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IGN writer plagiarizes Dead Cells review - IGN issues impassioned statement on journalistic ethics


But anyway, to the story at hand, yeah, this dude is one weird cat. Even lifting his resume? Lmao. This story is becoming weirder and weirder and more oddly entertaining by the day.

One time I had to sift through fifty or so resumes for a position. One felt particularly odd, and then I realized it was a carbon copy of one of the ones I had looked at earlier. They were nearly identical except for name. This was for a senior position and a decently large company. One of them either cribbed it from the other one or they both hired the same resume writer , although some of it was so specific cribbing seems more likely.


Go Go Neo Rangers!

Wait ...the text wasn't from ign? Or it was?

Edit: holy crap. This might be the worst one yet. I was waiting for the video to switch over to the writer but didn't realize he was reading the text word for word.
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Xaero Gravity

Oh my God, first world problems!
If you have no intention of actually engaging the discussion and addressing the points people brought up to rebut your claims of overreaction, then why even bother continuing to post if you're just going to present shit post level gems like this one?


Rodent Whores
lol at this guy telling the internet to go ahead and try to find more evidence of his plagarism in his "apology" video. He asked for it.


Oh my God, first world problems!

Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. People have tried to engage you reasonably on this issue, and you keep shitposting. If you don't understand why this is a big deal by now-- and why Filip is catching so much heat-- then there's no hope for you.


Oh my God, first world problems!

Your position seems to be “it’s video games, it doesn’t matter.” But integrity matters, regardless of the industry. Respecting others’ work and their ownership of it matters, regardless of the industry. Take out the video games for a moment and consider Filip Miucin the man.


I was going to say cut this guy some slack but fucking hell man, he has literally plagiarized every damn review of his.

This guy should just delete his existence from the net and move on to a new career path. There is no coming back from this.
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I was going to say cut this guy some slack but fucking hell man, he has literally plagiarized every damn review of his.

This guy should just delete his existence from the net and move on to a new career path. There is no coming back from this.
He knew what he was doing, just didn't care, you can't do under handed things when you work for companies and think you are going to get away with it, especially online, were everyone knows about it. He clearly didn't think that part through.


He knew what he was doing, just didn't care, you can't do under handed things when you work for companies and think you are going to get away with it, especially online, were everyone knows about it. He clearly didn't think that part through.

Agreed, but people going on a witch hunt to find every minute fuck up will drive him to suicide.
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So we are up to dozens of reviews now?
Man of man did his team let him down /s
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Agreed, but people going on a witch hunt to find every minute fuck up will drive him to suicide.

I understand this concern, but it's hard to deny that he invited this controversy to continue by creating a fake (and monetized) "apology" video and inviting Jason Schreier (of all people) to prove that he had plagiarized. That's like bringing a pen to a gunfight. Schreier accepted Miucin's invitation and proceeded to dismantle his credibility and future career prospects. Now-- had Miucin elected to either keep his mouth shut, or to perhaps make a genuine apology video and then go radio silent-- we might not be where we are now. Instead, the whole web of deceit is coming unraveled and Miucin is likely ruined for a long time.

I feel bad that it's come to this, as having limited future prospects is stressful and depressing, but he made all of these decisions of his own accord. For his sake, he needs to silence himself online and hope that this all blows over afterwards. I wouldn't even think about accepting interview requests at this point, if I was him... even from sympathetic individuals.


Agreed, but people going on a witch hunt to find every minute fuck up will drive him to suicide.
Theres a ton of twitch streamers and youtubers that got caught doing dumb things, and now are ruined. So he's not the only one. So no I don't feel bad for him at all.
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He brought this on himself. The fact that he never even tried to give credence to any of the people he stole from goes to show how much of an asshole this guy really is. Just listening to him speak, you can tell he is devoid of any emotional intelligence towards what he did. In other words, he holds no remorse and was happy to brush this whole thing under the carpet - like a true sociopath.

He deserved to lose his job for being such a snake. Imagine a colleague in your own company was standing on your shoulders to get to the top. How would that make you feel to know someone is using your content and thoughts to pass them off as their own? It's such a sleveen move what he did.

This dude won't even be able to get back into working on YouTube videos as they will be downvoted to oblivion each time he posts something and I'm happy for him as it's obvious at this point he never had anything between his ears in the first place.
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Mr Hyde

Gold Member
It looks like this dude has copied the entire Internet. He has to change his name (and probably appearance) after this to even be considered landing a job in the video game biz again.


The Tribe Has Spoken
It looks like this dude has copied the entire Internet. He has to change his name (and probably appearance) after this to even be considered landing a job in the video game biz again.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Nintendo fans for you.
These are 9 out of your last 13 posts. I got bored after that.

And no Nintendo version either!

Good to see that SonyGAF is stronger than ever

I was referring to the Nintendo/Switch fanbase and their armchair takes.

Nintendo fans rewriting history, just like how Crysis could run on a Wii if they made it 480p. Developers leaving money on the table guys!

Might want to read the original post I was quoting. But then again, reality doesn't register with Nintendo fangirls.

"We are too good to play you filthy generic multiplats!" to "OMG 360p, Nintendo continues to innovate, please give it to me harder Reggie!"

Spoiler alert, looks like complete dogshit. Won't stop the Nintendo cult from eating it up.

And I thought SonyGAF left.

Please stop with the all fanboys are bad shit. Nintendo and Zelda fans are on a whole new level.

Grow up.


Good summary of the response and actions being taken by IGN: https://www.gamerevolution.com/news...filip-miucin-following-plagiarism-controversy

They’re saying that beyond just removing Miucin’s work, they’re going to have to generate new content in some cases to fill the gaps. Sounds like a lot of extra and unexpected work.

Which adds to an already heavy workload as gaming press is about to move into its busy season. The damage from Miucin’s actions continues to mount.


Gold Member
this guy...wow
I hope that's his stage name, cause if he is looking for work and the recruiter just googles his very particular name...


This guy would've never got a job had he not been another rabid Switch fanboy. But hey, if that's what the fanbase wants then that's what they'll get.

I don't think you have room to use the term "rabid fanboy" against anyone else.


We should have a game where somebody writes a review of a new release, inserting lines lifted straight out of publications reviews.
People have to find all of them and write the reference beside it in the posts below.

We could call it ‘The Miucin Malaise’.... or something like that.


Other videos. Written reviews. Shit, he even stole a Neogaf post.
And his LinkedIn profile is direct copypasta from a job template site. And despite all this, he has the audacity to tell people to try to dig up more stuff on him. If there's ever anyone who had it coming, he is it.

I have to say though - for all the flack IGN gets (and not all undeservedly, there's plenty to criticize), I think they handled this situation quite exemplarily. It's unreasonable to assume they'd check every article beforehand for plagiarism, the internet is a "pretty big" place after all. But once the shit hit the fan, they've consistently done the right thing in this case.


I'm out of the loop here, did this guy plagiarize other videos? Fire Emblem too??

Kotaku did a follow-up article with more examples, but the guys at IGN are talking as if more or less everything Miucin did while employed there was lifted from somewhere else.


Geez, this has become a huge inditement against IGN, not just Filip. The fact that huge quantities of content leaked through calls everything they've done in question.
As stated above, I wholeheartedly disagree. Benefit of the doubt/innocent until proven guilty and so on. Getting a new staff member aboard, someone with (so far) no bad track record, it would be unreasonable to scrutinize everything. And the guy was able to fly under the radar, using only material from less-known channels and such - until after getting caught, he did perhaps the most braindead decision there is, that is, to yell at the internet "come get me!". The internet always delivers - if there's anything there, it will be found.

But once all this was discovered (hell, the guy even plagiarized a fellow IGN-er), they completely threw him under the bus, and he deserved as much. And for the record, I don't particularly like IGN; as a matter of fact, I blame them for perpetuating the culture that numerical scores (if they should be given at all, but that's another topic) should be between 7 and 10 instead of 0 and 10 as the scale should work. But in this instance, they made all the right moves, as rare as that may be.
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