Is there actually any evidence I can look at that proves any of these accusations about Colin? Who has he "driven" out of the industry or what crazy hurtful comments has he made?

I'm genuinely interested to see the receipts.
You’ll never see them, anyone not part of the bot army is a Colin.
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Is there actually any evidence I can look at that proves any of these accusations about Colin? Who has he "driven" out of the industry or what crazy hurtful comments has he made?

I'm genuinely interested to see the receipts.
You know all they got is the day without a woman joke, meanwhile alex battaglia is actively attacking his reputation trying to exclude him from the conversation, even though he’s insulated himself and can’t really be touched. I have to imagine alex is jealous colin is talking to someone important.


Moderated wildly
You know all they got is the day without a woman joke, meanwhile alex battaglia is actively attacking his reputation trying to exclude him from the conversation, even though he’s insulated himself and can’t really be touched. I have to imagine alex is jealous colin is talking to someone important.

It's crazy. I know it's not the cool thing around here but to like Alex but I do. Sating that, i am disappointed with anyone who would jump on the hate bandwagon against someone who has no real evidence against them.

At least Colin has done his own thing and from my very limited knowledge he has always kept it professional. To my knowledge he doesn't bad mouth people or talk shit and he just keeps his head down and builds his own thing. I respect that.
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Kenneth Haight

Gold Member

Alex does not know what he’s talking about.

I listen to sacred symbols and the supplement shows a few times a week. Colin is intelligent and well spoken. I think what he said was probably inappropriate at the time and he should have known better. But he is not a misogynist/sexist etc etc. whatever people call him.

He’s very inclusive although I find his anti China stuff borderline annoying. Sure China/Saudi getting involved in the gaming sphere and censorship is worth talking about however and he’s not afraid to call it out. I like is product and support him on Patreon.


It's crazy. I know it's not the cool thing around here but to like Alex but I do. Sating that, i am disappointed with anyone who would jump on the hate bandwagon against someone who has no real evidence against them.

At least Colin has done his own thing and from my very limited knowledge he has always kept it professional. To my knowledge he doesn't bad mouth people or talk shit and he just keeps his head down and builds his own thing. I respect that.
DF going to lose a few viewers no doubt. Plenty of Colin supporters that will take issue with this slander. Richard should muzzle Alex.


Neighbours from Hell
Is there actually any evidence I can look at that proves any of these accusations about Colin? Who has he "driven" out of the industry or what crazy hurtful comments has he made?

I'm genuinely interested to see the receipts.

I know he has made some crazy comments about Nintendo and Microsoft business stuff, and he used to go to bat gard for Sony but it never bothered me as I liked to at least hear his perspective.

I'm just interested in all this damage he has done to people. I can't see anything.
You're expecting rationality from the irrational mind. It's like walking into a cult and asking for proof the entity they worship exists. You're going to get some answer that only makes sense to them. This evidence doesn't exist for those who understand the concept of hate and harm. But again, the people who attack Colin don't understand those concepts, so you're not going to get back anything reasonable.


I just can't with these fucking people.


That Rebekah Valentine clown didn't appreciate the reality check.
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You are either a part of the ideology group in the west, or you shouldn't be part of the industry at all.
"My opinion is right, every other opinion shouldn't exist. Musk will destroy twitter! This character design is so 2000s." and other woke BS.


This is the least surprising development ever. He's so fucking obviously a mincing little humourless twat. Christ you only have to see those ludicrous glamour shots he made of himself to know that. Absolute wanker.
I generally like his work on DF, but I had a feeling he was one of those types. He namedrops Reset Era often in their weekly video podcasts, so that's the culture he festers in, and the religion to which he adheres.


I generally like his work on DF, but I had a feeling he was one of those types. He namedrops Reset Era often in their weekly video podcasts, so that's the culture he festers in, and the religion to which he adheres.

Even on DF I find him intensely unlikeable. Uptight little prick, no sense of humour whatsoever.

I love it, but fuck me gaming really does seem to attract an inordinate amount of scumbags. If it's not the woke idiots, it's the legions of fanboy morons.


Yeah, I should clarify. I generally like his technical analyses, especially when ray tracing focused. His commentary and attitude is off-putting and uptight for sure. That's a good way to put it. John and Rich are way more relatable as commentators. They seem to have way a way better grasp on game culture.

Or maybe it seems that way just "compared to Alex", dunno.

EDIT: These wokey types must be a blast at parties. Would love to see Alex hanging out around a blue collar lunch table or even an IT water cooler with coworkers older than 35. He'd need medical.
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He's a complete cunt too.

They're all just lying, witch-hunting rats. Fucking scum of the earth, all of them.
Love how they're using Colin giving a platform to an Asian dude as a chance to propel the myth that he wants to kick 'marginalised' people out of the industry. Wonder if they realise the irony.
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Love how they're using Colin giving a platform to an Asian dude as a chance to propel the myth that he wants to kick 'marginalised' people out of the industry. Wonder if they realise the irony.

As I remember it, his other great sin (apart from "the joke") was questioning the myth of American white supremacy by pointing out the huge success of the East and South Asian communities.

Which is obviously just basic fucking logic, at the end of the day. But these people don't deal in logic. They deal in hate.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Moriarty still triggering people just by existing? Surprise surprise. Miserable, jealous worms that can't stand someone who's very very mildly conservative being successful in "their" space.
other than Colin being painfully ignorant about Xbox and he obviously doesn't like Nintendo....his only other crimes are letting that weeb dustin talk about Souls games and kingdom hearts every now and then.

but him being forced to be a JETS fan for the rest of his life is punishment enough in my eyes


It's insane what kind of shit you get thrown at you once you're not standing in line. This is the closest the west has gotten to authoritarianism since the war.

These crazy freaks can make you lose your goddamn job, because most companies are now afraid to speak up and be labeled "right wing". I hope Elon Musk succeeds since god knows we fucking need to de-wokeify social media and tech. It's becoming ridiculous and it's not even what the majority of people believe in.

Yeah, could be fun. Full plate right now, but I'll hit him up when I'm available for appearances.
Honestly, both you and him have received a lot of hate for pretty much no reason. It'd be a very interesting conversation.


Neighbours from Hell
I really don't even like referring to these people as "woke" anymore. When I think of "woke" I think of someone who believes that certain demographics deserve special treatment because they're "marginalized."

These people are flat out bullies, let's call them for what they are. They accuse Colin of "targeting" people, when he's never targeted anyone. He's had back and forth's online with people, but has never directed followers or subscribers to attack anyone ever. Quite the opposite, actually. Yet these people are actually the ones targeting Colin. They try to get him kicked off of every project and appearance he does. And excuse this bullying behavior under the guise of "trying to remove someone 'dangerous'" which is how bullies always get away with their bullshit. Concoct some fantasy about Person X being a threat so you can attack him with impunity.

These are petty, vindictive losers. Most of whom probably suffer from severe emotional underdevelopment and insecurities and look for clout online to feel good about themselves. And extremely low intellect to be brainwashed by such rhetoric in the first place.
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I really don't even like referring to these people as "woke" anymore. When I think of "woke" I think of someone who believes that certain demographics deserve special treatment because they're "marginalized."

These people are flat out bullies, let's call them for what they are. They accuse Colin of "targeting" people, when he's never targeted anyone. He's had back and forth's online with people, but has never directed followers or subscribers to attack anyone ever. Quite the opposite, actually. Yet these people are actually the ones targeting Colin. They try to get him kicked off of every project and appearance he does. And excuse this bullying behavior under the guise of "trying to remove someone 'dangerous'" which is how bullies always get away with their bullshit. Concoct some fantasy about Person X being a threat so you can attack him with impunity.

These are petty, vindictive losers. Most of whom probably suffer from severe emotional underdevelopment and insecurities and look for clout online to feel good about themselves. And extremely low intellect to be brainwashed by such rhetoric in the first place.
Agreed. I was just reading a tweet from a dev who dislikes him because Colin QRTd him saying that six days in Fallujah should not be made. He proceeded to blame Colin for Twitter morons harassing him. Now in his very own thread he is egging people on to block Colin and disparage him. He is literally doing the very thing he is accusing somebody else of.

I disagree with a lot of Colin's libertarian views but he is not hurting anyone by saying let the free market decide in the same way that somebody saying defund the police is not hurting somebody. It's an opinion. One thing I will at least say about Colin is that he is very receptive to discussing views he disagrees with politely and coming to the age old conclusion that once you get past the tribal toxicity that ironically people of different opinions actually agree on a lot of things but have a difference of opinion on the best way to tackle it.


Neighbours from Hell
Agreed. I was just reading a tweet from a dev who dislikes him because Colin QRTd him saying that six days in Fallujah should not be made. He proceeded to blame Colin for Twitter morons harassing him. Now in his very own thread he is egging people on to block Colin and disparage him. He is literally doing the very thing he is accusing somebody else of.

I disagree with a lot of Colin's libertarian views but he is not hurting anyone by saying let the free market decide in the same way that somebody saying defund the police is not hurting somebody. It's an opinion. One thing I will at least say about Colin is that he is very receptive to discussing views he disagrees with politely and coming to the age old conclusion that once you get past the tribal toxicity that ironically people of different opinions actually agree on a lot of things but have a difference of opinion on the best way to tackle it.
They're mental midgets. They have chosen to go on a public platform. They know QRT is a feature. If they don't want their stuff to be shared, then go private or leave the platform. They know trolls exist. Trolling isn't new. Stop blaming other people for your mental fragility. They would have blamed it on Colin regardless. If he didn't QT it and simply replied, the same thing would've been said. If he didn't reply and simply briefly mentioned it on a podcast episode, it would've been the same thing. Victimhood mentality through and through. In an industry that not only promotes it, but implores it. It's extremely toxic.
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I really don't even like referring to these people as "woke" anymore. When I think of "woke" I think of someone who believes that certain demographics deserve special treatment because they're "marginalized."

These people are flat out bullies, let's call them for what they are. They accuse Colin of "targeting" people, when he's never targeted anyone. He's had back and forth's online with people, but has never directed followers or subscribers to attack anyone ever. Quite the opposite, actually. Yet these people are actually the ones targeting Colin. They try to get him kicked off of every project and appearance he does. And excuse this bullying behavior under the guise of "trying to remove someone 'dangerous'" which is how bullies always get away with their bullshit. Concoct some fantasy about Person X being a threat so you can attack him with impunity.

These are petty, vindictive losers. Most of whom probably suffer from severe emotional underdevelopment and insecurities and look for clout online to feel good about themselves. And extremely low intellect to be brainwashed by such rhetoric in the first place.

Yep, absolute scum. There's really no other way to put it. Horrible horrible bastards.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
I have never heard Colin direct hateful words towards any demographic. These people just regurgitate what someone else told them. The “ahhh a day without a woman” tweet was a bad joke, he lost his job for it and it’s over.

He has had to heal a lot from that and has grown a fantastic following on Patreon of which I’m a member of. If he was making hate filled content I would not subscribe to it. This is really sad to see people still going after him, even though Gene went on this podcast of his own free will and they had a grown up conversation about games journalism.
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