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Judgment Day on G4TechTV

I must agree with ----, regardless of how much we disagree, he's not really being a jackass about it. So I don't see the reason behind such comments. All in all, I don't see why there was much of an argument anyways, people like JD people like X-Play it's no big deal. You can't really state which show is better as they're both the same thing but geared towards different audiences. Though, I would like to hear replies from people who like both, but I'm starting to think that's not possible. :p


I think the reason for the argument is that while people like and dislike both shows there are a large number of hardcore gamers who are intolerant of Tommy's reviews on JD and that's not okay. The difference is that the people who dislike X-Play aren't intolerant of it. They don't try to invalidate the opinons on X-Play. As anonymous and personally unhelpful as they may be, the reviews on X-Play still represent someones valid opinion of a game. In the case of JD, the fanboys want to tear Tommy down, discredit him, and silence him. We've even got people here attacking his music making career. The funny thing is as with all things the more they try to do that to him the more interest there is going to be in him. Anyone who creates this much waves is usually doing something right and people are going to pay attention.
Hmm, probably so, but I do find fun in poking fun at him and actually the only reason I keep watching JD is to laugh at his remarks. So I have somewhat of a skewed enjoymen of the show. As opposed to X-Play where I do generally enjoy it, and not because the skits are "bad" or it's scripted and such, but because humor actually fits me. My views of JD and X-Play are similar to yours just turned around I guess. I'm not a fan of how Tommy thinks to be honest, and that's all that really turns me off on the show. It's like getting along with someone who is nearly your total opposite, I can't do it. Victor is fine, and I really enjoy him being on the show and he's the one who has really gotten me a little warmed up to it. Will I cry if the show gets cut? Not really, like I said, it's no big deal.

About his music career. I just find it annoying that fans of his consider him to be a genius as I've seen on the G4 forums and this is just really disappointing. He's had a decent career, but I wouldn't say he had a huge impact on video game music as some people make it out to be. Then I must admit, that his general turns me off to liking anything about him. Yes, we shouldn't judge people by first impressions, but meh, it's his act on TV and that's all I see and I don't like it. Wrong I know, but I admit it.

*shrugs* I had some sleep and feel different than I felt yesterday. That and I don't seem to care as much. :p


Both Tommy and Vic are awesome dudes and I hope to god their show does well. As we learned at TechTV, you're only as strong as your network and the rest of the shows on it. The better the network does, the more opportunity there is to improve whatever show you're working on. I want all the G4techTV shows to do well. And exactly where did I say that our show is "best" ? I simply explained why we do things our way versus the way you described as superior. The viewers ultimately decide which shows are a success. We're not stupid. We know our show can be leaps and bounds better. We're doing the best we can to make it as good and timely as possible.

Your manifesto on video game television and our show is the very definition of how the Internet can be used as a horrible conduit of misinformation. It would take me the entire weekend to respond to all the things you wrote that simply aren't true. You don't know the first thing about making a successful television show. And neither did I until I started working in television. When I first started working on Extended Play, I also thought that the most successful video game television would be the kind that appealed strictly to hardcore gamers like myself. As much as I wanted it to be true, I was wrong. I had to accept it and move on. That might be something you should look into doing yourself. Still being bent out of shape over a review I wrote several years ago can't be good for the constitution.


I don't really see how his music career is relevant to anything other than how much it shows how petty the people who disagree with him are. I don't really think of him as a music genius or not, I just respect his bold off the cuff reviews of games. I do know that he was associated with the music of some very successful games and he has every right to be proud about that.

I just find it annoying that fans of his consider him to be a genius as I've seen on the G4 forums and this is just really disappointing. He's had a decent career, but I wouldn't say he had a huge impact on video game music as some people make it out to be.
He's got a huge fanbase at the G4 boards and it will probably only grow over time. His career is certainly nothing to be ashamed of. I don't understand why that enters into the discussion of how he reviews games though. Well that's not true, I do know why, people want to tear him down, because they don't like something he said about a game.

satterfield said:
Both Tommy and Vic are awesome dudes and I hope to god their show does well. As we learned at TechTV, you're only as strong as your network and the rest of the shows on it. The better the network does, the more opportunity there is to improve whatever show you're working on. I want all the G4techTV shows to do well. And exactly where did I say that our show is "best" ? I simply explained why we do things our way versus the way you described as superior. The viewers ultimately decide which shows are a success. We're not stupid. We know our show can be leaps and bounds better. We're doing the best we can to make it as good and timely as possible.
Good that's great then we all agree on something.

You're gonna do well. There's no question about it. We'll see where the chips land though.

You don't know the first thing about making a successful television show. And neither did I until I started working in television. When I first started working on Extended Play, I also thought that the most successful video game television would be the kind that appealed strictly to hardcore gamers like myself.
I don't think you're listening to me at all. I'm saying that Tommy's reviews are more applicable and entertaining to the mainstream gamer than they are to the hardcore gamer. I'm saying X-Play's reviews are more like dull regurgitation of the reviews that hardcore gamers usually read. You're not grabbing my main points at all. I don't think your show caters to mainstream gamers very well and that's why you've got a show/segment dedicated to scolding gamers for not buying games like Panzer Dragoon and Ico. There's a really big disconnect between hardcore and mainstream gamers and your show is not bridging that gap by having goofy comedy skits.

As much as I wanted it to be true, I was wrong. I had to accept it and move on. That might be something you should look into doing yourself. Still being bent out of shape over a review I wrote several years ago can't be good for the constitution.
Well I never wanted it (hardcore gamer tv), so I guess I'm beyond where you were when you started your career. And I think I do know a little bit about tv production of video game shows being that I've watched just about every aspect of it for the last 10 years closer than you have and I've spoken frequently with the people behind these shows including your own. Everything from GamespotTV to AGN to Electric Playground to Extended Play I've been paying very close attention to what works and what doesn't. What I don't believe is are you really saying to me the only reason I like JD is because I'm a hardcore gamer? Cause if you are, you're saying the exact opposite of what everyone else is saying. JD doesn't seem in any way shape or form tailored specifically only to the hardcore gamer.

As far as being bent out of shape over a review you wrote you've got that all wrong too. I never even played that game, I certainly never wasted my time contributing to the hate mail you received. All I know of you is of what you did and how you turned people against you, that's how your name became infamous among certain circles. I understand the extent of the hatred that was expressed towards you and how angry you made certain people and it should probably be reason enough for you to stand up for JD a little more in this thread than you've been willing to.
Actually I do believe he rated down a game (I forget which) for not doing the music for it, and rated up games he did do music for. That's what I refer to by bringing it up, so yes, his music career does play a part in his reviews.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Please talk to the higherups at G4TechTV, and tell them to find a way to get Time Warner Cable in the New York/New Jersey area to start airing the channel again. I would guess that G4TechTV is asking for too much from Time Warner, and since TWC isn't going to do anything, maybe the G4 honchos can. I miss X-Play, and The Screensavers. :(




I'll certainly look into it. Though, I'm sure that getting the network back into that important of a market is already on the docket of things to do.


Tommy is the Bill Walton/Jessie Ventura of Game reviews. He is just there to say dumb outlandish things and to "take the other side" for no real reason.


Sactown said:
Please talk to the higherups at G4TechTV, and tell them to find a way to get Time Warner Cable in the New York/New Jersey area to start airing the channel again. I would guess that G4TechTV is asking for too much from Time Warner, and since TWC isn't going to do anything, maybe the G4 honchos can. I miss X-Play, and The Screensavers. :(

Sactown the shows are being put up on Suprnova until TWC reinstates the channel.
Dr.Guru of Peru said:

Repeat with me M....O....R....O....N, i mean he might not like Nintendo, and apparentely the most logic reason is because he was fired from Retro?, also he's really out of touch concerning the industy if he thinks that xbox fans dont go wacko mode when someone does not agree with them regarding Halo's quality.......and a 7 to Ninja gaiden and a 10 to pitfall???come on, one thing is not liking a game another is the quality of the game even if its not your type of game.......and this movie is a commercial?Seems to me that he has some bias and i dont know about the rules of this kind of ads, but i didnt know that i could do an ad trashing a company because i dont like its products......


Maybe it's just me but Tommy seems to award games he had a part in developing an automatic 8 or 9 out of 10 regardless of what they actually deserve.

I'm in the camp that thinks tony hawk games after the 1st one were utterly pointless until maybe THUG which actually tried something different, and yet tommy gave every 1 of them a 9 out of 10 ... and coincidentally he did the non liscensed music.... HMMM ?

And spiderman for PSone, got a 9 out of 10 from him as well. Despite that it was horribly flawed thanks to a god awful camera and an overly complex control scheme.

Sometimes though, tommy is funny. Going back to some of his old reviews on electric playground atleast.

I don't have tech TV so I never saw x-play... never got digital cable to get it in canada...
Pachinko said:
Maybe it's just me but Tommy seems to award games he had a part in developing an automatic 8 or 9 out of 10 regardless of what they actually deserve.

I'm in the camp that thinks tony hawk games after the 1st one were utterly pointless until maybe THUG which actually tried something different, and yet tommy gave every 1 of them a 9 out of 10 ... and coincidentally he did the non liscensed music.... HMMM ?

And spiderman for PSone, got a 9 out of 10 from him as well. Despite that it was horribly flawed thanks to a god awful camera and an overly complex control scheme.

Sometimes though, tommy is funny. Going back to some of his old reviews on electric playground atleast.

I don't have tech TV so I never saw x-play... never got digital cable to get it in canada...
I'm pretty sure he's given games he's worked on bad scores. He's brought that point up before.
Might I add that I find the whole channel completely worthless, with the exception of Unscrewed and The Screensavers?

Why in God's name was Starcade canceled? Cheat! is worthless. Anime Unleashed is worthless. Robot Wars is worthless. Starcade was so fucking entertaining. Fuck the powers that be. Fuck them.

The Thunderbirds is completely worthless. Sweat sucks a lot.

God, way to ruin a channel that already fucking sucks.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I wanted to see Starcade too. The channel has too many worthless shows IMO. I can live with just Screen Savers, Xplay, Fresh Gear and Icons


Oh my god I just watched the Silent Hill 3 episode of JD and was laughing out loud. How could you guys not love this show? The midget foot from RTCW was funny, the cordless flight stick controller review was funny, but the SH3 review was the best. I was laughing my ass off when Tommy started immitating running around "meat hands." "Hi big meat hands, I'm gonna run around you, see ya later meat hands." LOL "Equip the beef jerky." LOL

Tommy is hilarious. He's the best. If you can't laugh at this you have no sense of humor. :D

And he rails on SH3 for the archaic menu system, the control, the lack of enemies, the terrible sound with the one footstep, equiping beef jerky, the ability to easily run away from all enemies, the empty environments, etc. They show you all of these bad things in video form and let you hear them during the review and he is right., I don't know how anyone could deny it. The video and audio footage they presented backed up everything he had to say. RE4 is gonna prove that these aren't survival horror staples, those are staples of a bad game. LOL What a great show.

I also loved when Tommy rips out a leaf from the ground and starts brushing it up against Vic 's face while he's trying to go to commercial and he's like "eat this" and Vic's like "no thanks."


Vibri said:
Watch Icons for serious documentaries, Pulse for a serious look at news, or X-Play for more gamer-centric reviews

Might as well add watch American Idol for great music.
---- said:
Tommy is hilarious. He's the best. If you can't laugh at this you have no sense of humor. :D

Comments like these make me rethink the validity of your opinion.

I also loved when Tommy rips out a leaf from the ground and starts brushing it up against Vic 's face while he's trying to go to commercial and he's like "eat this" and Vic's like "no thanks."

So wait. I thought you didn't watch X-Play for the childish humor, what is this? Certainly not humor for adults, at least according to you.
Personally, X-Play and Judgment Day both suck a lot. I think the people on both sides of the issue are insane.

I've been watching Adam Sessler act like an idiot since Gamespot TV, and I can tell you, he hasn't gotten better.
DarthWufei said:
I would like to hear replies from people who like both, but I'm starting to think that's not possible. :p
I happen to enjoy both somewhat but then again I don't expect much more than decent videogame footage accentuated by an occasional funny comment or two.

How's that.
Mr_Furious said:
I happen to enjoy both somewhat but then again I don't expect much more than decent videogame footage accentuated by an occasional funny comment or two.

How's that.

I think now I can sleep a lot better at night. :p Actually, I'm somewhat relieved thatt there are people who can live to enjoy both.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Mr_Furious said:
That's because it's not an act. That's his actual personality.

That's odd, because I ran into him like four times at E3 this year, and he was pleasant and normal each time.
GDJustin said:
That's odd, because I ran into him like four times at E3 this year, and he was pleasant and normal each time.
I ran into him a couple times myself and although I'd say he was pleasant, he came off far from normal. My previous comment wasn't meant to be that I agreed with mjq jazz bar thinking he's an idiot but more that he was eccentric. His personality expressed on X-Play and his previous shows is his own and not an act.
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