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Colin Moriarty - Introducing Last Stand Media (includes new XBOX podcast hosted by MrMattyPlays And Karak)


Sad to see you go but you need to do what’s right for you, I will still be following your great reviews.
Ya I will be back to doing the Just the Tip Podcast with video soon. Oregon's heat wave stopped the studio work and reconfig in its tracks sadly


I hope you still do Iron Lords podcasts from time to time. You always look like you are having a blast. I really enjoyed you changing your background the first time you were there.
I will probably do more videos and stuff not less. I am working with a number of folks including them on some stuff. We are doing a huge Sega Fans podcast in July for sure.


Why do they hate this guy?

He has some normal mainstream centrist/conservative views. A lot of game journalists became woke-SJW idiots after Trump broke their brains in 2016, and Colin being a conservative was the closest thing those fools ever knew to a "trump supporter" (even though Colin actually left the Republican party over Trump) so they took out their anger/frustration on him.

That's the actual reason, for real. It's pathetic.


Why do they hate this guy?

I'm going to use spoilers because it's so vile and disgusting that no one should actually see it. Fuck Colin Moriarty!


/s obviously...


He has some normal mainstream centrist/conservative views. A lot of game journalists became woke-SJW idiots after Trump broke their brains in 2016, and Colin being a conservative was the closest thing those fools ever knew to a "trump supporter" (even though Colin actually left the Republican party over Trump) so they took out their anger/frustration on him.

That's the actual reason, for real. It's pathetic.
i wasn't asking about colin, i was asking what's the deal with the guy he's interviewing?

colin's situation was the first time i realized how effed everything had become


i wasn't asking about colin, i was asking what's the deal with the guy he's interviewing?

colin's situation was the first time i realized how effed everything had become

They hate Gene Park just now because he went on Colin's show, lol. That's the only reason. Its all about their hate for Colin. They're mad that one of "their own" is having an actual meaningful discussion with someone outside their echo-chamber and who their agenda/narrative has deemed "the enemy/bad guy".
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They hate Gene Park just now because he went on Colin's show, lol. Its all about their hate for Colin.
I saw some wild tweets this morning about it. But despite the crying not a single tweet explaining why this gene guy was an issue.

come to think of it I've yet to see anybody give a reason to why Musk is so ville.

Victimhood really leveled up lately huh


Why do they hate this guy?
Apparently he is a racist, misogynist, right wing asshole who doxes people, send all his fans to harass people and is just a generally unpleasant person. Unfortunately for these assholes he is none of these things (apart from being right winger) yet cause he made a joke about women on international women's day, they effectively kicked him out of mainstream gaming media. Now he is independent, kicking ass and they are jealous assholes.


It's funny because he seems to be getting more left leaning over time in his politics. There people are really dogmatic, dude made a silly joke about women and they decided he shouldn't exist.

He has, but his haters don't care. He is irredeemable in their eyes. They don't actually care about his politics that much. It's his success that bothers them to no end because they're all miserable and jealous.
He has, but his haters don't care. He is irredeemable in their eyes. They don't actually care about his politics that much. It's his success that bothers them to no end because they're all miserable and jealous.
Not to mention the fact that he didn't have some fringe ideology to begin with, dude was pretty much just libertarian but they couldn't accept even that.

The simple fact that he had a different ideology from all other "gaming journalists" is what put a target on his back. They can't accept the slightest variation in world view yet they think they are the champions of diversity.

At this point I hardly care about politics but it's a shame what they do to him.
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Not to mention the fact that he didn't have some fringe ideology to begin with, dude was pretty much just libertarian but they couldn't accept even that.

The simple fact that he had a different ideology from all other "gaming journalists" is what put a target on his back. They can't accept the slightest variation in world view yet they think they are the champions of diversity.

At this point I hardly care about politics but it's a shame what they do to him.

Colin doesn't need to worry about these idiots. LSM is growing and doing great. Keep moving forward and let these wokesters just scream into the void.


Gold Member
He has some normal mainstream centrist/conservative views. A lot of game journalists became woke-SJW idiots after Trump broke their brains in 2016, and Colin being a conservative was the closest thing those fools ever knew to a "trump supporter" (even though Colin actually left the Republican party over Trump) so they took out their anger/frustration on him.

That's the actual reason, for real. It's pathetic.
He's a Libertarian.


Neighbours from Hell
That name looks familiar. I think I followed him on social media for about a day and he was retweeting a bunch of defund the police rhetoric so that follow only lasted a day lol. Naturally, he flippantly throws the term “whites supremacist” around, which is no surprise. People who dislike Colin perhaps not coincidentally seem to all fall in the same bin of ideologies.


Just listened to this episode.

Yet another great, civil, intelligent discussion and why I’m a proud patron. Every time Colin gets traction I see all this shit about right wing extremeism, white nationalism, misogyny, etc. - but no one seems to ever be able to produce anything other than that one, hilariously tame tweet from years ago.

The same with the community. I spend plenty of time in the discord and just flat out never see it. I’m sure there’s been some twitter specific shit posting out there - but every camp has those idiots - including the blue checks above.


aka IMurRIVAL69
colin has the most mild, mainstream conservative political ideologies (from what i've seen) and he is treated like fucking musolini. you are either an outspoken and over the top leftist or exiled by the san fran games journo cabal. what a shit industry.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
He was one of the forerunners/admins in helping take everyone from here, over to create Ree. Always been a clown when not just talking about video game sales.

Interesting. I never knew that. I do love his video game sales info though.


And people say woman don't have a sense of humour.
Yeah apparently making a joke at a woman's expense means you hate them all.
Holy shit those responses are batshit insane. No one can name a single person he has "driven out of the industry" or a single person he has "harmed."
Well, judging by those replies it's "marginalized folks", whatever that means. I keep seeing that phrase all over the gaming centric social media and forums, but I can never figure out who those people are. Don't bother asking for specifics because the mere act of trying to communicating with them is probably what they consider harassment.

I swear.. I know it's stupid and childish but I am instinctively start to judge people that type out certain phrases now like "folks" because a weird ass take always goes hand in hand.
Interesting. I never knew that. I do love his video game sales info though.
I didn't either but when I saw he was admin over at Ree I had a nagging feeling he had to be like the rest of the mods to be in their inner circle.


Neighbours from Hell
Yeah apparently making a joke at a woman's expense means you hate them all.

Well, judging by those replies it's "marginalized folks", whatever that means. I keep seeing that phrase all over the gaming centric social media and forums, but I can never figure out who those people are. Don't bother asking for specifics because the mere act of trying to communicating with them is probably what they consider harassment.

I swear.. I know it's stupid and childish but I am instinctively start to judge people that type out certain phrases now like "folks" because a weird ass take always goes hand in hand.

I didn't either but when I saw he was admin over at Ree I had a nagging feeling he had to be like the rest of the mods to be in their inner circle.
The terms “harm, dangerous, white supremacist” etc are all abused by people who are desperate to claim victimhood and slander people they don’t like. Those words are tossed around like candy for innocuous opinions and beliefs. All that does is expose the lack of intellect of the individuals who do it. The same nonsense is used for JK Rowling and Cyberpunk 2077. They all “caused tons of harm” and “threatened the well being of marginalized people” yet can not name a single person who was harmed. It’s complete fiction.
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