I'm getting Soulslike from this demo. Someone please talk me off a ledge because I'm about to uninstall it. I can't deal with Japanese games that are difficult for the sake of being difficult. The mechanics seem like garbage so far. I'll give it a few more hours before I decide. It's on GamePass, but I appreciate the demo. It may save me some bandwidth.
It's more of a sekiro-like, which is an action focused souls game, with a lot of the micro-stat management and swath of items taken out. The focus is more about the action than it is about min/maxing and builds. This game still has some of the later but toned down for sure.
These kind of games are definitely not for everyone, the interesting bits are mostly the bosses.
I actually got the Microsoft store version and played through it again. I realize that I'm not going to have anything to play if I don't play this one...haha
The pros:
- the combat is fun, the parry works, it's all very satisfying
- upward mobility is nice, could have been done better, but I realized you can also jump off people, perhaps there will be some combat aspects to build off this later
- the bosses are well done, perhaps a bit too reliant on the special counter
The cons:
- Game looks OK, definitely on the lower end of graphical quality
- The PC performance has problems, definitely slows down in places even with things turned down. It should not run this poorly given how it looks
- The story is nonsensical, things feel random, I expected better after NiOh2, perhaps this is fixed later in the game
- The environments are generic as hell, there is no major set pieces, again perhaps this will change later in the game, but I strongly doubt it given how NiOh2 had the most generic levels as well
- regular enemy combat is somewhat meh, the whole number system I couldn't care for, I don't actually feel it matters that much, also they tried too hard to copy Sekiro with the poise
I think I'll grab it on gamepass and finish it in a month. Worth it for the bosses and perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised as more abilities get unlocked.
Anyone know when the embargo is up?