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CD Projekt Red CEO responds to Jason Schreiers bad article


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Here's a real dev opinion https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2021/jan/16/masahiro-sakurai-challenges-adjusting-cyberpunk2077/

Somebody like Jason that never worked on a big project game in this scale, (or actually worked on anything at all?) cannot understand. But of course he had to do his "article" cause if not then what else can he does? hum..

Nice article indeed: “It's important to remember that Sakurai basically worked 13 months straight — 40 hour work cycles that were separated by 4 hours of sleep — to get Super Smash Bros. Melee completed. Unfortunately, this resulted in Sakurai's hospitalization near the end of development.”

Muh Crunch


Unluckily he looks more like a hyena than a journalist. He preaches so much about the industry but gasps so badly and never misses an opportunity to throw a match on gasoline. In a post covid situation ... dear Jason "crunching" schreier you could take the opportunity to shut up once and for all. More than anything else he is also famous for being a die-hard fanboy and you will never find the same "nastiness" in articles against Japanese companies. All this combined with the fact that like a child on Twitter he blocks anyone who thinks differently about him lowers his credibility close to zero.
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Jason Schreiers



Regardless of what you think about Jason's article, one thing is certain: suits at CDPR should take some PR lessons

"The game still got 9s and 10s from outlets around the world, you know?" is not the kind of thing that you should be saying right now while adressing (justifiable) criticism.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Regardless of what you think about Jason's article, one thing is certain: suits at CDPR should take some PR lessons

"The game still got 9s and 10s from outlets around the world, you know?" is not the kind of thing that you should be saying right now while adressing (justifiable) criticism.
That and trying to sweep the last gen version under the rug “c’mon we already talked about those and anyways we have had high review scores from outlets we lied, threatened, and sent many gifts to”.
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Jason is really grasping at straws now.

As said in the other thread, the big difference in the E3 demo is essentially the UI, and some elevator and appartment cutscenes, some hack scenes too.

As for the actual gameplay, on PC that whole thing plays out pretty much exactly the same way as the E3 demo, minus wall jump or maybe it’s a later upgrade. Some things moved around to other spots but to call it fake is a plain lie. And it’s way better now too since the difficulty is higher so the shootouts are better. And I mean this is from the first main mission, so what’s Jason’s deal here? Has he played the game?

In a nutshell, CDPR did what every other dev in the history of game development has done, they just made a trailer from playing the game in a controlled way to dodge any bugs they assumed would’ve been removed by the release years later. It happens all the time. But they had a text at the top during the whole video saying it does not represent the final game, that’s more than we get from most games.

The voiceover is where the fake thing could be applied, the talk about how NPCs are going about their daily routines etc, it’s a bit like when Molyneux talks about a game, it’s just not true. But who knows maybe they’ll get there after the jan-feb patches.
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Fuck that guy. He's just in it for the hate views now (unsubbed from him today after his latest video). At least Juicehead treated it with a fair degree of scepticism. Because Schreier saying that the original E3 Demo (which was marketed as a Work in Progress) was "Fake" flies in the face of logic sand reason: -

Was some of it staged? Sure. But that's to be expected given its a vertical slice midway through development (and things are subject to change), but for the most part, things play out similarly. Yet someone starts bandying around 'Fake' and then you've everyone and their uncle purporting that its all CG. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Agreed. That talk about the "fake" demo is pretty laughable to me in his article AND LegacyHDKilla's video. I was actually very surprised how similar it was to the E3 demo. Is it perfect 1 to 1 comparison? Fuck no! But I was pleasantly surprised at all of the content still being in the game for the most part. This is a far cry from the Anthem E3 demo. Plenty to criticize CDPR for but this is not one of them.
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I love how people here side with a company that scammed them, lied multiple times (and is still lying) and seems to think they are above everyone because they produced 1 great game.

Also lol at not thinking the PC version is anything but a disaster as well, I’m pretty sure they thought 90 MC would be the floor let alone getting an 86, the fact that he talks about the game getting 10s and 9s is telling how much they care about the score.

I didn't get scammed so stop lying and putting words in peoples' mouths. Three great games before Cyberpunk 2077. People are fans, they have their preferences. That's what hobbies involve and this has happened for every single studio that has ever produced a game that was well received. It's called an opinion yet somehow the internet takes an opinion as a grand declaration of fact. It's fine if someone says Naughty Dog or Obsidian or Larian is "above everyone else" no matter how much I agree or disagree. You're free to disagree about one's opinion of a studio or game but to disregard their opinion because they're "corporate shills" or "bootlickers" takes an incredible amount of arrogance and is just childish. If it's such a "disaster," why are you still paying attention to it? Let it go and move on. To keep harping on about supposed lies over a month after release is some real pathetic shit.

The PC version is excellent for an open world launch game and the complete opposite of a disaster so stop making shit up. Don't even start those tears with "Mah 1050 can only run it at low settings" or "unoptimized trash. Why should I update my drivers?!" Of course, it has bugs. Have you ever played a launch game on PC or is this your first PC game ever? Every Assassin's Creed game, 10/10 Skyrim, GOTY H:ZD, 10/10 GTA V, and "best open world evah!" RDR2 all had tons of bugs and some of those many, many more than CP2077. But let's just ignore all those to keep your limp hate boner alive. Let's also ignore all the shit console ports that crashed at launch, Arkham Knight, or ones that were abandoned by the publisher and still require a fanmade mod to run well, Nier: Automata.
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The amount of hate boner for Jason here is surreal man, I'm sure with another article they would come to orgasm.

Even the title is already prefaced with bias like "bad article". For the sake of hating Jason, they are licking Adam's ass so deep when all Adam does is just nonsensical pr talk.

"you talk to 20 out of 500..." Did Adam talk to the other 400 and they gave a thumbs up? Why not show just 1 employee who suggest "yes boss, this game is so ready to ship!" Even Marcin already contradicted Adam's word by saying that it's all the upper management's call to release it. Calling that all of them are anonymous.... lol Jesus Christ, who would actually put their real name out there?

Adam actually says the console release wasn't a disaster.... lmao. It's already the biggest disaster in the history books of launch. Refunds, lawsuit, dropping stocks... I'm not going into the details. He would have been better to just keep quiet than doing this pr talk.

C'mon man, I know Jason may not write sparkling articles, but sucking on Cdpr's lies ain't helping ourselves.

I love how people here side with a company that scammed them, lied multiple times (and is still lying) and seems to think they are above everyone because they produced 1 great game.

Also lol at not thinking the PC version is anything but a disaster as well, I’m pretty sure they thought 90 MC would be the floor let alone getting an 86, the fact that he talks about the game getting 10s and 9s is telling how much they care about the score.
Thank you, I had to scroll through way too many pages before finding someone who isn’t up CDPR’s ass here. I have no idea why people are still defending this company after the crap they pulled.

Even if you love the game in the current state, it is undeniable fact that many promised and advertised features are not there and certain systems are not up to scratch.

CDPR. ARE. NOT. YOUR. FRIEND. Get out of their ass. And by god their PR is absolutely woeful, every single apology they’ve tried to make has been tarnished with excuse after excuse; but this, but that, the game got good reviews, we wanted the game to look TOO epic on PC and that’s what caused all this. Apologies with ifs, buts and excuses aren’t apologies, they’re thinly veiled defences.
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Gold Member
Setting aside your feelings of CDPR, this was not a good move. They need to No Man Sky this one. Keep your heads down in the trenches and work on the game. They are already facing multiple lawsuits and anyhting they say CAN and WILL be used against them in the court of law.
Yes, they should have not commented at all. Major corporations routinely refuse to comment on any journalist enquiries, nothing new here.


"20 people"

Do we count completely anonymous quotes that anyone could invent and cherry-pick to craft any narrative they want as "people" nowadays?
I don’t know where to start. The title of this thread...

First of all is not realistic to expect to get most of the employees opinion in a company that big. 20 people are enough and the fact that there are Easter eggs talking about toxic environment or that they had a meeting with the developers and the direction was roasted is proof that something is wrong there. Trying to deny that because of “it’s only 20 people” is apologetic. I guess the meeting was only with thos 20 devs? Uh?

Secondly, if you thing Schreier of all journalist doesn’t verifies his sources well, I guess you deserve the CDPR propaganda. With 0 sources but the word of the head of the studio that devs are happy with the decisions and direction of the development process. That… seems more credible?


I can understand having to speak English for the most part if you have people from around the world in the studio, but are people really getting so butthurt over people speaking Polish if it has nothing to do with you?
Talk about being entitled, that's some weird language imperialism or some shit.
So every single word at the office needs to be in English even when you're adressing someone else who speaks natively Polish too?

That kind of shit just really annoys me about English native speakers, some of them are so fucking entitled and spoiled when it comes to language.
It's like people throwing a gigantic tantrum because they have to read subs for once, like welcome to reality where the entire universe doesn't just speak English.


I didn't get scammed so stop lying and putting words in peoples' mouths. Three great games before Cyberpunk 2077. People are fans, they have their preferences. That's what hobbies involve and this has happened for every single studio that has ever produced a game that was well received. It's called an opinion yet somehow the internet takes an opinion as a grand declaration of fact. It's fine if someone says Naughty Dog or Obsidian or Larian is "above everyone else" no matter how much I agree or disagree. You're free to disagree about one's opinion of a studio or game but to disregard their opinion because they're "corporate shills" or "bootlickers" takes an incredible amount of arrogance and is just childish. If it's such a "disaster," why are you still paying attention to it? Let it go and move on. To keep harping on about supposed lies over a month after release is some real pathetic shit.

The PC version is excellent for an open world launch game and the complete opposite of a disaster so stop making shit up. Don't even start those tears with "Mah 1050 can only run it at low settings" or "unoptimized trash. Why should I update my drivers?!" Of course, it has bugs. Have you ever played a launch game on PC or is this your first PC game ever? Every Assassin's Creed game, 10/10 Skyrim, GOTY H:ZD, 10/10 GTA V, and "best open world evah!" RDR2 all had tons of bugs and some of those many, many more than CP2077. But let's just ignore all those to keep your limp hate boner alive. Let's also ignore all the shit console ports that crashed at launch, Arkham Knight, or ones that were abandoned by the publisher and still require a fanmade mod to run well, Nier: Automata.
Whataboutism the post this is.

They straight up lied about the state of the game and sold the idea that it runs well, that’s a literal scam, not everyone has no value for their money and would rather defend their favorite company.
Thank you, I had to scroll through way too many pages before finding someone who isn’t up CDPR’s ass here. I have no idea why people are still defending this company after the crap they pulled.

Even if you love the game in the current state, it is undeniable fact that many promised and advertised features are not there and certain systems are not up to scratch.

CDPR. ARE. NOT. YOUR. FRIEND. Get out of their ass. And by god their PR is absolutely woeful, every single apology they’ve tried to make has been tarnished with excuse after excuse; but this, but that, the game got good reviews, we wanted the game to look TOO epic on PC and that’s what caused all this. Apologies with ifs, buts and excuses aren’t apologies, they’re thinly veiled defences.
Oh, but those aren't facts, you sweet summer child. Many people have debunked these "promised and advertised features" yet people keep parroting it because some Youtuber grifter with a fresh merch delivery said so. We're not defending CDPR, we're arguing against the bullshit and gamer hypocrisy that follows this game still a full month after release. Fuck outta here for telling people how they should feel or what they should do on an internet forum. Why are you still paying attention to this "terrible" game?

I don't know how anyone can defend Sony at this point (pay to play online, raising game prices, no refund policy) but I'm not about to go questioning their opinions because that's just pure arrogance. STOP. BEING. A. CONSOLE. SHILL.....see how stupid that looks and how pointless that is?


Wait, this is what crunch is? 13 hours a day, 5 days a week?
For junior specialist who earned less than people in McDonald's earn? FUCKING YES IT IS! You need two people to do some work, then hire two people.

Are you fucking kidding me? I shit you not I work 60 hours a week in a NORMAL week.
And that's only your problem. Start working to live and not live to work.
Whataboutism the post this is.

They straight up lied about the state of the game and sold the idea that it runs well, that’s a literal scam, not everyone has no value for their money and would rather defend their favorite company.
Nope, not at all. Answer my question without falling back on "quit defending this company waaah corporate shill." Before you go there, I don't give a fuck about console versions. Get a refund if you're unhappy and move on like an adult. It really is that simple. Again, tell me how I got scammed with the PC version as you said I did. You're telling me how I should feel about my PC purchase and you know my experience with the PC version of the game. Tell me how the game didn't run well on my PC.


this is the same guy who every couple of months try to write stories of how bad it is working at certain companies and how the workers are all under stress. I am sure he tried it with naughty dog and said he spoke to ex employees and then backtracked on it all.

says it all
Scammed? How so?
I think he is talking about the fact CDPR misled gamers on console by withholding console footage untul launch day to secure all console pre orders cause I'm 100% sure there would have been millions of console gamers who would have been scrambling for refunds if they had seen that footage before release.
So yeah that right there is a scam or misleading potential customers.
Nope, not at all. Answer my question without falling back on "quit defending this company waaah corporate shill." Before you go there, I don't give a fuck about console versions. Get a refund if you're unhappy and move on like an adult. It really is that simple. Again, tell me how I got scammed with the PC version as you said I did. You're telling me how I should feel about my PC purchase and you know my experience with the PC version of the game. Tell me how the game didn't run well on my PC.
Lol Jesus christ. Calm the fuck down. You're unhinged.


Jason attacking Naughty Dog and CDPR some of the best devs in the industry, but this Jason guy do nothing or talk about EA the worst company in the industry, of course he won't cause they would shut him down with a S+++ tier lawyer. What a clown.

Remind me a of a clown guy in school time, would talk shit about kind people, but he wouldn't dare talk shit about other people cause he know he'll go home without his pants if he dare.
EA when it comes to how they treat their employees is actually one of the best companies out there.

And anyway he has talked about EA as well, it's in his book.


Being playable on PC does not save this mediocre game that never lived up to the hype

But hey, we made Witcher 3, it will work in the end, we promise

It is hilarious to read pieces like this when people who wrote those never played game. Remind me early Witcher 3 complains about not being RPG.

They should do for typical idiot what Bioware DID:


HINT: There are plenty of choices in game. They are not just ABC type choices like in 99% of other RPGs but like those in Witcher 3 where you never know where you make choices as they come naturally from your actions and reasoning.
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It is hilarious to read pieces like this when people who wrote those never played game. Remind me early Witcher 3 complains about not being RPG.

They should do for typical idiot what Bioware DID:


HINT: There are plenty of choices in game. They are not just ABC type choices like in 99% of other RPGs but like those in Witcher 3 where you never know where you make choices as they come naturally from your actions and reasoning.
I remember quite a lot of people butthurt that they didn't get good ending in Witcher because game didn't warned them about importance of some of decisions.

Blue Spring

Read my tears about xbox here --->
Don't care about Schrier, but people who have been shit on and pissed on by a corporation and still defend that corporation deserve to be shit on and pissed on.
Right? Its extremly weird how there seems to be a dedicated defence force for CDPR. How did they manage to foster them?
As far as Im concerned CDPR deserves all the flack they get and I hope they learned a lesson and lay off the hypocritical "we are the good guys" attitude in the future but from the looks of it they want to keep pretending.


I remember quite a lot of people butthurt that they didn't get good ending in Witcher because game didn't warned them about importance of some of decisions.

Moreover 77 has 7 different endings each of them being longer than witcher 3 epilogues with good deal of lead up to them that only you can do if you make choices in sidequest.

But you wouldn't know that without playing game or doing quick review and follow only what quest marker points you to.

Good example of that is first Maelstrom mission.

There are literally like 15 different outcomes of that mission.
Wasn't it you that called me that before or was it some other poster...can't remember. Care to discuss my post of how I got "scammed" instead of lobbing half-assed personal insults?
I haven't been on here since last Friday so I have no idea. Anyways just don't reply if you don't agree with what someone says.
Now I don't have anything to discuss with you on whether you got scammed or whatever but try not to take things personal. Youre telling people to GTFO who you don't agree with which comes across as aggressive and someone that is unhinged.


"We leave greed to others."

  • CDPR November 2017

They allow for anyone to get refund if they don't like game or state of the game. Is that the thing you talk about ? They could just ignore everything and no one would get any refunds.

IIRC MS didn't even allow refunds before C77. I know because i wanted to refund Forza7 on PC and "we don't offer refunds" was what support told me.
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Eh, I think as usual with Shreier his "I talked to 20 anonymous current and ex employees" stuff has to be taken with a giant grain of salt.

There can be some valuable insight but I don't think a lot of these things should be taken as fact. I've worked for a few companies smaller than CDPR (around 100-150 employees) and depending on which 20 people you talked to, you'd hear everything from "this place is great" to "it's ok" to "it's literally hell on earth".

And honestly if the people he talked to took issue with polish people speaking polish in a polish company in poland, it sounds like he definitely went to the easily offended ones that probably align with his point of view.

The CDPR dude response seems fine for the most part. Though continuously going back to "but the PC version reviewed well" is a weak defence at this point.

Exactly. Schreier has an agenda to fulfill and follow.

If his narrative was to show CDPR (or any company) in a positive light then he could have easily done that as well.

This is a man that has made a living from leaking developers hard work (like he did with Fallout 4: Leaked Documents Reveal That Fallout 4 Is Real, Set In Boston (kotaku.com) ) so he will always come off as a giant hypocrite to me.


Personally, I'm really getting bored with the whole increasingly hysterical 'They lied!!!' narrative doing the rounds. They promised a Cyberpunk game, they shipped a Cyberpunk game. A buggy launch for sure (they're not the first and they won't be the last), but a game nevertheless. They're outlined that the bugs are being addressed in the next few weeks (the Christmas Break naturally set them back) and laid out a roadmap for plans including free DLC as well as the Next Gen update. If you're unhappy, wait. There's plenty of other games to play in the interim.

Was the game different from the Early Work in Progress demo that they showcased in 2018? Sure. There are definitely changes, as happens when a project is ongoing, but they made it quite clear in the footage that it was 'Work in Progress - may not reflect the final product' 2 years out. People seem to have a genuine blindspot for acknowledging that, especially various YouTubers hunting for outrage clicks in their coverage of matters. Now we've Schreier outright claiming it was 'Fake' yet when you look at a side by side (Gamespot did one in December) it's pretty clear that it's in-game footage

To claim it's 'Fake' is both disingenuous and inflammatory, to say the least. It's a vertical slice meant to showcase aspects of the game at an embryonic stage, but always within the frame of 'subject to change' given where they were at in development. Not everything shown was going to get realised (That's a given). We've seen this thing time and again with developers across the board when they've shown games early on and things don't quite match up down the road.

I kind of hope that a few other developers call Schreier out on his BS here, because I don't think he is doing anyone any favours with these sort of misleading articles and I have to wonder what his intention is with this. What's his end goal? See CDP stock tank so MS can buy them up perhaps? Because I don't think it's about being fair and balanced ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Wait, this is what crunch is? 13 hours a day, 5 days a week?


Are you fucking kidding me? I shit you not I work 60 hours a week in a NORMAL week. I thought these gonks were working 100 hours a week minimum?

Gawdddd damn you Europeans are so soft. This really does not help the anti-crunch cause. No wonder the game came out in the state it did if people were claiming mental health over 65 hours a week, lmao.

"Europeans are so soft".

You're being taken advantage of and defending it? lmao.
I am not a fan of Jason Schreier but his in depth articles on the industry have been on point and what is what with all the CDPR defenders in here.

Adam Badowskis reponse was ridicoulus basiclly saying WE GOT 9 OUT TENS ON PC but even PC players have critisised the game heavily.

The first video response was way better with Marcin saying we apologize and we will work hard to fix the game and then Adam comes out with this bullshit statement.

The entire demo was faked and saying 20 people is not enough people to talk too is ridioculus.

Come on people I get the hate for Schreier but Adams response was horrible pretending the game is a masterpiece on PC.


Not everything shown was going to get realised (That's a given). We've seen this thing time and again with developers across the board when they've shown games early on and things don't quite match up down the road.
The Cyberpunk Demo is a special case, because the narrator promises all kinds of things people could/will do within the game world and what distinguishes Cyberpunk from others games. "Most advanced A.I, Interaction etc.' It was all bullshit.


What did he reply with? Turning shit around as usual?
I'm gonna guess deflection, ad hominems and accusations of further misconduct done from Jason's usual moral soapbox. He'll follow it up with a block if the guy continues to engage and defend himself/ his company.

Blue Spring

Read my tears about xbox here --->
They allow for anyone to get refund if they don't like game or state of the game. Is that the thing you talk about ?
Nah, they put out a meanigless statement knowing the refund policies would not apply and that was their goal. They were thinking the could shift blame to the plattfromholders and wash their hands clean but they thankfully got fucked by this move.

Did see the news on how the head of the studio liked tweets from CDPR fanboys that shit on Sony because they allowed unconditional refunds and pulled the game from PSN?


Currently Gif and Meme Champion

Wait, this is what crunch is? 13 hours a day, 5 days a week?


Are you fucking kidding me? I shit you not I work 60 hours a week in a NORMAL week. I thought these gonks were working 100 hours a week minimum?

Gawdddd damn you Europeans are so soft. This really does not help the anti-crunch cause. No wonder the game came out in the state it did if people were claiming mental health over 65 hours a week, lmao.

Like it's said in Europe you work to live, in States you live to work. So, I would be interested what are you doing, assembling some shit in factory?
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