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Sarah Bond talks Xbox Closing Down Studios

I remember when Microsoft announced her promotion and it was heavily criticized as being a diversity promotion as her resume didnt justify it. As you can tell by her answer she simply isn't qualified to handle this kind of stuff.



Here's to many more! Lol

fart town usa

Gold Member
How would you guys have answered this question if you were appointed to that interview?
If I was a POS I would have said what Sarah said.

If I was in her position and was able to maintain my integrity, I would have resigned over Tango's closure. She is completely OK with being a soulless ghoul because she likes making money and not delivering results of any kind. Xbox leadership is truly incompetent.

At least when Sega was dying they were pumping out absolute gems. Xbox is just floundering and taking out whoever they can so execs can maintain their salaries and positions of power. The only outcome is catastrophic failure because these people are masters of cognitive dissonance and face no repercussions for their awful decisions. They will keep doubling down until MS pulls the plug and turns Xbox into a publisher. At that point it will just be Fallout/Elder Scrolls/Blizzard/COD/Candy Crush. Xbox has no future plans for small/unique games.
I know I'm going to get absolutely fucking roasted here for this but, this seems like a textbook example of this phenomenon

The "glass cliff"? Absolut nonsensical concept. So what exactly are we supposed to take away from this? Women not being promoted is bad, because that's the "glass ceiling"? Women being promoted is bad too, because that's the "glass cliff"? So I guess when we promote a woman to the C suite today during good times, we better remove her from the C suite tomorrow, if things go unexpectedly bad?

So I guess giving a woman a chance to turn a sinking ship around is bad? Promoting Lisa Su as AMD CEO in 2014 was bad, because the company was failing? But promoting her to CEO in 2018 after the success of 1st gen Ryzen would have been OK? Making Katie Cotton the chief of PR at Apple in 1996 during the near death crysis of the company was bad, but it would have been OK in 1999?

What a stupid concept.
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So they closed down Tango because they wanted to deliver on their promises to gamers?!

What the fuck did she just say

It means she would be excellent in politics. Not everyone has the ability to talk out of their ass like she does. As for Tango, i would like her to explain how never getting a 3rd game in the Evil Within series is fufilling a promise to gamers.

Pasta la Vista

Gold Member
These worthless gum flapping pieces of shit make so much fucking money for doing NOTHING. Fire this bitch. Fire Phil, get rid off all these shit stains, keep the people that are actually skilled and create. For fuck sake. Why is this cunt allowed to still have a job while the people that actually WORK FOR A FUCKING LIVING have to worry about feeding their families and just surviving.

Null Persp

Those facial expression, she was nervous and unprepared for the question. She's another corporate that will continue to ruin the Xbox division to the ground.
You guys don't honestly think she's going to sit there and say "hey our hands are tied because the CFO and CEO were demanding cuts and decided this was the right place to do it to ensure long term sustainability. And no they don't know what HiFi RUSH is", do you?

She may as well fire herself and apply for jobs at Walmart.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Why the hell was Phil not part of this? She’s 100% being set up to take the fall here. What a terrible interview and bad optics overall.

I’ll be surprised if she’s not gone in two or three months, with Phil still at the helm.

What the hell are you doing, Microsoft?

Btw I’m not implying she’s not also at fault here. I just want to see Phil burn for this too.
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Its clear as day that the Acti/Blizz buy triggered additional oversight into the xbox division, its obviously a decision made by nadella and jill braff (new head of bethesda/zenimax) got tasked with what companies to cut, xbox will go the way of stadia, run by a bunch of people with no interest in games with only mba's. It will spell disaster, you can say what you want about phils buisness skills, but at least he understood you needed aa and smaller games. Guess his "experiment" is over and MS is running the show.

MS will have more focus on fewer games, only AAA and no diversity in the portfolio it seems to me is that path forward that xbox will take.

Also the "Noooo she was setup to fail by PHIL SPENCER how DARE HEEEE" posts are ridiculous. She is a woman that has never played a game in her life, its clear as day in her interviews, look forward to her, JIll Braff and likeminded people running the gaming side of tings with nothing more to go on then a spreadsheet of profitability, lmaaaaaao it will be a disaster. Also bet that old phil will step down this year, making way for some new "talent"

An entire platform holder run by multiple Andrew Wilsons. Yikes.

But I think you're very much underestimating how much Phil has become one of those people.


She's a Harvard graduate on a 7-figure a year salary with years of experience in business and bullshitting her way through media interviews. She ain't no victim. She's fake as fuck, just like Spencer, Booty and Jim Ryan.

Jim Ryan is absolutely not fake. He never pretended to be a gamer. He said, "I've been with Playstation for decades and I know how the fuck to ship a console, sell games, and make profit doing so."

Don't rope him into this.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I hope Sarah isn’t Phil’s successor.

A. I wanna give her a smooch
B. It’s an impossible job to succeed at
C. She would clearly be in over her head


Serious question outside of gamepass which I haven't used so i can't say whether or not it's a positive for them or not.

Has Phil Spencer been great for the Xbox brand? I'm including first party, services/options, online etc.

Incredulous Bill Murray GIF by reactionseditor


Lol, I actually haven't heard from anyone they're chasing trends, that just came to my mind, they must be out words to express what they're doing, that's depressing from their pov.


Rodent Whores
The hell is this slut saying. Do you believe in God or not? The fuck

After analyzing a lot of his commentary about this, I am confident in saying that Jordon believes in a custom-made, personal, abstract, metaphorical god of his own imagination, implemented as a placeholder for what everyone else would generally refer to as "culture" and "the universe". This is of course different than the literal god that most normative Christians/Jews/Muslims believe in, and the dictionary definition of what a "god" is.

In other words, he says he does, but that it only applies if we're using his custom definition of what a "god" is, which is functionally useless for proper communication between parties, whether they be devout believers of a religion, or atheists.


Why the hell was Phil not part of this? She’s 100% being set up to take the fall here. What a terrible interview and bad optics overall.

I’ll be surprised if she’s not gone in two or three months, with Phil still at the helm.

What the hell are you doing, Microsoft?

Btw I’m not implying she’s not also at fault here. I just want to see Phil burn for this too.

The real question is why are any of them taking interviews right now? There are zero satisfactory answers to these questions, and they HAVE to know these questions are on the table.


Gold Member
Maybe gaming should man up and stop acting like children, even with corporate responses. Here's what Nestle Canada said when they shut down pizza and frozen food categories last year. For you yanks, Digiorno pizza is renamed Delissio here. But it got discontinued entirely last year as they dont make enough money off frozen food.

You can have a response that is obviosly money focused, but also direct, honest and softens the blow about it.

There's always been a weird vibe in gaming when it comes to employees and bosses in how they act and communicate things publicly. Like they have no professionalism and act like manchildren half the time.

“We have determined that the Frozen Meals and Pizza categories are not a strategic focus for Nestlé Canada going forward,” the company said.

John Carmichael, president and CEO of Nestlé Canada, said in the company statement that the decision to pull frozen foods from Canada enables the company to “further invest in priority categories and the company is open to enhancing their portfolio where it makes sense for their business.”

“We look forward to continuing to offer Canadians great Nestlé products now, and in the future,” Carmichael said.
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After analyzing a lot of his commentary about this, I am confident in saying that Jordon believes in a custom-made, personal, abstract, metaphorical god of his own imagination, implemented as a placeholder for what everyone else would generally refer to as "culture" and "the universe". This is of course different than the literal god that most normative Christians/Jews/Muslims believe in, and the dictionary definition of what a "god" is.

In other words, he says he does, but that it only applies if we're using his custom definition of what a "god" is, which is functionally useless for proper communication between parties, whether they be devout believers of a religion, or atheists.
Thank you mr hamster. It seems the guy is a bit of a nutjob, but I still like him overall.


Gold Member
Her face/body language said more than her words did. There’s no good reason for any of this other than short sighted greed.

I hope staff at other MS studios realize it could be any one of them now that they’ve set that precedent.
Yes, it’s fucking business. The other staff should have been on notice when the Xbox one released. Make shit games, make no profit, gotta go. Or start making some really good games.


Rage Bait Youtuber
I hope Sarah isn’t Phil’s successor.
What the fuck. Before Spencer was promoted to CEO of MS gaming everyone here said they wanted Bond to replace him as head of Xbox. Now that she’s head of Xbox people are living in a dream world where she isn’t and Phil still is?
What the fuck. Before Spencer was promoted to CEO of MS gaming everyone here said they wanted Bond to replace him as head of Xbox. Now that she’s head of Xbox people are living in a dream world where she isn’t and Phil still is?
There is nothing you can say to convince me she is actually in charge. It's Phil (Nadella probably).
Serious question outside of gamepass which I haven't used so i can't say whether or not it's a positive for them or not.

Has Phil Spencer been great for the Xbox brand? I'm including first party, services/options, online etc.

Incredulous Bill Murray GIF by reactionseditor
Regardless of whether its because of acqusitions or not- Xbox has been profitable under his leadership. And while yes, hardware sales are down- primarily as a result of either exclusives or games, whatever- they are still in the black. Now if XBOX was its own entity- eh maybe they die out in a few years.

Even now, owing the rights to a game like COD, regardless of what the "esteemed" and "cultured" minds here on GAF think, all COD sales go to them and them alone. For every high brow user here says he'd rather play the next copy pasta/paste souls type game set in futuristic japan with a good story instead of COD will say, 30 kids will ask their parents for Call of Duty. Activision will continue to make mtx sales like bonkers and it wont matter at all. The gaming industry will continue to make other games while games like COD get pumped out.

Do i think Spencer goes eventually? - Yeah i think so- Its been pretty obvious from a lot of devs that MS has been pretty hands off with letting devs do their thing and i dont think thats particularly helped based on the current track record. They were seemingly pivoting for quantity over quality and now seem to be pivoting to a multi device strategy. Imo, a gamepass as a netflix like sub is a pro-consumer move. I mean, i couldnt give a shit if a billion/trillion dollar company misses or makes revenues in the red or black- i just want to be given choices for my games.


She was terrible in that interview. But I also assume she is a DEI hire so there's that. I guess her non-ansswer word salad is newer than Phils "we hear you and we have to do better."
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