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Your thoughts about Nintendo Switch so far?


Of the two consoles I bought this gen (PS4 and Switch), I've definitely spent more time on Switch and used my PS4 for a lot of TV streaming. My job has required me to travel over the last few years, so it's been with me a lot, and when my siblings' kids come over it's the go-to console. Can't say I haven't gotten my money's worth out of it.


I used to be a huge Nintendo guy. with that said.
It’s kinda tough. GameCube gave me some of the best and innovative Pokemon rpgs. Mario rpgs. And Mario sunshine. I need the switch to give me something better than the above or at least port those games over. I think it has potential but the 0 virtual consolé, and the barren first party line up after odyssey kinds isn’t cute.


It's my favorite machine of the current generation by a long way. I'm not saying either the PS4 or the Xbox One are actually bad, but they both seem to have concentrated on areas that I personally don't care very much about.


I wish they'd discount games more frequently, but they are incredibly stubborn. Not sure if that has to do with the buyer or supplier though.

It's a good console, but just like Wii U and what not. It only exists as a console to play retro games or ports, which I don't care much about. Not a lot of Nintendo First Party excite me, so it's usually the occasional game here and there otherwise it just sits there for my brother to play. I love games like Xenoblade, Pokemons, and FE, but they aren't the majority.
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Easily my favorite console this gen.

The library is fantastic with a shitload of new games, a bunch of WiiU ports with improvements, and a lot more on the way. Lower budget/Indie titles cater well to the system's portability. The joycons are just the worst, but the Pro controller is among the best (mod your d-pad and it goes up another notch) I have dropped the consoles and moved primarily to PC, but I still constantly find myself going back to the Switch when a new game releases.

F31 Leopard

Favorite console to date. It's my primary system due to the portability factor which is why I buy multiplatform for Switch over PS4. I don't mind graphic degrades. Switch tax is not a problem. I usually buy games after price drops anyway unless I know game is going to be hard to obtain.


It's probably my least favorite Nintendo console since the gamecube. I like the joycons in theory but needing an attachment for wrist straps, no dpad, stick drift, and no speaker hurt them for me. I hate the dock with a burning passion and at the moment it doesn't suit my needs for a console or a handheld all that well. The QC and form factor are just abysmal to me.

Nintendo's output has been awful with all the ports and even a lot of the new games are pretty safe, uninspired, or just plain padded to hell. There are exceptions but still. There is enough 3rd party stuff to make it viable for me but again most of those are retro collections or ports.


The nicest person on this forum
I personally love it, it gave me games like Xenoblade 2, Astral Chain and FE Three Houses and they were blast to play.


Love it. One of my favorite Nintendo platforms. Have been mostly playing portable since I grabbed a Lite. Found the original too heavy and uncomfortable for long handheld sessions and I also have some screen damage on it from an unlucky drop.

There’s just something comfy about playing a lot of Nintendo’s stuff on a handheld and saving more of my TV gaming time for graphical showcases on PS4 or PC.


It's easily my favorite Nintendo system so far for the simple fact that it unified their entire output of games into one device instead of having it divided between hand held and home console.
Also, since they started with the more "unique" (some might say gimmicky) approach to consoles (With the Wii and DS), the whole Switching concept is the first one I've really liked and found useful so far. I enjoy being able to play stuff like 2D Zelda and Fire Emblem on my TV but I still like the portability for travel or because sometimes it's just nice to play in bed on a lazy weekend.

At the same time though.... it's a Nintendo console: I don't find the design to be particularly great, I find most accessories overpriced, paying for online functionality that in some ways feels behind what we had on last gen consoles is pretty ridiculous and the weak hardware means I basically use it almost exclusively to play Nintendo exclusives (and maybe the occasional graphically undemanding indie).

Games are fairly great though: I really liked Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Mario Rabbids, Luigis Mansion 3, Astral Chain, Cadence of Hyrule, Smash, Xenoblade 2 and I'm looking forward to BotW2, Metroid Prime 4, SMTV and Bayonetta 3. But some stuff like Pokemon and Fire Emblem have been disappointing.
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- My wife loves Animal Crossing
- It doesn't have to be on to charge devices, I use it to charge PS4 controllers and bluetooth headphones
- The hybrid nature is a good feature (even though I rarely use it)

- Trading a D-Pad for local multiplayer was a bad design choice.
- The Joy cons are too small, another bad design decision
- The Joy cons and the Pro Controller both have analog drift and the Pro Controller D-Pad is bad. I would call these design problems too
- For me, I haven't been impressed by the first party output. Even Mario Party and Pokemon were mediocre,

This has to be the worst designed Nintendo console I have ever used (I have never used a Virtual Boy) and Nintendo is being rewarded for it. I am happy that my wife is using it to play Animal Crossing instead of it collecting dust. Now I am going back to Pokemon Leaf Green on my Gamecube,, CRT and GBA SP 101.
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It's a good machine, but I've used my Wii U more. It's been collecting dust for a good while now. My kids have been using it more than I am lately, but they still go back to the Wii U.
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I absolutely love it. It has some of the best titles we have seen recently. It also has its fair share of issues. But I play it more than my PC/PS4.
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~~Warning, Nintendo Rant incoming, Warning ~~

I think this will definitely be the last Nintendo console I buy. Absolutely was not worth the money. From a competitive standpoint, Nintendo doesn't have much to offer me anymore save for its first-party titles and even the offerings in those are always limited to the niche they offer and little else. The vast majority of their games are inferior ports of old AAA games, and Indies that exist on every other platform, again usually better than Switch. I dont quite understand the "Nintendo loves indies!" thing either. I assume Nintendo raves on and on about how successful Indies do on their platform because there's literally nothing else to buy and very few modern ports for visual contrast, so there's less competition.

But worst of all is the SEVERE lack of attention to ANY FORM of modern innovation that Nintendo themselves can't credit themselves for coming up with.

example -- I bought Smash, but had to buy a Pro Controller ($60) because the joycons are trash, and then order a 3rd party Ethernet Adapter ($20) because the console has no built-in ethernet port.....what the FUCK. This shit released in 2018 are you fucking serious? I gotta go shopping for an ethernet port like it's 2003 and im playing Gamecube???? Why do i have to do this???

But the additional ethernet port doesn't help anyway, because every nintendo game has complete shit netplay.

Competitive games? Don't waste your time, Nintendo doesn't care for things like netcode, matchmaking, or any kind of UI that allows for ease of connectivity or even something as simplistic as adding someone you've fucking played with. And don't even get me started on their Voice Chat solution. ...At least they stopped trying to literally shut down competitive smash events, though that's nothing to say of how they murder fan projects.

And whomever thought games loading from cartridges would make them faster, SIKE this shit doesn't help at all. Anyone who denies the importance of XSX/PS5 SecretSauce SSD for next gen MUST not own a Switch.

Try playing Smash Bros Ultimate's World of Light mode....literally every action you make sets you back with between 5 - 10 seconds of annoying loading screens (BOTH ways) for the most trivial things. Animal Crossing looks like a nicely polished Wii-U title, but you couldn't tell from the sheer amount of slow loading you have to deal with. You're in these tiny ass 150-275 Sq.ft Chicago Apartment ass houses that require entire loading screens between rooms. And don't even get me started on how much of a fucking ordeal netplay is.

I understand most of that is probably just the developers ignoring modern common gaming standards, but these kinds of annoying ass problems seem to completely fly under the radar for Nintendo titles for some reason.

I also cannot understand why they refused to just brand the system as a handheld. I think the Switch would probably be worth it if it could access the 3DS library, but nope. They still expect me to spend money on a 3DS to play Metroid Returns...who the fuck needs a 3DS when they have a Switch???

And this is all before we get to the shitshow that is the way Nintendo nickle and dime the shit out of their fans when it comes to content creation. Fangamers get attacked relentlessly and content creators have to literally pay them to avoid legal action.

Amiibos are literally paid DLC except with plastic so they waste your money as well as your physical space

And the last straw, the thing that gets me tight about Modern Nintendo the most....its vaunted "First-Party Titles".

Spoiler alert, they aren't nearly as good as they're made out to be. Breath of the Wild and MAYYYYBE Mario Odyssey is about the only game worthy of being called a masterpiece, the rest are medicore in their own, very specifically nintendo kind of way.

Mario Kart 8 is still inferior to Double Dash (opinion, but its true, don't @ me). Animal Crossing is wonderful (GF is in love with it) but its UI is dreadfully slow for absolutely no reason. Smash Ultimate's netplay is horseshit and its single player mode is just about the laziest shit i've seen in an AAA big title since Metal Gear Solid 5. Splatoon 2 was glorified DLC. Pokemon is just as old-fashioned as it was 15 years ag.......wait a second.

Yo, lemme get on Pokemon for a second. Yall really gonna tell me that in 2019, Nintendo is able to get away scotch free by COPY+PASTING a $60 GAME into two different box arts and telling you to buy them both? This is the U L T I M A T E version of "day 1 DLC". They CLEARLY didn't spend all that time cramming Pokemon or Animations into the game, so what on earth warrants a split in content when choosing a side could have just as easily been a pre-campaign choice tied to your save file?????????

~~ok im done ~~

Honestly, the concept of the Switch is great, and it's an impressive console on its own merits.....but as a veteran gamer.......dude, Nintendo's consoles are just not worth owning anymore.

Owning a Switch feels no different in 2020 than owning a Gamecube did in 2003. I was a Nintendo Loyalist for that generation back then and only owned one console, so the year i finally just got a PS2 was the most eye opening shit ever.
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One thing I would like to see change is more new or revived franchises. So far Nintendo has focused on bringing their main staples to Switch and I think for the first three years that was the right choice.

But now I want to see more things like Last Story, Pandora's Tower and Dynamic Slash. Hopefully they deliver.
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Christmas 2017: loved it
2018: loved it
2019: loved it
2020: meh x 100

they nees to let us know what’s coming as in sure I’m it alone in losing all excitement.

They even let the 3 year anniversary and Mario day pass with not so much as NES or SNES game.
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~~Warning, Nintendo Rant incoming, Warning ~~

I think this will definitely be the last Nintendo console I buy. Absolutely was not worth the money. From a competitive standpoint, Nintendo doesn't have much to offer me anymore save for its first-party titles and even the offerings in those are always limited to the niche they offer and little else. The vast majority of their games are inferior ports of old AAA games, and Indies that exist on every other platform, again usually better than Switch. I dont quite understand the "Nintendo loves indies!" thing either. I assume Nintendo raves on and on about how successful Indies do on their platform because there's literally nothing else to buy and very few modern ports for visual contrast, so there's less competition.

But worst of all is the SEVERE lack of attention to ANY FORM of modern innovation that Nintendo themselves can't credit themselves for coming up with.

example -- I bought Smash, but had to buy a Pro Controller ($60) because the joycons are trash, and then order a 3rd party Ethernet Adapter ($20) because the console has no built-in ethernet port.....what the FUCK. This shit released in 2018 are you fucking serious? I gotta go shopping for an ethernet port like it's 2003 and im playing Gamecube???? Why do i have to do this???

But the additional ethernet port doesn't help anyway, because every nintendo game has complete shit netplay.

Competitive games? Don't waste your time, Nintendo doesn't care for things like netcode, matchmaking, or any kind of UI that allows for ease of connectivity or even something as simplistic as adding someone you've fucking played with. And don't even get me started on their Voice Chat solution. ...At least they stopped trying to literally shut down competitive smash events, though that's nothing to say of how they murder fan projects.

And whomever thought games loading from cartridges would make them faster, SIKE this shit doesn't help at all. Anyone who denies the importance of XSX/PS5 SecretSauce SSD for next gen MUST not own a Switch.

Try playing Smash Bros Ultimate's World of Light mode....literally every action you make sets you back with between 5 - 10 seconds of annoying loading screens (BOTH ways) for the most trivial things. Animal Crossing looks like a nicely polished Wii-U title, but you couldn't tell from the sheer amount of slow loading you have to deal with. You're in these tiny ass 150-275 Sq.ft Chicago Apartment ass houses that require entire loading screens between rooms. And don't even get me started on how much of a fucking ordeal netplay is.

I understand most of that is probably just the developers ignoring modern common gaming standards, but these kinds of annoying ass problems seem to completely fly under the radar for Nintendo titles for some reason.

I also cannot understand why they refused to just brand the system as a handheld. I think the Switch would probably be worth it if it could access the 3DS library, but nope. They still expect me to spend money on a 3DS to play Metroid Returns...who the fuck needs a 3DS when they have a Switch???

And this is all before we get to the shitshow that is the way Nintendo nickle and dime the shit out of their fans when it comes to content creation. Fangamers get attacked relentlessly and content creators have to literally pay them to avoid legal action.

Amiibos are literally paid DLC except with plastic so they waste your money as well as your physical space

And the last straw, the thing that gets me tight about Modern Nintendo the most....its vaunted "First-Party Titles".

Spoiler alert, they aren't nearly as good as they're made out to be. Breath of the Wild and MAYYYYBE Mario Odyssey is about the only game worthy of being called a masterpiece, the rest are medicore in their own, very specifically nintendo kind of way.

Mario Kart 8 is still inferior to Double Dash (opinion, but its true, don't @ me). Animal Crossing is wonderful (GF is in love with it) but its UI is dreadfully slow for absolutely no reason. Smash Ultimate's netplay is horseshit and its single player mode is just about the laziest shit i've seen in an AAA big title since Metal Gear Solid 5. Splatoon 2 was glorified DLC. Pokemon is just as old-fashioned as it was 15 years ag.......wait a second.

Yo, lemme get on Pokemon for a second. Yall really gonna tell me that in 2019, Nintendo is able to get away scotch free by COPY+PASTING a $60 GAME into two different box arts and telling you to buy them both? This is the U L T I M A T E version of "day 1 DLC". They CLEARLY didn't spend all that time cramming Pokemon or Animations into the game, so what on earth warrants a split in content when choosing a side could have just as easily been a pre-campaign choice tied to your save file?????????

~~ok im done ~~

Honestly, the concept of the Switch is great, and it's an impressive console on its own merits.....but as a veteran gamer.......dude, Nintendo's consoles are just not worth owning anymore.

Owning a Switch feels no different in 2020 than owning a Gamecube did in 2003. I was a Nintendo Loyalist for that generation back then and only owned one console, so the year i finally just got a PS2 was the most eye opening shit ever.

Yeah, I don't know why they continually suffer from such an incredibly narrow vision when designing a platform (hardware & software). It's all self-inflicted suffering, though. And then we self-inflict when we continue to buy their stuff, of course.
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Honestly, the concept of the Switch is great, and it's an impressive console on its own merits.....but as a veteran gamer.......dude, Nintendo's consoles are just not worth owning anymore.

To me they haven’t been worth owning post N64 unless you love their games and buy it as a secondary console to play them and/or enjoy portable gaming.

For me, both are true so I’ve been happy with all their platforms (didn’t have a virtual boy). They haven’t been my main platform since first half of the N64/PS1 generation, but I’ve more than gotten my money’s worth out of them as a complementary platform.

Switch is also great for many indies and retro games as I hate pixel graphics blown up on a big HDTV. So it’s replaced Vita for me for that stuff.

To each their own of course. There isn’t much reason to own one if one doesn’t love their games and/or portable gaming.


Yeah, I don't know why they continually suffer from such an incredibly narrow vision when designing a platform (hardware & software). It's all self-inflicted suffering, though. And then we self-inflict when we continue to buy their stuff, of course.

Yup. Nintendo is the Apple of gaming. They used to be amazing but now they pretty much only deal in peddling a ghostly reflection of what they used to be.

They are absolutely THE most Anti-Consumer company in gaming right now and they don't even try to hide it.

We're all talking about "Secret Sauce" in today's generation, but the ultimate secret sauce has been Nintendo's slogan of "All about gameplay" when literally everything about them (company, hardware, policy, software) completely flies in the face of this assertion.

- You get the absolute least amount of features in your hardware per $ spent on it.
- They're the most restrictive company as far as IP and legality goes (fan creations and content usage is notoriously bad)
- Even their first party titles generally omit the most basic of modern gameplay innovations
- Instead of features being locked behind DLC, they one-up that and make it even worse (locked behind limited-availability Amiibo toys)
- They refuse to lower the price of their first party titles, despite other companies who spend way more time/money/man hours developing games doing so
- They nickle-and-dime you for Virtual Console and have declared war on Emulation, even though their VC store literally has downloaded roms on it

Nintendo is a terrible company. I have no clue why so many people love them so much.

Honestly, the gripes about Switch are only 40% of my issues with Nintendo. The thing that pisses me off about them the most is just how shameless they are when it comes to PR and image, while in plain sight they stomp all over gamers each and every single fucking chance they get.
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Nintendo is a terrible company. I have no clue why so many people love them so much.

It’s the games. Not many other AAA publishers are making things like Mario, Animal Crossing et al. anymore. It’s cinematic games with realistic art style or MP games for the most part from other AAA console publishers.

Some people don’t like those types of games or realistic art styles etc. Others are like me and love them but also love having variety and getting something different from Nintendo as a secondary console.

They’re also the only player left in the portable console market for people who enjoy that, and they have a lot of pick up and play games that are great for on the go play here and there. Imloce playing while Jak paying attention to sports on the TV. Looking forward to playing Animal Crossing and keeping an eye on the NFL Draft.

That said, I agree they’re a crappy company and I’m not the biggest fan if their hardware. But I’m all about the games and love a lot of them. And I think Sony and MS are shit companies too. All big corporations suck and only care about profit. None are truly ”consumer friendly.” They all suck and I begudgingly give them my money as I love playing games. I have zero loyalty to any of them, just fondness for various exclusive IP.
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Honestly, its not that I am complaining, but I know its still early (or is it?), but there's hardly any game for the switch thats out that gave me that urge to rush and buy one, like how I felt when the PS3 or PS4 or Xbox 360 or the DS or Gamecube even was announced, the games being introduced to this console is... well, underwhelming
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I love the Switch! It has so many limitations.... but gives me a fantastic experience. Its convenient to carry, quick to pop into a suspended game. powerful enough to make pretty visuals on that 720p screen. There are so many great games on the platform. I mean I havent seen a Nintendo console with this kinda support since the SNES. I am waiting with baited breath for BotW2.

I hope Nintendo does not release a "pro" model and just wait for a full 'next gen' version when they can get PS4 performance in the same form factor.


I've seen quite a few people say "it's just collecting dust". You should probably just sell it now and buy one in the future if you get interested again. Today's marketplace = the best time to sell.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
My first impression was negative, after the first unveiling..

But the games, and actually playing it myself turned it all around. It's a great system.


Honestly, the gripes about Switch are only 40% of my issues with Nintendo. The thing that pisses me off about them the most is just how shameless they are when it comes to PR and image, while in plain sight they stomp all over gamers each and every single fucking chance they get.

Don't get mad at me for saying this, but... I actually sense in you someone who would rather like Nintendo and their games. You're just fed up with their anti-consumer tactics.

I think a lot of us so-called Nintendo fanboys are perfectly fine with airing our grievances about Nintendo.

I will say that there is one good thing about their game prices. If you like to buy the games near release, you will normally get a healthy chunk of that back if you sell when done. I got like $40 each off of my Wii U games when I unloaded them at GameStop. That funded the first year of my owning a Switch.
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It's my 2nd favourite Nintendo console/handheld behind the 3ds but I don't like how the fanboys are behaving like the switch is the second coming of Christ.
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Nintendo is a terrible company. I have no clue why so many people love them so much.

It's like people go out of their way to find a reason to praise Nintendo. For example, people acting like this is the first time they were able to play games on the go even though they have likely owned atleast one Gameboy, DS, 3DS, PSP or Vita. People just have a soft spot for Nintendo and Nintendo takes advantage of this.


It's like people go out of their way to find a reason to praise Nintendo. For example, people acting like this is the first time they were able to play games on the go even though they have likely owned atleast one Gameboy, DS, 3DS, PSP or Vita. People just have a soft spot for Nintendo and Nintendo takes advantage of this.
This is exactly what I meant when I say Nintendo fans act like the switch is the second coming of Christ.

Botw invented open world games btw. :messenger_squinting_tongue:


absolutely love the switch

Honestly, got me back into gaming because it allowed me to game in my current state of life and how my life has been and will be moving forward

I don't have the time or ability to get through more than a handful of games on home console per year these days

The switch however lets me chip away at games on commutes or in bed briefly in my downtime in hotels or on airplanes, or importantly at work.

Doom and Witcher may not look the best on it, but I'm at least able to play through them
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Who though. If anything I'm seeing more of them Nintendo fans being objective than others.
Yeah, people are coming to their senses now but in the beginning it was really crazy how people acted towards the Switch. People acting like the Switch made them feel like a kid again and stuff like that and the port begging was out of control. People thought every game was 'perfect' for the Switch. Remember all of that?

absolutely love the switch

Honestly, got me back into gaming because it allowed me to game in my current state of life and how my life has been and will be moving forward

I don't have the time or ability to get through more than a handful of games on home console per year these days

The switch however lets me chip away at games on commutes or in bed briefly in my downtime in hotels or on airplanes, or importantly at work.

Doom and Witcher may not look the best on it, but I'm at least able to play through them

...an example of someone pretending that gaming handhelds didn't exist before the Switch.
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Botw invented open world games btw. :messenger_squinting_tongue:
Hmm says who, quite childish for a jab lol.

BOTW just revolutionizes the notion of open world using terrain objectivity in every aspect of its gameplay mechanism. Maybe educate yourself for a little bit rather than lazy trolling.

Yeah, people are coming to their senses now but in the beginning it was really crazy how people acted towards the Switch. People acting like the Switch made them feel like a kid again and stuff like that and the port begging was out of control. People thought every game was 'perfect' for the Switch. Remember all of that?
Well that's how most people really feel about playing BOTW during launch, there's nothing that could negate the hype they feel even if you couldn't experience it yourself.

The system had no games during that time, even past Nintendo centric games so any kind of port begging is justified imo, especially coming out from the WiiU. PS4 owners are starved too during its first 2 years and I'm seeing the same amount of thirst and frustration so don't bullshit me on saying only Switch owners port begs lol.
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We love it. We have a family of 5 with three kids 7 and under. We have three different systems. One launch unit and 2 lites. The wife loves her animal crossing, the kids are addicted to everything... mario maker 2, spatoon 2, ssb, minecraft, mario kart... etc and as a father of this crazy family I love the fact that when I have 20 minutes to play... I get to play the games and not spend 2 hours doing updates and patches. Nintendo rules in our family.


...an example of someone pretending that gaming handhelds didn't exist before the Switch.

What? Excuse yourself here buddy

That's quite presumptive. Also shows lack of insight On multiple levels into how the switch is not the same as the DS or Vita.

No handheld before the switch, has been like the switch. Did Vita or 3DS or GBA have console games on the go? Where's my Doom or Witcher, Metro or bulletstorm? Where's a game like breath of the wild on the go?

I also wasn't an extremely busy person in the work force when those other handhelds were in the limelight and I had Much more time to game On my tv at home

This whole "but all these switch players acting like other handhelds didn't exist" bs is exactly that - it's bs. I don't know where this narrative is coming from and why you're pushing it like you know more than all these "dumb ignorant switch fanboys"

I still played Mario Kart on DS and God of War on PSP but those were always secondary systems for me

The switch is a very different system vs those other handhelds, If you want it to be it offers console level gaming on the go and, unlike those systems, has the ability to replace your home console experience if you so choose

I could never replace my DS with my Wii because I still had Metroid Prime 3 and twilight princess, or Vita with PS3 because I needed uncharted 3 and TLoU

No need for that with the switch

This is not a concept that requires significant brain power to grasp
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What? Excuse yourself here buddy

That's quite presumptive. Also shows lack of insight On multiple levels into how the switch is not the same as the DS or Vita.

No handheld before the switch, has been like the switch. Did Vita or 3DS or GBA have console games on the go? Where's my Doom or Witcher, Metro or bulletstorm? Where's a game like breath of the wild on the go?

I also wasn't an extremely busy person in the work force when those other handhelds were in the limelight and I had Much more time to game On my tv at home

This whole "but all these switch players acting like other handhelds didn't exist" bs is exactly that - it's bs. I don't know where this narrative is coming from and why you're pushing it like you know more than all these "dumb ignorant switch fanboys"

I still played Mario Kart on DS and God of War on PSP but those were always secondary systems for me

The switch is a very different system vs those other handhelds, If you want it to be it offers console level gaming on the go and, unlike those systems, has the ability to replace your home console experience if you so choose

I could never replace my DS with my Wii because I still had Metroid Prime 3 and twilight princess, or Vita with PS3 because I needed uncharted 3 and TLoU

No need for that with the switch

This is not a concept that requires significant brain power to grasp

Off the top of my head, the GBA had a bunch of SNES ports/remakes (the SNES was a console, not a handheld), the DS did too and the 3DS had it's fair share. The PSP started the PS1 classics thing which carried over to the Vita and the Vita had some PS2 ports/remakes as well.

So to me, playing console games on a handheld is just not new and I'll bet it isn't new for you either.

Interestingly, would you say that Mario Kart 7 is better than say Mario Kart 64 or Super Mario Kart? Games made for handheld are not bite size cell phone games as of atleast the GBA.

I know you mean 'current gen console games' but really, why is THAT the qualifying factor? Are current gen games automatically better, i wouldn't say so.

Well that's how most people really feel about playing BOTW during launch
That game was also released on the Wii U. Was it the game that made them feel like a kid again (a Wii U game) or was it the console?
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I got the initial end of Mario Odyssey and what I played was dope. BOTW was pretty cool but I only finished two bosses and quit. I bought Bayo 2 and Okami HD and Strangers Wrath and have barely played them. I played a bunch of Tetris when it came out. SNES emulation was dope for a couple nights....
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