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Super Seducer 3 Demo apparently removed from Steam


Well it looks like some SJW did strike again and removed the Super Seducer 3 Demo, which even was censored by the way form Steam and the Game festival which they were approved of in November.


What a shame. These games are super fun for the wrong options...

Hope nothing will hapen when it comes out in 8 days....

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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Are you Dunkey? I don't see anyone else giving shit about this game outside of him.


Are you Dunkey? I don't see anyone else giving shit about this game outside of him.
Dunkey does not care for this game.

I personally love these games because the wrong answers are hilarious. They are fun. Especially fun to watch on Twitch etc.

Also they are harmless fun. You should try 1 and 2 and first pick all the wrong answers XD
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I enjoy watching people meme on this boo at the removal. Hopefully it's something minor and it'll be back soon.

there is literal porn on steam

seriously. This is hardly something heinous enough to justify being removed.
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If anything it should be banned for using FMV

I'm a PlayStation fanboy, but wtf Steam, be better

Reminder that the first two games will release on the Nintendo Switch soon.

And people call the Switch the kids console when Sony and Microsoft are ones that are afraid to put games like these on their console:messenger_grinning_squinting:

That's... amazing
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Reminder that the first two games will release on the Nintendo Switch soon.

And people call the Switch the kids console when Sony and Microsoft are the ones that are afraid to put games like these on their console:messenger_grinning_squinting:

Thanks for this, I didn't know there was a console version coming. I was pissed when the PS4 version was cancelled at the last minute (Thanks SJW Trash!), and I'm just not much of a PC gamer, this will be perfect to sit on the couch with and get a good laugh in.
Oh no, some ESS JAY DOUBLEYOU are in the way of you finding quality entertainment.

Steam is a mess. There's so much low quality shit on there where people slap together a ton of Unreal assets with embarrassing animations, porn visual novels with ugly ass 2D art or Second Life-looking character models, or just cheap ass FMV games like this where some dude with rich parents blows money on "actresses" for a "game".

Steam is the "Rhino" dick pill section of your nearest convenience store. The whole platform needs a revamp.

Anyway, dev should stop being a whiny bitch for drama and find another platform to release on.

People complaining about SJW and censorship as just as big of drama queens of who they're complaining about.
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Gold Member
This reminds me of another game Seduce Me, which featured explicit cartoon scenes of sex. That was not the best thing, in between scenes you had to advance the plot using a variety of card games, that were balls to the wall difficult and inventive. I had a blast.

Also I think I played Wet: Sexy Empire when I was 14 or something lie that. Finished the game.


Where are all the steam fanboys now? defending the company?
Man, you are always first in line for a stupid Steam hot take, uh?

We don’t even know what happened here exactly (if it’s an actual ban, why that would be the case , if they are violating some terms of service, etc) but you are already jumping to get a a fight with “fanboys”.
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It's still getting a release on Steam.

It is still pending especially for visibiity. It was accepted in November for their Steam festival but suddendly the demo which is HEAVILY Censored (They censor women in bra and panties) was without notification removed. Someone got told that he has removed the demo as well (dont know the truth about it)

Reminder that the first two games will release on the Nintendo Switch soon.

And people call the Switch the kids console when Sony and Microsoft are the ones that are afraid to put games like these on their console:messenger_grinning_squinting:

Sony has become really bad in these things. The Sony Check is back it seems whihc is terrible. And a eason why Sony is losing so badly in Japan. We are now on a situation where Sony censors way more than Nintendo. Which is strange.

This reminds me of another game Seduce Me, which featured explicit cartoon scenes of sex. That was not the best thing, in between scenes you had to advance the plot using a variety of card games, that were balls to the wall difficult and inventive. I had a blast.

Also I think I played Wet: Sexy Empire when I was 14 or something lie that. Finished the game.
Wet the Sexy Empire was fun. There were qite a few of these Erotic Management and adventure games back then., Biing is another one where you manage a doctors office. It was great^^

Anyway, dev should stop being a whiny bitch for drama and find another platform to release on.
Steam has a platform with over 100 Million users It has the best visibility on the PC if you are not on Steam you will lose massive sales. Why do you think even Microsoft are relasing their games there? If you are not on steam you can already give up because then you also will not get on Epic, Or Gamepass and GOD also denied their game for whatever reason. It is ridiculous.

On Steam there is a great visual novel which also lets you play in the view of a killer in which you torture young girls aeven cutting off their limbs and this is the game that goes too far?
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I swear, I fail to understand the fear of sexuality that many people have these days, masking it with gender respect and white knighting. The increase of censorship, the rise of puritanism amongst young people, the topic about chastity, asexuality (ACES.... lol), all these things....
we are sexual creatures for christ sake, I'm in my 40s, I spent my younger days fucking like a rabbit, I met women and men with way way dirtier minds than mine and in my experience women are even more sexual independent than men...
Why all this fear? You can't even seriously ask this question because the answer is usually like "are you afraid they'll remove tits and ass from your precious vydiagaemh? ask women".... well, shit, I ASK women and they usually find attractive characters in videogames and anime... well, attactive?

edit: and where's the issue with the act of seducing? people love being seduced, being complimented. and if they don't a simple no thanks is enough. I wonder if this is something more american... in europe we are way more carefree about our sexuality
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Sony has become really bad in these things. The Sony Check is back it seems whihc is terrible. And a eason why Sony is losing so badly in Japan. We are now on a situation where Sony censors way more than Nintendo. Which is strange.
It's not that strange. Their gaming division is run from the US now. Sony are becoming more and more like Microsoft since 2012...
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HI Vita friends, is it possible to port the 2 first on VITA, like GT3? It would perfect on the Vita!
Or an official port? The Vita is perfect for this game.

The 1st one was so fun.
Off course, it was a parody.

Anyway, I'll be supporting this. I'm gay and it's so funny, as a gay, to see all the efforts straights put into seduction. Guys you are great!
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Man, you are always first in line for a stupid Steam hot take, uh?

We don’t even know what happened here exactly (if it’s an actual ban, why that would be the case , if they are violating some terms of service, etc) but you are already jumping to get a a fight with “fanboys”.

Ah its stupid steam hot takes.

Its not about a guy making some funny game with woman that gets banned without any message or reaction even while steam perfectly fine reacts to his fans and basically lies about him removing the demo himself?

Oh boy, if this was any other platform than steam, then those steam retards would cheer it on as some kind of win.

Also this is not even a small game, its basically twitch the game.
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Ah its stupid steam hot takes.

Its not about a guy making some funny game with woman that gets banned without any message or reaction even while steam perfectly fine reacts to his fans and basically lies about him removing the demo himself?

Oh boy, if this was any other platform than steam, then those steam retards would cheer it on as some kind of win.

Also this is not even a small game, its basically twitch the game.
The point is that you are running your mouth without any clue of what’s going on. Steam doesn’t ban “sexy content” and surely not because “SJW bitched over it on Twitter”.
Not even sure what made any of you assume that was the case.
Adult content is NOT against their terms of service as long as minors aren’t involved.

For all we know it may that the ban (IF it’s an actual ban and not a temporary situation, which seems unclear) may be because they tried to game the review system with fake accounts, gift copies in exchange of favorable reviews (there would be precedents for both) or because any other shady shit on the contractual side of things.
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The point is that you are running your mouth without any clue of what’s going on. Steam doesn’t ban “sexy content” and surely not because “SJW bitched over it on Twitter”.

For all we know it may that the ban (IF it’s an actual ban and not a temporary situation, which seems unclear) may be because they tried to game the review system with fake accounts or because any other shady shit on the contractual side of things.

Dude explained in detail what happened.

Steam ignores him entirely and even got caught lying to a steam fan about it.

But steam the good guys. They just can't tell you it and ban your ass the next day for absolute no reason with no statement and no communication.

I am running my mouth based on that. And its perfectly valid to do so.

If this would have happened with epic store people would be all over it with. china china china china evil timmy, see this is why competition is bad "says retard101"

Yet when steam does there usual deplorable tactics its "just wait guys" its fine.

If steam doesn't want negativity to come for them then be transparent about it. like maybe tell why somebody demo gets banned. Also all the other points about trying to game the system with reviews by gifting copy's or what not, u mean like every game company under the sun does? They could have made a statement about it any moment of the day, but refuse to do so.
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“Dude explained in detail what happened “.
Uh? No, he didn’t.

“We don’t know why it’s happening “ is not the same as “This is definitely why it’s happening “.

You are also very quick on making the most retarded assumptions on where people are coming from, but if I’m skeptical about this is PRECISELY because I’ve seen a good dozen of previous outrage stories on Reddit about “bullshit unfair censorship” which turned out to have plenty of good reasons to be (I.e. creepy anime shit with sexualized prepubescent girls, devs that were scamming people, devs who cheated the review system, etc).

And give it a fucking rest with the sperging out over the fucking EGS.
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Kinda weird situation, its easy to scream ban and censorship here but the page for the game is still up, and both Super Seducer 1 & 2 are still available. I can think of 3 possibilities:
-Some bug on the store
-Some random mod on steam got triggered
-The demo did have innapropiate content (happened before, dev claimed there wasn't adult content in their removed game, people made waves about censorship and such, only for them to find at the end that the game indeed had adult imagery in their files)

As for the answer the fan got, keep in mind Valve's internal structure is a huge mess. Its not uncommon for some insiders to have no idea whats going on in another team
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“Dude explained in detail what happened “.
Uh? No, he didn’t.

“We don’t know why it’s happening “ is not the same as “This is definitely why it’s happening “.

Doesn't matter.

He stated what's up, steam can fill in the void and they already did with a statement that is pure false and ignore him while he request information about it which results him to go to youtubers and outside channels to get more information about it from steam.

Nice platform you are support bro.

Maybe u should run your mouth also instead of defending steam.

Kinda weird situation, its easy to scream ban and censorship here but the page for the game is still up, and both Super Seducer 1 & 2 are still available. I can think of 3 possibilities:
-Some bug on the store
-Some random mod on steam got triggered
-The demo did have innapropiate content (happened before, dev claimed there wasn't adult content in their removed game, people made waves about censorship and such, only for them to find at the end that the game indeed had adult imagery in their files)

It's almost like they could have made you know a message of 1 line about it and sended it to him or even pushed it public? naaaaaaaaaaa. Let's do that to a fan and lie about it.

Steam still good guys, just a error. nothing to see here.

Meanwhile "epic store free games are bad and u should feel bad"
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Yeah they are dumb fun. And he even tells you that stuff like smelling a womens hair in such situations is a bit creepy etc. It does not go in any form to far.
It always go too far, but it explains why it is too far (no, you probably shouldn't do that).

Play Super Seducer 1&2 guys, really.


It's almost like they could have made you know a message of 1 line about it and sended it to him or even pushed it public? naaaaaaaaaaa. Let's do that to a fan and lie about it.

Steam still good guys, just a error. nothing to see here.

Meanwhile "epic store free games are bad and u should feel bad"
read the edit


“Dude explained in detail what happened “.
Uh? No, he didn’t.

“We don’t know why it’s happening “ is not the same as “This is definitely why it’s happening “.

You are also very quick on making the most retarded assumptions on where people are coming from, but if I’m skeptical about this is PRECISELY because I’ve seen a good dozen of previous outrage stories on Reddit about “bullshit unfair censorship” which turned out to have plenty of good reasons to be (I.e. creepy anime shit with specialized prepubescent girls, devs that were scamming people, devs who cheated the review system, etc).

And give it a fucking rest with the sperging out over the fucking EGS.
HE does not know becase Steam is not answering and communicate with him like they normally do. Again he was cleared for the games Festival and the demo was also heavily censored. And this comes from the Developer not some random guy on Reddit.

The game was always more controverisal because some "critics " and people on social media are saying its predatory and all other kind of bullshit. But it was never removed from Steam like that even though the demo was clreaed.


HE does not know becase Steam is not answering and communicate with him like they normally do. Again he was cleared for the games Festival and the demo was also heavily censored. And this comes from the Developer not some random guy on Reddit.

The game was always more controverisal because some "critics " and people on social media are saying its predatory and all other kind of bullshit. But it was never removed from Steam like that even though the demo was clreaed.
Well, you are pointing out the inconsistency yourself.

If it was a matter of “censoring the game” for its adult content to “appeal SJW” as the (retarded) narrative goes here, why would the previous game remain untouched?.
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Well, you are pointing out the inconsistency yourself. If it was a matter of “censoring the game” for its adult content to “appeal SJW” as the (retarded) narrative goes here, why would the previous game remain untouched?
There are instances when this did happen. It is probably some asshole in Valve doing this. Hatred was the same. Gabe had to step in to relist it on Steam again. Super Seducer 3 will not have this luck because it is a much smaller not really talked game. "Critics" have learned to not talk about these games to not give them attention anymore. So if there is no outrage Gabe will never hear of it.


Well, yeah. See you all in few hours/couple days max when it will turn out that it’s either some mistake or that there was an undisclosed different reason and people will once again look extremely stupid in the process.


Well, yeah. See you all in few hours/couple days max when it will turn out that it’s either some mistake or that there was an undisclosed different reason and people will once again look extremely stupid in the process.
It has been 3 days already.....

Also he loast a lot of visibility during these days he will not get back.
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Rodent Whores
Is there something particularly bad about this game's nudity and sex compared to another game like Cyberpunk? Because if the content in Cyberpunk is okay for Steam, then that sets a pretty wide net.


Is there something particularly bad about this game's nudity and sex compared to another game like Cyberpunk? Because if the content in Cyberpunk is okay for Steam, then that sets a pretty wide net.
No. There is no nudity just women in bras and panties. there are some fucked up jokes but overall its pretty tame. He also does not know why this does happen. Probably a hatred situaion in which a trriggered person was too triggered by it. With Hatred Gabe had tostep in but this will not happen here since it is way too small...

Also it got approval on the Switch.
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