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So...I saw Casshern

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Warning, SPOILERS below! ^^;

After viewing the trailer a couple of months ago, I was quite excited for Casshern. I imported the OST (which is quite good) and have been very pumped forl a subtitled version of the film or an international release. I broke down though and watched Casshern yesterday.

I understood very little, my understanding of the language is pretty bad. I know enough to get through it. The visual presentation of the film helps a lot. Everything is very clear, in body language and facial/emotional expressions. This isn't an all out action film like I think of a lot of people believe, judging by the trailer. It's a very story driven drama with action that progresses the main character through his struggle to save man kind, despite man kind destroying everything around them.

The action scenes are done very well, very stylish and straight forward. Action is quick and fast, but very clear. While American studios use heavy slow-motion now to show action in films, Casshern uses action in a very quick manner...and does not suffer from sloppy editing. It's very smooth in transition....the best use of action scenes that I've seen in a long while.

This isn't the type of movie where the hero saves the day, but the ending is very pleasing. It's one of the best endings I've seen. A lot of the enemies and people that had great conflicts in the movie are shown, in a home cam corder like way, at the happiest moment in their lives. It ends the movie perfectly, and shows everyone in a new light that wasn't present through most of the movie.

One of the sweetest moments is when a certain character dies. He's actually retarded, and views his surroundings in a different way. The use of clay like animation to show his experience in death was amazing.

Thumbs up. Can't wait until I can fully appreciate the story.
I truly hope if this film is released in the states, that the message strikes home with a lot of people. In the end, despite this being a sci-fi film, it's comes down to how human beings basically detroy themselves through war because of stupid, selfish reason. The film also has some footage from Hiroshima and World War II I believe. The positive ending balances things out, showing us that despite means for power, the most powerful thing of all is sharing that one perfect moment with someone.


No story spoilers, just a general impression of the movie.

I have to disagree on the action part. Except for one part which really kicked ass, they really needed a stunt coordinator or choereographer for the rest of it. Stylish perhaps, but you can barely see what they are doing to each other.

Also, the story is typical anime, some plot holes should be expected if you plan on seeing it. I watched it with my friends who aren't into anime, and they were obviously confused, and I dont blame them.

The CGs and art style was beautiful though. Coming from the man who did Hikki's music videos, I was confident he'd get that part right.


Troidal said:
I have to disagree on the action part. Except for one part which really kicked ass, they really needed a stunt coordinator or choereographer for the rest of it. Stylish perhaps, but you can barely see what they are doing to each other.

Also, the story is typical anime, some plot holes should be expected if you plan on seeing it. I watched it with my friends who aren't into anime, and they were obviously confused, and I dont blame them.

Two questions:

a) did you watch the cam?


b) do you understand Japanese?

Because everything you mentioned in your post stems from problems in both points. :)


a) did you watch the cam?

I have watched it in theaters when it came out here in Japan.

The very first fight of the movie, between Casshern and the female villain Sagure consisted of a lot of close-up shots of them swinging their swords, too close that it was almost like they were trying not to show the action in full because they knew they weren't gonna be good. The same goes with the fight with Barasin, you do see them fight a bit, but a lot of it was not shown. I must stress though that the entire fight sequence against the mechs during the full moon was abosultely kickass!

b) do you understand Japanese?

Yes. Native Japanese ;-)

The plot hole is, where did the lightning come from and what the hell was it supposed to be? I think that one was thing that wasn't explained at all, but you were just supposed to accept the fact that it brought [back] life the guy who later becomes Casshern and those people in the red pool.
Draff said:
We'll get a remake before this version's released here.

You're actually on target here. Kiriya hasn't really confirmed anything but most of the talk is that it'll be remade in the US. He's rumored to be keeping the directors job but nothings really confirmed. He did say that when it was released in Japan that no one had the US rights yet even though there had been talks. But that was a few months ago so things have probably changed.



Why would they remake it? What's wrong with it? The special effects are amazing, and it's getting rave reviews. What's the problem?
Troidal: I must humbly disagree and say you are wrong, wrong, wrong!!! I thought the action was great, and the "plot holes" you mention aren't plot holes ... the movie works fine if you just assume "because" and move on. A "plot hole" is something where the movie needs an answer which isn't there. Those questions in Casshern don't need to be answered.

As always, a plug for my spoiler-free impressions!
Mason said:

Why would they remake it? What's wrong with it? The special effects are amazing, and it's getting rave reviews. What's the problem?

They're probably too scared that it won't catch on with a cast that's not known in the US. Plus it'd have to be subbed or dubbed. I still don't understand why after Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon that studios won't take the chance on just releasing Asian films in their original form with subs. It's obvious that if they're good (and marketed) people will see them.


JackFrost2012 said:
Troidal: I must humbly disagree and say you are wrong, wrong, wrong!!! I thought the action was great, and the "plot holes" you mention aren't plot holes ... the movie works fine if you just assume "because" and move on. A "plot hole" is something where the movie needs an answer which isn't there. Those questions in Casshern don't need to be answered.

As always, a plug for my spoiler-free impressions!

Man, you really love this movie :)

I agree with most of your impressions - I was aware the close-up shots during combat is the same technique used in anime or manga called "perspectives". But I still didnt buy it - felt more like an excuse to cover-up for the lack of action choereography.

Characterization and the whole drama didn't convince me either. It felt like a rushed anime, where you still understand what the movie is trying to convey but at the same time, it still felt like too much was happening in such a short span (although the movie itself was long).

Maybe I should see it again. But when I left the theater, I felt disappointed and expected something more. I dont know what it was, more action, better cinematogrphy, I dunno. But something didn't do it for me.


kitchenmotors said:
Warning, SPOILERS below! ^^;

After viewing the trailer a couple of months ago, I was quite excited for Casshern. I imported the OST (which is quite good) and have been very pumped forl a subtitled version of the film or an international release. I broke down though and watched Casshern yesterday.

I understood very little, my understanding of the language is pretty bad. I know enough to get through it. The visual presentation of the film helps a lot. Everything is very clear, in body language and facial/emotional expressions. This isn't an all out action film like I think of a lot of people believe, judging by the trailer. It's a very story driven drama with action that progresses the main character through his struggle to save man kind, despite man kind destroying everything around them.

The action scenes are done very well, very stylish and straight forward. Action is quick and fast, but very clear. While American studios use heavy slow-motion now to show action in films, Casshern uses action in a very quick manner...and does not suffer from sloppy editing. It's very smooth in transition....the best use of action scenes that I've seen in a long while.

This isn't the type of movie where the hero saves the day, but the ending is very pleasing. It's one of the best endings I've seen. A lot of the enemies and people that had great conflicts in the movie are shown, in a home cam corder like way, at the happiest moment in their lives. It ends the movie perfectly, and shows everyone in a new light that wasn't present through most of the movie.

One of the sweetest moments is when a certain character dies. He's actually retarded, and views his surroundings in a different way. The use of clay like animation to show his experience in death was amazing.

Thumbs up. Can't wait until I can fully appreciate the story.

Ok, wait. You imported the soundtrack, but were able to break down and just see the movie. What country are you living in? How did you see the movie? Would you like to help me see it, too?


Troidal said:
Maybe I should see it again. But when I left the theater, I felt disappointed and expected something more. I dont know what it was, more action, better cinematogrphy, I dunno. But something didn't do it for me.

I think that's the problem, it's not really an all-out action movie. Kiriya already said that the trailers were deceiving as to what the movie really was and he was worried. I guess you're a fine example of why. :)

As for the thing about the lightning bolt, I just assume that it is the physical menifestation of the power of the real Casshern. The guardian deity of the people, and it is the heavens' way to ending the cycle of destruction that mankind in the Casshern world have set themselves up in. After all, I would hardly call it a plot hole since there is tons of talk about the guardian deity, he has a huge statue that is both the OPENING of the show as well as a key location in the show and the statue is holding a.... LIGHTNING BOLT! It's just up to the audience to draw their own conclusions, the movie doesn't have to explain everything.
Also Cassherns soundtrack is amazing, probably my favorite movie soundtrack ever. I started off mainly only being excited about it because of Hikki's song (which is good) on it, till I found out that the rock song that played during the 2nd half of the trailer was actually a real song and not something created for the OST or grabbed from some existing score. It's called Requiem by The Back Horn. Every song on the soundtrack is awesome, but that one stood out for some reason.
SolidSnakex said:
Also Cassherns soundtrack is amazing, probably my favorite movie soundtrack ever. I started off mainly only being excited about it because of Hikki's song (which is good) on it, till I found out that the rock song that played during the 2nd half of the trailer was actually a real song and not something created for the OST or grabbed from some existing score. It's called Requiem by The Back Horn. Every song on the soundtrack is awesome, but that one stood out for some reason.

Have you been able to find the second disc anywhere? The licensed stuff IS amazing, but goddamn I really want the actual score.
Nope haven't seen the actual OST anywhere. I'll probably just import the OST once the movie finally comes to DVD. Hopefully Amazon or CDJapan will offer a pack in deal. Probably the first time i've had any interest in getting a movie OST since I heard All About Lily Chou Chou's OST.
I was VERY impressed by the main battle scene. It was so seamless and did not use one CG actor at all, unlike the Matrix. Despite being blue screen work, it felt like Casshern was in an actual living, breathing world...far better than any blue screen work I've seen done before.

Perhaps the regular fight scenes could have been more Matrix-like, but I prefer them the way they are. Very fast and hectic, without all the slow mo.
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