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Judgment Day on G4TechTV

"Guess what that's exactly how I feel. SO I guess you think I'm an idiot too, just because I have a different opinion than you. I feel exactly 100% the same way about Survival Horror and 2D fighting games. Why can't you deal with people like me or him that have the same opinion. Most game consumers think 2D fighting games are garbage too, the majority of game buyers don't deserve to have someone voice their opinion?"

Tommy is supposed to be reviewing games based on quality. I'm glad he's voicing your opinion, but I want to be informed by a review, not have someone reinforce my preexisting opinions. These are the same Tommy defences I hear over and over.....he's a good reviewer because I hate the same games he does. Well, the people that dislike Tommy dislike the way he reviews moreso than what particular game he is dissing.


Crimson, he was one of the ones let go during the purging of Retro. You know, the massive cleanup job that ended in Jeff S's shares of Retro being bought and Nintendo gaining complete ownership of the company, and began with Miyamoto and co firing or
'letting go' everyone that they thought was holding the Metroid Prime project back (and Tommy was replaced by the original Metroid composer I believe)

I'd imagine that he'd still be there if Nintendo thought that he would be useful to the project :)


Exactly--Disliking a genre is one thing; panning a game without any other justification except for his opinion of the genre or the game's content is another matter altogether. There's a thin line between having a strong opinion inform a review or turn the review into nothing more than a rant about the reviewer's pet peeves and turn ons--Tommy falls into that second category all the time.
Sample Tommy Review:

Victor: What did you think of Guilty Gear X2?

Tommy: 2-d fighting games suck.

Victor: I know, you're not a fan. But what did you think of the game?

Tommy: Soul Calibur is better.

Victor: Do I have to carry this whole review again, Tommy?

Tommy: Toilet Paper Mario. Fart joke. Big boobies. Gore. Whine about the name "Viewtiful Joe" for the whole review.

Victor: .........


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Sample Tommy Review:

Victor: What did you think of Guilty Gear X2?

Tommy: 2-d fighting games suck.

Victor: I know, you're not a fan. But what did you think of the game?

Tommy: Soul Calibur is better.

Victor: Do I have to carry this whole review again, Tommy?

Tommy: Toilet Paper Mario. Fart joke. Big boobies. Gore. Whine about the name "Viewtiful Joe" for the whole review.

Victor: .........

I think I saw this review this week....


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"Guess what that's exactly how I feel. SO I guess you think I'm an idiot too, just because I have a different opinion than you. I feel exactly 100% the same way about Survival Horror and 2D fighting games. Why can't you deal with people like me or him that have the same opinion. Most game consumers think 2D fighting games are garbage too, the majority of game buyers don't deserve to have someone voice their opinion?"

Tommy is supposed to be reviewing games based on quality. I'm glad he's voicing your opinion, but I want to be informed by a review, not have someone reinforce my preexisting opinions. These are the same Tommy defences I hear over and over.....he's a good reviewer because I hate the same games he does. Well, the people that dislike Tommy dislike the way he reviews moreso than what particular game he is dissing.
How about reviewing games based upon what you like and don't like and not failing miserably at trying to guess how someone who loves games in the genre would think of it? How can you honestly or accurately review the quality of a game you don't like. When I'm asked for my review of a movie I don't try to review the movie based upon what other people might think of it, but based upon what my reaction to it was and I express what things bothered me about it. There is nobody on earth who likes all game types and styles equally. Everyone, every single critic, has their personal biases and there's nothing wrong with that. He obviously isn't prejudging games because he gave The Suffering an outstanding review. Maybe he said he hated the surivival horror genre because games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil made him hate it. That's an honest genuine opinion.

You act as if his reviews consist of nothing more than saying I hate this genre, he gives reasons why games don't appeal to him too. I hate the stealth genre too, mostly thanks to Metal Gear Solid series, but I was able to find Splinter Cell more enjoyable because it cut out a lot of the aspects of the MGS series which initially turned me off of the genre. To me a Splinter Cell type of game never has the potential to be as good as a Halo type of game. There are a lot of hardcore gamers who would rather run and gun, are none of them fit to review games?
Tommy's reviews are rants more often than not. And yes, I think the opinion of a gamer who wants to "run and gun" is worthless if they are reviewing a game in which you cannot do that, and they fault the game for that. Tommy spends too much time talking about "what bugs him". He would do well to have a more open mind, he might enjoy a wider variety of games that way. I just find his reviews useless since they don't tell me enough about a game. I still have no idea how Grabbed By The Ghoulies earned a 9.5. :)


works for Gamestop (lol)
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Sample Tommy Review:

Victor: What did you think of Guilty Gear X2?

Tommy: 2-d fighting games suck.

Victor: I know, you're not a fan. But what did you think of the game?

Tommy: Soul Calibur is better.

Victor: Do I have to carry this whole review again, Tommy?

Tommy: Toilet Paper Mario. Fart joke. Big boobies. Gore. Whine about the name "Viewtiful Joe" for the whole review.

Victor: .........


So true too


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Does anyone else think Victor seems almost embarassed by what Tommy says, a lot of the time? Tommy says something assinine, and Victor is like "heh heh..... what did you think about ____?" and you can tell he feels really uncomfortable with this d-bag standing next to him? I notice it a lot.

Did anyone see their E3 episode? Tommy gave the Nintendo booth an incredibly low score, and I've never seen anything on the show like what happened. Victor was literally like "wow man... that's really low. Are you sure? That's REALLY low..."

He seemed pissed.
I love how people "love" Tommy for what he says. So if you too are an over-opinionated, under educated idiot, who craves only violent titles, and will not play a game if the title sounds "dumb", then by all means, you can have him.

I don't have a problem with not liking my preferred of genre of games, so much as him hating it, and going out of his way to not even try to understand them, all for the sake of a nonexistent laugh.
Back when they were doing the Metal Gear Solid: The Twins Snake review, one of the things Tommy hated was that there were Mario and Yoshi dolls in the game:/


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Sample Tommy Review:

Victor: What did you think of Guilty Gear X2?

Tommy: 2-d fighting games suck.

Victor: I know, you're not a fan. But what did you think of the game?

Tommy: Soul Calibur is better.

Victor: Do I have to carry this whole review again, Tommy?

Tommy: Toilet Paper Mario. Fart joke. Big boobies. Gore. Whine about the name "Viewtiful Joe" for the whole review.

Victor: .........

That's pretty much it.

Nintendo should buy G4TechTV, and fire him.


Tommy didn't even know what his score was for this one game. He's a joke. The CvS2 review made me want to to throw away my TV.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Matt said:
You must be joking.
I really wish I had the link, but I swear to god I downloaded it somewhere. It's a commercial that has him basically ranting about Nintendo fanboys the whole time.

BTW, he also claims to have never seen heard of an XBox fanboy in that same bit. If that doesn't tell you how out of touch he is with the gaming community, I don't what will.


You should go to the G4TTV forums and see some of the bile he's posted there. The man is insane, I tell you :)


Lost Weekend said:
You should go to the G4TTV forums and see some of the bile he's posted there. The man is insane, I tell you :)
Yep. Half the time he really has no idea what he's talking about and he'll ignore you if you bother trying to argue with him because HE is TOMMY TALLARICO! There is no way TOMMY TALLARICO can be wrong because he's TOMMY TALLARICO!

JD is entertaining sometimes because of how hilariously bad the reviews are but I'd never watch it if I actually wanted a valid opinion on a game they were reviewing


Steroid Distributor
Tommy is a chauch. I was watching the other day and he and Victor gave Pitfall Harry (the new one) 8.5 & 9.0, but from what I've read Tommy gave Ninja Gaiden a 7.

So that would mean that he figures that we should all run out and BUY Pitfall Harry and that Ninja Gaiden was only ok and maybe you should rent it but it's not worth a buy.

Idiot jokester


He gave Ninja Gaiden a 7.5, which coming from him is a very respectable score. He doesn't hand out high scores very easily. Also since you guys don't like focusing on scores almost everything he said about the game in his review was positive. He didn't say Ninja Gaiden was "just okay," you're saying it's "just okay" because you've come to see 7.5 as being a mediocre score thanks to most game reviewers throwing around 9's and 10's like a frisbee. To me the game is nearly a 10, but so what I respect his opinion. I respect Gaming-Age's review as well, but at least he didn't compare the game to the Bouncer. That I don't respect at all.


This is the man that gave Super Smash Bros Melee a 2.5 :p

Now you may not like the game or it may not be your style, but 2.5? please... And it wouldn't be hard to find even more funny scores/reviews if there was a database of them online (I don't think G4's site does anymore than give a summary of what games are on each episode)
I honestly wish more people shared my views that scores mean diddly squat and the review itself is the only thing to really pay attention to.


DarthWufei said:
I honestly wish more people shared my views that scores mean diddly squat and the review itself is the only thing to really pay attention to.
The comments he makes in the reviews are even more worthless than the scores.

"Kirby's pink and a marshmellow, this game makes me want to eat rocks!"

"This name is stupid, I hate this game!"

"This game rules it has ACTION, BLOOD, GORE, AND SEX!!!!"


And so on.


Vlad said:
Watching a few episodes of Judgement Day has REALLY made me appreciate Morgan and Adam...

I watched a few episodes of Judgement Day and thought the exact opposite.

To my horror I thought, "I'd take Tommy Tallarico's lamebrained antics over the crap on X-Play any day."

That's how far we've fallen, friends.
"I'd imagine that he'd still be there if Nintendo thought that he would be useful to the project"

He composes at home for the most part and works on multiple projects. If they wanted to pay for his services then perhaps he would still be working for them. He appears to be doing quite well without them.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Justin Bailey said:
I really wish I had the link, but I swear to god I downloaded it somewhere. It's a commercial that has him basically ranting about Nintendo fanboys the whole time.

BTW, he also claims to have never seen heard of an XBox fanboy in that same bit. If that doesn't tell you how out of touch he is with the gaming community, I don't what will.

I have the link:



Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
sp0rsk said:
eh, what he says in that video is pretty true though. except he kinda contradicts himself when he goes on calling things kirbys fart adventure and labeling people fanboys.

Did you miss the whole "is there even a such thing as an Xbox fanboy" bit?
Saw the vid, coupe thoughts...

First off, his sentiments that one should not hate another company just because its one that you don't prefer simply does not ring true since he practically lives to bash Nintendo and it's "kiddie" titles. Granted, he does not rip on people who like them, or at least I believe he doesn't, though calling Kirby's Air Ride "fart something" is a dig. Bottom line is that he's simply contradicting himself.

Secondly, I went to the Philly Classic Expo which is mentioned at the end of the vid, and you wouldn't believe the fanboy that were totally misty eyed for him. It's amazing (or appalling) how many people there was in love with the guy, following him around wherever he went, and hanging onto each world he uttered.

At one point, I used to like the guy.... he's not a half bad musician, and his work to get game music as a recognized form of art is indeed admirable. But somewhere along the road, he became extremely embittered and now makes a mockery of himself on a regular basis.

And finally, that line about there being no Xbox fan boys? What a crock of shit.


you guys act like that video is the the JFK Zapruder tape, the guy seems like he is half joking with friends in it. I've only seen a couple judgement day shows since I only got it since the merge, but lol I have to watch it now since it pisses so many people off here. I was kind of getting tired of X-play anyway I would turn it off unless they said they are reviewing something halfway interesting which is like 10% of the time. Having a cute host only can go so far the content doesn't seem there so they just try to make the whole show a joke, By the way the couple articles I read about the merge says pretty much everyone from TechTV except the hosts got fired since the closed down the Tech TV offices. So be will interesting how Xplay changes or if it stays around.


Steroid Distributor
---- said:
He gave Ninja Gaiden a 7.5, which coming from him is a very respectable score. He doesn't hand out high scores very easily. Also since you guys don't like focusing on scores almost everything he said about the game in his review was positive. He didn't say Ninja Gaiden was "just okay," you're saying it's "just okay" because you've come to see 7.5 as being a mediocre score thanks to most game reviewers throwing around 9's and 10's like a frisbee. To me the game is nearly a 10, but so what I respect his opinion. I respect Gaming-Age's review as well, but at least he didn't compare the game to the Bouncer. That I don't respect at all.

Ok. Then explain his GLOWING review of Pitfall Harry. He gave that a 9. Come on. What person that actually respects the efforts and workmanship in a game gives Pitfall Harry a 9 and Ninja Gaiden a 7.5? For real.

I have always thought the most important quality of a reviewer (gaming or otherwise) was being UNBIASED. Tommy doesn't seem to know that.
Tommy is an idiot and a horrible reviewer and you are an idiot if you think otherwise. Period. He has no redeeming qualities.

Everyone else is spot on when they say he should not be reviewing games. To review a game of a specific genre, you can NOT, under ANY means, bring your hate for the genre into the review. Tommy continually shows that he can not follow this rule.

I remember his review of Pokemon Colosseum. Now, having never played it myself, I can't judge for myself whether it's actually a good game or not. But I can easily confirm his review is trash. He gives it a 3.0 because it is an RPG- literally... the ONLY cons he mentioned about the game is that 1) It was turn based, and 2) It had too much reading.

And I'm one of the ones who finds Xplay hilarious, by the way. It's just stupid, random humor and that's what I find funny. Judgement Day, which tries to be funny, fails miserably, because Tommy is a douche.
I personally enjoy when Tommy brings Hate into his reviews, its what any real fanboy would do and its hilarious to watch.

You guys should be happy there are videogame shows on tv nowdays. When i was a kid i use to only have gamepro Tv to look forward to for my videogaming fix.

edit: Also its quite obvious the Tommy attempts to play the games he trashes which is more than i can say for Morgan webb. All of her reviews sound really fake.



We review games at X-Play the same way games are reviewed everywhere else. Well, just about everywhere else. Each game is given to a freelancer who actually enjoys and respects the game's particular genre. Then they play that game to the end and write an 800-word review that supports their score. The review is then crunched into a script for the show. What is the point of assigning a game to someone who hates the particular genre the game is in? Who is that really helping? The people who don't like the genre already aren't going to buy the game no matter what. So why waste time by telling them not to buy it when you could be informing people who actually care? There's a reason every pub reviews games the way we do. Because it works.

Would you trust GameSpot, EGM, or CGW's reviews if they all were written by two people? How is it humanly possible for two people to review every game that's released and play each game long enough to know whether their opinions are valid? Why is it any different for a TV show? As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't work for a publication or show that allowed people who hated particular genres to review games in those genres. Personally, that's a huge editorial integrity issue that I want nothing to do with.

Of course, you're entitled to your opinion. And I respect that. But in this case, your opinion differs from the vast majority. We take reviewing games very seriously at X-Play. If some people are unable to look past the entertainment value of the show to see that there's a strong editorial backbone behind it, it's a shame because we put a lot of work into making sure our scores are on-point. Would you trust the opinion of the latest Command & Conquer game from someone who never plays real-time strategy games or from someone who has played 30 different real-time strategy games this year? I don't see why it's so hard to see the logic.

In all honesty, it's not hard to make a game show that hardcore gamers will love. It's not brain surgery. Developer interviews, news, no comedy, blah, blah, blah. We did it with Extended Play for four years and the ratings for the show were flatline the entire time. The hard part is creating a gaming show that appeals to both hardcore and casual players, because quite frankly, if you don't do that, your show isn't going to stay on the air.

And as a side note, the entire staff of X-Play was offered their jobs at the new network. Minus a couple people who have too many obligations to move, the entire staff is going. We're very excited to take the show to the next level and we hope that everyone likes the result!
"He gave Ninja Gaiden a 7.5, which coming from him is a very respectable score. He doesn't hand out high scores very easily. Also since you guys don't like focusing on scores almost everything he said about the game in his review was positive. He didn't say Ninja Gaiden was "just okay," you're saying it's "just okay" because you've come to see 7.5 as being a mediocre score thanks to most game reviewers throwing around 9's and 10's like a frisbee. To me the game is nearly a 10, but so what I respect his opinion. I respect Gaming-Age's review as well, but at least he didn't compare the game to the Bouncer. That I don't respect at all."

Tommy throws out high scores like a frisbee too. His "good" reviews are as much of a joke as his bad. Need I reiterate Grabbed by the Ghoulies=9.5 in Tommyworld? If that's not frisbee scoring, what is?
More examples of Tommy's reviews:

Bomberman Generations (GameCube)
Tommy = 2.5 / Vic = 8.5
+ Cel-Shaded Animations
+ 1 Player Action Adventure W/ Multiplayer
- Cutesy, Cuddly Game

How useful is this review? Anyone who doesn't like cutesy games wasn't like"I was gonna buy this, so I'm glad Tommy told me how childish it was."

Pocket Review/Tommy - Earthworm Jim 2 = 8.5
+ Perfect Game Port

Gamespot gave it a 2.0 "This port has a host of new problems that render the game virtually unplayable. - Tim Tracy"

Didn't Tommy do the music in the Jim games?:)
And with that, I will stop talking about Tommy, as he thinks anyone who criticizes him is obsessed with him. I guess it never occurred to him that some people might watch the show because they think Victor Lucas is ok (I do). He even has a name for his critics, "Tommyknockers", and he thinks they are all Nintendo fanboys and 14 year olds who came to the Judgement Day forum when G4 merged with Tech TV (his words in the forum). Well Tommy, I don't own a Gamecube, and I don't like your reviews. I guarantee some of the others on here that don't like your rants aren't Nintendo obsessed either. And he sits there in the forum arguing with these "14 year olds". This, coupled with his Kirby's Fart Ride, Toilet Paper Mario, Zelda The Wind Breaker style humour seems to suggest he is a tad immature.


Well I knew Shane was coming to gloriously tell us why we should all think his show is best. I know you work on the show so you're going to defend it hardcore. I'm not going to get you to admit all of it's short comings and you're going to pretend as if X-Play is the best thing ever.

There's a reason every pub reviews games the way we do. Because it works.
Correction, worked. And not very well I might add. But things are changing now. The television medium is going to change the way everything is consumed and delivered. And you know what it didn't work at all because the game buying masses never bought the games that got high review scores. All these years they've been completely ignoring game reviewers. That's why there's always been so much complaining at forums like this, why aren't people buying Panzer Dragoon, why aren't they buying this game? They don't listen to you because they don't like the games you keep telling them to buy. I believe you even dedicated an entire X-Play show to the fact that people don't listen to you.

Would you trust GameSpot, EGM, or CGW's reviews if they all were written by two people?
You mean like Siskel & Ebert or Ebert & Roeper. Yeah they've had a lot of trouble getting people to pay attention to them and listen to what they have to say, right. When you find someone who has the same taste in video games as you do then that's the best thing because it means it's someone you can trust. When I watch an X-Play review it means nothing to me because I don't know who you hired off the street this week to review the game. I have no idea if I like or respect any of the games that they do. I find Gamespot's user reviews a lot more accurate than the poorly written editorial staffs. And I find EGM's multiple reviews a lot better than just listening to 1 person. The thing that works on Judgment Day that doesn't work anywhere else is that the reviewers often have to defend their opinions. Anywhere else there is never anyone to challenge the reviewers opinion.

The people who don't like the genre already aren't going to buy the game no matter what.
Absolutely wrong! Were you not listening when I said that Tommy gave the Suffering an excellent review. How about when I said I hated survival horror, but was floored by the gameplay, control, and graphics of RE4? The games in this industry that rise above their genre to bring in new fans are the games most worth buying. If you hand off your reviews to someone who's given every major survival horror game a 4 or 5 then it doesn't influence me much when they give another game in the genre the same review. Games like Knights of the Old Republic that invite gamers such as myself who hate RPGs into the genre by fixing the worst flaws of the genre are the best games that are made. When Tallarico gives the Sufferring a great review that makes me want to play it. A game I never had any interest in, I now want to check out. When you pass a survival horror game off to someone who already loves the genre all we end up with is another game review for the hardcore gamer who loves survival horror games, another 4 out of 5 for me and anyone else to dismiss.

Of course, you're entitled to your opinion. And I respect that. But in this case, your opinion differs from the vast majority.
Uh huh. How come you're constantly popping up on the X-Play boards screaming at people for expressing their distaste for X-Play. I see very few people at all who come forward and honestly say that X-Play is a good show. Most of us interested in games have had to watch your show because it was all we had on tv.

As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't work for a publication or show that allowed people who hated particular genres to review games in those genres. Personally, that's a huge editorial integrity issue that I want nothing to do with.
Well as far as I'm concerned you've failed to work for a respectable review source in your career. Gamespot in particular is a site that I love, but can't pretend that they ever knew what they were doing when it came to reviewing video games. They knew how to grab attention with their terrible reviews, every time they butcher a game review all the attention starts pouring in. How many people did you have to defend your Amped review to, I bet you loved that experience didn't you?

If some people are unable to look past the entertainment value of the show to see that there's a strong editorial backbone behind it, it's a shame because we put a lot of work into making sure our scores are on-point.
I really don't appreciate the "editorial backbone." It's hard to make your scores off-point when theres a grand total of 5 numbers to give out. Why not just go down to a thumbs up, thumbs down routine while you're at it?

Does anyone out there in the hardcore gaming community take the weeks late, me too reviews of X-Play seriously? I never see them get posted. At least when you butchered game reviews for Gamespot people cared. The only game reviewer hated or picked on nearly as much as you were is Jeff Gerstmann.

Would you trust the opinion of the latest Command & Conquer game from someone who never plays real-time strategy games or from someone who has played 30 different real-time strategy games this year? I don't see why it's so hard to see the logic.
I would not trust it from someone who thinks every hyped game in the genre is great. Someone who's never played an RTS game before would probably be the most pristine, unbiased, pure judgment of quality. If you can impress someone who comes of the street and walks into their local game store and tries a game for the first time, then you are a great game maker. Are you reviewing games for a limited number of hardcore fans or are you reviewing games for the masses?

No I would not trust the person who has played 30 different RTS games this year at all because no normal game buyer can relate to that person. Forcing yourself to play that many games of the same genre in such a short period of time either means you love the genre too much to be objective or it's going to jade you against it. I don't want to be exposed to that review ever, most of the reviews we get on the big game sites are from burnouts who've overloaded themselves, Gamespot comes to mind with it's weak small review staff. They're the most jaded bunch, I mean how many times have they had to in their history go back and change their reviews? What is this mood swings?

In all honesty, it's not hard to make a game show that hardcore gamers will love. It's not brain surgery. Developer interviews, news, no comedy, blah, blah, blah. We did it with Extended Play for four years and the ratings for the show were flatline the entire time. The hard part is creating a gaming show that appeals to both hardcore and casual players, because quite frankly, if you don't do that, your show isn't going to stay on the air.
Extended Play was never in trouble of being cancelled. You weren't even a part of Extended Play so it's not really appropriate for you to judge how well or how poorly things were done. Obviously the show has done well enough to be on the air for 6 years and get turned into an every day show. I'm pretty sure Extended Play would have done just as well if it had been fitted into every 11PM and 4PM time slot that X-Play is in every day. Your show became #1 on TTV because of your production schedule, your time slots, Morgan's boobs (no offense, I respect her, but it's the truth) and having a monopoly on the market.

The problem isn't that you do comedy, it's that the comedy writing and delivery is so bad. There's no reason for the extended skits either. People watch your show in spite of the bad comedy, not because of it. It's worth sitting through an unfunny skit because you want to see the footage they have of Resident Evil 4 or Doom 3. Gamers will do that. We will sit through garbage tv to get to the part we want.

We're very excited to take the show to the next level and we hope that everyone likes the result!
Well that's not a very realistic goal, but I still wish you success. I also wish that you would think about and consider the problems with the show but unfortunately you, Matt Kiel and others from the show are not very receptive to the enormous amounts of criticism you have received on your message boards. One of the things that I find particularly distasteful regarding your staff is the way you treat your viewers which even bleeds through onto the show in the way you loathe viewer mail. Basically you believe the people that watch your show are idiots. I think that sums up the problem in a nutshell.

Finally you should have more respect for Judgment Day (Tommy & Vic). You've been in the tv biz for a very short period of time compared to them. They paved the way for you and it's likely your show would be dead and buried right now had Sony been able to outbid Comcast. G4 was built upon the hardwork of Electric Playground and AGN, now you get a chance to share the stage with them. If Sony had won the bidding for TechTV the new networks focus would not have been gaming and you'd most likely be unemployed right now. Everything you get out of this merger in large part you owe to them for convincing Comcast to pursue this idea.


Bomberman Generations
Tommy = 2.5 / Vic = 8.5

Tommy - Earthworm Jim 2 = 8.5

Which is interesting because most people think Bomberman for Gamecube sucks and Earthworm Jim is a classic. Yet another example of why I personally would listen to Tommy instead of Victor. Though I haven't found reason to touch my GBA since launch. As far as I'm concerned and with Nintendo's press conference numbers to back it up (less than 1/3 of GBA owners are over the age of 18) there hasn't been a handheld game system made for adults yet.

This, coupled with his Kirby's Fart Ride, Toilet Paper Mario, Zelda The Wind Breaker style humour seems to suggest he is a tad immature.
I find it entertaining. Do you not believe he genuinely hates those games and is frustrated by having to play them? That takes balls to come out and insult games you hate like that. I wouldn't have the balls to do it. I might think it, but I'd be too afraid of the Nintendo fans to say it outloud. Most of us are just polite and don't buy the games, that's how we express our dislike. I don't view it as Tommy's job to be polite. Tommy's job is to be as harsh and critical as he can be.

I would never play or buy any of those games. If he's tearing them apart then he's doing a service to me and to gamers like me. You guys act as if the otherside of the story isn't already being told. We're talking about 1 little voice of reason in a crowd of people who would endlessly praise games like Wind Waker and Paper Mario for no other reason than the title characters. Someone out there needs to send a message to Nintendo that they need to stop doing what they are doing to their game characters or in game design for that matter. Look at how much happier the entire game community is with the new Zelda they've shown off. Kirby Air Ride was a terrible game and is completely justified in being slaughtered by any decent game reviewer.

you guys act like that video is the the JFK Zapruder tape, the guy seems like he is half joking with friends in it. I've only seen a couple judgement day shows since I only got it since the merge, but lol I have to watch it now since it pisses so many people off here.
Exactly I've come to enjoy his rants because I know how much it pisses in the face of the elitists. Good. They need a good pissing on to knock them off their pedestal. Someone has a vastly different opinion on the games in this industry than you, deal with it. The fact that he is so outspoken is what will make him so interesting to watch. People are going to watch him in droves because they either hate him so much or they love him so much. As time goes by people are going to appreciate the fact that his opinions aren't processed and filtered like they are on X-Play. The formula of brutal honesty never hurt people like Simon Cowell, Howard Stern, or Bill O'Reilly.

I have always thought the most important quality of a reviewer (gaming or otherwise) was being UNBIASED. Tommy doesn't seem to know that.
That doesn't exist. Anyone who says they're unbiased is DISHONEST. There is nobody who has grown up playing video games who is unbiased. The best thing you can hope for as a gamer is to find someone who has the same bias that you do. Everyone brings their biases to game reviewing. Someone who tries to review games from someone else's perspective or mindset is a dishonest game reviewer. The only way you can accurately review a game is from your own perspective. The only way you can accurately measure a game is against your own personal likes and dislikes. If you try to put those likes and dislikes aside then you can't do a good honest game review. If you review a game like that you are not sharing your honest impressions with me. What you're essentially saying is that you're willing to put aside the fun factor of a game in order to review the technical aspects of a game. Anyone who does that is a terrible game reviewer. That's how games like Donkey Kong 64 end up with a 9 out of 10 at sites like IGN.

what he says in that video is pretty true though
Exactly. It is great for me to have someone with power in the industry finally expressing the truth. Listening to people cry about Tallarico is like listening to people cry about Fox News Channel. They've grown up with CNN, ABC News, etc. their whole lives and can't accept that all along theres been a group (a larger group I might add) that doesn't like CNN at all or agree with the general viewpoints in that media. Again we're talking about 1 small voice of reason in a crowd of news channels that all tow the same line. Many (not all) Nintendo fans act like they've been part of a religion their whole lives. Xbox and PS fans don't have that kind of extended attachment because it hasn't been around that long and it isn't something they grew up with during their developmental years. As much as I love Xbox, I could drop it in a second for PS3 almost as quickly as I dropped NES for Genesis. There are a lot of sad gamers out there who have stuck with nothing but Nintendo their entire lives. From NES to Gamecube to Gameboy it's become a religion for them and they can't mesh well with the normal gamers out there who have been cross pollinating on all different platforms. Other people are just lashing out like a wild animal backed into a corner. They feel like they're backed into a corner because Xbox has stolen more than half of Nintendo's home console market share already, Sony's looking to cut Nintendo's bread and butter handheld game market in half, and everyone won't shut up about Nintendo following Sega and Atari. So of course they're upset. I understand why they attack in droves, why they flood polls. Nintendo fans are either still young and enjoy the content that Nintendo produces or they're old and view their childhoods as being tied to Nintendo's continued success. For a lot of people hearing someone say Nintendo is dying is like hearing that their childhood memories and attachments are dying. How many times have you heard the phrase, "If Nintendo went 3rd party I would stop playing games." I've heard it way too many times in my life. As much as I like Xbox, if Xbox died, I'd buy a new game system, maybe from Sony. When Dreamcast died I bought Xbox and it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened. It would have sucked if I had stayed with Dreamcast for 5 years and didn't get to experience the huge advancements that Xbox brought.


Most of the people on this forum take games much more seriously than the rest of the world, and so will NEVER like Tommy's reviews or his show. You know what? Judgment Day is not aimed at you. Move on. It's one show on a video game network with dozens. Watch Icons for serious documentaries, Pulse for a serious look at news, or X-Play for more gamer-centric reviews, or Cinematech which is GAF wet dream being 30 minutes of video game intros and trailer with nothing else. Don't watch Tommy. You might as well say you think Ebert is fat and has shit for taste, and then keep watching.


Notice how ---- rants generally come down too “I hate X-Pay, so it sucks, and all of you are wrong.” The most hilarious part is where he says “I see very few people at all who come forward and honestly say that X-Play is a good show,” and yet here is an entire thread where most of it’s participants are stating their enjoyment of X-Pay (or at least their preference of it over JD.)


Wow I wrote that many detailed paragraphs and all you got from it was “I hate X-Pay, so it sucks, and all of you are wrong.” No wonder you do such a bad job of interpreting Tommy's reviews too. Maybe you should stop closing your mind and flitering people's words the way you do and try to listen to what they actually have to say.

You honestly are going to tell me that I didn't give any valid reasons for X-Plays short comings? You really think all I said was that it sucks? The only thing I've said people are wrong for doing is not accepting Tommy's opinions and getting so worked up over someone breaking away from the flock of bad game reviews.

and yet here is an entire thread where most of it’s participants are stating their enjoyment of X-Pay (or at least their preference of it over JD.)
I love how you added that little qualifier at the end as if it isn't exactly important. That's the whole point of what I was trying to say. Even of the people here who do say they don't like JD, nobody is saying they actually think X-Play is a good show. That was the whole point. Shane was trying to make believe that X-Play was so well received. I know a lot of people here don't like JD because Tommy doesn't echo their opinions, but what I also know is that most people think X-Play is an irritating low quality show for reasons I've already gone into great detail about.

My beef is with people who try to do things like you just tried to do to me. I give my reasons for not liking X-Plays method. I back up those reasons with great detail and specifics and then you go out of your way to invalidate my opinion. I didn't mention my dislike for the long childish comedy sketches? I didn't mention my dislike for the monotone script reading? I didn't mention my dislike for the strict 5 point rating scale where most games just get 3's and 4's? You really think all I said was "the show sucks?" The same thing happens to Tommy, but he's not the problem. The problem is the people who try to invalidate his opinions and act like his reasons for not liking something don't exist just because they don't agree with his overall judgment.
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