Ellie asks Joel to teach her to swim, after they're done with the FireFlies. I think at another point Joel offers to teach her to play the guitar too.
Ellie didn't know she was supposed to die, and her "being ok" with that and needing "her sacrifice to mean something", is b.s. writing on TLOU2's part. Her line near the end of the first game about "after everything we've been through can't be for nothing", is in reference to the journey across America, and helping FF create a cure. Since it'd be pretty pointless to travel that far and then just not meet the FF. At no point does Ellie get clued-in that she's gonna die. She was unconscious the entire time she's with the FF. If I recall correctly even Marlene's note says this, where Marlene just let it happen because she was sick of the rest of the FF looking at her like a failure for the Robert gun mishap, or whatever.
Talk motivations of the characters in TLOU1, character personality changes in TLOU2 all you want. Doesn't change the fact that TLOU2 tries and fails to re-cast the FF as saviours, when the first game debunks all of that and clearly/repeatedly shows them to be terrorists on their dying breaths. Even the doctor thst was left was a coward who hid whilst the better skilled doctors died. TLOU2 tries to pretty up their situation by making the room pristine and changing the doctor's ethnicity to retrofit TLOU2'S b.s., but none of it fits.
Why does none of it fit? In short, Neil wanted his original revenge story of Tess hunting Joel across America for getting her brother killed on a supply raid. Bruce Straley threw that out because it was unrealistic (a nice way of saying it's complete garbage, imo). When Bruce left, like Amy before him, Neil got his way. And ruined the established characters of Joel, Ellie and Tommy in the process.
I genuinely think that people who Stan for TLOU2 either never played the first game, or are trolling.
Angsty "bigot sandwich" Ellie is now such an unlikeable bint that she probably can't star in another game herself because she's been ruined, even if she did have all her fingers to hold a gun and shoot a bow in-game. And who honestly wants a TLOU3 without any connection to Joel or Ellie?
The MP can't come soon enough. That is, if the poor sales and negative feedback to the story haven't scuppered the chances of that happening already.