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GAF's Nintendo Discussion, News, and Speculation |OT|


Animal Crossing Halloween looks fun. I’ll have to jump in early to have the coolest possible decorations and costumes ready for Halloween. 🙃

I really like that we can grow our own pumpkins too. That feels like a stepping stone to bigger things, maybe more than just growing fruit. I guess I’m halfway thinking of Stardew Valley and halfway thinking of BotW.


Gold Member
Animal Crossing Halloween looks fun. I’ll have to jump in early to have the coolest possible decorations and costumes ready for Halloween. 🙃

I really like that we can grow our own pumpkins too. That feels like a stepping stone to bigger things, maybe more than just growing fruit. I guess I’m halfway thinking of Stardew Valley and halfway thinking of BotW.

You can finally make that pumpkin dungeon for you and Danny Dudekisser Danny Dudekisser .


Unconfirmed Member
Is Genshin Impact also coming to the Switch this coming week?

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
Well I guess I’m buying Animal Crossing amiibo cards now.

I really need to clean up my island...

Also everyone is freaking out over PS5 and Xbox preorders but I’m more worried about this Game & Watch...

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
I was thinkin about getting Genshin impact on Switch, but I'll think I go with PS4 on this one. Same with Immortals Fenyx Rising. Btw, have anyone seen gameplay for Immortals on Switch?


The nicest person on this forum
I'm still waiting for Monster Hunter Rise be available for pre-order in Canada.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Guess she's playing hard to get.

So, there's a few things I want to get in the inti creates sale, and... how's Dragon Marked for Death? I tend to like their games a lot, but I've seen mixed reviews for that one.


Unconfirmed Member
Wife is away for the day, breaking COVID rules by seeing friends, what a rebel. You know what that means: lots of Mario. 64 obviously but 3D Land should arrive today so I can play it on the wife’s 3DS (original).

3D Land is here - time to dig in.
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Unconfirmed Member
Well 3D Land is a bit good isn’t it. Whets the appetite perfectly for 3D World. Much much better on proper equipment.
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Unconfirmed Member
I really want to play 3D Land again now.

I've got three 3D Mario games to get through first though and progress has been slow as I promised to only play with the gf.


My progress primarily in 64 has been slow (about 30-ish stars so far) because I'm shit at it. Done a bit of Sunshine and it's getting their slowly though the lack of inverted Y axis on the hosepipe is a pain in the balls and cost me bigtime fighting the god damn giant pihrana plant - I think 3 or 4 stars done so far there. Galaxy is one that's so good I'm really having to fight myself to keep away from it - that one has to be saved for dessert. Still, picked up a few stars, unlocked some stuff and I'm in the bee zone at the moment which is really good clever fun.

3D Land I cleared world 1 this morning, it's an absolute delight. Decided to show some self discipline and stop so I can deal with the hedges in my garden (real world, not Animal Crossing) and do a bit more work on learning Unity. Honestly anyone with a vague interest in making games should study Nintendo's work like the fucking bible. They absolutely fucking nail it. Nobody here needs me to tell them that of course, but it's just astonishing the level of quality they create. Nintendo is the Beethoven to everyone else's Nicki Minaj.


Gold Member
My Switch arrived in the mail yesterday. Got it set up (very easy). I'll have to adjust to the button placement. I'm a bright guy, so it shouldn't take me more than a few months, heh.

I started into Zelda BotW a little bit, and I like it so far. The atmosphere is very peaceful and light, not all heavy and serious like most RPGs. I don't have an opinion on graphics yet. It was past dark, and I was wearing blue-blocker lenses (I wear them when watching TV past dark; it helps me wind down). So everything looked orange, which is probably not what the developers intended.

Waiting on the Pro controller to arrive. I'm using the Joycons, which are odd little contraptions -- serviceable enough, but I'm looking forward to the Pro controller.

Oh, I wanted to ask. Someone, @hariseldon I think, said that now that I own a Switch, I should be prepared for the rest of GAF to hate me. I assume he was being facetious, but also that there might be some grain of truth to it?

Why would anyone hate Nintendo fans? Is it that old stereotype of "kiddy" games and super-nerds like the Star Wars kid?

Personally, I like stepping away from the console war between Sony and MS (it's so negative) and immersing myself in the world of Nintendo games for a long stretch. It seems like it's a more mentally healthy choice, better for my mood and outlook, more fun and relaxing.


Unconfirmed Member
Humdinger Humdinger You'll get used to the joycons - I quite like using them separated, but that said the pro controller is awesome.

On the Nintendo hate - it seems to me there's a real divide in mentality between Nintendo and the rest. You've got the PC "oh I play that on an emulator" brigade who are too cheap to buy the hardware but insist on demonstrating their superiority and love to point out how they're playing Nintendo games in 4k neglecting to mention being tied to a desk or burning their nuts, and the inevitable glitches, freezes and other crap you get from Yuzu, Citra, et al.

The second bone of contention is graphics. You've got your teraflops/4k lot basically. Personally 4k doesn't mean shit to me, but for some people a game isn't worth playing unless it's in 4k and uses all the teraflops and has billions of polygons and raytracing. On the other hand those of us in Nintendo-land have rather realised the point of diminishing returns - the extra graphical grunt might be nice but we'd lose out on battery power, portability, etc.

The third angle is, as you point out, the "it's for kids" angle. Mario games have bright colours ergo they're for kids. The truth is that the use of colour in Nintendo's games is about readability - you can always see what's on the screen and what you can do with each thing. It's always clear. We also have a bit of variety from the grimdark triple-A and the twee pet-spoon indie scene. It's a bit like how music has steadily used fewer notes and fewer, more repetitive, lyrics over time. Nintendo likes to have a range of colour while the rest are content to be brown and grey. Honestly, just as I prefer Beethoven to Nicki Minaj, I prefer Nintendo to grimdark.

Finally, there's a hint of Apple vs Android in all this, especially where the PC bros come in. Android is super-customisable and in theory you have more freedom than Apple's walled garden and of course Apple is expensive, and you thus get a lot of hate from Android users. In truth, just as Nintendo offer a mostly curated experience, going their own way releasing on their own hardware rather than supply anyone else's, Apple do the same, and for people who feel locked out of that experience for whatever reason, it causes anger.

Now all this is not to say there isn't good stuff on other platforms. I have gaming PCs and enjoy my time iRacing and doing other VR things, and I'm looking forward to Cyberpunk and Spelunky 2 (would love a Switch release of the latter). I love the old classics on gog.com, and I love that my PC can play old games from my Atari ST past. Most of us Nintendo people have more than 1 system. There's great gaming to be found in many places. However, I love the gameplay-first approach of Nintendo, the higher hit-rate of quality I've had on my Switch, and the super-chilled community that doesn't get hung up on frame rates, teraflops and pixel-counts. Here, we love games.


Gold Member
Decided to try contact cleaner to see if I can make the Joy-Con's stop drifting. The good news, no more drift. The bad news, L-button stopped working. I'll have to open the thing and see if it's fixable.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Well 3D Land is a bit good isn’t it. Whets the appetite perfectly for 3D World. Much much better on proper equipment.

I'm probably one of the few weirdos that prefers 3D Land to 3D World.

Although 3D World is a great game, it still has too much of the NSMB garbage infecting it with that multiplayer.
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I think the story is enough to get people hooked, never played a warriors game and this looks great. Monster Hunter Rise is looking really good too. 2021 is going to be a great switch year

Visually it looks much more appealing than the first Hyrule Warriors.

Will be interesting to see what other locations look like. Also seeing Hyrule pre-calamity is really cool and gives some extra context to BotW.

The only Warriors game I've ever played is the Zelda one and that's the only one in that genre I've ever tried.

Its kind of mindless fun but that's OK becuase it really is a fun game to play.

Also... Young Impa's move set is looking awesome. I was all in for this from the get go but as of right now I am positively hyped.


That new story trailer. Wow. I mean, the original Hyrule Warriors story was a lot of fun, but nothing like this. This feels like it’s going to make BotW even cooler, which is quite a feat.

My favorite scenes are the destroyed Hyrule Castle (the ending is going to be amazing) and the group badass walk towards the screen, lol.


Gold Member
Humdinger Humdinger You'll get used to the joycons - I quite like using them separated, but that said the pro controller is awesome.

On the Nintendo hate - it seems to me there's a real divide in mentality between Nintendo and the rest. [....]

Most of us Nintendo people have more than 1 system. There's great gaming to be found in many places. However, I love the gameplay-first approach of Nintendo, the higher hit-rate of quality I've had on my Switch, and the super-chilled community that doesn't get hung up on frame rates, teraflops and pixel-counts. Here, we love games.

Thanks, hariseldon, that makes sense. Many factors involved. I wonder if there's some resentment, too, at how well Switch is selling. Some "hardcore" gamers like to look down their noses at consoles that have mainstream appeal. They are elite, you see.

I like what you said in that last section. That's one of the nice things about joining the Nintendo crowd here. They don't seem to get wrapped up console wars, arguing about the minutae of tech/performance, or use lots of hostile humor and put downs. They seem to mostly just focus on playing and enjoying games. What a concept, lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks, hariseldon, that makes sense. Many factors involved. I wonder if there's some resentment, too, at how well Switch is selling. Some "hardcore" gamers like to look down their noses at consoles that have mainstream appeal. They are elite, you see.

I like what you said in that last section. That's one of the nice things about joining the Nintendo crowd here. They don't seem to get wrapped up console wars, arguing about the minutae of tech/performance, or use lots of hostile humor and put downs. They seem to mostly just focus on playing and enjoying games. What a concept, lol.

Absolutely there's some elitism. PC owners look down on console peasants and console owners sneer at Nintendo users. It's the circle of life. Just one tip - this thread has mostly decent people in it (I'm the exception as I'm an absolute cunt). Any other Nintendo threads get the console warriors coming in to be dicks.


Gold Member
That new story trailer. Wow. I mean, the original Hyrule Warriors story was a lot of fun, but nothing like this. This feels like it’s going to make BotW even cooler, which is quite a feat.

My favorite scenes are the destroyed Hyrule Castle (the ending is going to be SAD) and the group badass walk towards the screen, lol.

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