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DF - Assassin's Creed Valhalla: PS5 vs Xbox Series X/ Series S Next-Gen Comparison!


Yep I was wrong. Too bad no one took the bet.

No idea what your Alzheimer clinc comment has to do with anything. I am very well aware of what I said. Still hilarious to watch the dumb console war mental gymnastics going on.

Oh so now its dumb console war mental gymnastics when you yourself made a thread to console war about your gearbox dev friend saying xsx had the upper hand.

PS5 BEAST is back, better go into hibernation like your leaders phil, aaron and nelson.


Gold Member
Another Greenberg blunder



screentearing seems quite bad on my TV

very concerning but i'm gonna tell myself it's down to Ubisoft being Ubisoft.

have yet to try it on my Freesync monitor so hopefully its better on there.


If only Microsoft stayed silent and let the games speak instead of trying to FUD the PS5 for months on hardware power even recently with the "full RDNA2" stuff, their (now evidently false) claim on twitter that AC would be best on XSX (!!), not to mention all the help they got from their friends in the press and certain toxic fans of theirs to spread misinformation about PS5, now that reality is here and PS5 is performing better in multiplatform releases things wouldn't have backfired for them in this way (and that's right when it matters, when the consoles are finally out).
Btw it's good to see that both consoles are equally capable (like btw most developers had already suggested).


Gold Member
Kinda sad about Series S. I was this close to buying it over Series X cause I thought resolution would be the only difference. I mean I get why they didn’t add 60fps because it would make the res lower than 1080p but on the video they point out subtle differences like shadow and tesselation.

What are the chance Xbox gets it’s own boost clock and use Smart Shift as well? I mean it is running kinda cool already and since it’s RDNA 2 I feel like it would benefit them if they are capable of increasing clocks as well.


I have a theory. These fps dips on Series X looks like the game is bandwidth starved. You may say how is that possible? Because 560 GB/s is greater than PS5's 448GB/s.

But let's not forget there's also the 336 GB/s of the so-called "standard memory". What if the game's wrongly tapping into the standard memory system here instead of the "GPU optimal memory" (560 GB/s)? This Ubisoft after all.

336 GB/s to 448 GB/s is a 33% increase, and judging from this gif I see nearly a 30% difference in frame-rate in favor of PS5 here.

I wouldn't think so, I'd say it's just a quick port of the PS5 version or the One X version with double the framerate. It's obviously unoptimized for Series consoles. It's also only certain scenes not the whole game which says to me it's lack of optimization for the platform. If the whole game was running 50fps then it would be different.

Md Ray

Means nothing, Series S was never intended to deliver this resolutions.

Frame rate wise the Series S is a lot more solid and has none of the tearing that plagues the One X version badly. Also loads a lot quicker, I bet the frame rate graph for One X isn't pretty. I've played both.
It isn't pretty. Even PS4 Pro is more stable than One X in this game.


A small detail that doesn't change much in itself but Dictator admitted to have made a mistake in its calculation, the PS5 doesn't have 15% more performance on the same scenes but 30% more.



Yes I do!

Will he update the numbers in the article ?


This is embarrassing for Microsoft. I have been a strong supporter of Xbox. I have an XB1,XBS, and XB1 X in my house right now. Unfortunately those may be the last Xbox systems for me. I just returned my Series X back to Target. For almost a year all we've heard from Phil & Co. is power, power, Velocity Architecture, and more powwha. For the performance to be this bad out the gate is just disgraceful when you take into account the narrative they've been pushing. Its not just worse performance than PS5 it's the fact we are still dealing with dynamic resolution and fluctuating framerates. Like why even introduce a new "more powerful" system if there are going to be the same compromises as the last.

I'll probably pick up a PS5 DE some time next year. I'm sure Series X performance will get better once the devkit tools mature, but I don't have time for that :messenger_sleeping:. Plus reading more reviews of the Duelsense has persuaded me its time to jump ship. I suggest others on team green do the same before you suffer more embarrassment fighting a lost cause.
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The thing that always strikes me as strange about this guy is that he and his cohorts like Timdog have spent years telling gamers to "Wait until."

Wait till E3
Wait for the 1X
Wait for the series X
Wait for the dev kit to mature
Wait for the tools

They just the push the date and move the goal post. Someone posted a clip of Colt talking about the huge advantages Series X would have day 1. And now he's back to talking about waiting again.
Mr 'If we’re going to spend energy, let’s go spend it on those things, not ‘my piece of plastic is better than your piece of plastic' Phil Spencer follows Timdog, Dealer and Colteastwood on twitter. These guys are Xbox's greatest console warriors.

Let that shit sink in.


This is embarrassing for Microsoft. I have been a strong supporter of Xbox. I have an XB1,XBS, and XB1 X in my house right now. Unfortunately those may be the last Xbox systems for me. I just returned my Series X back to Target. For almost a year all we've heard from Phil & Co. is power, power, Velocity Architecture, and more powwha. For the performance to be this bad out the gate is just disgraceful when you take into account the narrative they've been pushing. Its not just worse performance than PS5 it's the fact we are still dealing with dynamic resolution and fluctuating framerates. Like why even introduce a new "more powerful" system if there are going to be the same compromises as the last.

I'll probably pick up a PS5 DE some time next year. I'm sure Series X performance will get better once the devkit tools mature, but I don't have time for that :messenger_sleeping:. Plus reading more reviews of the Duelsense has persuaded me its time to jump ship. I suggest others on team green do the same before you suffer more embarrassment fighting a lost cause.
It’s probably going to get better on team green, but still a good choice. Welcome to PlayStation, we welcome you friend.


Pedro Motta

I wouldn't think so, I'd say it's just a quick port of the PS5 version or the One X version with double the framerate. It's obviously unoptimized for Series consoles. It's also only certain scenes not the whole game which says to me it's lack of optimization for the platform. If the whole game was running 50fps then it would be different.
When did people start believing that for 4K gaming wouldn't be needed more than 10Gb of VRAM, even on PC it happens. Series X it's botched from the get go.


Mr 'If we’re going to spend energy, let’s go spend it on those things, not ‘my piece of plastic is better than your piece of plastic' Phil Spencer follows Timdog, Dealer and Colteastwood on twitter. These guys are Xbox's greatest console warriors.

Let that shit sink in.

Someone sent me a clip of his latest vid where he's literally saying wait till 2021 for the SX advantages he's been preaching about and promising for launch, to materialize. I don't know him personally but I've seen him called out on twitter repeatedly for pushing baseless and false info.

I'm not going to pretend to be a tech expert but what I can say the following with confidence. Devs & publishers are going to focus their time and energy on the platform that can get the most sales on. Make no mistake, the series X is a beast and the most powerful. But Activision put the most time and optimization in PS5's version of call of duty for a reason.

And the mature tools coming hot for 2020 2021 isn't going to change that.


Okay last post because I see this going on and on and on.. look below at the background grass. its way blurred out. some parts barely show on the ps5 version. Thats a lesser DOF setting. even the parts that have the same brightness or shadow.


it’s exactly the same amount of grass, on the ps5 it’s has more sun in that area and this light comes always on top of the shadows with the DOF (that how you can have bokeh shots at night in real life)


When did people start believing that for 4K gaming wouldn't be needed more than 10Gb of VRAM, even on PC it happens. Series X it's botched from the get go.

You can use more, just the rest is slower but still faster than the One X which did 4k games.
The thing that always strikes me as strange about this guy is that he and his cohorts like Timdog have spent years telling gamers to "Wait until."

Wait till E3
Wait for the 1X
Wait for the series X
Wait for the dev kit to mature
Wait for the tools

They just the push the date and move the goal post. Someone posted a clip of Colt talking about the huge advantages Series X would have day 1. And now he's back to talking about waiting again.
Greatness awaits, I guess
People joke, but yes, there was talk that the development environment of the SeX was being redone and would launch immature compared to the one on the PS5 and this have more influence than people are willing to acknowledge.

But still, I wasn't expecting it to unperformed so much.
Some may say that the PS5 drops the resolution more, but not only it's working as intended if the SeX droped the resolution as much as the PS5 the problem would remain, it's underperforming unexpectedly.

Anyway, we may be having fun laughing now but soon everyone will forget this because the real battle will be between the first parties begging at the end of next year. Now Sony will finally have true competition from Microsoft after all the acquisitions. Can Sony keep up?
People joke, but yes, there was talk that the development environment of the SeX was being redone and would launch immature compared to the one on the PS5 and this have more influence than people are willing to acknowledge.

But still, I wasn't expecting it to unperformed so much.
Some may say that the PS5 drops the resolution more, but not only it's working as intended if the SeX droped the resolution as much as the PS5 the problem would remain, it's underperforming unexpectedly.

Anyway, we may be having fun laughing now but soon everyone will forget this because the real battle will be between the first parties begging at the end of next year. Now Sony will finally have true competition from Microsoft after all the acquisitions. Can Sony keep up?
Actually xsx is dropping more often to 1440p vs 1620p for ps5.


I feel sorry for those that don't have a VRR TV. I don't see the screen tearing. But this is just ridiculous.. What happened to the no compromises Xbox?


Gold Member
The thing that always strikes me as strange about this guy is that he and his cohorts like Timdog have spent years telling gamers to "Wait until."

Wait till E3
Wait for the 1X
Wait for the series X
Wait for the dev kit to mature
Wait for the tools

They just the push the date and move the goal post. Someone posted a clip of Colt talking about the huge advantages Series X would have day 1. And now he's back to talking about waiting again.
Wait for the secret second GPU
Wait for the power of the cloud
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