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Jason Schreier: Sony’s Obsession With Blockbusters Is Stirring Unrest Within PlayStation Empire


TBH it doesn't sound like the employees were treated that badly. Some small team wanted to make TLoU remake and after they got to a certain point the original creators took over the project. Ok? So?

Then why create the studio? WHy use all that money to create a new studio to give them a project only to then give it to naughty dog? Something isn't right at Sony or some of these things Jason is talking about are not adding up. Hope Jaffe can give some insight.


This reports looks very detailed, full of facts and sources to support his opinion, so so let's say that what he said is true.

The situation seems complex in Sony. The internal restructuring does not seem to proceed in the right direction, the balance whithin Sony in terms to the weight that internal studies have within the corporate strategies looks not stable.
Well, it's reasonable after all, Sony's big hits come from America, but it almost seems that Naughty Dog and Santa Monica are ironically freezing the creativity of the entire company.
ND is a huge monster who, thanks to the success of their games, swallows up the other teams who are forced to come to the rescue in the development since, today, to make a game as big as TLOU2 needs not only huge funds, but a lot of developers and years of work.
Let's remember that when we talk about "Naughty Dog created TLOU2" we say half of the truth, to help the development there are at least a dozen other development studios (from America to India).
If you ask at Bend Studio to drop everything, or to slow down the projects in progress, certainly the people who created the studio in the 90s are not happy.

It looks like a bubble ready to explode.
You cannot allow to lose important devs from your studios, you must also understand that video games are a creative product, where the convergence of the arts of different figures must be accompanied by the right authorial compensation even only in terms of creative freedom.
If you take a 3d artist, who is called ARTIST not randomly, and you always put him to do things where he never has a word because the directives come from the creative director of another studio in another city, without ever having a response, a feedback, a creative and human contact every day for years, him will never be happy.

Now, I've been in the field of 3d graphics as an indie dev and today I'm specializing at university, and believe me that sharing opinions, feedbacks, but also techniques to use is very important for the creative process. If you become a simple mechanism of a gear that you don't even see how big it is, it can fit you well for a project, maybe two, but then you want to have your personal gratification, you want to develop your projects and to have your creativity free to run because let's remember always that videogames are not cars, where there is the pre-established production process and from the worker to the manager you are only a part of the gear, videogames are a CREATIVE process, where the concept artist talks to the lead, and then speaks with the creative director to understand the general vision and the direction to take, then all together go to see how the 3d artist execute their ideas and then they talk about them, evaluate them, change them and at the end improve the design, and so it happens with everything from the writing to music.

In short, having a couple, or three big teams, that lead hundreds and hundreds of people, employed for years of their lives for projects where they have almost no voice is not a positive thing. Not at all.

Sony needs to be carefull regarding this, otherwise they will find themselves having jsut a couple of IPs that become too colossal and not handable for normal-sized teams, forcing them to put all their resources into these projects, with the result of having only a couple of huge games in one gen that maybe they repay the whole shelter, who's know, but on a creative level it's a failure.

it's a mess


Then why create the studio? WHy use all that money to create a new studio to give them a project only to then give it to naughty dog? Something isn't right at Sony or some of these things Jason is talking about are not adding up. Hope Jaffe can give some insight.
They funded a small team to experiment with the idea of a PS5 version of the game. Seems like the idea was good so give it back to the main studio to really push it though. Makes sense to me... I've seen programming projects outside of games done like that before.

The smaller studio, or maybe a few guys in the smaller studio are pissed because now ND is going to take full credit and their unnamed team will not. Okay I guess? I mean they were working on a remake of a Naughty Dog game and they still got paid for their time...
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Tag, you're it.


oh boy dunk GIF

Imagine the meltdown
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Gold Member
GT5 Prologue are a separably entry game and doesn't have trophies.... so the site can't estimate anything.

The site is very very innacurate.

Look at Bloodborne:


C'mon it is a joke? The game sold like 3-4 million max... the lastest Sony data was at TGS 2015... 2 million.
Bloodborne was a PS+ freebie.

Edit with link:
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Shame about Days Gone, would have been nice to see what they could do with those zombie hordes on Ps5 hardware.
But good on Sony Bend for putting their foot down and not allowing themselves to be turned into a Naughty Dog support studio.

In a way I think I can understand Sony. With the recent MS acquisitions they might soon (as in a couple of years) be putting out more exclusives than Sony, so I guess in a way it makes sense to bet on AAA blockbusters of well known franchises. But it doesn't make me particularly excited for their future.


I'm honestly not seeing the controversy here. So a project was moved or assigned to a bigger team and it happens all the time.

Game ideas get axed all the time anywhere along the pipeline and we never hear about most. It sounds like they want their best studios handling the biggest projects.


So hang on a minute. Why would anyone try to remake a game without talking with the original developers first? Especially when they are still very much active on the franchise, extremely prominent in the industry, and part of the same development group?

And how the fuck is copying someone else's work "taking creative leadership"?
I didn't even think about that or think of it that way but that is a really good point lol. How did they think there wouldn't be an influence from the people who initially worked on it?


Gold Member
The only really bad news here to me is another Uncharted, seriously?
Shame about Days Gone 2, I didn't like it much but had huge potential that the sequel could deliver fixing what Days Gone did poorly.

I was really looking forward to whatever new IP they could be working on but I prefer Naughty Dog doing this remake justice than a new small studio with no output history.

Would also make sense if you look at some recent newly appointed game directors in the company - one was a design leads on TLOU1 while the other lead on MP for Factions and U4 MP (forgot their names sorry)

Still nothing on TLOU2 for PS5, but if that is the case, what if the goal here is to release both 1 and 2 on PS5 as one package with Factions 2.0 running on upgraded PS5 tech???
How would that be a bad thing I'm sure I'm gonna learn by reading through the thread.

The same goes for Sony doubling down on AAA blockbusters and pumping all the PS5 gamdev budget into what made them win with PS4, like that doesn't mean more of some of the best gaming has to offer and more often.

I'll be playing everything else on the Xbox.


I think Sony is making terrible moves but this article is reaching from a strange angle. Why is he trying to frame an attempt to remake the last of us like a delicate flower about to bloom? It was a creatively bankrupt decision from the start, the fact that they didn't shut it down sooner and actually took it seriously is the real crime. Days gone 2 being rejected isn't a crime on the surface since it was creatively a massive bore but turning bend into a naughty dog support studio is EA tier ruthless bullshit. There are no creative geniuses here, only mediocre options where Sony kept trying to pick the worst outcome.

Combined with all their other dumb decisions, this does build a view of leadership as soulless money chasers. They are intentionally becoming post Mattrick xbox where everyone laughs at the ridiculous overreliance on a handful of stale IP. I would be laughing at how predictable the cycle of success and failure was if these mistakes weren't permanent, sony doesn't have the spare cash to reverse this the way Microsoft did and the world is a different place, there aren't many independent studios worth buying. This relentless push for big hits and safe sequels will cause even their talent at naughty dog to quit, this business strategy never works out long term.
Anyone that prefers a focus on AAA and absolute neglect of small and more varied games is not a "Sony fan", is a "Xbox fan" at heart.
Playstation didn't get where it got because just a few big games.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm honestly not seeing the controversy here. So a project was moved or assigned to a bigger team and it happens all the time.

Game ideas get axed all the time anywhere along the pipeline and we never hear about most. It sounds like they want their best studios handling the biggest projects.
The story is the broader trend, not this single project. It's Sony Japan, Sony Bend, Visual whatever department in this story, the movie division, the lack of acquisitions, Sony pulling out of E3 without anything great to replace it, rumors of Kojima leaving PS exclusivity, Sony titles already feeling fairly homogenous with the "sad dad" games.

It's pointing to a conservative style of management at Sony that favors large profits on sure things instead of the style seen during the end of the PS3 / beginning of PS4 that seemed to favor a more adventurous style of running the gaming division, with multiple prominent employees that had great relationships with the fans and funny / highly effective marketing.

TLDR: management kinda sucks right now.
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Pedro Motta

Jason Shmuck has a beef with Sony so this was expected.

In a few years time we'll see if this strategy works or not. It's actually pretty simple, Sony first party is dedicated to the big AAA titles, while Playstation Indies, led by Shuhei Yoshida will be taking care of the smaller games coming from third party studios and nurturing them into becoming production powerhouses to integrate into the first party family.

The hate wave is increasing, the reasoning it's not.


Gold Member
This reports looks very detailed, full of facts and sources to support his opinion, so so let's say that what he said is true.

The situation seems complex in Sony. The internal restructuring does not seem to proceed in the right direction, the balance whithin Sony in terms to the weight that internal studies have within the corporate strategies looks not stable.
Well, it's reasonable after all, Sony's big hits come from America, but it almost seems that Naughty Dog and Santa Monica are ironically freezing the creativity of the entire company.
ND is a huge monster who, thanks to the success of their games, swallows up the other teams who are forced to come to the rescue in the development since, today, to make a game as big as TLOU2 needs not only huge funds, but a lot of developers and years of work.
Let's remember that when we talk about "Naughty Dog created TLOU2" we say half of the truth, to help the development there are at least a dozen other development studios (from America to India).
If you ask at Bend Studio to drop everything, or to slow down the projects in progress, certainly the people who created the studio in the 90s are not happy.

It looks like a bubble ready to explode.
You cannot allow to lose important devs from your studios, you must also understand that video games are a creative product, where the convergence of the arts of different figures must be accompanied by the right authorial compensation even only in terms of creative freedom.
If you take a 3d artist, who is called ARTIST not randomly, and you always put him to do things where he never has a word because the directives come from the creative director of another studio in another city, without ever having a response, a feedback, a creative and human contact every day for years, him will never be happy.

Now, I've been in the field of 3d graphics as an indie dev and today I'm specializing at university, and believe me that sharing opinions, feedbacks, but also techniques to use is very important for the creative process. If you become a simple mechanism of a gear that you don't even see how big it is, it can fit you well for a project, maybe two, but then you want to have your personal gratification, you want to develop your projects and to have your creativity free to run because let's remember always that videogames are not cars, where there is the pre-established production process and from the worker to the manager you are only a part of the gear, videogames are a CREATIVE process, where the concept artist talks to the lead, and then speaks with the creative director to understand the general vision and the direction to take, then all together go to see how the 3d artist execute their ideas and then they talk about them, evaluate them, change them and at the end improve the design, and so it happens with everything from the writing to music.

In short, having a couple, or three big teams, that lead hundreds and hundreds of people, employed for years of their lives for projects where they have almost no voice is not a positive thing. Not at all.

Sony needs to be carefull regarding this, otherwise they will find themselves having jsut a couple of IPs that become too colossal and not handable for normal-sized teams, forcing them to put all their resources into these projects, with the result of having only a couple of huge games in one gen that maybe they repay the whole shelter, who's know, but on a creative level it's a failure.

it's a mess
Never thought about any smaller studios helping the main one. Like everyone else, all you see for a game is the publisher and main studio. So the assumption is that one studio did it all.

However, it seems there's some kind of entitlement in game making where you get put in a studio, get a studio name, a logo and you feel you're your own island and can do what you want.

Execs probably do that just to make them feel better because most places (I work in an office too), you get different functional dept likes Sales and Logistics, but there's no isolated department teams who do their own thing. Even if your product line is so big it's its own dept, the execs still call the shots. You don't get your own logo, you don't get your own office building, you are still part of the overall team.

So if some workers have to get shifted around, that's life. I do finance and I've been shifted to different depts and had different bosses too. And I even got shifted back to the old dept and boss. Sometimes you can focus on your core tasks, sometimes you got to do other shit because another dept or team needs help. That's the way it works.
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The story is the broader trend, not this single project. It's Sony Japan, Sony Bend, Visual whatever department in this story, the movie division, the lack of acquisitions, Sony pulling out of E3 without anything great to replace it, rumors of Kojima leaving PS exclusivity, Sony titles already feeling fairly homogenous with the "sad dad" games.

It's pointing to a conservative style of management at Sony that favors large profits on sure things instead of the style seen during the end of the PS3 / beginning of PS4 that seemed to favor a more adventurous style of running the gaming division, with multiple prominent employees that had great relationships with the fans and funny / highly effective marketing.

TLDR: management kinda sucks right now.
Sony first party just put out Demon's Souls, Sackboy, Spider-Man: Miles, etc and Returnal and Ratchet and Clank are next. What has Xbox Studios or Nintendo put out in that same timeline? And which one of these are sad dad games?

For all of Jim Ryan's faults the dude is pumping out exclusives left and right, there's just no hyped Game Pass-level service behind it.
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... the lack of acquisitions, ...
How does someone say this with a straight face? The video game industry isn't a collectible trading card game, it's a multi-billion dollar commercial business industry.

It's pure nonsense drivel like these latest 'storylines' about Sony that will forever hold video game enthusiasm in the echelons of adolescence and man-children. 'Unrest in the PlayStation Empire'? Not an eye-roll big enough...


People leave companies every day due to creative differences and it no longer being a good fit. Things change.

The sky is not falling.

True but change in company culture which seems to be happening across the board at Sony is enough to raise a red flag. I'm a giant Sony fan, but this news honestly leaves a bad taste in my mouth with what they are doing in trying to streamline something already working busniess wise.

Like did Everybody golf not sell? Did days gone not sell? Did the completion rate, and Consumer reviews/response not get looked at data wise? Why do we need to remake Last of us? And even if lets say 100% its being remade from the ground up, I hope the fuck nothing story wise is changed to align with the HBO series.

I think honestly we now know why so many Higher ups in past couple years have left. I believe their plans which usually are talked about 4 or so years in advance were being discussed of how to focus/streamline even more for higher profits on specific software.

I really hope theres more info that comes out from other sources or maybe David Jaffe can chim in, I'm seriously at a point that if this is the path. We are going to see more waves, and if thats the case think I'm done as a Playstation fan.

To me changing in the spirit/culture of Playstation is the big NO from me. And it feels like Sony is not the brand that I loved as a kid up to this point if this is the case.



The story is the broader trend, not this single project. It's Sony Japan, Sony Bend, Visual whatever department in this story, the movie division, the lack of acquisitions, Sony pulling out of E3 without anything great to replace it, rumors of Kojima leaving PS exclusivity, Sony titles already feeling fairly homogenous with the "sad dad" games.

It's pointing to a conservative style of management at Sony that favors large profits on sure things instead of the style seen during the end of the PS3 / beginning of PS4 that seemed to favor a more adventurous style of running the gaming division, with multiple prominent employees that had great relationships with the fans and funny / highly effective marketing.

TLDR: management kinda sucks right now.
Ok then. Since PS is their biggest earner they do need to be reinvesting in that more than anything.

Sony Pictures have always existed so I don't really view that as a negative.

If they are taking money from the PS division to fund other divisiins though they're gonna F around and find out that's a mistake for sure.

News on PS front has been slow but I've kind of viewed that as them just being quiet about things which is normal for them. If the quiet continues though and they aren't making plans yeah that won't be good for what got them here.

Who knows though, they can turn around and start dropping some news bombs on everyone anytime. At least they better be.


Sony is basically merging its movie branch with its gaming branch, an entertainment powerhouse with mascots like Nathan Drake, Aloy, Joel and Ellie. They seem to have the vision of becoming a Disney-like entertainment giant based on fictional characters born in the gaming industry. They are investing massively at the moment, not necessarily in games, though.
This is such an absurdly shit strategy that I refuse to believe it.

Nathan Drake, Aloy, Joel and Ellie, Kratos are completely untested in terms of movies/TV shows. Their success depends not on the game, but on strong script writers (strong scripts aren’t usually present with Sony produced movies), producers, actors with good chemistry etc.

If we are to look at the history of video game movies (which always seem to be plagued by production hell), I’d literally say Sonic (which looked fucking shit before release) is the only good one.

They may have the vision of becoming Disney/Marvel-esque, but to put it bluntly, that’ll never happen.

I genuinely don’t know what was wrong with keeping their 6 AAA first party studios; ND, GG, Polyphony, Insomniac, Santa Monica and Sucker Punch. Keeping their AA studios in Japan Studio, Media Molecule and maybe adding studios smartly when the opportunity arose. Well, I do know, they’ve gotten greedy and like the smell of their own farts.

I never would have said that Sony would voluntarily start weakening themselves going in to this gen, it’s completely self inflicted and nonsensical.
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The only good news about PlayStation recently has been about sales. Sad.

Yall better support returnal :messenger_face_steam:
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Sony first party just put out Demon's Souls, Sackboy, Spider-Man: Miles, etc and Returnal and Ratchet and Clank are next. What has Xbox Studios or Nintendo put out in that same timeline? And which one of these are sad dad games?

For all of Jim Ryan's faults the dude is pumping out exclusives left and right, there's just no hyped Game Pass-level service behind it.

Correct. Meanwhile MS the saviours of gaming variety have released precisely... nothing. The narrative being pushed on forums at the moment doesn't line up with the evidence in front of our eyes.


Very disappointed that they won't give Days Gone another chance. The game had some flaws but so did all Sony exclusives in their first attempt. It's worrying that Sony doesn't recognize potential and instead focus on safe bets such as a TLOU-remake, which is a waste of talent. Naughty Dog shouldn't be bothered polishing old games.

I still have confidence Sony will bring us fantastic games but I consider this mostly negative news, despite being both an Uncharted and TLOU fan.


Correct. Meanwhile MS the saviours of gaming variety have released precisely... nothing. The narrative being pushed on forums at the moment doesn't line up with the evidence in front of our eyes.
Yup. And I forgot to even mention the best next-gen game so far, Astrobot. A free game that rivals anything Nintendo has put out. Yet another sad dad game. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Doesn’t Sony have a shit load of incoming games, that are smaller, original, and unique:

I know there are a couple of others, not counting ghost wire or death loop....

They released that car racing game, and that puzzle game, Abe, recently to psn subscribers. It new unique IP,s that weren’t blockbusters.

Jason is an idiot.
I honestly been wondering why Sony won't just combine Playstation Now with the Playstation Plus subscription. Just give Plus subscribers access to all that content/games

As far as the article goes hell I'm happy they turned down Days Gone 2 - the first one was an extremely average game. And the idea of a Last of Us Remake at this point just sounds stupid..Pump content for Last of us 2, get a PS5 upgrade out, and get us ready for Last of us 3 in the next year or two.
Doesn’t Sony have a shit load of incoming games, that are smaller, original, and unique:

I know there are a couple of others, not counting ghost wire or death loop....

They released that car racing game, and that puzzle game, Abe, recently to psn subscribers. It new unique IP,s that weren’t blockbusters.

Jason is an idiot.
Little Devil Inside is coming for everything ya know...I donated to that game years ago and remember when they pushed back its release at one point for a Wii U port to be done :messenger_tears_of_joy:. Im so glad its finally coming out
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
True but change in company culture which seems to be happening across the board at Sony is enough to raise a red flag. I'm a giant Sony fan, but this news honestly leaves a bad taste in my mouth with what they are doing in trying to streamline something already working busniess wise.

Like did Everybody golf not sell? Did days gone not sell? Did the completion rate, and Consumer reviews/response not get looked at data wise? Why do we need to remake Last of us? And even if lets say 100% its being remade from the ground up, I hope the fuck nothing story wise is changed to align with the HBO series.

I think honestly we now know why so many Higher ups in past couple years have left. I believe their plans which usually are talked about 4 or so years in advance were being discussed of how to focus/streamline even more for higher profits on specific software.

I really hope theres more info that comes out from other sources or maybe David Jaffe can chim in, I'm seriously at a point that if this is the path. We are going to see more waves, and if thats the case think I'm done as a Playstation fan.

To me changing in the spirit/culture of Playstation is the big NO from me. And it feels like Sony is not the brand that I loved as a kid up to this point if this is the case.

What news? That creative differences lead to people leaving? This happens all the time in media. Every day. Theres no news here. We know nothing more about the future of projects.

They are selling Playstations and PS Plus subscriptions by the literal truck load. They have content coming. They are giving smaller developers like Housemarqe bigger budgets. They are still supporting smaller devs and even larger ones with stuff like FF16.

There is nothing in this piece that signifies anything major is changing. Maybe you could deduce that they are trying to move away from AA development. Totally possible. But they have been supporting devs with PS Plus that are smaller with Stuff like Oddworld and Bugsnax. If sony is stepping away from developing AA its a strategy that many will probably not like but they are not stepping away from AA entirely.

The sky is not falling.


wow just wow! Burrrn article.

Plays out exactly to my intuition!
Jimbo hurst are killing the Playstation DNA we knew and loved.

See i was totally right. :messenger_sunglasses: 🤞


Flashless at the Golden Globes
No, they did support ND (decision taken before Herman was in charge, which also means DG2 pitch was rejected before Jimbo and Herman were in charge) but recently Herman greenlighted them to stop supporting ND and to make their own Bend Studio game instead.

We don't know if Death Stranding will get a sequel or not. We know the game was profitable in PS4 and the PC port is also profitable. Kojima will do whatever he wants after Death Stranding. A sequel, a brand new IP, with Sony, with MS or with any publisher he wants, or autopublishing it, etc.

According to the article TLOU remake was planned to be released packaged with TLOU2 PS5. That decision was made before Herman was in charge. The article says that when Herman saw the remake wasn't happy with it, thought they were investing too much on it and decided to reduce its budget and shifted its lead from the new San Diego studio (Visual Ars) to ND (who already were working on it but not as lead) to finish it.

-All these studios are working on multiple games at the same time.
-According to the article Sony Bend is now working on their own game.
-Sony also has other studios like Polyphony or San Diego.
-Sony always had a strong 2nd party AAA output.

-Team Ico was one of the Japan Studio teams.
-Japan Studio continues, but now focused on Team Asobi, another of their teams.
-Sony Bend continues. After DG they did support a couple of ND projects and now are working on their own games
-All these other studios/teams were shut down because nobody bought their games, didn't manage to make a hit or at least be profitable during a ton of time.

-Quantic Dream mentioned they wanted to go multi but that weren't closing the doors to Sony, that they were open to continue working with Sony in the future.
-Sony published the most recent Kojipro game, which did use Sony's engine and was profitable. We don't know what Kojima will decide to do next, it will depend on him and not on Sony because any other publisher would be more than happy to work with him and will offer him whatever he wants.
-From Software's parent company recently made a deal with Sony, where they asked Sony to help them give their games a more global appeal and to use Sony channels to be more successful outside Japan. In exchange they gave 2% of the company to Sony.
-I loved RAD games including the The Order but that game got bad reviews and sales, and FB bought them.
-Sony now generates more revenue, sells more consoles, sells more games, sell more subscriptions and wins more GOTY awards than they or any other console platform holder ever did in gaming history. And they are in a growing trend, so will dominate even more in the near future
I am gonna start with the last bit. Sony generating more revenue means nothing to me as a gamer. I am getting fewer games than ever due to management.

As for the rest, Team ICO is no more. Ueda left and took his team with him. Sony Bend wasted a year and a half and lost the creative director of the franchise. They are starting work on a new game now. When do we get it? 5 years from now?

The rest of your post just comes across as excuses. This is on Sony fucking up over and over again and producing fewer games than ever before. Do I care if it was Jim Ryan or Herman Hurst? No. I want games that made playstation what it is. From studios that made PS what it is. I wasnt a Sony fan because they sold the most consoles or made the most money. What kind of gamer cares about anything but games?
why am i not surprised that Druckmann is choking to remake the original game. i knew this was gonna happen....

no doubt he will change it to reflect his psycho 2020 mindset and use it to strengthen his argument for the sequel which was a load of shite he pulled right out his ass.
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I am gonna start with the last bit. Sony generating more revenue means nothing to me as a gamer. I am getting fewer games than ever due to management.

As for the rest, Team ICO is no more. Ueda left and took his team with him. Sony Bend wasted a year and a half and lost the creative director of the franchise. They are starting work on a new game now. When do we get it? 5 years from now?

The rest of your post just comes across as excuses. This is on Sony fucking up over and over again and producing fewer games than ever before. Do I care if it was Jim Ryan or Herman Hurst? No. I want games that made playstation what it is. From studios that made PS what it is. I wasnt a Sony fan because they sold the most consoles or made the most money. What kind of gamer cares about anything but games?

Fewer games? Sony first party has released 5 games to date on PS5 and there are 3 more in the next 2 months. How many had been released by this stage on PS4?



ND are doing TLOU remake and a Factions game.
No, they are doing at least:
-New Uncharted game
-Multiplayer (TLOU2 factions?) game
-TLOU 2 PS5 + TLOU1 remake package

SP just brought out Ghost.... so they are 3 years out for next game.
Sucker Punch is working in at least 2 games.

Insomniac Just had MM and will have R&C soon.... could be a year or 2 till Spider-man 2.
No, they have been releasing multiple games per year during many years but recently they reduced their output to a game per year. They work in different games at the same time, they have multiple teams. Spider-Man 2 -or whatever game they release after Ratchet- will be released very likely next year.

SMS is on GOW and secret project.... one year out and an unknown respectively.
As we now, GoWR is a 2021 game.

I mean, it just doesn't seem like that much..... 2 new IP's? maybe 3 if you include Bend.

Where is the expansion? Where are all the new possibilities?
They have other 1st party games you didn't mention like Media Molecule, and also have a very strong 2nd party output where they release many new IPs. As an example, this year they have/had Destruction All Stars or Returnal. Sony is the publisher who releases the bigest amount of AAA new IPs every generation, and seems it won't change in the near future.

The expansion is in almost all of these studios having growth in the recent years and sheduled to continue growing. Most of them in the past did only work in a single game at the same time, now they work on multiple games at the same time. Sony also mentioned to be working on acquisitions.

No fighting game, no WRPG, no in house JRPG....

How can you own EVO and not have a fighting game in the 1st party?
The best selling fighting games, console WRPG and JRPG are PlayStation (at least console) console exclusives or they primarly sell on PlayStation. Sony dominates these markets so don't need to make their own games.

They don't need to make their own ones when they already have 3rd party exclusives like FFVIIR remake, FF16, FFXIV, Project Athia, Persona 5, Street Fighter V, Guilty Gear Strive, The King of Fighters XIV, Samurai Shodown V Special and many other ones.

Outside Xbox or Nintendo exclusives, PS4 is the platform where fighting games are played on the fighting game tournaments by default for multi games or those who are PS console exclusives. Evo has a huge audience and its very targeted audience, the fighting game community members, are people who buy many console games (over 100 million games this generation) and tons of dlc. The Evo audience will grow a lot because to buy Sony they partnered with the guys behind UFC to buy it, creating a very powerful synergy that can further grow the fighting game genre. And also because the eSports audiences keep growing year after year and are becoming very huge and the fighting games one is the most console-specific eSports area.

On top of that, the founders of EVO, who will continue overviewing how EVO is handled, are working on the upcoming League of Legends fighting game. A game that will bring a super massive new audience to the genre, a game that will also be released on console and obviously will be marketed at EVO.

Sony buying EVO sounds as the best marketing movement any gaming company made this generation.
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So out of the big boys

Naughty Dog - TLOU 1 Remake
Sucker Punch - Ghost of Tsushima 2
Bend Studio - New IP
Insomniac - Spider-Man 2
Guerilla - Horizon Forbidden West
Santa Monica - God of War Ragnarok

Solid line up except ND doing a 2013 game. Maybe another team is doing a new IP first? Also it's interesting the fate of uncharted 5 remains unknown after bend stepped away. Doubt it would be shelved after the money and time spent on it.
GOW is the only thing interesting for me there. I don’t like the direction their headed. Both Spider-Man’s were alright but I feel
Like I’ve had enough already. Never liked Horizon. GOT was decent.
So out of the big boys

Naughty Dog - TLOU 1 Remake
Sucker Punch - Ghost of Tsushima 2
Bend Studio - New IP
Insomniac - Spider-Man 2
Guerilla - Horizon Forbidden West
Santa Monica - God of War Ragnarok

Solid line up except ND doing a 2013 game. Maybe another team is doing a new IP first? Also it's interesting the fate of uncharted 5 remains unknown after bend stepped away. Doubt it would be shelved after the money and time spent on it.
that's a "solid line up" ? lol



Noticed what happened from 2016.
Feels like 360 late pivot toward kinect

Sure jimbo hasnt went full drm always online retard, but the similarities are stunning....
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Man... modern PlayStation kind of sucks, doesn't it?

I like their western blockbusters for the most part, but that's not *all* I want to see from them.

Also, fuck them for not giving Bend a chance to do a Days Gone sequel if true.
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So out of the big boys

Naughty Dog - TLOU 1 Remake
Sucker Punch - Ghost of Tsushima 2
Bend Studio - New IP
Insomniac - Spider-Man 2
Guerilla - Horizon Forbidden West
Santa Monica - God of War Ragnarok

Solid line up except ND doing a 2013 game. Maybe another team is doing a new IP first? Also it's interesting the fate of uncharted 5 remains unknown after bend stepped away. Doubt it would be shelved after the money and time spent on it.

whats unbelieveable is, these studios' past games were just 'okay', before their late PS4 success surge.

I will be crazy to double down only on their stuff because of that late surge success...

...rather spread my risks and resources and invite more diversity and creativity.... Jimbo is crazy to concentrate 'all in' this smaller pie...
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