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Jason Schreier: Sony’s Obsession With Blockbusters Is Stirring Unrest Within PlayStation Empire


Wow I own a PS5 and love it but make a joke about Sony and my post gets deleted? What is this resetera?


So Jim Ryan is the fault of the new Sony direction. He was also at fault for Sony Japan's fall years before he got the top job that affects it. Jim Ryan shot JFK as well.

Sony Japan tried and failed a few times last gen, Astro was the exception. They worked with 3rd parties to great success. It could be a situation where Asobi's success could lead to a more Nintendo like efforts. PS need to make more similar games to link the younger games of Nintendo to PS.
yeah sure, the head of global sales and marketing at the time had nothing to do with the decision to deemphasise gravity rush 2's presence at their biggest yearly marketing event. Studio japans decline began as a result of ueda fucking up the last guardian but the amount of talent still left dwarfed almost all their other studios. It is obvious who cared about Japanese games and who didn't, Yoshida and the head of the American branch cared, Jim Ryan and his crew didn't. Jim won the power struggle and now we see the results.
Not only does Sony make it harder for people to purchase/play older games by shutting down their online storefronts and making a half-assed attempt at BC, but now they seem to be hell-bent on squeezing $70 from their loyal fans for remakes after remakes of games that no one is asking for. What a shambles this generation seems to be turning out for them.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Shawn was head of Sony U.S. Andrew House held the job Jim Ryan has now.

So Horizon 2, GT7, GoW, and TLOU Factions all cross gen. All 2022 releases on PS5.

Ratchet is the only next gen on the PS5 for the first 2 and a half years.

James Sawyer Ford James Sawyer Ford this isnt troubling to you?

all of this was mostly known already so not really. Not happy about it but we should start seeing true next gen mostly in late 2022


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Just ignoring Returnal, Sackboy, Destruction All Stars? And you don't think anything else like that will be announced, or publishing deals with the likes of Remedy, or more smaller games like Kena and Stray? OK.
I mean I technically ignored those kind of smaller games on the PS4 as well. i didnt mention LBP3, Resogun, and other smaller titles like Gravity Rush 2.


Shawn Layden liked my tweet along with countless others about wanting him back and criticising Playstation with their decision here, insane how someone is being so publicly against his former employer, shows how passionate he is for Playstation imo.

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Flashless at the Golden Globes
all of this was mostly known already so not really. Not happy about it but we should start seeing true next gen mostly in late 2022
By which studios though? After these guys ship their games in 2022, they wont be ready for another game anytime soon.

Sucker Punch is the only studio that is likely working on a next gen only game and there is no way they are gonna release a next gen only game only 2 years after shipping ghost of tshushima.


These arent random tweets, this is the former CEO of sonys first party studios "liking" things on twitter. I think thats relevant to the discussion.

Not to that tweet, but are a bunch of tweet from random twitters around this thread.


Jason trying to stirr stuff again. Sounds a lot like Sony did with their UK studios back in the day, Sony still have good small stuff coming like Returnal and Astrobot as two examples.


Snake Oil Salesman
I'm honestly not seeing the controversy here. So a project was moved or assigned to a bigger team and it happens all the time.

Game ideas get axed all the time anywhere along the pipeline and we never hear about most. It sounds like they want their best studios handling the biggest projects.

Completely agree.

The whole article is "I want to paint a particular picture by telling the reader what to think rather than giving the reader concrete details that proves it."

It's a generic NeoGAF post with a couple of quotes, sans context.


Dear Neogaf I own both consoles I can say what I want. When Microsoft was down no one cared. Treat everyone equally Sony deserves to be called out on this!


The only reason why ND would want to remake TLoU1 would be to kill off Joel in the prologue and have Sarah become the main protagonist. And to make Abby appear before the finale of the first game, of course.


Gold Member
Oh god fuck Jim Ryan. Who the fuck owning PS4/PS5 hasn't played TLOU at this point?

What's the fucking incentive to buy the same game with just fancier graphics again when you already have a PS4 remastered edition? I'm more fucking interested in watching the TV series. It's not going to be like shadow of the colossus PS2 to PS4 leap.

I'm all on board for new Sam Drake adventure but can't you let a new studio to do that and let Naught Dog work on something refreshing (also kick that Neil fucking Druckmann).

Microsoft is expanding with all genres of studios and greenlighting with their ideas when people already jesterring Sony only has third-persona action games. And still they think killing Japan studio and sending Bend to support Naughty Dog is a great move. For fuck sake Phil knows everything right and does Ryan ever drop by to any gaming communities to see what players really want? I feel like I could make better decisions than him.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Shawn Layden liking my tweet, insane how someone is being so publicly against his former employer, shows how passionate he is for Playstation imo.


The crazy thing about Shawn, Andrew House, Shuhei Yoshida and Jack Tretton was that they were part of the original playstation team. They genuinely cared about the playstation brand. They werent some suit brought in to increase revenue and maximize profits. They understood game development and the need for exclusives.

Jim was there but in marketing capacity. Sitting on the sidelines most of the time. He doesnt understand game development.


I dunno man. The content and criticism in some of those reviews was really questionable. But, hey, if you firmly believe they're "credible" and "accurate" then good for you man.

Btw, I wasn't saying the reviews were solely responsible for rejecting a sequel pitch, but it was a factor that attributed to it.
It's not about what I think. If you think the social aspects of these reviews are questionable, that's on you.

If you think nobody at Sony was pissed that the whole game was made and nobody noticed there wasn't any black zombies or that the dialogue was shit, then I don't know what to tell you. You can take them seriously or not, but it's not a look any company wants.


The crazy thing about Shawn, Andrew House, Shuhei Yoshida and Jack Tretton was that they were part of the original playstation team. They genuinely cared about the playstation brand. They werent some suit brought in to increase revenue and maximize profits. They understood game development and the need for exclusives.

Jim was there but in marketing capacity. Sitting on the sidelines most of the time. He doesnt understand game development.
Exactly, they all cared for the company as they were there throughout the highs and lows of the company and knew what worked and what didn't.

Jim shouldn't of been allowed anywhere near the position when he talked about how boring the old games were at an Playstation event, having a complete disregard for what made the company what it is today shows a complete lack of integrity.


I am gonna start with the last bit. Sony generating more revenue means nothing to me as a gamer. I am getting fewer games than ever due to management.
Sony generating more revenue means future Sony games will grow their studios so will give them more resources (headcount and time) so will be better games. Means Sony will have more money to grow their 1st party games and to acquire more studios. Means Sony will have more money to fund and promote more AAA and indie 3rd party exclusives and more 2nd party games. Means they will have more money to invest on improving their services like PS Plus and PS Now, and to research future hardware like PSVR2 and PS6.

It means they will release more and better games and that will help them with future service and hardware improvements. So it means a lot to you as gamer.

As for the rest, Team ICO is no more. Ueda left and took his team with him. Sony Bend wasted a year and a half and lost the creative director of the franchise. They are starting work on a new game now. When do we get it? 5 years from now?
No, Team Ico was one of the Japan Studio teams. In addition to Japan studio other external teams had to help finish it due to the lack of a clear creative direction and difficulties on the tech side, resulting in the game being delayed too much, becoming a money sink and then didn't sell a shit. Ueda and a few members left/were fired and continued working from outside Sony to finish it, while the rest of hundreds of people of the team remained at Sony and outsourcing teams.

Bend didn't wast a year and a half. They released the PS5 patch, PC port, did help ND on a couple of projects (it's normal, all AAA games are made by multiple studios and it's normal in big corporations to help each other specially between big projects), got a pitch rejected and now got another one greenlighted. If the creative director left, they will promote another designer or will hire someone who will make a great job, it isn't a problem for big studios and big corporations. Days Gone game credits include 1679 people, it wasn't a game made by a single guy.

Bend has been growing these years and Sony mentioned they plan to continue growing their studios. Days Gone was developed in 4 years being their first AAA and home console game since ages ago, and also was a new IP which implies many extra work plus also was very ambitious in the tech side with the hordes stuff. They also weren't used to be that big as studio so as usually happens had some issues growing. They won't suffer most of their issues for their next game, now they are experienced as big AAA team creating a new IP for home console, the next one will be easier for them and will release it faster because will be even bigger.

So without counting the new Uncharted and the ND multiplatform game, and the DG PC port and PS5 patch where they did work, I'd bet they will release their own next game in less than 3 years.

The rest of your post just comes across as excuses. This is on Sony fucking up over and over again and producing fewer games than ever before. Do I care if it was Jim Ryan or Herman Hurst? No. I want games that made playstation what it is. From studios that made PS what it is. I wasnt a Sony fan because they sold the most consoles or made the most money. What kind of gamer cares about anything but games?

They are releasing more games and are working on more games than they ever before did (and they also mentioned plans to continue growing their studios and to make more acquisitions). And also releasing more games than the other console platform holders.

And the games they publish sell better and get more GOTY awards and nominations than ever did (them and the other platform holders), so by the only more or less subjective numbers we have to compare they are better.

On top of that, they also invest now more than before on both 3rd party big AAA games and small, experimental indies. In friendlier contidions for their partners: the external studio gets the IP, gets more revenue from the PS version because selfpublishing it gets a higher revenue share and gets additional revenue because are allowed to released at launch on PC and after some time in other consoles. It's also more consumer friendly because players from more platforms are allowed to play these games sooner or later, and also safer for Sony because it isn't the same to fully invest on publishing 2nd party game than to fund and promote and externally published game that also costs them less because it isn't the same to ask them for timed console exclusivity than to ask them for fully console exclusivity.

Companies aren't NGOs, studios that are profitable grow and the unprofitable ones get downsized or get closed. And the games they think will suck don't get greenlighted or get canned. Sony had way more patience with these studios than many other publishers typically have.

This seems to confirm that they did the same in USA than in Japan Studio: they moved away the 2nd party publishing/localization/etc from their development studios to handle it globally from PlayStation Studios, so to allow game development studios to focus on developing their own internal games.

And to let the smaller, more experimental games to Yoshida's area: the indies part. Because self published timed console indie exclusives are a better deal for both Sony and the indies than a fully exclusive 2nd party game.
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imo most of sonys exclusive games aren't that good. Horizon Zero Dawn was fun but spiderman, god of war, ghost of tsushima, uncharted, tlou2, etc.... no.
I’ve read the gamepass wish list thread, everyone says this then everyone is there wishing those PS games were on Xbox

Anyway the biggest point is. Wtf is happening to PlayStation?


Maybe Sony simply are tired of winning game of the year awards and now they want to win the Award of the most useless remake ever.
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Completely agree.

The whole article is "I want to paint a particular picture by telling the reader what to think rather than giving the reader concrete details that proves it."

It's a generic NeoGAF post with a couple of quotes, sans context.

Yup, some bits were interesting but the whole "Dreams coulda been Roblox!!!" part showed there were some other motivations for the piece.


Continuing to release the greatest exclusive games ever made if you ask me.

Like Bloodborne?

Just a little hint. We can't get new games like Bloodborne when the company is focused into making remakes and remasters.
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Gold Member
It's not about what I think. If you think the social aspects of these reviews are questionable, that's on you.

If you think nobody at Sony was pissed that the whole game was made and nobody noticed there wasn't any black zombies or that the dialogue was shit, then I don't know what to tell you. You can take them seriously or not, but it's not a look any company wants.

But it is, mate. You seem to lend the reviews and reviewers in question a lot of faith and credibility. That's fine and cool with me. I have no problem with you taking their word as a gospel.

I'm just gonna take Claus' sentiment and let it lay here.
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Neo Member
It makes some sense, i guess Sony want to release TLoU remake also on PC, again, it is win-win situation they can advertise TV show and make profit from remake's sales. Of course Sony isn't fools and they have understanding that nobody will buy the 8 years old game for the full price, so they can put some money into remake and get a solid profit from it, what do you think about it?


The crazy thing about Shawn, Andrew House, Shuhei Yoshida and Jack Tretton was that they were part of the original playstation team. They genuinely cared about the playstation brand. They werent some suit brought in to increase revenue and maximize profits. They understood game development and the need for exclusives.

Jim was there but in marketing capacity. Sitting on the sidelines most of the time. He doesnt understand game development.

They have Mark Cerny and Hermen Hulst? Oliver Blume is suit head of Porsche, but they still have Andreas Preuninger to make great sportscars as head of the GT division?


LMAO. the meltdown level of this thread is stratospheric.
Without intentionally chipping into it, what I find revolting is Sony even entertaining the idea of yet another TLOU remaster. They're serioulsy going to SELL TLOU 1 in 2021/22? If yes they're not understanding where this industry is going/has been going and the customer will soon start speaking with his wallet now that viable alternatives are becoming available.
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What a BS article. Yeah Sony is focused on multi-million sellers, who wouldn't be. Their fans clearly love them. But if Sony isn't taking chances anymore then what do you call Returnal, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, Destruction All-Stars, Astro, and PSVR2? Looks to me like they still are taking chances on not sure bets.


Whatever people like I suppose. I love Bloodborne. Was my #3 favorite PS4 exclusive last gen

Bloodborne is a 'new' IP from the time. Keep that in mind. We can't get new IPs when the company is concetrate their eyes on one single game.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
By which studios though? After these guys ship their games in 2022, they wont be ready for another game anytime soon.

Sucker Punch is the only studio that is likely working on a next gen only game and there is no way they are gonna release a next gen only game only 2 years after shipping ghost of tshushima.

good question. Beyond 2022 is a mystery and if Sony hasn’t grown to two team structures it could point to a big gap in content.

- rumored San Diego studio title
- Bend title (could be in jeopardy)
- Spider-Man 2 (insomniac is insanely efficient)
- GG team two FPS game??
- Media Molecule (if they start making games and not engines...)
- ND team 2 making Uncharted apparently? Or can ND not manage two teams anymore...

PS5VR should have some games


Sony generating more revenue means future Sony games will grow their studios so will give them more resources (headcount and time) so will be better games. Means Sony will have more money to grow their 1st party games and to acquire more studios. Means Sony will have more money to fund and promote more AAA and indie 3rd party exclusives and more 2nd party games. Means they will have more money to invest on improving their services like PS Plus and PS Now, and to research future hardware like PSVR2 and PS6.

It means they will release more and better games and that will help them with future service and hardware improvements. So it means a lot to you as gamer.

No, Team Ico was one of the Japan Studio teams. In addition to Japan studio other external teams had to help finish it due to the lack of a clear creative direction and difficulties on the tech side, resulting in the game being delayed too much, becoming a money sink and then didn't sell a shit. Ueda and a few members left/were fired and continued working from outside Sony to finish it, while the rest of hundreds of people of the team remained at Sony and outsourcing teams.

Bend didn't wast a year and a half. They released the PS5 patch, PC port, did help ND on a couple of projects (it's normal, all AAA games are made by multiple studios and it's normal in big corporations to help each other specially between big projects), got a pitch rejected and now got another one greenlighted. If the creative director left, they will promote another designer or will hire someone who will make a great job, it isn't a problem for big studios and big corporations. Days Gone game credits include 1679 people, it wasn't a game made by a single guy.

Bend has been growing these years and Sony mentioned they plan to continue growing their studios. Days Gone was developed in 4 years being their first AAA and home console game since ages ago, and also was a new IP which implies many extra work plus also was very ambitious in the tech side with the hordes stuff. They also weren't used to be that big as studio so as usually happens had some issues growing. They won't suffer most of their issues for their next game, now they are experienced as big AAA team creating a new IP for home console, the next one will be easier for them and will release it faster because will be even bigger.

So without counting the new Uncharted and the ND multiplatform game, and the DG PC port and PS5 patch where they did work, I'd bet they will release their own next game in less than 3 years.


They are releasing more games and are working on more games than they ever before did (and they also mentioned plans to continue growing their studios and to make more acquisitions). And also releasing more games than the other console platform holders.

And the games they publish sell better and get more GOTY awards and nominations than ever did (them and the other platform holders), so by the only more or less subjective numbers we have to compare they are better.

On top of that, they also invest now more than before on both 3rd party big AAA games and small, experimental indies. In friendlier contidions for their partners: the external studio gets the IP, gets more revenue from the PS version because selfpublishing it gets a higher revenue share and gets additional revenue because are allowed to released at launch on PC and after some time in other consoles. It's also more consumer friendly because players from more platforms are allowed to play these games sooner or later, and also safer for Sony because it isn't the same to fully invest on publishing 2nd party game than to fund and promote and externally published game that also costs them less because it isn't the same to ask them for timed console exclusivity than to ask them for fully console exclusivity.

Companies aren't NGOs, studios that are profitable grow and the unprofitable ones get downsized or get closed. And the games they think will suck don't get greenlighted or get canned. Sony had way more patience with these studios than many other publishers typically have.

I usually agree with everything you say. I think you and me come from the same cloth in gaming, and I woulda argue have a good understanding and insides to the industry. But I would argue the way the article frames decisions on creativity like a sequel to a game that actually did well. ANd how they are only greenlighting or interested in games they think will be hits kind of sounds like days of xb360 in how people were green lighting games back then.

I hope I'm wrong and this is just some shuffling of teams/projects that did not pan out. Like Tom sawyer said sounds like San DIego team was making a tv style series using in engine character models/animated to expand uncharted/Last of us series. They scrapped it and went with doing a live action HBO which sounds like the better move. But in regards to Sony Bend, and reshuffling of Japan studio. I understand you have to change when regions taste changes. Right now Japan is all about easily consumable content on the go. Which is why Fate/Grand order makes billions on smarphones. Why the switch dominates.

So they consolidated, which makes sense since Team Asobi has been the most successful and efficient in what they have been making. I just hope we see sequels to Every Body's golf, and maybe see them remake or bring back an old IP with their platforming expertise like Ape escape or something.

Bend proved that they have some pretty good chops with Days gone, Ill go on record saying it's impressive for a 80-120 capacity studio to make a game of that size when they had not made a game since Golden Compass on Vita. Let alone made a full fledged console AAA game since PS2 era.

But Sony doesn't want a sequel I guess? But at least they can make a new IP. But I feel they proved the IP was successful?

That article could all be Jason reaching with how games are being looked at with only big budget sure fire hits being greenlit. But honestly it looks like there might be a lot of merit to that.
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TLOU Remake seems completely redundant, unless they are expanding the playable story to encompass The Fireflies or something that will tie into Part 3. This could also explain why the project was moved to Naughty Dog themselves. The ending of Part 2 also hints to The Fireflies having a larger part to play in a 3rd installment.
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