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Rumour: Suicide Squad being delayed to Q4 2023


Just the concept of this game is so goddamn stupid. If anyone with real superpowers went crazy, much less the freaking Justice League, the suicide squad last about a minute, even if you give them guns and "traversal mods". That the suits went and thought that pitting a CRAAZEEY girl with a bat, a dude with a boomerang, a guy that...shoots very well and a strong shark vs the Justice League would be a good idea should never take any creative decisions, ever. The concept is so stupid it is offensive.
Eh, I could see it work as the concept for a suped up Hitman game. Taking them on, head-on, as shown here though is pretty dumb though.


They might as well just put this out now, no delay is gonna change people’s opinions on this, its like they went round the studio and asked everyone what they wanted in a game no mater how bad a idea and put it all in,if rocksteady where forced into this game by wb i really feel sorry for rocksteady


In fairness, when it does work, it's basically free money. Lots of it, for a long time. So it's not surprising why so many publishers throw millions at developing them.

You're right though, the ratio of successes vs failures isn't great, and a failed GaaS at this level isn't cheap to write off.
I understand why so many developers and publishers want to go this route. But to compete in that market, you have to spend a ton of time and money in development. For example, Suicide Squad has been in development for like 8 years now, which might possibly be 9 years by the time it's released. Beyond Good & Evil 2 seems like it's also going to be a GaaS and it has been in development for, what, like 14 years now? And the reason for these bloated development times? In my opinion, it's because all GaaS games are basically going for the same audience, that likes "shoot, shoot, shoot, numbers go up, find new gun, shoot, shoot, shoot, bigger numbers go up, repeat" gameplay, so your game has to be so good that it's able to peal GaaS gamers away from their GaaS of choice, which they may have already sunk hundreds of hours, and dollars, into. But these fuckheads execs don't seem to recognize that and ignore the extinction level financial damage these games can do if they fail.

Just imagine what Rocksteady could have done in the last 8 years with the same money? They probably could've released two to three Batman or, if the rumors are true, Superman games. And each one would have been profitable. But instead, profitable isn't good enough. According to the corporate suits, games have to be a decade long revenue stream that will bump up stock prices. So when I say this industry needs a crash, this is why. AAA gaming, at least, has become corporatized and thus has to chase trends. We need to get back to the era of small developers making videogames because they love videogames (think Hideo Kojima, Hidetaka Miyazaki, the founders of Bioware, the original Id, Warren Spector, etc.).

My ire at this game in particular is that it represents everything wrong with AAA gaming and it needs to be killed to teach gaming execs a lesson.
The game's problems are all in its core concepts, and a 6 month delay won't solve that. My guess is that executives at WB think that some clever marketing can solve its problems (because they think clever marketing solves all business problems because they think everyone is as dumb as they are).

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I think the higher ups are starting to realize the directives they gave the devs are not going to be well met by consumers, and now they're giving them 6 months to "fix it."

Which, of course, is utterly impossible in 6 months, and they will be blamed for not performing miracles.
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I think the higher ups are starting to realize the directives they gave the devs are not going to be well met by consumers, and now they're giving them 6 months to "fix it."

Which, of course, is utterly impossible in 6 months, and they will be blamed for not performing miracles.

Most likely they're avoiding being squashed by the other games that have hype carrying to their release like FFXVI and SFVI, tho idk when they could lauch this year tbh

Imagine if comes out and the next week is either forgotten and only sites are talking about the disappointment of the game rather than positive PR from the devs/pubs about sales or whatever, the same thing that happened to Forspoken, but in the case of Suicide Squad it could be worse, because it's Rocksteady, it's a DC game from WB which they're trigger happy when it comes down to shutting down stuff to cut their losses and it's GAAS trash, so it needs to stay relevant as long as it can
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King of Gaslighting
They might as well just put this out now, no delay is gonna change people’s opinions on this, its like they went round the studio and asked everyone what they wanted in a game no mater how bad a idea and put it all in,if rocksteady where forced into this game by wb i really feel sorry for rocksteady

Jesus Christ the hyperbole. I wasn't wowed by the direct, but SS doesn't look like its trying to be "everything to all gamers." They have been pretty clear about what the game is: live service open world hero looter shooter. Seems pretty focused and not at all "everything but the kitchen sink" as you imply.

If you don’t like a game don’t buy it, don’t support it.

Eventually publishers will get the hint that people are getting tired of these cash grab live service games.

What appears "cash grab" about what we've seen? This is a AAA game through and through with the budget and performance expectations to boot.

. . .seriously, folks just throwing out words at this point.


Jesus Christ the hyperbole. I wasn't wowed by the direct, but SS doesn't look like its trying to be "everything to all gamers." They have been pretty clear about what the game is: live service open world hero looter shooter. Seems pretty focused and not at all "everything but the kitchen sink" as you imply.

What appears "cash grab" about what we've seen? This is a AAA game through and through with the budget and performance expectations to boot.

. . .seriously, folks just throwing out words at this point.
Damn how could a super hero GAAS game be a cash grab? It's a mystery.


What appears "cash grab" about what we've seen? This is a AAA game through and through with the budget and performance expectations to boot.

. . .seriously, folks just throwing out words at this point.
GAAS games are inherently cash grabs. That's what they are designed to be first and foremost.


Ah. It's a "cash grab" because they want the title to be successful beyond the initial purchase.

Have you ever entertained a thought that it's not always necessary to keep milking your customers for cash after you've already sold them a product? I know, CRAZY idea, but imagine if something like that would happen every time you wanted to buy a pair of sneakers, and you'd start getting daily visits or calls from random sales people trying to upsell you on extra pair of multi-coloured shoe laces or inserts.


Gold Member
One of the suits had a great last minute idea - make this the first game to have both a battle pass and loot boxes. Will be worth the delay!
Even better idea: lock that battle pass access behind the loot box and make the player pay for both. Easy money!


Just the concept of this game is so goddamn stupid. If anyone with real superpowers went crazy, much less the freaking Justice League, the suicide squad last about a minute, even if you give them guns and "traversal mods". That the suits went and thought that pitting a CRAAZEEY girl with a bat, a dude with a boomerang, a guy that...shoots very well and a strong shark vs the Justice League would be a good idea should never take any creative decisions, ever. The concept is so stupid it is offensive.

Since the first trailer I was already blaf about the ideia of 'killing justice league'.

C'mon, how can anyone watched the Injustice:God Among Us main menu and still think they have any chance of beating super heroes? Only gen z dudes think 'wow we gonna put characters without super powers to beat super heroes and will be badass'

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Why? The game is what it is. It looks very fun for the type of game it is. But a delay isn’t going to change the foundation of what it is which is what annoyed people about it


Anthem does the movement thing better. This is not new. Subset overdrive was never a great game to begin with.

Anthem and good movement in the same take is something I never thought would happen in a life time. Its complete garbage, entirely based around cooldowns and the movement cancel on the assassin class is something akin to ps3 era platformers.

Suicide Squad is mostly Sunset Overdrive on crack when it comes down to traversal, Warframe being still the top contender in that category
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Since the first trailer I was already blaf about the ideia of 'killing justice league'.

C'mon, how can anyone watched the Injustice:God Among Us main menu and still think they have any chance of beating super heroes? Only gen z dudes think 'wow we gonna put characters without super powers to beat super heroes and will be badass'

in injustice batman made a super pill 5-U-93-R increases the bone and tissue strength and durability by several thousand percent. Joker further claims that anyone who uses the pill could have a bus dropped on them and not be hurt.
he basically uses everything in his disposal to fight superman.


in injustice batman made a super pill 5-U-93-R increases the bone and tissue strength and durability by several thousand percent. Joker further claims that anyone who uses the pill could have a bus dropped on them and not be hurt.
he basically uses everything in his disposal to fight superman.

Yeah, just their alternative counter parts do so, but because Superman got nuts.
Imagine this sittuation now. I mean, you saw the gameplay, right? Wonderwoman save them from Flash before he could kill anyone there.


Yeah, just their alternative counter parts do so, but because Superman got nuts.
Imagine this sittuation now. I mean, you saw the gameplay, right? Wonderwoman save them from Flash before he could kill anyone there.

True, but is everything going to be like this? Why would you send four guys with some guns and "traversal mods" against guys that are literal gods, without that bs stone thing.


True, but is everything going to be like this? Why would you send four guys with some guns and "traversal mods" against guys that are literal gods, without that bs stone thing.

Well, they could show us that right? Instead of using guns to destroy purple globs. I mean, is there anyone who find this fun?


Well, they could show us that right? Instead of using guns to destroy purple globs. I mean, is there anyone who find this fun?

I mean, in Injustice it was just an incredibly lame excuse to be able to put the Joker against Superman, but it's a fighting game, plot is not their thing usually, right? So ok, whatever.

However, I feel that a single player game with a stronger focus on story should have a much more plausible and interesting story. Yet, all we see from this is a bunch of nobodies with guns and "traversal mods". Those guys wouldn't last a second against Flash, it's so goddamn stupid. My brain just explodes from the silliness of it, it tells internal logic to go fuck itself.


I'm also, ALSO, a bit drunk so I just want to scream at whoever came up with the concept at WB, "you goddamn fucking idiot, there better be a VERY good reason you are putting these disposable people against the strongest and smartest people in the planet, and ALL you have is GUNS and TRAVERSAL MODS?!"


By this painfully reductive definition, every game is a "cash grab."
Don't be dumb. You said it yourself; they make the game to continue making money after they've released it, as opposed to just selling it as it is. Grabbing more cash after it's released vs just making a good game and selling it upon it's own merit.


King of Gaslighting
Don't be dumb. You said it yourself; they make the game to continue making money after they've released it, as opposed to just selling it as it is. Grabbing more cash after it's released vs just making a good game and selling it upon it's own merit.

Mate. This is exactly what you are doing. The phrase "cash grab" is unambiguous to most who aren't being disingenuous. More, your dishonest interpretation is so overly broad it makes the phrase meaningless - as said, EVERYTHING that generates money is a "cash grab" so calling a game one is pointless.

. . .again, this is using your meaningless definition.


Mate. This is exactly what you are doing. The phrase "cash grab" is unambiguous to most who aren't being disingenuous. More, your dishonest interpretation is so overly broad it makes the phrase meaningless - as said, EVERYTHING that generates money is a "cash grab" so calling a game one is pointless.

. . .again, this is using your meaningless definition.
Turning the game into an always online GAAS to the detriment of the quality of the actual game for the sole purpose of making money is a cash grab.

Just making a good game which is successful because it's good, i.e Hogwarts Legacy or Hifi Rush, is not a cash grab. This isn't difficult to understand. Literally everyone else in the thread is spelling it out for you.


King of Gaslighting
Turning the game into an always online GAAS to the detriment of the quality of the actual game for the sole purpose of making money is a cash grab.

Just making a good game which is successful because it's good, i.e Hogwarts Legacy or Hifi Rush, is not a cash grab. This isn't difficult to understand. Literally everyone else in the thread is spelling it out for you.

You haven't played the game. A game WB has clearly put, and will continue to put, significant resources into - things one doesn't tend to do if all you are looking for is a quick ROI before abandoning the project, i.e. a "cash grab."

. . .but sure, keep on kicking and scratching on this hill to keep this hacky take going. You don't like live-service. Sooper. Just say that instead of trying to reinvent language.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Grubb is hearing from one of his reliable sources that it's being delayed to 2024 now (rumor of course).

Reading that thread led me to /r/BatmanArkham/ and wow, that is probably the funniest community I've seen on Reddit devoted to a single franchise.


the premise isnt awful but cant we have an actual justice league game first?

Answer is no

Why does it matter so much ? like seriously what kind of criticism is this "but imagine this is Kevin's last performance as Batman and its as a freak possessed by Brainiac that we'll have to kill wtf"

Like people its a video game, none of it matter unless you cosplay and build your identity around liking shit. You're throwing hate and or sadness to a studio which struggled for years after taking the decision of not doing anymore Arkham games, and they went all in in the other direction.

We don't have or need an actual justice league game first. And with the flash / Supes in you can pretty much guess that its going to be a slaughterhouse with time travel shenanigans in since both can go back through time to demise Brainiac's invasion to begin with.

Literally close to nobody played the game or seen the story and most of the feedback is "We want OUR BELOVED ROCKSTEADY TO MAKE A SINGLE PLAYER BATMAN GAME IN ORDER TO RECOVER FROM THIS", at this point its beyond tone deaf lol. They're done, you won't get it
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A game with the justice league in.

And you cant play as them.

What were they thinking?

They were thinking that they can't have a multiplayer game with the Justice League, because they all have different power levels and skill sets that people know about. To properly fleece stupid fucking gamers who think GaaS games like this are worth playing, every playable character needs to be on the same dogshit poor level at the start, so you can pay lots of lovely money for all those expensive upgrades they want to sell you. Can't monetise Superman enough. Can monetise characters nobody cares about like King Shark.
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Anthem and good movement in the same take is something I never thought would happen in a life time. Its complete garbage, entirely based around cooldowns and the movement cancel on the assassin class is something akin to ps3 era platformers.

Suicide Squad is mostly Sunset Overdrive on crack when it comes down to traversal, Warframe being still the top contender in that category
The reviews around anthem were all focused on its stellar movement while deriding the grind and lackluster combat. The flight was its ONLY selling point.
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