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RE7 PSVR Impressions


I just completed the chilling second boss and I did the section to follow... Absolutely fantastic all of it.
Everything from
realizing Marguerite hadn't actually died in the pit
seeing that freaky
long arm stretch out for the lantern, with a really paranoia filled showdown to follow... the piano note when returning with the lantern that drastically escalated to a super tense section
and fighting
my way back out of the creepy childrens loft
just... brrr.
My first day with the game went great, but I just had this happen tonight. Could not get it to fix itself via any console/game reset options. I didn't want to turn the game or console off and lose my save progress, so I eventually just pushed through until I hit a save point. 20 mins later and I still feel pretty nauseous.

I'll have to give up and try hard-resetting the system next time as another poster suggested, but ooph. Unpleasant.

Just got my PSVR last night, and thanks to this thread, I won't be putting my PS4 in sleep mode any more, to try and avoid this.

Advice if it happens to you again: turn off VR mode and just play on TV until you get to a save point?


I only play the game in vr it's pretty fantastic and it doesn't make me motion sick or anything

Just a bummer the display isn't super high res but it is scary for sure


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I just adjusted the FOV setting to high and it did make things better for me. I may be able to play longer streches now. I tried with that slider off and the game looks a lot better with it, but it's unplayable for me, makes me sick. Maybe it's because I'm sitting pretty close to the tv.

With the FOV to narrow I could also switch the camera to smooth which makes a big difference in combat and getting around. I didn't like how tank-ish that angle option felt.


I'm late in the game but got to say I'm enjoying these new aspects. I'm liking how the story interweaves which is a nice surprise considering how it has been a non-factor to me personally since the original trilogy. I mean, it's all mumbo-jumbo to be able to serve us cool atmospheric gameplay content (how many ridiculous but enjoyable 'puzzles' have been solved so far) but that's all good. The videotapes are actually a very nice touch and often feel like deep-dives into terror as their scenarios are specifically tailored where you don't necessarily have tools and the participants can all be expendable so anything goes.

Current locaton:
Have just gotten the machine gun from the captain's quarters after having finished the video which revealed the relationship between Mia and Evelin. Was cool seeing how it got out of control.


Just completed this. Full playthrough in VR on Normal took me 13hours 40minutes. Great, great experience. Will write up some Pros and Cons tomorrow.

Sidenote: Finished the game without using a TV (as I sold off old one and awaiting new to be delivered).
This game isn't quite comet vomit but it does leave me feeling queezy compared to some other VR games. I may just play the Vanilla version of the game for now.


How much different is psvr vs occulus? I tried the occulus today and holy crap I was amazed - first time with Vr - so I'm wondering if the experience will be the same? I was one thinking this was a gimmick at first but I'm turning a new leaf and keeping RE7 has my killer app when I buy a Vr setup.

The only thing I know is occ does 1080 per eye. Psvr is 720?

Sam Bishop

Neo Member
How much different is psvr vs occulus? I tried the occulus today and holy crap I was amazed - first time with Vr - so I'm wondering if the experience will be the same? I was one thinking this was a gimmick at first but I'm turning a new leaf and keeping RE7 has my killer app when I buy a Vr setup.

The only thing I know is occ does 1080 per eye. Psvr is 720?

Not 720, no, but it's not per-eye in either of the headsets. It's a 1080p screen, but each eye is seeing 960x1080 because it's a single screen split in half. That's really short-selling it, though, because the way the image is rendered and the way the optics in the headset are focusing those pixels makes a huge difference.

Full disclosure: I work at PlayStation, so feel free to take my opinions from here with any necessary skepticism, but in my mind (and I own a Vive, a Rift and PS VR) PS VR's optics and the OLED make for a better picture overall - especially if you have a PS4 Pro and the supersampling that it offers. Also, just to nitpick, it's Oculus (just a single C), and it's the same setup, but with a pentile layout (essentially the pixels are arranged in a row to deliver the image vs. PS VR's cramming the pixels into a single space. It makes for an overall better image when blown up by the lenses that distort the image to cram as many pixels into your central view as possible.
Nope'd out on this after 45 minutes. Barfed for a bit and needed to lay down for about an hour. Glad it was only a rental.

I don't think it was anything technically wrong, but the scares had my heart rate jacked so high that the rest of the body couldn't cope with being in VR. Other PSVR games have caused no trouble at all.


Not 720, no, but it's not per-eye in either of the headsets. It's a 1080p screen, but each eye is seeing 960x1080 because it's a single screen split in half. That's really short-selling it, though, because the way the image is rendered and the way the optics in the headset are focusing those pixels makes a huge difference.

Full disclosure: I work at PlayStation, so feel free to take my opinions from here with any necessary skepticism, but in my mind (and I own a Vive, a Rift and PS VR) PS VR's optics and the OLED make for a better picture overall - especially if you have a PS4 Pro and the supersampling that it offers. Also, just to nitpick, it's Oculus (just a single C), and it's the same setup, but with a pentile layout (essentially the pixels are arranged in a row to deliver the image vs. PS VR's cramming the pixels into a single space. It makes for an overall better image when blown up by the lenses that distort the image to cram as many pixels into your central view as possible.

That makes it exciting. I do need to plan where to hide the cables lol. Probably buy some brown pants. The demo I tried was the climb demo and that was intense, I loved it.


Absolutely amazed by this in VR. Playing on a Pro. I dislike the 'angles' turning felt queasy on 'smooth' until I turned it to 10, feels almost fucking perfect now... Almost too perfect, I really feel like I am teleported into the game. I feel bad for those playing it 'flat'.

Praise Capcom, they knocked it out of the park.

It's depressing to think how long it might be before we see another VR game of this caliber (love Rigs as well. The demo sucked though).


After playing Kitchen, the big demo, and now the begining of the main game, this experience is one of the most amazing I've ever experienced in a game ever. I don't know how they did it but wow, this is easily a killer app for VR. Exhilarating, frightening, and amazing. I'm having an incredible time playing it. Still shocked by how real everything feels. And I've only just gotten started.


After almost 2 hours with PSVR I think I'm going to play it on TV the rest of the way. I think playing with PSVR is the definite way to play the game but I'm too pussy to continue the game that way. With VR in mind I can't start the game and when I do I play it for 10 minutes each session at that pace I will never finish the game.


Neo Member
Sounds like everyones having a blast on vr. Unfortunately, I had to finish 80% of the game on tv instead. Don't know if its just me but playing resident evil 7 on ps vr with an og ps4 is blurry. I've tried adjusting settings and the headset itself but graphic tends to blur up here and there at certain angle.


Neo Member
Played in VR for about the first hour. Thought it was awesome. Only thing is VR feels like a bit of a hassle. I have to make a concerted effort to put on the headset and play like that as opposed to just plopping down on the couch and relaxing (not much of that in this game though lol)

I think Greg Miller touched on that point too. Don't know if I'll stick with VR, jump scares got me good. But the atmosphere is awesome and it's definitely an achievement.


ADD New Gen Gamer
Sounds like everyones having a blast on vr. Unfortunately, I had to finish 80% of the game on tv instead. Don't know if its just me but playing resident evil 7 on ps vr with an og ps4 is blurry. I've tried adjusting settings and the headset itself but graphic tends to blur up here and there at certain angle.

I think the concensus is that VR games tend to be a blurrier on the OG PS4 than the Pro because of the power difference.


After playing Kitchen, the big demo, and now the begining of the main game, this experience is one of the most amazing I've ever experienced in a game ever. I don't know how they did it but wow, this is easily a killer app for VR. Exhilarating, frightening, and amazing. I'm having an incredible time playing it. Still shocked by how real everything feels. And I've only just gotten started.

Glad you waited, its an amazing experience that you would've ruined by playing in 2d first.
Had 5 friends round last night to play this and it was awesome. None of them have ever used a PSVR and all of them want one now after trying it. One of my friends couldn't handle it and got motion sickness but all the others coped fine.

RE7 is such a good game to showcase the tech they we all absolutely blown away by it and terrified.

Quick vid of one of my friends playing.



Glad you waited, its an amazing experience that you would've ruined by playing in 2d first.

Me too. I had to pay a little extra for the privilege, but considering the chances of landing one in Japan within the next many months is looking grim, and the fact I actually found one at a price that was not bad at all and completely new and unopened from the last shipment, I jumped in as quick as I could and boy am I glad. I couldn't imagine playing this game in non vr now. It's to me the real gamechanger, the experience vr needs. To me this isn't a jump like from 2d to 3D or what not that many people compare it to. To me it's the jump from no video games to being able to play video games that happened at the beginning of this industry. That first shock of, tonight we are going to play on the tv, that was the feeling I had yesterday putting on the helmet and playing re7. And just walking through the house in the demo, and seeing being able to peer around things, take real close looks, it's really unbelievable. I can't even really describe the feeling well to people. This really is the future and it's here now. And it better stay, cause this is wear I want gaming to go now.
This is the single most amazing gaming experience I've ever had!

The sense of presence you get from REVII is unbelievable! I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard something down a corridor that has left me frozen in fear.

I've not tried to turn on the smooth turning because I really enjoy the tankish degree turning - but after reading this thread and how smooth heightens immersion - I think I may give it a go!


such a shame that it will likely be a long time until us VR owners get something else like this. I wonder how much extra work is involved in making the game VR enabled like Resi..


This is the single most amazing gaming experience I've ever had!

The sense of presence you get from REVII is unbelievable! I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard something down a corridor that has left me frozen in fear.

I've not tried to turn on the smooth turning because I really enjoy the tankish degree turning - but after reading this thread and how smooth heightens immersion - I think I may give it a go!

I just turned it on, and I think its much better than the tank like turning its original set at. Really felt right for me and made the experience, already amazing, even better
I just turned it on, and I think its much better than the tank like turning its original set at. Really felt right for me and made the experience, already amazing, even better

Damn; I think this just shows how much work Capcom put into making the VR work! It's certainly impressive - especially after all the negative press it for during the previews!

Capcom deserve major respect!


I just can't play RE7 for more than 10 minutes without getting sick.
I've tried different settings. Did not help :(.


Damn; I think this just shows how much work Capcom put into making the VR work! It's certainly impressive - especially after all the negative press it for during the previews!

Capcom deserve major respect!

Agree 100% I really hope this sells incredibly well so we get a lot more FULL VR games with the quality of RE7


My review of Resident Evil 7 having played through its entirety in VR. On Normal it took me 13 hours and 40 minutes.

  • Traditional Resident Evil gameplay and Virtual Reality complement each other really, really well and it carries the game. Gunplay and pixel-perfect aiming with the headset is such a pleasure I was drawing my weapon often just to enjoy the controls. With the weapon aimed the character makes slow deliberate steps which feels right. Scavenging for items is more enjoyable than ever since it's no longer done in a single plane. You have to squat and look under sofas, you open cupboards and upend boxes and pots and overall it's much more involved. The game has good amount of inventory management where you will have to make choices regarding crafting and available space. Crank and crest-like puzzles make a return. Game is a joy to play.
  • The horror, the horror... This is by far the most frightening entry in franchise yet when played in VR. Pitch black doorways and corners was enough to halt my steps. Whenever I'm crawling neck-high in water with a low roof above I squint my eyes and grit my teeth due to how powerless I feel. The dread is really good. There's also many jump moments but thankfully the majority was due to gameplay instances/stress and not scripted-shocks. In some ways I found the intense horror aspect to parallel the difficulty-word-of-mouth surrounding Demon's Souls back in 2009. It's the door-mile that's usually the biggest step. It is tough/frightening and it will push you but it lies just within well thought limits.
  • Stealth works really well since your upper body translates 1:1. Gradually I open a door and I naturally just peek forwards in real life. Similarly I stick my head slightly up if I'm about to exit a crawl space or if I'm hiding behind some crates. None of this requires any 'sticking' or holding of buttons. With the family members walking the halls in sort of similar fashion to Tyrants in RE3 this becomes really tense. Also the 3D audio is very helpful in this regard.
  • The structure of the storytelling & campaign is actually quite pleasing despite ridiculous aspects & occasional ham deliveries. The videotapes are interesting and terrifying since they set up tailored and often very disturbing experiences with people that are usually completely expendable. They contain clues necessary to progress the present story but you still feel like you played them at your own leisure since they're usually found in good time before needed and you usually have multiple places to visit anyhow. How the present story and the past seen through videos across multiple characters interweave together and eventually connect back to the main RE lore is overall really well done. And for the majority of the game we do have really nice mansion-like grounds to explore.
  • Virtual Reality aspects has been mentioned in the foregoing points but it must commended how cohesively well-designed it is. Default controls are smartly set to comfortable controls with 30-degree-angle-turns, slow walk speed and FOV-filter active which presents the user with a tunnel-vision if too much motion. Cut-scenes are presented as a cinema screen in front of you. In-game scripted events are treated like heartbeats almost with extreme motions blacked out to prevent nausea. I largely stuck with default controls and not once did I get a heavy head playing and never did I see performance issues. Options for pretty much every aspect exists including crouching, aiming and whatnot. Outside of one tight boss-battle I felt the controls were top-notch and the standard-bearer for seated first-person VR games.
  • Audiovisual experience overall is very, very good. Gore is some of the must vulgar and convincing I've seen in a game. Everything has a nice foreboding look and sense of space and belonging. The grounds creek & croak and you have curtains blowing in the winds and shadows casting. Usually there's no background music which sends you into panic once a creature appears as accompanies it in a stressful fashion.
  • The last third of the game becomes a bit monotone and doesn't feel as rich as the beginning and middle parts. Also
    the game isn't as frightening in the second half. And the last hour of the game feels like it has a bombastic shock flashes every two minutes which just ended up annoying in VR.
    Still pleasant enough mind you and with the plot nicely coming together.
  • Outdoor areas don't look too good and the engine/levels is sometimes a bit slow in loading high-res textures and dynamic image quality drops quite far when it does (rarely on PS4 Pro thankfully, seems to happen occasionally when it streams-in/processes a new area). Some assets like picture-frames are notably repeating.
  • Enemy variation is a bit low compared to other RE mainline titles and their routines are pretty basic though they still manage to scare.
Absolutely engrossing experience. The first AAA title for VR. It's frightening, dripping with atmosphere, it's smartly structured and super fun to play. This is classic Resident Evil reborn to an even stronger form in VR.


Damn; I think this just shows how much work Capcom put into making the VR work! It's certainly impressive - especially after all the negative press it for during the previews!

Capcom deserve major respect!

They really do! Not only have they brought this franchise back but have created something truely special that really makes the effort of getting VR worth it and then some. Right now the bar has been set high, and I can't wait to see what others come up with in vr gaming. It's fulfilled pretty much every dream I had way back when I first heard of the term vr in like 1992. And since Sony considers this to be like a "ps1" I can't imagine how vr will be when we get to "PS4" level. But yeah capcom has done marvelous here and more people need to try it out.


Quick little VR experience recap:
About 2 hours into the game.

l got all the parts for the flame thrower and the Crow Key and started sprinting my way back to the Crow door that is inside the dock house and BOOM that fucking bitch jumps out and pushes me down the stairs!!

It only took you 2 hours to get there? I was easily on around 7-8 hours at that sequence lol. And that was the first time I got so scared of any game that I put my arms up irl and tried to defend myself. This game haha, the immersion is simply incredible in VR.

Later, when you actually get through the door, god damn the whole part going through the
children's loft
was the most intense shit so far. The darkness and anticipation was extremely frightening, I moved sooo slooowlyy through every room.

I don't get this feelings with regular horror games or movies. This is amazing.

I work at PlayStation

Sam! I need more helicopter laugh in my life, when are you gonna team up with Clements and the rest and appear on the Blogcast? I have wished for that to happen for so long. :)


I'm about 3 hours into the game...

Up to:

Fight with chainsaw scissor guy in Processing

100% VR so far, enjoying it quite a lot. The opening stuff is the scariest (from the demo)...once you get to main house, it is classic RE.


This is the single most amazing gaming experience I've ever had!

The sense of presence you get from REVII is unbelievable! I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard something down a corridor that has left me frozen in fear.

I've not tried to turn on the smooth turning because I really enjoy the tankish degree turning - but after reading this thread and how smooth heightens immersion - I think I may give it a go!

People be recommending smooth huh? Maybe I'll give that a shot
I tried it outside of VR for the first time earlier tonight. Big mistake. It looks fantastic! Going back into VR is like going back to RE4 on the Gamecube after playing the Ultimate HD Edition. Especially when the VR version drops resolution because you enter a new area or backtrack. Yowza.

I went back to VR pretty quick, because ultimately the "really there" factor is better than the HD, but dammit, I want both! The VR is really being held back by the PS4, and I'm even on a Pro. Oh, well. I guess maybe next year, we can see what this looks like with high end PC horsepower behind it.


Have you guys had PSVR tracking or drifting issues with this game?

I experienced what was reported here:

I started the game in VR mode and played for a couple of hours. It was great, but then my PSVR started to lose head tracking. The screen kept drifting, then doing that bop in and out thing. It made me pretty sick. Does anyone have tips to deal with this?

Some other posters in this thread suggested not suspending the game and/or not putting the system into rest mode (instead, use Shut Down for your PS4). Between the two, and following some suggestions about ideal PSVR setups here, I haven't experienced any problems since that incident last week. It's been totally flawless with 0 nausea. Absolutely amazing experience thus far, about 1/2 way through.
I experienced what was reported here:

Some other posters in this thread suggested not suspending the game and/or not putting the system into rest mode (instead, use Shut Down for your PS4). Between the two, and following some suggestions about ideal PSVR setups here, I haven't experienced any problems since that incident last week. It's been totally flawless with 0 nausea. Absolutely amazing experience thus far, about 1/2 way through.

That's what's keeping me from making such a big investment. Wished i could test it or rent it before purchasing to make sure I don't have a problem with it
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