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Psychonauts 2 will have an invincibility toggle


Journalist mode! Expect 10/10 reviews. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Game journalists need to review the game somehow, so here's their special mode

Also, they should rename it "games journalist mode", it's the only way most of them would be able to complete it!


Stupid. If you're going to have that, make sure you cannot earn achievements with it turned on.
Why? Does it bother you how someone plays their single player games?

I say provide all the options to let people play the games how they want.

Is there a correlation between game completion and difficulty statistics ?


Why? Does it bother you how someone plays their single player games?

I say provide all the options to let people play the games how they want.

Is there a correlation between game completion and difficulty statistics ?
Achievements should actually be...you know...an actual achievement, they should absolutely be turned off if you're using a cheat mode, that's usually how it goes anyway. But of course, an invincibility mode is no big deal, a reviewer that fails to disclose the fact they finished said game with invincibility is a big deal. In fact, reviewers should also disclose what difficulty they played on, it makes a huge difference in some games. Not that I ever read official reviews, they are for the most part a bunch of hacks and shills, it's user reviews all the way for me (they need to be transparent as well!).


Lame. Game get this easy with no benefit to the hardcore gamers we might as well watch it on Youtube.

They should rename the invicibility mode 'walking simulator'.


People gain their self worth with this stuff. It's sad but true.
Agreed. That shit makes no sense to me. This is a fucking video game lol

Achievements should actually be...you know...an actual achievement, they should absolutely be turned off if you're using a cheat mode

lol ok bud. No one cares about that shit, that crap pops up when you do anything now days. Open a menu and be like "aChiEvEmEnTz" and or "you've unlocked MENU GOD" (open a menu more then 3 times). I haven't synced the PSN Trophy stuff in months if not years, I simply don't give a fuck. A thing popped up on screen....um....ok.

You getting money from this?

An award?

Someone really out here getting hurt cause a thing popped up on screen cause a person did a thing with the cheats on. Yet people wonder why folks view gamers the way they do. I've never fucking seen another medium give a shit about such things. Be like "if you let the netflix go and don't change the episode yourself, did you REALLY binge watch it?" and or "binge watching, should it be considered CHEATING?"


This is just an accessibility thing and doesn't really affect me. I guess if the game had one absolute dogshit section this would let me skip through it?


Great for disabled gamers who aren't able to complete games like this without some help.

Also, it's just an option. Don't want it to use it? Then don't. That's why it's called an OPTION.


I don't understand the problem at all.

If you want a challenge, leave it alone. If you need/want the help, use it if you want. I don't understand the down side.
”I’ve beaten this game, you should just stop playing this if you suck so much that you can’t finish it, I’ve finished it 100%, just stop gaming all together and stop wasting the space on internet with your crying”

Gamer narcissism. It’s the git gud crowd that don’t get to feel special for having seen the ending of a game others might never see because they actually have a life outside of gaming or have kids and don’t want to listen to constant crying.

Fact, this toggle, the auto steer in Mario Kart, auto revive in Mario, peaceful mode in Minecraft, etc, is pure brilliance. As is regular easy modes.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Good for disabled people who can benefit from it.

For me, it will be "Drunk Ass Shit Mode". When I am too hammered to get through that level before I pass out on my living room floor.


Gold Member
I'm really disappointed. I'm waiting for financial accessibility options.

I want to have a copy of the game without spending money for the game. We have to think of everyone at all times and in all possible circumstances...for EVERYTHING!
Reeks of virtue signalling but their game, their rules. Anyway if detractors of easy modes are so desperate to show off their e-peen then just upload a video of your whole run.


If it helps disabled people have more fun gaming, I think it's great. Why would anyone be against this? I won't ever use it myself. But if some little kid with one hand has fun with it, why on earth would I protest this?
I think any concern regarding this needs to substantiated by data.

Is there really an impact on gaming if these modes exist? Does the end result mean that gaming as a whole suddenly become absolute casual with no harder difficulty options?

Until then, any kerfuffle over this feels largely overstated.


Someone really out here getting hurt cause a thing popped up on screen cause a person did a thing with the cheats on. Yet people wonder why folks view gamers the way they do. I've never fucking seen another medium give a shit about such things. Be like "if you let the netflix go and don't change the episode yourself, did you REALLY binge watch it?" and or "binge watching, should it be considered CHEATING?"

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks "trophies" and "achievements" are absolutely fucking retarded. It really astonishes me just how OCD a lot of people seem to get about them.


”I’ve beaten this game, you should just stop playing this if you suck so much that you can’t finish it, I’ve finished it 100%, just stop gaming all together and stop wasting the space on internet with your crying”

Gamer narcissism. It’s the git gud crowd that don’t get to feel special for having seen the ending of a game others might never see because they actually have a life outside of gaming or have kids and don’t want to listen to constant crying.

Fact, this toggle, the auto steer in Mario Kart, auto revive in Mario, peaceful mode in Minecraft, etc, is pure brilliance. As is regular easy modes.

I think the only valid complaint is how through play testing games might be dumbed down in general if the default difficulty follows the lowest common denominator too much. That would be less of a problem if harder difficulties were better balanced.


Kinda lame but I suppose this is way better than just making the game a lot easier to get more people to finish it


Eh, who cares. It's a weird accessibility option, when you can do more specific stuff and still maintain a challenge, but whatever. It's an option.

Although thinking back to the bad parts of the first game, they also need:
"skip sections with fixed camera because we don't know how to do them"
"fly mode, because some of the platform jumping sucks, especially those trampoline thingies"
"let me die now" for falling through a map, which would become a nightmare limbo if invincibility is enabled.


It's fair enough if they want to include this as an option, that's their choice.

It's a pretty dogshit attitude though to suggest everyone has to offer this though. "It's an ongoing and important process for our industry and a challenge we need to met" - no, not if the developer doesn't want to. Also shits on anyone who takes any pride in a gaming achievement, for good measure.

This game lost my interest now, not based on it having an invincibility option, but because of the developer's reasoning.
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Can I just toggle all achievements/trophies unlocked from the main menu from now on?

It would be so much easier if I could just add completed games to my profiles without having to bother playing them.

People nowadays genuinely tend to criticize trophies/achievements for being too difficult, even though back in the ps3/x360 era they were a lot harder. Imagine criticizing a challenge for being too challenging. :(
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It was something we called it in the old days 'cheats'. No problem with that at all.
I think it would be pretty cool if they brought back old school cheat menu's like some games used to have.
I have some weird psychological hangup about putting god mode under an accessibility label vs a cheat label but I'm sure I'll get over it 🤷🏼
It's fine in this case. It's not fine in games that essentially live off their difficulty (souls games for example, or Cuphead)


As to the topic, this saddens me. Having other players being able to breeze through a single-player game totally invalidates me as a person and is a symptom of degeneracy of Western Culture.

But to be serious, not every game needs to be hard, or even challenging. In addition, not every game needs to be easy. Variety is the spice of life, and for everyone that enjoys the difficulty of Sekiro, some just want to relax and breeze through a game.

Take me for example, most of the Halo games I played through on normal, but Halo 3 I completed on legendary, as I seriously loved that game and wanted the extra challenge. But then recently I wanted to play through all 7 mainline entries to refresh my memory for Infinite, so I breezed through them as quick as possible on easy.
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