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Jason Schreier: Sony’s Obsession With Blockbusters Is Stirring Unrest Within PlayStation Empire

If true, definitely not good, but not as bad as it's probably being painted.

The Days Gone stuff is unfortunate. Even if the game did have some development issues, it seems like the game did sell very well and a sequel would've probably been a smoother dev cycle. I can see it increasing the pressure on these devs to not only deliver a hit, but deliver a hit that doesn't hit any snags in development.


Noticed what happened from 2016.
Feels like 360 late pivot toward kinect

Sure jimbo hasnt went full drm always online retard, but the similarities are stunning....
No miss Phil Spencer, what happened since 2016 is that Sony won more GOTY awards and has been more successful than ever selling consoles, games (both the total sold for the console and for the Sony published ones), subscriptions and generating revenue.

Totally the opposite of the MS kinect/full drm/always online case/etc.


You're on a gaming forum and get no idea why people are worried about?

I can't help you.

I have no idea why people are worried about rumors in an article about practices that happen thousandtimes everywhere. There is nothing outrageous or scandalous in there at all.
If I were to take every single person serious that is concerntrolling then I would still believe that the power of the cloud saves Xbox One and turns it into a 4K 60fps gaming beast with the best exclusives and I would need to believe that the Switch would fail.

Thankfully the world doesn't work like people on gaming forums think it does and I mean zero offense by this, but this is due to those people absolutely lacking life and work experiences.

Also don't worry about helping me. It is not your job to help others and I don't need it. :messenger_beermugs:


The crazy thing about Shawn, Andrew House, Shuhei Yoshida and Jack Tretton was that they were part of the original playstation team. They genuinely cared about the playstation brand. They werent some suit brought in to increase revenue and maximize profits. They understood game development and the need for exclusives.

Jim was there but in marketing capacity. Sitting on the sidelines most of the time. He doesnt understand game development.

jimbo started his career at SCEE as a financial officer, so probably an accountant, bean counter.
counting beans from 1994 to 2001 at SCEE....
and then got promoted and somehow ended up as head of SCE...

Was Europe that hard to succeed and Jimb achievement was so great?



I have no idea why people are worried about rumors in an article about practices that happen thousandtimes everywhere. There is nothing outrageous or scandalous in there at all.
If I were to take every single person serious that is concerntrolling then I would still believe that the power of the cloud saves Xbox One and turns it into a 4K 60fps gaming beast with the best exclusives and I would need to believe that the Switch would fail.

Thankfully the world doesn't work like people on gaming forums think it does and I mean zero offense by this, but this is due to those people absolutely lacking life and work experiences.

Also don't worry about helping me. It is not your job to help others and I don't need it. :messenger_beermugs:

You just don't have any idea my friend. Just because you don't care thats not mean others can. Its not me that gonna tell you about that. You should figure out by yourself.

Think better before asking silly questions about a thread discussion. If you don't care don't even waste your time posting. Just move on.

And look at you talking about Xbox and lack of life. What next? You're married and have childrens and we are bunch of nerds talking about games?
You really are on the wrong place my 'normal people' friend.
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On the notion that there is remotely any truth to this: Why the fuck would you even consider remaking the original The last of us. The graphics of the original still hold up and it got a remaster last gen.

Whose bright initiative was this? Is Druckmann really that bent on rewriting the narrative to fit with the characterization of Joel in the sequel?
Can you read? All your stupid questions are available to be READ.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
What the fuck?
This is the epitome of creative bankruptcy, you seriously can't get lower than this.

San Mateo's Sony is done for.
Nah, this is how bluepoint started, how Grezzo has built up. It's about developing skills as a team without risking excessive investment on a new IP that wont get approved since you have no track record.


No miss Phil Spencer, what happened since 2016 is that Sony won more GOTY awards and has been more successful than ever selling consoles, games (both the total sold for the console and for the Sony published ones), subscriptions and generating revenue.

Totally the opposite of the MS kinect/full drm/always online case/etc.

the thing with successful games is, unless you are GTA or Pokemon, every gen brings about new success stories. And last gen, happens to be ps4 first parties, albeit at the last stage of the gen.

While there is no doubt about Sony GOTYs wrt to production values, were those games very revolutionary or innovative in gameplay mechanics, level designs etc?

Were the sales numbers partly contributed by the numbers of PS4 sold?
Even then, how many of them sold >15m copies?

Will they strike the lightning twice?


You just don't have any idea my friend. Just because you don't care thats not mean others can. Its not me that gonna tell you about that. You should figure that by yourself.

Think better before asking silly questions about a thread discussion. If you don't care don't even waste your time posting. Just move on.

And look at you talking about Xbox and lack of life.

Calm down mate. I think you are overreading a bit into something I never said or implied.

Playstation is going to be fine. The exclusives are going to be great and I am looking forward to many games that are already announced. I love the shift to an even bigger focus on AAA(A) games.
If others see it differently based on a random article filled with rumors then that is their own decision.

Unless you are accidentally quoting the wrong person, because I am slightly confused by your hostility. No offense taken though. :messenger_blowing_kiss:


Yup, some bits were interesting but the whole "Dreams coulda been Roblox!!!" part showed there were some other motivations for the piece.
Yeah. The article is garbage, but that piece in particular was kind of embarrassing. You can see the wheels turning behind the article from that paragraph.


Calm down mate. I think you are overreading a bit into something I never said or implied.

Playstation is going to be fine. The exclusives are going to be great and I am looking forward to many games that are already announced. I love the shift to an even bigger focus on AAA(A) games.
If others see it differently based on a random article filled with rumors then that is their own decision.

Unless you are accidentally quoting the wrong person, because I am slightly confused by your hostility. No offense taken though. :messenger_blowing_kiss:

No problem. IMO both sides are overreading, but whatever. I like better discussions rather than asking people what and why they're felling about something.
Nah, this is how bluepoint started, how Grezzo has built up. It's about developing skills as a team without risking excessive investment on a new IP that wont get approved since you have no track record.
Bluepoint is a third party porting studio, it doesn't have anything to do with this so I don't understand why are you bringing them up.
Sony has a huge catalog of past games worth remaking and those guys were allowed to remake fucking The Last of Us, a 2013 game?
Pure inanity.
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Why do they make a cliffhanger ending if they don't plan to continue the story? They did the same shit with The Order, motherfuckers.
No one killed Days Gone 2. It was never greenlit to begin with. First one wasn’t successful. Companies dont make games to be slighty profitable, its to get multiples back from the investment.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Bluepoint is a third party porting studio, it doesn't have anything to do with this so I don't understand why are you bringing them up.
Sony has a huge catalog of past games worth remaking and those guys were allowed to remake fucking The Last of Us, a 2013 game?
Pure inanity.
It sounds like the climate for risky investment at Sony is so bad they literally tried to pick the cheapest project. They wanted to do Uncharted 1 but feared it required too much work, and picked TLOU hoping that it would be approved.

In the end it still got vetoed for being "too expensive." But then they gave it to Naughty Dog anyway.

Management disaster.


But PS studios were known for risk taking and new IPs, now it seems they are more and more not doing that.

It seems, but thankfully we live in a world where that doesn't mean much. For now it is just an article by Jason Schreier.

Playstation will be fine and most of us will be fine. There will be new games throughout the board and many risk taking and innovative games.

However if the world ends and Playstation fails to deliver great games (whatever that might mean to someone) then we have the luxury of living in an age with many competing platforms and one of the platform is open for everyone (PC) where they can release their dream games.

Dr Bass

That is a short, content-lite article. Funny, the narrative of xbox rising and playstation floundering is being pushed so hard. But if you just "take a look outside" none of it is holding up. Very odd times indeed. Let's just see who is releasing the games and selling the hardware. We are still business as usual there ...


I disagree... Nintendo is going to pull out of EVO and there will be nothing to take its place.
The EVO organizers (the same guys as before, now part of Sony) said they will continue featuring non-PS games.
Nintendo said they are ok with the change and will include EVO and other tournaments on their future plans.
EVO never needed and won't need Smash at all, specially until covid doesn't allow to make it presential again because Smash's online sucks.

They don't have enough exclusives to really push Nintendo back in Japan and for the larger Asian market which will become more important as the years go by.
Sony dominates the worldwide market, and Japan is only a small of the global console market, where the western market (mostly EMEA+NA) is way more important than Asia.

As an example, PS4 was released in 2013 and Switch in 2017. PS4 sold over 1.5 Billion games worldwide an Switch over 500 million.

They have no character action game... a Bayonetta type game would fit in there.
PlayStation has the best and best selling game of the hack and slash genre: God of War.

And also NieR Automata, Devil May Cry 5, Sekiro, Hades, or even others like Middle-Earth, Darksiders or Hellblade, or the upcoming Babylon's Fall, Granblue Fantasy: Relink or Project Awakening. PlayStation is the platform where there are more of them.

As of now from games not released in PS5 Switch has Astral Chain, Bayonetta 2 (not sure if to count it since it's a WiiU game) and seems Bayonetta 3 is coming but we still have to see its gameplay and to know which year is going to be released.


Oh no, only Blockbusters ..... so bad.

Also the gaming audience are responsible for this, PS3 era had lots of experimentation ....... sales didnt play out.

Voted with your wallets and we got what we get.

Love the disconnect the audience believes it has from driving the industry and its trends.
The gaming audience was much more different in the PS3 era than the PS4 era. Lots of people who couldn’t afford games during the PS3 era are older and work now and thus spent money on the PS4 games that have been successful. Also, financially it was around the recession so maybe people weren’t in a position to buy games like they are now?


One of the green rats
So a company who is now crawling out of past financial issues wants to
Focus on making money with less risk ?

I don’t see the issue


Moderated wildly
The last of us is not even 10 years old. Imagine pitching a remake of the last of us in 2018 when it was only 5 years old. This shit is bonkers.


But it is, mate. You seem to lend the reviews and reviewers in question a lot of faith and credibility. That's fine and cool with me. I have no problem with you taking their word as a gospel.

I'm just gonna take Claus' sentiment and let it lay here.
"Critics didn't get Days Gone cancelled."
"They did though."
"No they didn't."
"You seem giving these reviewers a lot of credibility..."

Pedro Motta

the thing with successful games is, unless you are GTA or Pokemon, every gen brings about new success stories. And last gen, happens to be ps4 first parties, albeit at the last stage of the gen.

While there is no doubt about Sony GOTYs wrt to production values, were those games very revolutionary or innovative in gameplay mechanics, level designs etc?

Were the sales numbers partly contributed by the numbers of PS4 sold?
Even then, how many of them sold >15m copies?

Will they strike the lightning twice?
I guess it's better to have a new Forza, a new Halo, a new Gears, a new Elder Scrolls, a new Fallout.


I was arguing they weren't creatively bankrupt lol. I was saying that this is how people build up studios incrementally by taking on projects with more limited risk.
My point is its a bad way to build up a studio, after 10 years of increasingly complex port jobs they are still unable to make their own game. They aren't building any skills beyond remaking games. This is why closing down a studio like Japan studio is a crime, that ability to make new shit is only the result of trying to, it also atrophies quickly and that's why it's gold.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
No problem. IMO both sides are overreading, but whatever. I like better discussions rather than asking people what and why they're felling about something.
Yep. I really dont like the holier than thou act from some posters. You are on a fucking video game message board at 12PM on a Friday afternoon. You are no better than us. So stop judging and discuss the topic you are in instead of shitting on everyone who dares to take the topic seriously.

I skip 95% of the threads posted here on a daily basis, I dont go in them and insult the users there. Leaving qualifiers like i mean zero offense makes no difference. It's like saying, 'no offense but you are all a bunch of fucking cunt losers living in your mother's basement. Oh and I fucked your mother.' Of course people will take offense.


So Sony is going to stick with existing franhises which lack the broad appeal of say Nintendo, or even Halo?

Will be interesting to see Sony pull it off. They're trying with the movies and whatnot to make their IP popular.
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I guess it's better to have a new Forza, a new Halo, a new Gears, a new Elder Scrolls, a new Fallout.

these games were big in 360 era. see what i said about every new gen, we get new success stories

at half the userbase of ps4, games sold on xbone are unexpectedly lesser, and with the march of GP, 'sold' are harder to know


Gold Member
Not Microsoft mate, they have many smaller developers and smaller scope games, as well as the big AAA titles.

Yeah, but MS is doing that by dumping billions into a long-term investment they hope will pay off. Whether it will or not, who knows. MS can afford to do this, but Sony can't, nor can most other companies. They have to go with what makes a profit now, not invest billions in a long-term gamble.

Btw, I'm not saying that smaller devs can't succeed. They can and do. But when your USP is high-caliber AAA games, you have to have the budget to match. And if you have massive budgets, those games better be blockbusters, or you're going to be out of business soon.
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So Horizon 2, GT7, GoW, and TLOU Factions all cross gen. All 2022 releases on PS5.
As of we know until now:
-Horizon 2 and GoW are H2 2021 games
-GT7 and GOWR are PS5 only games
-Regarding the factions game we don't know its release year (it could be 2021) or where it's going to be released

Ratchet is the only next gen on the PS5 for the first 2 and a half years.
No, it was Microsoft who said they were going to publish only crossgen games during the first couple of years or so.
Sony already published several of them and have more announced for this and next year.
TLOU Remake seems completely redundant, unless they are expanding the playable story to encompass The Fireflies or something that will tie into Part 3. This could also explain why the project was moved to Naughty Dog themselves. The ending of Part 2 also hints to The Fireflies having a larger part to play in a 3rd installment.
Abbie/ Ellie scissor fest confirmed.


So a company who is now crawling out of past financial issues wants to
Focus on making money with less risk ?

I don’t see the issue
What? PS saved Sony! On a time where they PS studios were taking risks! The gaming made a lot of profit.
Now Sony is even more profitable by making chips for phone cameras!

Sony is squeezing PS for even more profit! When the lesson tells us that risk taking pays off

But I have no idea how to run a cooperation


Yep. I really dont like the holier than thou act from some posters. You are on a fucking video game message board at 12PM on a Friday afternoon. You are no better than us. So stop judging and discuss the topic you are in instead of shitting on everyone who dares to take the topic seriously.

I skip 95% of the threads posted here on a daily basis, I dont go in them and insult the users there. Leaving qualifiers like i mean zero offense makes no difference. It's like saying, 'no offense but you are all a bunch of fucking cunt losers living in your mother's basement. Oh and I fucked your mother.' Of course people will take offense.

Is like people without pespective asking for others to have pespective. I guess they're happy teasing others, who knows. But don't worry, as soon as you point out they run away.
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Well... remembering the good old days of PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4.

Why the hell they are trying to destroy all that used to make the Playstation the best place to play?

Days Gone 2, Gravity Rush 3 and Gran Turismo 7. That was all that I needed and wanted of PS5. And, yet, Soyny is trying their best to destroy it.

Over the past 26 years i've been a Playstation user. For the first time in my life as a gamer, i can't see a reason to get a Playstation.

I know that this looks like a drama. That is the way that I feel. Luckly I have all my old systems (almost, I need get a Mega Drive and Neo Geo CD), so I can play some old gem. For the New ones, I'll probably upgrade my PC and play a few Capcom games and anything that CDPR release. Home that they release GT7 on PC.
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