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Is GAF too strict?

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That doesn't even make sense. Religion is a choice. Race/orientation/gender are not.

Everybody has their BRB (big red button), but anyone who is going to be offended by religious talk on Internet forums probably shouldn't be hanging out in threads where religion is discussed. Fact is, you get all types posting, some more mature than others. Taking something personally on GAF is the easy road to getting banned, IMO.

I'll say this again since it basically responds to what you said...

People may say that I chose to be Catholic, and that may be true, but I couldn't stop being a Catholic if I wanted to. It's my identity, I define myself by my Catholicism. I may not be the best Catholic, not even close, I sin constantly and am pretty sure I'm going to Hell, but I believe 110% in the Church and its teachings and even unintentional humor can come off as very insulting.

Replace religion with anything else that people consider to be part of their being and it's just insulting. You have to realize that despite your inability to comprehend this fact, many religious view their beliefs and things such as sin to be just as real and part of their identity as a homosexual views being gay. It's inseparable. (and I know this is not the best comparison, I'm just trying to make a point).

I think we could all use some more civility. I'm not asking anyone to stop questioning religion or religious belief...any religious belief that can't withstand inquiry is a weak belief, but can we just have some civility?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
People may say that I chose to be Catholic, and that may be true, but I couldn't stop being a Catholic if I wanted to. It's my identity, I define myself by my Catholicism. I may not be the best Catholic, not even close, I sin constantly and am pretty sure I'm going to Hell, but I believe 110% in the Church and its teachings and even unintentional humor can come off as very insulting.
That is humorous. :p

(And you can leave your religion, but I guess that's not the point.)


I do not think GAF is too strict. Sure, it is a whole different pond to say other forums that I visited, but I always have the standard forum etiquette. But I like reading Neogaf, it is a forum that doesn't have any painful elements like a standard gaming forum and I love some of the people here who goes into shit tons of detail about features of a upcoming game.

The only thing I don't like is the 'Juniour' comment and automatically assumes you're a troll for expressing a flawed opinion. I'm fine with making jokes and going 'wtf' at the posts. I'm not fine when someone tries to belittle your opinion in such an insulting way or use your status against you.


listen to the mad man
I've been banned for having an opinion that was different. :(
Nothing more, nothing less.

That's pretty heavy censorship if you ask me. Because no matter how much you disagree with someone's opinion or thoughts on a subject, perhaps even to the point of disgust, you shouldn't ban that person just for that.

Misrepresenting your ban in a thread like this basically says to us "Moderators, please don't be more transparent or participate candidly in a discussion about GAF". The more time we need to spend defending ourselves against vague or spurious accusations, the less time we have to address the very valid points made by other users about how we could be doing a better job.

You've been banned 7 times by 6 different mods (none of them me, for what it's worth) for trolling, personal insults "Gabe Newell is fat", linking to topless photos, console war / port beg / Wii complaining, more Wii trolling, a derail about a 14 year old being sexy and/or getting implants. The ones I didn't link weren't documented rigorously enough for me to dig up the exact posts/threads.

The ban I'm assuming you're referring to is your 7th--and I think you'd agree that by ban #7 the benefit of the doubt is gone--where you entered a thread about a sexual assault and then announced "I think she made it up"--your reasoning was essentially "she did it for the attention". Here's the post.
Misrepresenting your ban in a thread like this basically says to us "Moderators, please don't be more transparent or participate candidly in a discussion about GAF". The more time we need to spend defending ourselves against vague or spurious accusations, the less time we have to address the very valid points made by other users about how we could be doing a better job.

You've been banned 7 times by 6 different mods (none of them me, for what it's worth) for trolling, personal insults "Gabe Newell is fat", linking to topless photos, console war / port beg / Wii complaining, a derail about a 14 year old being sexy and/or getting implants.

The ban I'm assuming you're referring to is your 7th--and I think you'd agree that by ban #7 the benefit of the doubt is gone--where you entered a thread about a sexual assault and then announced "I think she made it up"--your reasoning was essentially "she did it for the attention". Here's the post.

This is why you're one of the best. lol at "having a different opinion"


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Why is it humorous? Just curious...
That you are stern in your beliefs, but acknowledge your flaws. Basically that you said you're probably going to hell, which you believe in 110%. I know that's not funny, but it's funny.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Misrepresenting your ban in a thread like this basically says to us "Moderators, please don't be more transparent or participate candidly in a discussion about GAF". The more time we need to spend defending ourselves against vague or spurious accusations, the less time we have to address the very valid points made by other users about how we could be doing a better job.

You've been banned 7 times by 6 different mods (none of them me, for what it's worth) for trolling, personal insults "Gabe Newell is fat", linking to topless photos, console war / port beg / Wii complaining, a derail about a 14 year old being sexy and/or getting implants.

The ban I'm assuming you're referring to is your 7th--and I think you'd agree that by ban #7 the benefit of the doubt is gone--where you entered a thread about a sexual assault and then announced "I think she made it up"--your reasoning was essentially "she did it for the attention". Here's the post.

Since we're talking stuff i got banned once for name dropping gaf's graveyard board... Do you still get a ban for showing up there before you get perma'd?


Poet Centuriate
That you are stern in your beliefs, but acknowledge your flaws. Basically that you said you're going to hell. I know that's not funny, but it's funny.

You don't have an understanding of one of the major concepts behind Christianity/Catholicism, that is, Christians believe humans are all sinful beings that do actually "fall short of the glory God" because of that, but their sins are forgiven because of Jesus taking the place of humanity as the ultimate sacrifice. He could also be saying that he doesn't fully believe and this he thinks he going to hell, though I can't speak for him. Also, I'm not versed in many major parts of Catholicism that may add to this.


I think we could all use some more civility. I'm not asking anyone to stop questioning religion or religious belief...any religious belief that can't withstand inquiry is a weak belief, but can we just have some civility?

Quite possibly. However, the word "civility" is just a label for a collection of mores and behaviors that participants in discourse find mutually agreeable. Asking "can we just have some civility?" can only verify that all parties have the desire to work towards this goal. In order to actually accomplish anything, all parties must engage in good faith negotiation to determine what is specifically prescribed and proscribed by "civility". So, please be more specific in describing what you would like "civility" to mean.

Whether civility is an inherently neutral mode of discourse or whether it unfairly favors the dominant ideology at the expense of marginalized groups is left as an exercise for the reader.
Misrepresenting your ban in a thread like this basically says to us "Moderators, please don't be more transparent or participate candidly in a discussion about GAF". The more time we need to spend defending ourselves against vague or spurious accusations, the less time we have to address the very valid points made by other users about how we could be doing a better job.

Why not kill two birds with one stone and have a public ban record? I'm assuming you must keep notes why a ban was made, so why not make it public?


Quite possibly. However, the word "civility" is just a label for a collection of mores and behaviors that participants in discourse find mutually agreeable. Asking "can we just have some civility?" can only verify that all parties have the desire to work towards this goal. In order to actually accomplish anything, all parties must engage in good faith negotiation to determine what is specifically prescribed and proscribed by "civility". So, please be more specific in describing what you would like "civility" to mean.

Whether civility is an inherently neutral mode of discourse or whether it unfairly favors the dominant ideology at the expense of marginalized groups is left as an exercise for the reader.

By civility I mean no more drive by posts like "Jesus doesn't exist" "ROFL Islam religion of peace" etc.

If someone wants to say Jesus didn't exist and back it up with actual discussion and scholarly/textual "evidence" that's fine by me. I don't think any group should be favored other the other, I just think that both groups could do with "stepping into the other persons shoes" before they start posting in threads that are about controversial topics like religion (and any other controversial topic but religion specifically since that was what I was responding to).


listen to the mad man
Since we're talking stuff i got banned once for name dropping gaf's graveyard board... Do you still get a ban for showing up there before you get perma'd?

I can't see that ban in your history so I trust it was a supremely long time ago.

Plenty of people get burned out on GAF. Plenty of people are looking for smaller, more tightly knit forums. Plenty of people like to use GAF but want a place to vent about it. It makes total sense to me that someone would go to a GAF spinoff forum. If someone wants GAF circa 2005, they're more likely to find it on any number of other smaller forums than here. That's just demographic reality.

I do know that many of the spinoff forums get started on pretty nasty terms. Years later they're their own thing, and more power to them, but when they get started, it's often on pretty bad terms. In the case of WYL there were a bunch of account suicides, photoshopped EviLore pictures, people spamming the link in threads trying to pry members away from GAF. Historically, the site spinoff names or links are censored out in response to that kind of stuff.

How we respond to spinoff board stuff in 2012 sort of depends a lot on context. If it's an obvious attempt at an account suicide, well, we'll treat it that way. Many of the same people post on GAF and WYL, or GAF and Ooo Paaa, or GAF and da bore (Kabouter sends me links so I guess there are even GAF mods posting there too), or whatever. I don't think there's any ill will at this point.

I don't think there's been anything in the ban record about people posting stuff on non-GAF sites since about 2004, besides the occasionally creepy stalking / posting personal addresses kind of stuff.

*shrugs* Hope that clarifies?


Even though I've gotten shit for some stuff that I thought was bull I much prefer the way things are ran here considering most of the alternatives (especially when it comes to gaming forums).

Honestly hearing people bitch about gaf being too strict just makes me think they're the exact type of people that I wouldn't want around anyway.


I don't think Gaf is too strict. Well, it IS strict some times, yes, but I cannot argue with the results. This is one of the few video game related forums that is actually worth reading. Yes, there is still some signal to noise issues, but that's growing pains. Overall, it's not too bad, though.

I am quite happy that this is a GBLT friendly forum, though. That is such a rarity, sadly, and even though I'm straight, I can't help but smile every time someone gets banned for using "gay" as a putdown. The whole gay-bashing thing is stupid, and I'm glad it's dealt with here. Keep up the good work!

I do have some sympathy for the mods. If the current Wii U news threads are any indication, then, well... good luck when the thing is finally released. I sort of hope those threads are used to take notes on troublemakers, so you are ready for the real thing. It's going to be a mess.


By civility I mean no more drive by posts like "Jesus doesn't exist" "ROFL Islam religion of peace" etc.

If someone wants to say Jesus didn't exist and back it up with actual discussion and scholarly/textual "evidence" that's fine by me. I don't think any group should be favored other the other, I just think that both groups could do with "stepping into the other persons shoes" before they start posting in threads that are about controversial topics like religion (and any other controversial topic but religion specifically since that was what I was responding to).

I have no problem with the idea of cracking down harder on thread shitting or blatant derailing (as opposed to natural topic drift, of course.) The mods probably don't want to hear about every seagull turd, but if you see a situation you feel strongly about, a member or post that's having a meaningful negative effect on your enjoyment of GAF, you should PM a mod.

With respect to your specific example concerning Jesus, I don't feel as if I have to justify my lack of belief in his divinity. I don't really have an opinion on the historicity of Jewish mystery prophets circa 0 CE, and I think that the character described in the gospels is prima facie fictional. I consider these statements civil expressions of my own (un)belief. Do you disagree?
Why not kill two birds with one stone and have a public ban record? I'm assuming you must keep notes why a ban was made, so why not make it public?

I think this could make some banning too subjective; User A got banned for "this" but User B didn't get banned for "this".

Looking at some of the Mods responses it seems like past history plays a part in what happens when someone violates the TOS. If you haven't been banned before you may get a warning or a short ban, but if your on your 8th ban you won't get the benefit of the doubt.

Personally I would love a ban board or a link to a users offending post, but thats just me.
Allowing extreme opinions without any kind of rules would turn this place into youtube. Youtube comments and Yahoo comments are what happen when opinions are allowed to go uncensored.

I agree. We wouldn't people expressing opinions and all. Where would we be then?

I think this could make some banning too subjective; User A got banned for "this" but User B didn't get banned for "this".

Looking at some of the Mods responses it seems like past history plays a part in what happens when someone violates the TOS. If you haven't been banned before you may get a warning or a short ban, but if your on your 8th ban you won't get the benefit of the doubt.

Personally I would love a ban board or a link to a users offending post, but thats just me.

It could also make board discipline more transparent, which I think some would welcome. No, this place isn't a democracy and "free speech" isn't the issue at stake, but it could do some good to either confirm or deny the existence of certain biases regarding what many believe are unfair applications of bans.
I think this could make some banning too subjective; User A got banned for "this" but User B didn't get banned for "this".

Looking at some of the Mods responses it seems like past history plays a part in what happens when someone violates the TOS. If you haven't been banned before you may get a warning or a short ban, but if your on your 8th ban you won't get the benefit of the doubt.

Personally I would love a ban board or a link to a users offending post, but thats just me.

Well that's the point. Either you enforce a rule or you don't. The problem isn't that people are banned for no reason, it's that there's a lot of inconsistency over when you get banned and when you don't. If things are public you'd assume things would have to be more fair.


I just got off work. I apologize if I seem at all short; it's unintentional.

I will start by saying that i am agnostic, but i see a lot of people mock religious people here. Hell, even Hitokage called someone a bible thumper, which i thought extremely distasteful and down right offensive. If an administrator disrespect an individual on this forum, how are we expect posters to respect each other? People here mock people who have faith in a condescending matter all the time here on Gaf without any repercussion.

I will try to remind people that engaging others in a dialog have more chance of persuading them into seeing it from their own point of view since mocking them does not do any good and might reinforce someone´s belief even more. I see the discrepancy in moderation in religious threads quite repulsive honestly

To be honest, I see a lot of oversensitivity from the religious on this issue. For instance, sometime in the last month I made a post about the moral turpitude of the same people who were preaching "love the sinner, hate the sin" today had been the same Christians who for the last six decades have been engaged in all manner of immoral, vicious, and dishonest attacks against gay and transgender people that they continue making to this day.

This obviously does not apply to more liberal or progressive Christians, it does not apply to Christians in those churches who do not themselves support or believe in these things, it does not apply to Christians who do not go to churches but still think of themselves as such, etc. It is a criticism of a fringe within a fringe, but my comment - without even having mentioned Christians or Christianity - was misunderstood by several posters to have been on attack on all of Christendom.

In spite of this oversensitivity, you should know that it is not true that people are never moderated for malicious attacks against the religious, especially as a group. I am admittedly biased in these discussions - though I avoid them like the plague - but I do not have a problem moderating such malicious attacks against religious people and I know the same is true of other moderators. If you think that we're ignoring something - even if we're posting in the same thread and want to know why something is not being addressed - PM. It may be the case that it is not something we moderate for, but it may also be the case that it is something that we needed to have brought to our attention.

I can't find the post now with the links but in the football thread someone posted a few links with mods using the word in other threads, mainly sports ones. Strange behaviour if the word has been banned for years.

Do as I say not as I do scenario?

WoodenLung made the post you are thinking of - I read the threads - and he found precisely one moderator (EatChildren) who had done so. Or at least that is all he posted; I have not searched myself.

And my understanding is that the word has been a bannable offense for the entire time I have been here. When I spoke to EviLore about the first post I made, because I was understandably nervous about making an 'official warning' to a community I had not before participated in and so soon after I had become a moderator, he signed off on the post that I made. If this were a new rule, I expect he would have said that what I was doing was creating a change. In retrospect perhaps having another more established moderator be the bearer of bad news would have been more ideal, but c'est la vie at this point.

I suspect that the misunderstanding that the word was acceptable came from the fact that the topics in which it took place most commonly were very lightly moderated (certain sports threads, UK-GAF, and (sigh) PopGAF), and its usage outside of topics like that was highly sporadic so that people who did not consider it an offensive term did not think that it might be banned.

I hope the word 'cock' is banned then, I find it highly sexist and derogatory.

The problem with this argument is that there is no place in the world where "cock" is a slur. If "cunt" were a similarly low level insult the world over, or at least in the communities with meaningful representation on GAF, we would not be having this discussion and I wouldn't even care. This goes as well for other mild gendered insults like dick, prick, or twat, where in 9/10 cases we simply don't care about their usage because they are not slurs.

I don't much like the blanket banning of words. But I guess context banning is more troublesome. I mean, if there's an OP with a story of a guy feeling hard done by a girl, the next ten replies might be 'bitch' 'cunt' 'fucking bitch cunt'. I'm totally with that being bannable. But these words can also be used to pretty amusing effect sometimes, and I miss that.

You know, I don't like blanket banning either. That's why we don't do it:

There is not a blanket ban on the word "bitch." There are, however, ways you can use "bitch" which could get you banned. Opiate recently addressed questions about this in another thread:

Is it contextual or zero-tolerance?

It's going to be hard not saying the b-word.

Definitely contextual, always. For example, I just said all four of those words, and you'll notice I'm not banned! Generally speaking, regarding the word "bitch," if the word is clearly not intended to apply in a gender sensitive way -- if you use it as a synonym for "asshole" or "jerk" -- it will be fine.

But other uses are not fine. If you are applying it to a woman in a situation that might be even remotely gender-specific, be careful. Also, applying it to a man in such a way that you intend to emasculate them, or imply they are weak or pathetic, is also not appropriate. So, "stop being a bitch" is not appropriate, for example.

Context will always matter. While sometimes people are not moderated simply because we don't see the post (it happens), many times people complain that [Poster X] was banned for saying a bad word, but [Poster Y] was not, and people think this is unfair. As you say, however, context matters -- the same exact words can mean very different things coming from different people at different times.

This makes the rules harder to follow, I realize this. They are not hard, fast, simple rules. We are relying on your ability to be reasonable and mature, and in almost all cases you'll be fine if you do.

Again, feel free to send me PMs if you need. Thanks.

I want to be clear, however, in stating that using it as a synonym for "asshole" or "jerk" is still unacceptable when used towards another poster; it is something in practice that is available more for self-deprecation or towards a task (e.g. "This level was a bitch to get through") that is not directed towards another person.

Nearly all rules about language here are contextual. There is no list of words that you are not allowed to post; any word in the right context or in the right discussion can be acceptable. But there are words that have a heightened scrutiny around their usage, such as gendered or racist or homophobic slurs.

And I have even let posts with cunt pass depending on context (the limericks thread, one insulting usage towards a corporation that was so abstracted that after discussing it with another moderator decided to let it pass, and several others), though this happens far less often.

Also, one thing GAF was good for was the totally out-there points of view, and nowadays it seems fewer people feel able to express these. I miss that too.

I honestly have not noticed this, or maybe you aren't talking about what I am. Most people I have had discussions in the past with tend to have what I think of as "out there" views and that has not changed for me since becoming a moderator either.


Well that's the point. Either you enforce a rule or you don't. The problem isn't that people are banned for no reason, it's that there's a lot of inconsistency over when you get banned and when you don't. If things are public you'd assume things would have to be more fair.

That's not even close to being true. Selective enforcement is far more common than zero tolerance, and most zero tolerance environments display severe disfunction.


The main reason I love GAF is its strict moderation.

There are a million places on the Internet where you can be your usual obnoxious troll-ey self, go post there. I just want news and interesting conversation sans the drama and hateful comments.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Hey mods, I gotta know, was it Duckroll who gave me my first ban?


May contain jokes =>
I don't think the moderation here is perfect but with people like Stump and Mumei (absolutely no disrespect to other mods in omission of their names) in the driver's seat at present I think it's as good as it's ever been since I've been here.

I've been banned once, years ago, for something I was totally in the wrong about. Since then I've expressed a lot of very unpopular opinions and never been banned for any of them. I like to think that any mods reading them recognize that I'm not trolling and am actually trying to have a discussion.


My only problem with GAF is that no one gives two shits if you just post something in a thread and are looking for help or want to discuss your opinion, you have to be a common poster to get anything going and if i start a new thread everyone just says go into the official thread. so that's not to strict but just my problem IMO.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
My only problem with GAF is that no one gives two shits if you just post something in a thread and are looking for help or want to discuss your opinion, you have to be a common poster to get anything going and if i start a new thread everyone just says go into the official thread. so that's not to strict but just my problem IMO.
I have noticed this sometimes as well. Unless you're a poster that people in the thread are familiar with, sometimes you tend to get passed over.


I would like to reiterate that sending a PM to moderators actually does work.

Mumei, you are probably the only modder who I've sent a PM to that has responded positively to my PM.

I made a thread that became really popular and went out of control, and I PM'd two or three different modders that very day, politely asking them delete the thread. I provided good reasons why I wanted the thread deleted, but I got a very negative response from one modder, who told me in a snide way that I couldn't expect a thread with 200 posts to be deleted just because I wanted it to. He didn't even seem to read the reason why I needed it deleted rather than just locked.

It was only two weeks after I had made that thread, and the thing I feared most actually occurred, that I finally got the thread to be deleted. And that was because I PM'd you.

By that time it was already too late, but I don't blame you. I blame the other modders who completely ignored my request.

Also, the last time I got banned, I sent an email to the Neogaf support address asking for a review because I didn't feel like I deserved a 2 week ban over something that I had posted. And I didn't get any reply back whatsoever. I would have appreciated any reply, even if it was in the negative, because it would have shown consideration on the part of the mods.


I've found on other forums with less stringent rules eventually fall into the whole "derp derp I'm a character f you!" thing.

So I actually like the rules.

mu cephei

You know, I don't like blanket banning either. That's why we don't do it:

And I have even let posts with cunt pass depending on context (the limericks thread, one insulting usage towards a corporation that was so abstracted that after discussing it with another moderator decided to let it pass, and several others), though this happens far less often.

I honestly have not noticed this, or maybe you aren't talking about what I am. Most people I have had discussions in the past with tend to have what I think of as "out there" views and that has not changed for me since becoming a moderator either.

Thanks for replying. Actually, after thinking about it and reading more of the thread, I realised there wasn't any blanket banning in the way I meant. But the thread had moved on and there didn't seem much point in editing my post. (And it seems petty to pursue the extraordinarily risky usage of a word I would never use myself, when it's only because my amusement has been hobbled a bit).

As for the out-there views, I can't think of a good example. GAF just seems a bit more homogeneous than it used to when I first started lurking. But maybe I'm just inured.


You don't have an understanding of one of the major concepts behind Christianity/Catholicism, that is, Christians believe humans are all sinful beings that do actually "fall short of the glory God" because of that, but their sins are forgiven because of Jesus taking the place of humanity as the ultimate sacrifice. He could also be saying that he doesn't fully believe and this he thinks he going to hell, though I can't speak for him. Also, I'm not versed in many major parts of Catholicism that may add to this.
The first. I believe 110% in the overall message of the Church from a doctrinal and dogmatic perspective. Of course I disagree with them on certain issues in the civil realm, but I believe in the Church's overall message. I believe that the Church is a force for good in the world. I also believe that we as humans are prone to sin, some of us more than others. I'm in the more than others group. The Church is no exception, and is susceptible to sin just as is every other human institution.

I also believe that I sin quite often. That's actually not a belief that's a statement of fact. Because I knowingly sin, I know that I will be going to Hell when I die without the intervention and compassion of God through his Son. I try to live a good life and be a good man and I try to live every day better than the previous one. I try to sin as little as possible but I'm a very weak man. I hope God understands, but if not, so be it.

I don't want to get off on a tangent, but I can elaborate in a PM if you want me to. If anyone else is curious feel free to PM me.
I have no problem with the idea of cracking down harder on thread shitting or blatant derailing (as opposed to natural topic drift, of course.) The mods probably don't want to hear about every seagull turd, but if you see a situation you feel strongly about, a member or post that's having a meaningful negative effect on your enjoyment of GAF, you should PM a mod.

With respect to your specific example concerning Jesus, I don't feel as if I have to justify my lack of belief in his divinity. I don't really have an opinion on the historicity of Jewish mystery prophets circa 0 CE, and I think that the character described in the gospels is prima facie fictional. I consider these statements civil expressions of my own (un)belief. Do you disagree?

Well it also depends on the context, if we're all talking about the historicity of Jesus and you calmly state that you don't believe the Jesus of the Gospels is real and you believe he is 100% fictional then that's fine. I'm talking about when there's a thread regarding something of a religious nature and people just stop in and say something like "Ugh LOL how can anyone believe in someone that didn't even exist. Might as well believe in the flying spaghetti monster!!!!". I think in the context of the example you just gave, your statement would be perfectly acceptable, politely stated, and rational.

It's all about context, IMO. I hope that answered your question, if not I can try to elaborate.
Really appreciate the mods coming in here and replying so thoroughly. *tips hat*

Imma suckup :0


It's afraid. IT'S AFRAID!


Mumei, you are probably the only modder who I've sent a PM to that has responded positively to my PM.

If I may, a suggestion for next time: PM me or PM another moderator you've had success with in the past.

(I apologize if this seems flip given the trouble you had, but it's the best I can offer now.)

Key to survival: Don't make eye contact with mod.


As for the out-there views, I can't think of a good example. GAF just seems a bit more homogeneous than it used to when I first started lurking. But maybe I'm just inured.

Well, perhaps I do not mean "out there" so much as I mean views that are against the norm on GAF. We still have users on GAF who believe all manner of things that are against "the hivemind" (there isn't one, but let's just pretend for the sake of argument) and have survived posting on GAF for years with relatively few bans. It obviously takes a bit of finesse to go against the grain, especially when one is advocating a position for which it is possible to be banned by saying the wrong thing (e.g. that homosexuality is immoral), but it is by no means an impossibility.

But I take it you're talking about more fringe / nutty than I am.
Mumei is the coolest GAF member I have on my AIM list. Also the only one.

I think the moderation here is just fine, but I don't disagree with the idea that it can be a tad strict sometimes. Since people have been bringing up past bans, I was once banned for asking where to find scans, and bam. I thought I read the rules clearly, but apparently asking where I can find them is in the same ballpark as asking FOR them. It was only 2 weeks though, so no biggie.


I just got off work. I apologize if I seem at all short; it's unintentional.

To be honest, I see a lot of oversensitivity from the religious on this issue. For instance, sometime in the last month I made a post about the moral turpitude of the same people who were preaching "love the sinner, hate the sin" today had been the same Christians who for the last six decades have been engaged in all manner of immoral, vicious, and dishonest attacks against gay and transgender people that they continue making to this day.

This obviously does not apply to more liberal or progressive Christians, it does not apply to Christians in those churches who do not themselves support or believe in these things, it does not apply to Christians who do not go to churches but still think of themselves as such, etc. It is a criticism of a fringe within a fringe, but my comment - without even having mentioned Christians or Christianity - was misunderstood by several posters to have been on attack on all of Christendom.

In spite of this oversensitivity, you should know that it is not true that people are never moderated for malicious attacks against the religious, especially as a group. I am admittedly biased in these discussions - though I avoid them like the plague - but I do not have a problem moderating such malicious attacks against religious people and I know the same is true of other moderators. If you think that we're ignoring something - even if we're posting in the same thread and want to know why something is not being addressed - PM. It may be the case that it is not something we moderate for, but it may also be the case that it is something that we needed to have brought to our attention..

Thank you I will. Maybe I should have done so before but I just wasn't sure anymore where the mods stood on religious threads. I'm guessing though you guys avoid them as much as I do (aside from my ill fated "tongues" thread) although for different reasons.


We still have users on GAF who believe all manner of things that are against "the hivemind" (there isn't one, but let's just pretend for the sake of argument) and have survived posting on GAF for years with relatively few bans. It obviously takes a bit of finesse to go against the grain, especially when one is advocating a position for which it is possible to be banned by saying the wrong thing (e.g. that homosexuality is immoral), but it is by no means an impossibility.

But I take it you're talking about more fringe / nutty than I am.

I've survived but in part due to the fact that aside from religious issues I conform to GAF and feel basically the same as most people here when it comes to human decency. On the things I dont conform I just don't post.

Any long timer knows what will lead to a ban. I appreciate the good thing on GAF to know when a battles not worth fighting.

With that said I do wish that when religious threads break out that they were moderated more heavily. There are lots of good religious posters (not the crazy fundys but just plain spiritual folks) that get attacked (intended or not) because of a choice they have made that to them isn't a choice at all but a key part of who they are.

In that aspect it isn't about choice but about respecting each other even if you don't agree with their beliefs (or the more "fundamentalist" beliefs that give liberal worshipers a bad name).

Regardless for the record I think the mods do a very good job. Politics and religion are the hardest things to moderate and you guys have done well especially given many of your personal views. Just a request from one of religious-GAF ... Moderate those religious threads hard and fairly aiming at people that attack Via fly-by-post.


I just got off work. I apologize if I seem at all short; it's unintentional.

To be honest, I see a lot of oversensitivity from the religious on this issue. For instance, sometime in the last month I made a post about the moral turpitude of the same people who were preaching "love the sinner, hate the sin" today had been the same Christians who for the last six decades have been engaged in all manner of immoral, vicious, and dishonest attacks against gay and transgender people that they continue making to this day.

This obviously does not apply to more liberal or progressive Christians, it does not apply to Christians in those churches who do not themselves support or believe in these things, it does not apply to Christians who do not go to churches but still think of themselves as such, etc. It is a criticism of a fringe within a fringe, but my comment - without even having mentioned Christians or Christianity - was misunderstood by several posters to have been on attack on all of Christendom.

Is it a fringe though? In canada or the eu maybe, but in america, while it might not be the majority opinion, I would hardly call homophobia fringe behavior within abrahamic religions (less so for non fundamentalist jews).


People that complain about getting banned shitting on homosexuality need to look back at historical precedent. Every time there is an issue like this the people against it end up looking like dinosaurs.


Mumei is the coolest GAF member I have on my AIM list. Also the only one.

That's the nicest faint praise I've ever received.

I think the moderation here is just fine, but I don't disagree with the idea that it can be a tad strict sometimes. Since people have been bringing up past bans, I was once banned for asking where to find scans, and bam. I thought I read the rules clearly, but apparently asking where I can find them is in the same ballpark as asking FOR them. It was only 2 weeks though, so no biggie.

Poor MarvelGAF. Eviscerated on the eve of UMvC3's release.

Honestly, I had forgotten that it was even against the rules to ask for scans (including asking where to find them) since it had been so long since I had seen someone banned for it, and then suddenly four or five people were gone.
That's the nicest faint praise I've ever received.

Poor MarvelGAF. Eviscerated on the eve of UMvC3's release.

Honestly, I had forgotten that it was even against the rules to ask for scans (including asking where to find them) since it had been so long since I had seen someone banned for it, and then suddenly four or five people were gone.

You're welcome~

And my ban didn't even take place during that era of MarvelGAF! It was in a Famitsu thread for the issue that first announced Persona 4 Golden.


You're welcome~

And my ban didn't even take place during that era of MarvelGAF! It was in a Famitsu thread for the issue that first announced Persona 4 Golden.


I had just assumed since you're MarvelGAF that you got caught in that. But nope, you got hit about three months earlier.

And didn't even warn your compatriots. For shame.


Gold Member
It's not too strict, even though I think that there are a handful of folks who get away with a little bit more than others most of the time. But those folks do seem to contribute more overall. So I'm not going to rage about it. I'm glad the moderators take the time to keep the boards running smoothly.
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