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Is GAF too strict?

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Anyone else find ''First post gets it as usual.'' etc really aggravating?

Naw (assuming first post is actually good) I generally find it rather amusing.

Though if it is a REALLY legendary first post it essentially kills the thread as far as real discussion.

Also really hate that whenever you play devils advocate or try to look at a controversial issue from another angle that isn't 100% traditional you get labeled as "there is a defense force for everything" and discussion just ends as you are raged at.


G***n S**n*bi
Overall, I don't believe that it is. It's actually extremely well modded in comparison to a multitude of other forums I have come across over a span of a decade.

My only gripe with this forum is how they issue bans for rules that are not clear to everyone else unless you spend a lot of time on this forum, and they'll do it without issuing a simple warning. "Oh you didn't know about this arbitrary rule we just came up with because you weren't around when people were acting like shits that one time? So sorry but you're banned now. That'll learn ya!" I think that's really, really fucked up...

I'd also wish the mods would hand out warnings before immediately going for the hammer as well. Simply telling someone to simmer down or cut the shit will suffice more often than not.

I also don't like how certain curse words are not allowed. It's not a major gripe by any means, and I get why they do it. But still.. I just don't feel like it's "ban worthy", unless the word is being abused for the sake of abuse of course.
It's real nice to be on a forum where people insulting gay people isn't tolerated in any way shape or form no matter if it is in your religious beliefs or not. Honestly the worst thing about gaf is not how hive minded the off topic becomes. The gaming side is particularly bad about this in official topics.


You aren't a religious person, so how the hell do you know that?

Trust me it's pretty damn offensive to basically take a dump on something someone else believes in. Whether it's legit or not. That will offend them...and yes you are being an asshole in that case. Intent doesn't change that fact.

If you are just joking around and do a Jesus is fictional joke, and an religious poster in around, he/she may take offense to that. Just like if you are in a goddamn soccer/football thread and call a ref a cunt, if a women poster is around, she may get offended that you used that word.

It's different degrees of offensiveness and all but in the end the level doesn't really matter.

To be honest, I'm not a religious guy (I believe something bigger than us exsist but the stories are a bit to far fetched to believe fully). I went to catholic school for all 12 years and it sucked. I hated it basically. I was forced to go to church and sunday school when I was young too....that also sucked. So I'm not the biggest fan BUT I do respect their choice to believe in what they believe in. That's up to them and as long as they keep it out of my face and don't force it on me...fine. Go crazy.

but it reeks of hypocracy that it's basically okay to offend one group because the majority here doesn't believe in what they believe in. Shit I'd get banned to calling out MLP fans for being creepy before getting banned on dissing someone else's god.

That's kinda fucked, is all.

Basically go hard or don't go at all...

So yeah if you can diss Jesus then why can't I call a fictional character a cunt if they are in fact acting like a cunt?

Anyone with a belief has to be prepared to have it questioned. Religion is not excluded.

If randomly dropped in an unrelated thread, like all other forms of thread shitting, the poster will be banned.

Cunt is on the level of the use of Faggot. Lots of people I know use fag, gay, faggot casually, but that is not allowed here, while asshole is. Isn't asshole offensive? Isn't that a pretty nasty insult? There is greater gravity to those words because of the manner they have been used in the past.


Theres two ways to make a good forum:

A) have one that appeals exclusively to specialists (IE, recording engineers, luthiers, high level poker players)
B) rule with an iron first. I think gaf could be a lot more strict. Look at the infractions on something awful, where people get banned from posting for a few days because they just say incredibly stupid things.


You don't argue with a man in his own house.

I'm not sure where this idea comes from. I see people argue with mods all the time, often pretty aggressively, and they don't get banned. Frankly, if a mod posts in response to you, it's probably a good sign you AREN'T going to get banned, because banning you takes less clicks.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
She banned pretty much anyone that made any sort of joke about a female stereotype; I think "female drivers are bad" just had the largest bodycount.

doesn't this still get you banned?

People dislike him because of how he lost his modship.

as far as i could tell, people seemed to hate him even before that. those "fuck amirox" comments on every youtube video posted here didn't start after him being demodded.
There's nothing wrong with Amirox, he's just passionate and doesn't hold back in debates. He doesn't do shit like "shut up you asshole you're an idiot" kind of stuff. He provides legitimate reasonable arguments and that should be embraced. I think people dislike him because he never lets things go until he wins but that isn't enough to badmouth him.

To be fair, I have seen him call people idiots and worse before.


It's getting a bit PC-crazy tbh.
well it is the best platform

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
To be fair, I have seen him call people idiots and worse before.

Unless I have the wrong guy, Amir0x has fallen back on literally asserting people are lying about the things they personally believe or prefer, so he can invalidate their opinion and win.

I would guess those kinds of tricks don't fly with most folks.

Sye d'Burns

I'm not sure where this idea comes from. I see people argue with mods all the time, often pretty aggressively, and they don't get banned. Frankly, if a mod posts in response to you, it's probably a good sign you AREN'T going to get banned, because banning you takes less clicks.

The idea comes from seeing the types of slanders that militant atheistic types make on a regular basis with no repercussions. I never said arguing with a mod would get you banned. It will paint a nice shiny target on your back with godlessGAF and give them a cudgel in the form of a post history which people can knock you with later and which can be parsed to all hell for maximum effect and further ridicule down the road.

It's not going to make you friends, it's only going to further antagonistic strife for to no good end. It's just not worth trifling with when the owner of the site comes down fairly firmly on the opposite side of the argument.

It won't get you banned but it is poor form.


No. The strictness of the moderation policy created a safe harbor that I desperately needed, at a time I was withdrawing further and further into myself. GAF was one of the last places that I engaged other people, and even that was slipping away.

I like to hope that I'd have survived regardless, but I don't really think I want to equivocate on this point: GAF helped save my life, and I want to thank every moderator and user that's helped to establish a discussion environment that's intolerant, yes, intolerant of many forms of bigotry.

Most avenues of social interaction in this world are permissive of varying degrees of hatred, denigration, and ostracism of marginalized and oppressed minorities. Hail, Eris; NeoGAF is not one of them. I'm not going to apologize for wanting certain speech to be forbidden in this space, when it is so widely permitted or even encouraged in so many other online forums or meatspace social contexts.
"Cunt" shouldn't be banned. It's an utterly ridiculous rule but it doesn't look like it'll be overturned any time soon unfortunately.
Anyone with a belief has to be prepared to have it questioned. Religion is not excluded.

If randomly dropped in an unrelated thread, like all other forms of thread shitting, the poster will be banned.

Cunt is on the level of the use of Faggot. Lots of people I know use fag, gay, faggot casually, but that is not allowed here, while asshole is. Isn't asshole offensive? Isn't that a pretty nasty insult? There is greater gravity to those words because of the manner they have been used in the past.

You can question them without belittling them. You don't have to belive but to basically diss their god or belief is an insult to them

That;s all I'm saying. Religion isn't perfect (nothing is) and hell it may not even be legit but there are ways of talking about it outside of straight up condemning it or calling it fake.

You may not feel like it's an insult but trust me it is. Personally I don't put cunt and bitch on the same level as fag or nigger. But that doesn't seem to matter now does it? Offensive is Offensive whether your place the same value on it or not.

That is my point. Cunt seems to be the line and honestly that is a bit weird too me.

Not saying you are wrong but I'm just pointing out that some people may take a Jesus diss on the same level or worse than cunt.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You aren't a religious person, so how the hell do you know that?

There are religious people who are fine with others saying they don't think Jesus is real. In point of fact, if you're going to be religious and choose to have faith in something you can't rationally work out the reality of, you have to accept that other people cannot be expected, just 'cause, to share your belief and agree with it to make you feel better.

This does not come from me. This comes from Christians who have some wisdom.

The real problem, in part, is that there's a variant of Christian (using just this religion as the example, it happens with most) who is practically taut to get offended when other people don't share their beliefs about reality, and to be honest, such Christians can get rather puffy rather fast no matter how nicely someone says "I don't think Jesus existed".

The entire notion of faith in the unknowable sort of breaks down when you get angry at other people reminding you your object of faith is unknowable. If you're going to be religious, it's probably best to think it through a bit more.

To be honest the real root of this particular controversy seems to stem from Christianity and its reality framework being the default assumption by most people in the western world for a long time, and now that the market share of that particular viewpoint is declining a little, well, a lot of Christians have little experiencing dealing with the fact that their assumptions cannot be taken for granted.

Mind you. I say this as someone who, at the end of the day, often ends up defending religious people from the 'rabid attack atheist'.

Davey Cakes

I'm not sure if this is on-topic or not but I dislike the strictness in terms of poster responsibilities; specifically, how people can't edit their own thread titles, and have to ask mods to do it.

In the first place, people should check for errors before they post a thread anyway, but if something slips through a person should be able to fix it later.

Hell, sometimes mods don't even fix improper or misspelled thread titles. Sometimes there will be threads that get regular daily attention and yet always contain errors. Does no one notice?

Same applies for how we can't delete our own posts. Sometimes double-posting happens because of connection problems and whatnot, and yet some folks have to write "sorry, double post" in the second post so that a mod will come around and delete it. There are forums that allow a "delete post" option along with a "reasons for deletion" box that mods could check in case of abuse.
There are religious people who are fine with others saying they don't think Jesus is real. In point of fact, if you're going to be religious and choose to have faith in something you can't rationally work out the reality of, you have to accept that other people cannot be expected, just 'cause, to share your belief and agree with it to make you feel better.

This does not come from me. This comes from Christians who have some wisdom.

The real problem, in part, is that there's a variant of Christian (using just this religion as the example, it happens with most) who is practically taut to get offended when other people don't share their beliefs about reality, and to be honest, such Christians can get rather puffy rather fast no matter how nicely someone says "I don't think Jesus existed".

The entire notion of faith in the unknowable sort of breaks down when you get angry at other people reminding you your object of faith is unknowable. If you're going to be religious, it's probably best to think it through a bit more.

To be honest the real root of this particular controversy seems to stem from Christianity and its reality framework being the default assumption by most people in the western world for a long time, and now that the market share of that particular viewpoint is declining a little, well, a lot of Christians have little experiencing dealing with the fact that their assumptions cannot be taken for granted.

Mind you. I say this as someone who, at the end of the day, often ends up defending religious people from the 'rabid attack atheist'.

The puffy one I have no issue with at all. They are the dickish ones I've mentioned. That when they overstep their boundary. That;'s fine.

It is mainly the attacks I'm talking about that almost seem to be okay here sometimes.

I think I agree with you.

I have trouble explaining myself sometimes so bare with me.


I'm not sure if this is on-topic or not but I dislike the strictness in terms of poster responsibilities; specifically, how people can't edit their own thread titles, and have to ask mods to do it.

In the first place, people should check for errors before they post a thread anyway, but if something slips through a person should be able to fix them later.

Hell, sometimes mods don't even fix improper or misspelled thread titles. Sometimes there will be threads that get regular daily attention and yet always contain errors. Does no one notice?

Oh man the hilarity that would ensue if people could edit thread titles.
No. The strictness of the moderation policy created a safe harbor that I desperately needed, at a time I was withdrawing further and further into myself. GAF was one of the last places that I engaged other people, and even that was slipping away.

I like to hope that I'd have survived regardless, but I don't really think I want to equivocate on this point: GAF helped save my life, and I want to thank every moderator and user that's helped to establish a discussion environment that's intolerant, yes, intolerant of many forms of bigotry.

Most avenues of social interaction in this world are permissive of varying degrees of hatred, denigration, and ostracism of marginalized and oppressed minorities. Hail, Eris; NeoGAF is not one of them. I'm not going to apologize for wanting certain speech to be forbidden in this space, when it is so widely permitted or even encouraged in so many other online forums or meatspace social contexts.
People will still be dicks, but we can always hope for more tolerable dicks in the future.

Just please the more religious of GAF, don't let your religion become a sticking point in getting to know really great people. I mean some of us are actually pretty nice though we aren't exactly your norm.

Sye d'Burns

The real problem, in part, is that there's a variant of Christian (using just this religion as the example, it happens with most) who is practically taut to get offended when other people don't share their beliefs about reality, and to be honest, such Christians can get rather puffy rather fast no matter how nicely someone says "I don't think Jesus existed".

Yeah, lurkers. They're a real common breed on GAF but it's a blue moon when you see godlyGAF respond with anything other than relief when inquiring or disbelieving minds deign to post with something approaching civility.
Why the bloody hell would someone be banned for that?

As someone who only looks at wrestling threads very, very infrequently, I can't vouch for whether or not it could get you banned, but I could see why it would be the case. For the most part, wouldn't anyone pointing out that wrestling is fake pretty much just be saying it to troll fans of wrestling?


If you're the same person I'm thinking of, I saw this go down. You said you wanted to see a studio get shut down because they make games you don't like, someone scolded you for the comment and you responded by insulting them for being a junior. A mod was watching and junior'd you as a comical form of punishment.

It's weird I remember this shit, but there you go.

Yes that was me. My question is if it was because of the first part then I understand, it was about Bungie and I was being a dipshit. If it's because I called a junior by "junior", I wasn't trying to insult the guy I was just too lazy to actually type out the person's SN. I should have known better since I remember there being comments about being like rankist on GAF but oh well. A punishment lasting over a year due to lazyness is a hell of a joke, I'll tell you what. I'm surprised you remembered that though.


listen to the mad man
I've been visiting GAF much less now then I did before because of it in favor of SA's forum, you could take any thread and probably reduce the size of it by 75% if you took all the empty "white noise" posting out of it, the one liners, nothing but a .gif post, LOL Bomba, etc. Seriously people if someone is asking for an RPG recommendation and all you have to contribute is saying "FINAL FANTASY X" then bail out of the thread, how about don't post at all and save everyone else the scrolling.

/end little rant

And re-inflate the threa by 75% taking into account huge font custom titles and big-ass "ironic" signatures :p


by the way, weren't people banned at one point for saying wrestling is fake? is that still happening?

In the context of people repetedly showing up in a wrestling thread and hollering that as a "joke", even though every one knows it to be true, or in a more general sense?

*ed* Steve Youngblood's quicker than me it seems. */ed*


People dislike him because of how he lost his modship.

The way he lost his modship is only one example of the kinds of things he does to make people hate him. He doesn't care about intelligent discourse, he just cares about winning arguments, no matter how. Whether it was abusing his mod powers to bully around regular users back then, or abusing his special protected status now that lets him freely throw insults around at other users without consequence in an effort to bait others into throwing an insult back and getting banned, he's always been willing to do whatever it took to "win" arguments. Of course, "winning" arguments in his mind doesn't mean that he convinced anyone of his opinion, it just means that he got the last word in because the other person gave up or got banned.

The one incident that got him demodded was just so exceptionally shitty even by his standards, and he'd been undeniably caught red-handed in the act, that even EviLore couldn't look the other way anymore.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
In the context of people repetedly showing up in a wrestling thread and hollering that as a "joke", even though every one knows it to be true, or in a more general sense?

i can't say for certain, it has been a long time since i remember seeing it happen. but to my best recollection it happened outside official wrestling threads at least occasionally. i may be completely misremembering, so i don't want to accuse anyone, just asking does anyone else remember it or am i imagining things.


formerly sane
As someone who only looks at wrestling threads very, very infrequently, I can't vouch for whether or not it could get you banned, but I could see why it would be the case. For the most part, wouldn't anyone pointing out that wrestling is fake pretty much just be saying it to troll fans of wrestling?


OP the place has been around for a long time in various forms. Certain arguments and things have gone that net trolls or shills have no inclination of stopping now, especially with more people on the web. Glad this place locks certain arguments down at most other places I'm at are far too liberal and as a result a much different hive or culture comes about that you don't want.


Setec Astronomer
When it comes to not catching people by surprise with a ban, I certainly agree, we need to do better about that.

but it reeks of hypocracy that it's basically okay to offend one group because the majority here doesn't believe in what they believe in. Shit I'd get banned to calling out MLP fans for being creepy before getting banned on dissing someone else's god.
What if I said Persona is a game made for shun-in losers to encourage them to talk to other people and told you to go outside more?

Unfair, right? Pretty asinine, right? In fact, I'd be saying this just based on your avatar without even knowing what you feel about the franchise or whether you're referencing P3 or P4A.

Yet your post implies a lament, echoed by others, of not being able to act similarly to MLP fans.

Anyway, to be entirely honest, religious discussion is pretty damn hard to sort out. You have the deities in question, the interpretation of those deities, the organizations devoted to those deities, the adherents of those deities, and the philosophical underpinnings of the entire venture. Furthermore, church is often not some thing people just go to on Sunday, as it can have real societal effects and quite often political effects. The religious right in America has bred a ton of ill will along these lines. Efforts to undermine the teaching of Biology in schools for "religious reasons" has also bred ill will.

I'm personally not anti-religion in general, and I do agree people shouldn't be asses to each other, but when it comes to "should X be considered sacred?" I'm not really sure what to say. Usually when you give protected status to religion hypocrites quickly use it as a shield or you get situations when it shuts down discussion in the other direction. I understand the complaint, but like others have said previously in this thread, it's not an easy call and I don't have the best answer for it.

By the way, P4A Elizabeth is awesome.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
When it comes to not catching people by surprise with a ban, I certainly agree, we need to do better about that.

What if I said Persona is a game made for shun-in losers to encourage them to talk to other people and told you to go outside more?

Unfair, right? Pretty asinine, right? In fact, I'd be saying this just based on your avatar without even knowing what you feel about the franchise or whether you're referencing P3 or P4A.

Yet your post implies a lament, echoed by others, of not being able to act similarly to MLP fans.

Anyway, to be entirely honest, religious discussion is pretty damn hard to sort out. You have the deities in question, the interpretation of those deities, the organizations devoted to those deities, the adherents of those deities, and the philosophical underpinnings of the entire venture. Furthermore, church is often not some thing people just go to on Sunday, as it can have real societal effects and quite often political effects. The religious right in America has bred a ton of ill will along these lines. Efforts to undermine the teaching of Biology in schools for "religious reasons" has also bred ill will.

I'm personally not anti-religion in general, and I do agree people shouldn't be asses to each other, but when it comes to "should X be considered sacred?" I'm not really sure what to say. Usually when you give protected status to religion hypocrites quickly use it as a shield or you get situations when it shuts down discussion in the other direction. I understand the complaint, but like others have said previously in this thread, it's not an easy call and I don't have the best answer for it.

By the way, P4A Elizabeth is awesome.
Realistically speaking I think someone would just avatar quote you, but that's beside the point :p
Fair enough.

I didn't expect it to be easy.

I also meant no diss to MLP fans.

Once again...do what makes you happy.

Shit I watch anime.

Some of that shit is fucked up.

Maybe it's just me though, I just rather try to treat everyone equal even if I don't agree with their choice.

Probably naive tho.

Flu? Influenza? CHIMNEYS!! Yes she is


Fair enough.

I didn't expect it to be easy.

I also meant no diss to MLP fans.

Once again...do what makes you happy.

Shit I watch anime.

Some of that shit is fucked up.

Maybe it's just me though, I just rather try to treat everyone equal even if I don't agree with their choice.

Probably nieve tho.

Flu? Influenza? CHIMNEYS!! Yes she is

Do you mean naive?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
You aren't a religious person, so how the hell do you know that?

Trust me it's pretty damn offensive to basically take a dump on something someone else believes in. Whether it's legit or not. That will offend them...and yes you are being an asshole in that case. Intent doesn't change that fact.

That's kinda fucked, is all.

Basically go hard or don't go at all...

So no discussing evolution on GAF, it might offend some people.

Some of these guys believe climate change is offensive to their religion too so let's not have any of that neither (yeah, I thought someone was yanking my chain too...)

Gay marriage pisses off their god apparently, sorry gay-GAF you gotta find some other forum.

It looks like a slippery slope because it is one.

Religious crazies already destroyed from within the greatest civilisation the world had known until then and the ripples from that cataclysm still echo today - we know them as the middle east theocracies.
The only real problem I've had with the crew here is there will be major general changes in policy wherein it'll be made verboten, but occasionally no announcements or changes to the TOS will happen (or don't for a good long while.) The C Word is a good example as non-soccer fans weren't going into the thread that got it banned, and that general knowledge had to disseminate thru the forums sloooooooooooowly, often by seeing a guy get whacked for using it three days later.

on a scale of 1-10 how much would every one of you hate me if i went back to this avatar

Go for it, dude.
Off topic, but isn't she a glass cannon? Her score attack version is so godly, its broken.

Yeah she is. Pretty useless if someone gets in...but otherwise. Touch of death.

So no discussing evolution on GAF, it might offend some people.

Some of these guys believe climate change is offensive to their religion too so let's not have any of that neither (yeah, I thought someone was yanking my chain too...)

Gay marriage pisses off their god apparently, sorry gay-GAF you gotta find some other forum.

It looks like a slippery slope because it is one.

Religious crazies already destroyed from within the greatest civilisation the world had known until then and the ripples from that cataclysm still echo today - we know them as the middle east theocracies.

The crazies obviously shouldn't be protected...and obviously you need to draw a line. But that doesn't make it okay for you to diss all of them.

It's not easy and perhaps it's not possible, I just wish for a bit more crass when people question it or bring it up...on both sides.

It's like you are mad at them for not respecting your beliefs, so you diss their beliefs?

If a religious dude is being a dick then by all mean burn his ass. But it should at least be the same way if an atheist is being disrespectful to a non-pushy religious guy/girl who is just trying to have a dialogue.

I think I'm just asking for some tact.
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