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It’s almost February. When is the PS5 shortage going to end??

Close to 50 million PS Plus subscribers. Not saying that 50 million (overwhelming majority on PS4) will make the switch instantly if possible but just imagine even 30% of that wanting to do so with the means - that's a lot of demand. The first 5 mill on the books already. Gotta be patient and keep a lookout for the drops.
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I find it interesting how FOMO works.

I was thirsting badly for a PS5 for the first month or two after release. Kept trying and failing to nab one.

Now I'm fine waiting to get one when Forbidden West releases.

I'm at peace.
Yeah, same here! I was so incredibly disappointed that I didn't manage to get a pre-order here in Sweden and I was extremely jealous of my friends who did.. but now I don't really care, I'm fine with waiting. They started taking pre-orders years ago here, and apparently they have only fulfilled pre-orders made before november 2019.. so I'll definitely have to wait at least a few more months. Sweden didn't get many units for the release, I think around 12 000. And so far we've got 0 new in stock since then, and no news whatsoever about re-stocking or rather, the remaining pre-orders.
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Gold Member
I don't know.. But it's worth repeating that this is not just a PS5 thing, it's a huge global electronics parts supply issue because of the virus. For illustration, the high tech company I work for have a huge problem getting hold of enough computers for their 4000 employees. So much so that they sent out a company wide warning this might continue throughout at least the first half of the year. Of course we all know about the RTX 3080 issues.. Here's an recently updated example of how crazy it is for online shops to get hold of 3080s for their customers (example from one relatively small online shop):

Well i doubt 7nm factory capacity is increasing any time if ever anymore. Assuming that is the bottleneck of production.
They need to make more fabs. The demand is there. Usually businesses with ramp up production , make new factories etc... They seem to be doing none of it. Hell nVidia is releasing its 2060 series again because it's a 12nm part that is easier to produce as there are ZERO non low end gpus anywhere to be found.

7nm was a mistake if they can't keep up the volume.


it was. PS4 was hard as hell to find two months after launch. People just forget, but this happens every time.
It was not on this scale though. I walked into a store in January 2014 (3 months after launch) and just bought a PS4 of the many available. It wasn't even a GameStop or something like that, it was a general electronics store, yet they had 20-30 lying around. And in my country PlayStation sells very very well.

There was initial scarcity then too, but (at least in Europe) it basically ended by the time wave 2, maybe 3 of restocks went to stores. Now we are approaching the end of January, and every restock is still being almost instantly scooped up by the hundreds of thousands of people in line to buy one, plus some scalpers that know they will make at least $200 of guaranteed markup on each unit.

It's not only PS5 either, some computer parts are getting legit hard to buy as well. A lot of GPUs, even relatively old/mid-tier cards, are either unavailable in most places or they are priced much higher than they have any right to be.

The simple truth is that with Covid a lot of people worldwide turned to buying more gaming hardware, or they did so faster in the adoption cycle than they would have otherwise, and suddenly demand massively exceeded production. This is ending either when demand goes down again (hopefully by the end of the year) or production is ramped up significantly (which I doubt will happen).
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Demand will remain higher than supply for the entire year..

However people here and in more core gaming circles will all get theirs in the next 6-9 months I think.
There are many types of people after that, that will still be looking for these a year or so after that and people who will wait till it's on a shelf even after that....probably mid to late 2022.
Yeah. It’s a guaranteed 100 million seller that has demand that is outpacing their last 100 million seller and plays both consoles games with bumps a lot of times. Even with vaccinations, people are spending more time indoors so the demand is even greater on the front end. There may be chance of grabbing one during a summer lull if more places open but if something like GT7 comes out forget it. That will sell consoles like crazy ni matter what.


They need to make more fabs. The demand is there. Usually businesses with ramp up production , make new factories etc... They seem to be doing none of it. Hell nVidia is releasing its 2060 series again because it's a 12nm part that is easier to produce as there are ZERO non low end gpus anywhere to be found.

7nm was a mistake if they can't keep up the volume.
But doesn't ramping up production in major way in this industry take at least a year or two and by then 5nm is mature process for high wattage dies as well.
What’s going on? I don’t recall the situation being that bad at X1/PS4 launch. Is this COVID related?
It happens all the time. The DC was hard to get hold of months after it launched in Japan, the 360 was a hard console to get months after it launched in the USA and Japan, hell I remember the Mega Drive was out of stock just after Sonic launched LOL
I would say come to the Spring supply will ram up for both the Series X and PS5


If PS5 consoles are being manufactured in China, they are about to shut down next month for ten days because of the Chinese new year holiday. One whatever is in the supply chain sells you'll see a dip in availability around early March. Strap in.


I got lucky with Series X here in UK. I walked into Currys and saw someone walking out with one so quickly asked if they had more...and they did!

Managed to buy it in store. Just a few hours later it was announced that we were going back into a lockdown. Not been at work since either, so just been enjoying the hell out of it.

Hoping PS5 is easier to get in the summer as that's when I want to get one. Basically for their exclusives.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Here major places getting a big batch on the 27th. I’ll say in 3 months it’ll be wildly available for everyone to buy. Definitely before the second half of the year.
I find it interesting how FOMO works.

I was thirsting badly for a PS5 for the first month or two after release. Kept trying and failing to nab one.

Now I'm fine waiting to get one when Forbidden West releases.

I'm at peace.
I'm the opposite. I was uninterested until I saw backwards compatibility with games running at 60fps and my friends all started getting them.

I got one Christmas Eve from Best Buy.

I love my ps5.


I'm not even fussed. They need to enable the secondary SSD slot. They need to allow cold-storage of PS5 games to a less expensive HDD. They need to make the "updated" PSN not suck. And there needs to be some actual PS5 native games that I care about. Until then, the PS5 isn't even practical to chase after.

Let's not even get into what a gargantuan monstrosity of ridiculousness the size and space that thing takes up. I don't live in a mansion and I don't want to hear their excuses, there's no reason for making it that huge other than pretentiousness. Tighten up that circuit spacing.

And I don't want to hear the cootie virus excuse either. I haven't missed a single day of work at my miserable bust-ass factory job because of it. (Yes, I'm very jealous that many get to sit a home playing video games all day while I have to work.)

I'm sorry, I've had too many beers and I've stayed up way past my bedtime. (3 hours and counting, WOOT!) It's OK though, I''ll get up and get to work. I am the master of my domain there....almost godlike even. My 60% days are still better than most people's 110% days at that place....the lazy bastards. (LOL) I've been told by quite a few people that I make what I do look easy, and that I move so fast my hands blur. Not even kidding. They're just slow-asses. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA.

Yeah, bedtime for Bonzo.......I'm getting slap-happy.
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Better question: When are they going to make PS5'S without coil whine?

I had to return 2 because they buzzed like electric shavers. I just want one that is problem free. Both were from Walmart.com.
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What’s your best ETA of when this madness is going to end? How long before I can walk into a Best Buy or go on Amazon and casually checkout with a PS5 without having to spam the refresh and buy button simultaneously trying to compete with bots and scalpers?

Before the start of the month.
I suggest to just wait better times


Your not missing out don't worry. I've barely played my mine, and after miles morales I've mostly played ps4 games anyway.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Looks like eBay prices are falling $750 for a digital after fees (eBay and PayPal double dip) hardly making anything.


PS4 started to be easier to find online and especially in local stores in late March and into April in the US. I'm guessing PS5 might be a bit longer since so many sales are still online only due to Covid which makes it easier for scalpers to snap them up, as well as just harder for people with jobs that make it so they can't log on at random times when a Tweet of a drop goes out (were as they could check Best Buy etc. a few mornings a week or whatever in normal times).

But I don't expect them to stay so scarce that much longer. As noted above, sale prices on eBay, Facebook Marketplace etc. are starting to fall so some of the scalper demand will level off. It will still be their as there are a lot of people that make a living flipping stuff on eBay for small profits around the bigger profit items like launch window consoles. But there also shouldn't be a huge spike in demand as it seems like the first big system seller next gen exclusive game is a ways off. So the scalper demand should start dropping and general demand as well as more hardcore gamers like us who early adopt even without much in the way of exclusive games have our consoles (I already scored an PS5 and XSX so I'm out of the hunt myself).


So when a game comes out everybody expects it to be bug free but you can release a console that is impossible to find and that is ok.

I will wait for the slim version to be available in store. Around 2024 or so.


With the COViD and the new variant around the world?,who knows. Hope the vaccine will work for every variant because I don't know how much I can go on with such situation


Definitely an issue with processor production. Super difficult to also buy new cpus and gpus, even apple's m1 macbooks are hard to buy because they're struggling to make enough chips.

Dr Bass

I just got one at Walmart yesterday when they were up around noon, and I failed hard there every time before that. I imagine getting through at all means supply is slowly catching up with demand. I would think it will be a lot easier in the next month or two.


Man I wish this pandemic didn’t exist because right now I would go to a store and get me a PS5 and divorce myself from Xbox after the BS price increase.
Definitely an issue with processor production. Super difficult to also buy new cpus and gpus, even apple's m1 macbooks are hard to buy because they're struggling to make enough chips.
Who would of thought having all microprocessors made by the same companies fab TSCM would be a problem. Even without the virus, it would be common sense that this is a problem. There is only so much one factory can make. It would be different if they had multiple places making this. There really should be factories /fabs in each reason for chips. As it is now TSMC has a near monopoly as they have the smallers die fab, 7nm. Samsung is next at 8nm, Intel is still using 10nm. There is going to come a time when going smaller just wont be feasable. How small can you cram these things, the circuts are already microscopic.
My estimates:

PS5: 7-8/2021
Xsex: now (not widely available, but off the shelf item on multiple cities)
Xses: been available since the launch

This is Finland/EU of course

World wide: add few months to xsex


I'm hoping MS can gain some ground due to Sonys ineptness. Series X is becoming more and more available but still selling out fast, which suggests ppl may just think fuck playing the game of trying to get a PS5 in the basket before scalpers and go for the easier option..
Never. When the gen is almost about to finish, then you will be able to buy a PS5.

By that time you wouldn't care less and will dedicate your life to climbing mountains, to get a black belt on karate or some estupid shit you'll come on with at this pace.

I don't know. My friend works in a big retailer and he doesn't have the slightest idea of when there's going to be new units for sale. It's just a matter of waiting? But waiting for what, until when?

It's just a weird ass gen.
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