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Mystery Science Theater 3000: On April 14th, We've Got Movie Sign

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I'm being indecisive about that.

I'm going to wait a week before finalizing. I'm hoping they'll at least drop a hint. Like if it's just some clothing or autographed stuff I won't care, but let's say they're Servo or Crow action figures...


I'm going to wait a week before finalizing. I'm hoping they'll at least drop a hint. Like if it's just some clothing or autographed stuff I won't care, but let's say they're Servo or Crow action figures...

The original description during the Kickstarter was, "trust us, it will be amazing".
Originally Posted by crackhead_bob

Can anyone speculate on the manner and quality of films that will be tackled in the upcoming season? Will Joel be able to use the old instructional shorts from the 1950's in this new reboot that's going to incorperate HD? Could he go with Plan 9 from Outer Space, given its public domain status, or would potential network execs try to steer him more toward contemporary fare?

He said that by design, the films will be "newer" with "maybe one" from the 50s/60s.

How mainstream will these new films be? I'm assuming they could never do a Twilight film while it's still an on going franchise, but a film like Masters of the Universe or Flash Gordon from 1980 would be prime meat for older fans of MST3K, who themselves grew up with these types of film. I'm trying to put myself in the shoes of a network exec. MST3K has famously built up a hugh fan base off of riffing obscure, cheesy b-flicks. So wouldn't the natural progression be that they riff on more modern, recognized b films -- at least to set itself apart from the older seasons. We've now approached an era where films from the 1980's have now achieved the same level of nostalgia as films from the 1950's. Why not riff on Troll 2? It could easily fit on a shortlist of any era if MST3K were starting out now.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is if these new films are going to be icons from the 1980's or if they'll end up being direct-to-video productions like alot of the films riffed in the old episodes. If Joel is thinking long term, wouldn't it garner Joel more mainstream press if he went out guns blazing with films like Troll 2, Mac and Me, and Howard the Duck, as opposed to say.... Sleepaway Camp part 3?


Why not riff on Troll 2? It could easily fit on a shortlist of any era if MST3K were starting out now.

I wonder if they'll deliberately try to steer clear of anything Rifftrax has covered?


(But then again, that's a very *early* Rifftrax)
Is there actually an unspoken policy on what MST3K and Rifftrax can cover? I can't see what all the fuss would be about in having both shows lampooning the same film, I have to imagine that the host segments alone would offer something unique to the mix.

Besides, I have serious doubts that MST3K will ever get the rights to films like Twilight or Star Wars, so there's one market that the folks at Rifftrax shouldn't have to worry about losing.

Joel has been very coy on what films he plans on doing for the reboot. Will they be the same obscure types of films from MST3K's original run, or will Joel have to be more ambitious this time around, given that fans might expect him to kick it up a notch?
Parts: The Clonus Horror is out on Rifftrax for MST3K Mondays. Its been what, 2 months since the last one was released. I forgot that they were still doing these.

Is there actually an unspoken policy on what MST3K and Rifftrax can cover? I can't see what all the fuss would be about in having both shows lampooning the same film, I have to imagine that the host segments alone would offer something unique to the mix.

Besides, I have serious doubts that MST3K will ever get the rights to films like Twilight or Star Wars, so there's one market that the folks at Rifftrax shouldn't have to worry about losing.

Joel has been very coy on what films he plans on doing for the reboot. Will they be the same obscure types of films from MST3K's original run, or will Joel have to be more ambitious this time around, given that fans might expect him to kick it up a notch?

I don't think it is so much as unspoken policy, it is mainly a rights issue and how much it cost for them to do it. Although, there was a somewhat infamous movie about child brides that Mike and co. wouldn't do for an episode of MST3K.
I don't think it is so much as unspoken policy, it is mainly a rights issue and how much it cost for them to do it. Although, there was a somewhat infamous movie about child brides that Mike and co. wouldn't do for an episode of MST3K.

I understand that licensing issues come into play. But I wonder if Joel plans on taking things to the next level by aspiring for films that are more widely recognized by his audience. Most of the fans from the original run were from the 1970's and 1980's, and a great deal of the films that MST3K covered tended to be from a generation that preceded their audience. I don't think that fans could realistically predict that films like Manos or Space Mutiny would be featured on MST3K prior to being aired because they were too obscure to occupy any widespread pop culture recollection.

With this reboot coming nearly 30 years to the day that the original series aired, you have an old guard fanbase whose been exposed to alot of crappy mainstream films, Films like Showgirls, Batman and Robin, Robocop 3 would be prime riffing material. Where I'm trying to put my speculation cap on is what films will be on Joel's shortlist. I know that licensed films are more expensive, but at the same time he's indicated that he wants to move the series forward. He's already doing that by replacing the original cast with new blood. I have to assume that the SOL set will be updated to a more contemporary setting. The move to widescreen HD format also hints that he's aiming for a more ambitious fare. What's the point of going HD if all you plan on skewering is The Phantom Creeps? With a shorter episode count than the usual 20+, I'm assuming that might give them more leeway to be daring. At least I hope so.


Decided to go with the mystery gift.

If I want the Blus I can buy them later, still getting them all digitally anyways and will probably watch them more on my ipad than anything.

Would love for Howard the Duck, Beastmaster and Battlefield Earth if Joel is looking for 80s/90s stuff myself.


I haven't filled out my reward form yet. I can't decide whether to get the mystery gift or the Blu-Rays. I wonder how long the DVD/Blu-Ray set will be available.
I haven't filled out my reward form yet. I can't decide whether to get the mystery gift or the Blu-Rays. I wonder how long the DVD/Blu-Ray set will be available.

I wonder if they'll end up packing season 11 episodes into future DVD volumes. That being said, I really wish they could release full season box sets. Any reason why Shout Factory has opted not to release their volume box sets on bluray? Have they given any official explanation?


Any reason why Shout Factory has opted not to release their volume box sets on bluray? Have they given any official explanation?

I would assume that there's no point in releasing them on Blu-Ray. The masters are probably barely above VHS quality. It would be a waste of money putting them out on Blu-Ray.


I just filled out my survey. I chose the Mystery Gift and added the Blu-Rays as an add-on. I don't want to miss a chance to have the entire season. I'm afraid that the compete set will be a limited time add-on exclusive and won't have a wide release.


I just filled out my survey. I chose the Mystery Gift and added the Blu-Rays as an add-on. I don't want to miss a chance to have the entire season. I'm afraid that the compete set will be a limited time add-on exclusive and won't have a wide release.

Good strategy. Went with the same setup myself after being convinced any mystery gift from Joel is bound to be fantastic.


Good strategy. Went with the same setup myself after being convinced any mystery gift from Joel is bound to be fantastic.

Maybe he'll chop up a couple of the puppets, send everyone that got the mystery gift a piece, and play a game of finding out who got what piece.
I just saw Beastmaster for the very first time in decades. I hope the entire trilogy makes it on the shortlist if the show ends up being ordered for an additional season. Has MST3K ever riffed on a complete film trilogy or franchise? I know that the third season was heavily devoted to the Sandy Frank films.

I also hope that their film choices aren't dictated by what Rifftrax has already done in the past.
I just saw Beastmaster for the very first time in decades. I hope the entire trilogy makes it on the shortlist if the show ends up being ordered for an additional season. Has MST3K ever riffed on a complete film trilogy or franchise? I know that the third season was heavily devoted to the Sandy Frank films.

I also hope that their film choices aren't dictated by what Rifftrax has already done in the past.

The Beastmaster films would be pretty good for MST3K. I would add Speed and Speed 2 as well. As for franchises, I know they did a bunch of Gamera films but other than that I don't think so.
The Beastmaster films would be pretty good for MST3K. I would add Speed and Speed 2 as well. As for franchises, I know they did a bunch of Gamera films but other than that I don't think so.

Yeah, especially given how crappy the budget gets by the third film. The monsters in Beastmaster 3 alone looks like something out of Power Rangers.

My fantasy lineup for the upcoming season would include:

-- Beastmaster 1-3
-- Batman and Robin (!997)
-- Showgirls
-- Maximum Overdrive
-- Can't Stop the Music (w/ Bruce Jenner and The Village People)
-- Mac and Me
-- Star Wars episodes I-III
-- Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
-- Robocop 3
-- Masters of the Universe
-- Santa Claus: The Movie
-- Streetfighter
-- Troll 2
-- Staying Alive
-- Over the Top (w/ Sylvester Stallone)

Wild card choices would include the following:

-- the original Clash of the Titans for its cheesy, outdated special effects. (Pegasus galloping in midflight always cracks me up.

-- Fantastic Planet, which like Clash of the Titans, was never a bad film, but very surreal and trippy.

-- Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie, an interesting choice on a meta level. New MST3K riffing on old MST3K. It would probably lose its novelty after 5 minutes though.

-- Seconds (w/ Rock Hudson) A brilliant film all its own, but would make for an interesting riff. The scene where he's drunk and being held down by the other "reborns" makes for unintentional hilarity given Hudson's real life proclivities.


I couple of additional ones I thought would be great as well:

Ice Pirates
Battle Beyond the Stars
Red Sonja (or Barbarella, either will do)
Saw the reunion replay last night.

Good stuff. The shorts are always my favorite. Darin McGavin was hnnng back in the day.

Also, more dates for kay was o_O


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
When speculating on movies, definitely keep in mind that they'll probably target a catalogue because it will be cheaper than getting high profile movies from multiple studios.


I just filled out my survey. I chose the Mystery Gift and added the Blu-Rays as an add-on. I don't want to miss a chance to have the entire season. I'm afraid that the compete set will be a limited time add-on exclusive and won't have a wide release.

The site says the blu rays and DVDs will be available in stores, just at a later date. It might be different packaging though. That's why I'm holding off. I'll get them later if I want them, might depend on extras and stuff, but good for the digital ones and that's all I'd need.

For me, $100 extra is just a bit steep right now for a season of a show especially when blu ray seasons of shows (particularly 10-13 episode shows) are dropping in price left and right.

When is this supposed to be released?

Early 2017 I think. Some prize goodies and stuff are coming earlier for backers, though.

When speculating on movies, definitely keep in mind that they'll probably target a catalogue because it will be cheaper than getting high profile movies from multiple studios.

Corman Library here we come.


Early 2017 I think. Some prize goodies and stuff are coming earlier for backers, though.

For some reason I was thinking that the holiday special would coincide with this year's Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I guess that'd be an awkward way to start the show.
They should do the Star Wars Holiday Special. Didn't Lucas destroy the masters? And he's basically disavowed its existence for years.

Jingle All the Way?

For some reason I was thinking that the holiday special would coincide with this year's Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I guess that'd be an awkward way to start the show.

I really hope they do a classic Turkey Day host segment, like the ones they did in 1991 and 1995. I loved the interplay between the mads and the offbeat cast of characters. It would also be a great venue to feature the older cast members. Another go with Trace, Frank, and Mike as Jack Perkins in 2016 would be awesome! Mr B. Natural would also be surreal.


In the Rifftrax itself they claim that they have a video that was taped of the original TV broadcast, but at the time they discreetly pointed to, I think, a Youtube video of it.

I think he's more referring to the fact that they haven't gotten a C&D from Disney yet.
When speculating on movies, definitely keep in mind that they'll probably target a catalogue because it will be cheaper than getting high profile movies from multiple studios.

Why MGM and not other studios like Universal or Paramount? And how much backing is Shout Factory fronting for the season? I'm assuming that Shout Factory is also fronting some cash in conjunction with last year's kickstarter?

I know that films like Star Wars would be out of the question, but would a film like Robocop 3 be feasible, given that the recent attempted reboot flopped? Now that I think of it, a lot of films could benefit from the exposure that MST3K would give it. Manos: Hands of Fate is now considered a cult classic thanks to MST3K. Are studio execs more open to that idea rather than looking at it as a form of slander toward art? MST3K savaged a few of the Godzilla films, but that didn't diminish it's character of its pop culture status.


I think Shout has licensing deals with pretty much everyone, so it could be anything. However, I expect it's something cheap and low key. They don't really license high profile stuff, just stuff that the owners of don't want to bother with releasing themselves.

As someone else suggested, I wouldn't be surprised for it to be stuff from this list


The first five are actually pretty good movies. And probably toss out the softcore/exploitation movies like Caged Heat and the various nurse ones.

But they almost have to do Starcrash. If a movie was ever made to be riffed, it's that. And Battle Beyond the Stars.. Maybe the Ron Howard car movies.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Why MGM and not other studios like Universal or Paramount?

Just an example. But the studios like to bundle a lot of their lesser offerings together to get more money, so I imagine a bulk of the movies will come from a deal like that.

Licensing isn't going to be cheap, especially if they want to retain the rights to these movies in some kind of perpetuity.


As someone else suggested, I wouldn't be surprised for it to be stuff from this list


The first five are actually pretty good movies. And probably toss out the softcore/exploitation movies like Caged Heat and the various nurse ones.

But they almost have to do Starcrash. If a movie was ever made to be riffed, it's that. And Battle Beyond the Stars.. Maybe the Ron Howard car movies.

Worth bearing in mind that I'm pretty sure that Joel has stated an intention to remain fairly family-friendly, within reason, so anything with extreme violence is going to be out. I assume the general goal is, well, 'corny deaths'.
They should do some made for tv movies like San Francisco International and Riding With Death. Movies like those are some prime riffing material.


Worth bearing in mind that I'm pretty sure that Joel has stated an intention to remain fairly family-friendly, within reason, so anything with extreme violence is going to be out. I assume the general goal is, well, 'corny deaths'.

Why? They can edit movies like they did in the earlier seasons. Zombie Nightmare for instance had a rape scene and various gruesome deaths edited out.
I know this is a pipe dream, but they should do The Secret Life of Jeffrey Dahmer. It was made for television and was produced at around the same time before his criminal trial.It was very sensationalistic, and very badly acted. One particular moment that cracked me up was when Dahmer dopes one of his victims in his apartment and stuffs him in his infamous blue vat while he's still unconscious. Anyone who ever followed that case knows that the vat in question was used to chemically dissolve his victims for easy disposal.

Does anyone think there will be shorts in this go around? Would instructional shorts from the 1940's seem outdated for this new version of MST3K?
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